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Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Figure we've got two years of this idiot.

Why not give him a dedicated thread.

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Re: Cawthorne

Unread post by neoplacebo »

He will soon commit suicide that will be presented as another tragic accident that his family will use to sue yet again Madison's friend and Bob Ledford's RV World son. Nothing will come of it and Madison will still be dead. Bob Ledford's son will still be rich and alive.

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Re: Cawthorn

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:19 pm
Figure we've got two years of this idiot.

Why not give him a dedicated thread.
Good idea.

Stolen disability valor? Ick, just ick.
The Ignominious Deceits of Congressman Cawthorn
Representative Madison Cawthorn has misled the public about training for the Paralympics, just as he misrepresented his education and business history.

... By Cawthorn’s own telling, he was a successful business owner headed to the Naval Academy before his injury tragically reordered his life. As it turns out, neither claim is true. The Asheville Watchdog reported that Cawthorn had already been rejected from the Naval Academy before his accident. And Cawthorn’s real-estate investment firm, SPQR Holdings LLC, which he only formed in August 2019, reported no income on its tax documents, and Cawthorn was the sole employee....

Cawthorn frequently said on social media that he was “training” for the Paralympic Games. Technically, such a statement could be true—but only in the sense that I could be training for the Olympic Games. “It’s like a kid saying they want to play in the NBA when they’re on their fourth-grade basketball team,” said Amanda McGrory, a three-time Paralympian who has earned seven medals in track and field. Cawthorn stated on the Christian inspirational podcast The Heal, “I had an opportunity for the Paralympics for track and field.” He did not have that opportunity, nor does it appear he took any meaningful steps that would have led him there.

... Cawthorn’s Instagram feed was a bit of a running joke. “[My teammates and I] would share whatever posts [Cawthorn] put up and be like, ‘Look at what batshit thing he said about the Paralympics this week.… The claims he was making were just so absurd, you have to find some humor in it.” ...
:puke-left: It's going to be a long 2 years or more, sigh.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

There's already talk of trying to primary him with Tom Apodoca.

He's a wingnut but at least he's a grownup.
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Re: Cawthorn

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:32 pm
There's already talk of trying to primary him with Tom Apodaca.

He's a wingnut but at least he's a grownup.
Interesting, an asshole for a wingnut. If that doesn't happen could a Dem beat Cawthorn here in 2022? Sadly, I have my doubts.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by O Really »

Who's backing/funding this guy anyway? Did they know he was just a wrinkled suit when they decided to run him for Congress? And if not, why not?
Where did he get the money for that house? Settlement from accident? Apodaca is a turd. Can't the repugs find somebody normalish?

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:39 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:32 pm
There's already talk of trying to primary him with Tom Apodaca.

He's a wingnut but at least he's a grownup.
Interesting, an asshole for a wingnut. If that doesn't happen could a Dem beat Cawthorn here in 2022? Sadly, I have my doubts.
I still can't believe he won in 2020.
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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by O Really »

Your boy may be in bigger trouble than he thinks... ... li=AAggNb9

In an investigation request addressed to the House Office of Congressional Ethics on Friday, the Campaign for Accountability requested a probe to determine whether the alleged actions of Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar of Arizona were in violation of federal law. The complaint also mentioned Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, who was similarly accused of actions that the organization wrote "may have violated laws prohibiting sedition and insurrection."

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Re: Cawthorn

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O Really wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:03 pm
Your boy may be in bigger trouble than he thinks... ... r-BB1d0nvz

In an investigation request addressed to the House Office of Congressional Ethics on Friday, the Campaign for Accountability requested a probe to determine whether the alleged actions of Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar of Arizona were in violation of federal law. The complaint also mentioned Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, who was similarly accused of actions that the organization wrote "may have violated laws prohibiting sedition and insurrection."
Ethics panels can expel members in extreme cases. We'll see.

As for criminal charges, my GUESS is that no members will get convicted for their public statements, no matter how inflammatory. Too much room to argue that it was all metaphor. Otoh, if as has been alleged some members knowingly abetted with guided recons or other covert conspiracies, I'd love to see them locked up.

GOP Lawmaker Madison Cawthorn Claimed 'Democratic Machine' Paid Capitol Rioters to Make Trump Look Bad

This asshole has shone us nothing other than stupidity, immaturity, lies and cowardice.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by O Really »

So back to my question - who's funding/running this guy? At the risk of appearing to have caught conspiracy-theory mania, it really looks like somebody or somebodies literally bought themselves a congressman. "Hey Cawthorne, how about me and Billybob here put up a lot of money and hire you some ummm "administrative support" and get you elected in NC 11 where the holler-dwelling yayhoos will vote for any "R" and you can make sure we get a good return on our investment."

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

His tweets are special. Especially the plagiarized ones.

"'Via email, I asked Micah Bock, spokesman for Cawthorn, R-Hendersonville, for a response to the allegation of plagiarism"

"Rep. Cawthorn enjoys the Game of Thrones books, and added his own twist to one of his favorite quotes from George R.R. Martin in a recent tweet!" Bock said, possibly with a little too much enthusiasm.

I realize this did not directly address the plagiarism issue, so I asked Bock if he'd like to cover that.

"No thanks John, and it’s hardly plagiarism as you are well aware," Bock replied.

Well, not exactly. A quick Googling of "definition of plagiarism" brings this up: "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."'

Gaetz is looking better all the time (not really) ... 211653001/
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by Vrede too »

Geez, add plagiarism to the growing list. That boy ain't right.
O Really wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:45 am
So back to my question - who's funding/running this guy? At the risk of appearing to have caught conspiracy-theory mania, it really looks like somebody or somebodies literally bought themselves a congressman. "Hey Cawthorne, how about me and Billybob here put up a lot of money and hire you some ummm "administrative support" and get you elected in NC 11 where the holler-dwelling yayhoos will vote for any "R" and you can make sure we get a good return on our investment."
Other than mention of support from local Repugs I did not get much help from Open Secrets (weird), Ballotpedia or Wiki. I did find this:

Who is Madison Cawthorn’s fiancee Cristina Bayardelle?



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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:18 am

Other than mention of support from local Repugs I did not get much help from Open Secrets (weird), Ballotpedia or Wiki. I did find this:

It was probably Meadows' people. Bought themselves a surrogate. Rented the surrogate a car and a a girlfriend.
So try to picture something else: 24 year old guy, with photogenic face but no education or work experience goes to (somebody) and says "I'd like to run for Congress." (Somebody) says "sure, kid, let's see - you've never had a real job, you've never run for any office, don't have any definable skills other than ability to bullshit...sure, we'll back you - why not?"

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:18 am
Geez, add plagiarism to the growing list. That boy ain't right.
O Really wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:45 am
So back to my question - who's funding/running this guy? At the risk of appearing to have caught conspiracy-theory mania, it really looks like somebody or somebodies literally bought themselves a congressman. "Hey Cawthorne, how about me and Billybob here put up a lot of money and hire you some ummm "administrative support" and get you elected in NC 11 where the holler-dwelling yayhoos will vote for any "R" and you can make sure we get a good return on our investment."
Other than mention of support from local Repugs I did not get much help from Open Secrets (weird), Ballotpedia or Wiki. I did find this:

Who is Madison Cawthorn’s fiancee Cristina Bayardelle?


Studying to be an anesthesiologist? They've got to be shitting us!

Madison has taught her well.
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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Seems weird that an athletic competitor would fall for sooner who lies about training for the paralympics.

But - money, there's money
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Pretty young for a boob job, but whatever.
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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by O Really »

So with a little research and some imagination, I think I have the answer. Republican and Democrat party/campaign people were all sitting around drinking one night.
Repug: So I guess you're all feeling pretty good about the election, what with Meadows out and Trump killing off so many people.

Dem: I think we've got a better than usual chance. We'll put up somebody with a record that would appeal to a lot, military background, middle of the road sort of guy. Somebody it would be hard to call a "socialist."

Repug: Shit, you people have no chance. This is NC-11 where people are dumb enough to elect any village idiot with an "R" beside his name.

Dem: I think that's changing. People aren't as dumb as you think.

Repug: Oh, they surely are. And so are you if you don't believe it. Tell ya' what. I'll let you pick our candidate and I'll bet you a thousand dollars he'll beat yours.

Dem: Fool. I'll take that bet. I pick the kid over there in the wheelchair.

Repug: Oh you are an idiot. If I were in your place, I'd have picked some radical wild-eyed Dem and made me run them. Maybe Esther Manheimer or somebody. They'd have to register as Republican, but at least you'd have one of yours in office. Remember this is NC-11. Getting an uneducated, inexperienced, lying, rolling scam job crippled kid elected is no problem. But a bet is a bet. Here, hold my beer.

And now you know the rest of the story.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by Vrede too »

O Really wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:29 am
Vrede too wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:18 am
... Other than mention of support from local Repugs I did not get much help from Open Secrets (weird), Ballotpedia or Wiki....
It was probably Meadows' people....
After the primary the entire Repug establishment joined the Mad bandwagon. However, his primary opponent was endorsed by Meadows, former PINO, etc., despite Mad having worked for Meadows in 2015-16. There are some indications that his upset was aided by the Xtian right-wingnut faction of the NC GOP.

Madison Cawthorn

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by Vrede too »

billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:54 am
Seems weird that an athletic competitor would fall for sooner who lies about training for the paralympics.

But - money, there's money
Lifting him into and out of his wheelchair is part of her training regimen. They even see how far she can throw him when no one's around.

There MIGHT be family money, but he sure hasn't earned any on his own. It can't be power, either. They've been engaged since before his long shot primary win.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Her Instagram reeks of "look at me, I'm the new Kardashian."

But then again, I guess most 20 something boob jobbers do the same.
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