Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

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O Really
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Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by O Really »

... it takes so little - and not even truth - to get them out with pitchforks and torches shrieking in the streets.

All over the looneyverse, including the CPF http://conservativepoliticalforum.com/p ... nate-meat/ everyone is irate that the Louisiana Department of Health destroyed 1,500 pounds of deer meat that had been donated to a shelter. They're all screaming about "libs" and whatever, and to be sure, it would have been nice to come up with an exeption for the shelter, but the Department was simply enforcing a law that's been on the books since at least 2002, and applies to "Game Animals" in Section 1123 (page 256) here... http://tulane.edu/oehs/ocsafety/upload/ ... ilFood.pdf

So a law nobody noticed for over 10 years is now the tool of the "lib" devil - and every one of the idiots bought into the "conspiracy."

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Ombudsman »

These people live in a fictional world they heard about on talk radio. They have no idea what it's like to live in the real world so they seek protected places like CPF where they aren't troubled by the act of thinking. They just simply believe. That's what they've been taught since infancy. Believe in something hard enough, and it becomes your reality.
Wing nuts. Not just for breakfast anymore.

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by O Really »

So the hunters have good intent, and do charitable thing. But apparently nobody thought to look to see if the shelter could accept their gift. The shelter had apparently been illegally serving un-certified game meat for years, but never got inspected or caught. None of that is particularly surprising in Louisiana. Somebody - for whatever unknown reported reason - complained and the health department investigated as the state pays them to do, and found a violation. Apparently there were no fines. The hunters were uninformed; the shelter was breaking the law, the health department did its job, yet somehow it's "the libs" controlling the Louisiana legislature that are to blame.

Aren't these some of the same people whose favorite expression is "what part of 'illegal' don't you understand"?

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by O Really »

Deer! Deer! Let 'em eat Deer!
deerfood.jpg (16.88 KiB) Viewed 445 times

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

O Really wrote:... it takes so little - and not even truth - to get them out with pitchforks and torches shrieking in the streets.

All over the looneyverse, including the CPF http://conservativepoliticalforum.com/p ... nate-meat/ everyone is irate that the Louisiana Department of Health destroyed 1,500 pounds of deer meat that had been donated to a shelter. They're all screaming about "libs" and whatever, and to be sure, it would have been nice to come up with an exeption for the shelter, but the Department was simply enforcing a law that's been on the books since at least 2002, and applies to "Game Animals" in Section 1123 (page 256) here... http://tulane.edu/oehs/ocsafety/upload/ ... ilFood.pdf

So a law nobody noticed for over 10 years is now the tool of the "lib" devil - and every one of the idiots bought into the "conspiracy."

Because we all know how the other side of the aisle follows the rules to the letter of the law. OWSers come to mind. I would venture to guess that it's the fact that the meat could have fed many unfortunate souls rather than them being upset with the law per se. But we all know how caring and compassionate libs are. There are laws against public defecation, did you have an issue with enforcing them on the guy who took a shit on a police car's fender? My guess is that you likely found that behavior funny and amusing. :problem:

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:Colonel Taylor, the sequel. The fact is that most Americans have and do agree with most OWS goals, if not always the tactics. This makes OWS more relevant today than the GOP, and definitely more relevant than the wingnut CPF faction.
That's hardly a "factual" statement to anyone but you. I don't hear much about OWS these days but I hear plenty both good and bad about the GOP depending on one's perspective. Perhaps more thought is needed in your reply instead of wasting it on demonizing another forum which is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Pehaps you could post a link to a poll that shows OWS as being more relevant than the G.O.P. -0-?

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:The statement was conditional to the goals, but I wouldn't expect anyone that defines OWS by squad car pooping to get that. It would be like me defining the GOP by Solar, The Stranger or Taxed. As for what you don't hear - Occupy Sandy, Occupy SEC, Occupy Our Homes, and all the folks working on other OWS platform items that, given the recent election and changing US demographics, have greater odds of success than the GOP's planks.

If you want to discuss posters at another forum that's your business. If you want to discuss your misconceptions that's another story. Are you saying that all these "Occupy" groups are the reason why Obama was reelected? I think it has less to do with them and more to do with changing demographics, sprinkled with a large amount of low info voters who were duped into thinking that Obama was "looking out for them". We see how well those "demos" are faring vis a vis employment, don't we? Let's not forget a small amount of fruad added to the mix like the woman who openly admitted she voted 6 times and the 86 year old woman who yesterday admitted she voted twice...once in person after submitting an absentee ballot.

Add to that the 3.5 million Republicans who satyed home because Romney was a piss-poor candidate and a RINO. I would be careful to prematurely hail the death of the G.O.P.

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:
Turks wrote:
Vrede wrote:The statement was conditional to the goals, but I wouldn't expect anyone that defines OWS by squad car pooping to get that. It would be like me defining the GOP by Solar, The Stranger or Taxed. As for what you don't hear - Occupy Sandy, Occupy SEC, Occupy Our Homes, and all the folks working on other OWS platform items that, given the recent election and changing US demographics, have greater odds of success than the GOP's planks.
If you want to discuss posters at another forum that's your business. If you want to discuss your misconceptions that's another story. Are you saying that all these "Occupy" groups are the reason why Obama was reelected?

No, it was quite clear that I said both that OWS goals contributed to the election and that the election makes OWS goals more likely to be realized. I did not say in any way that OWS is "the reason why Obama was reelected". Try to keep up. OWS was/is more a protest against the Dems than the GOP.

I think it has less to do with them and more to do with changing demographics,

Duh, that's what I said.

sprinkled with a large amount of low info voters who were duped into thinking that Obama was "looking out for them". We see how well those "demos" are faring vis a vis employment, don't we?

Better than what the Shrubcession did to them.

Let's not forget a small amount of fruad added to the mix like the woman who openly admitted she voted 6 times and the 86 year old woman who yesterday admitted she voted twice...once in person after submitting an absentee ballot.

You got routed, deal with it.

Add to that the 3.5 million Republicans who satyed home because Romney was a piss-poor candidate and a RINO.

Your side picked him, and he lost more because he was forced to suck up to the extremists than because he wasn't extreme enough. That said, I encourage you to insist on a more extreme candidate next time. Really, go for it.

I would be careful to prematurely hail the death of the G.O.P.
Not at all, it will either change to reflect America and isolate you further or it will keep losing elections. I'm not predicting which will occur.

Let me know when you have something a bit more substantive than, "you got routed, deal with it". Aside from that, I don't see much else worthy of a reply. And just for the record, I came here with an open mind but I am finding out fast, since you want to talk about other forums, that's what is said is provng to be quite true...you don't want to discuss, you want to villify and demean, a true progressive personality disorder.

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:
Turks wrote:Let me know when you have something a bit more substantive than, "you got routed, deal with it".

In politics what, pray tell, is "more substantive than" who wins elections?

Aside from that, I don't see much else worthy of a reply.

Your misunderstanding of what I clearly posted.
Your echoing my prior mention of "demographics" as if you'd come up with something new.
Your "fraud" wingnuttery, as if you didn't just get routed.
Yous straw man suggestion that I was hailing "the death of the G.O.P.".

And just for the record, I came here with an open mind but I am finding out fast, since you want to talk about other forums, that's what is said is provng to be quite true...you don't want to discuss, you want to villify and demean, a true progressive personality disorder.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Your first post in this thread characterized OWS as squad car poopers and accused O Really of approving. Did you really expect to be treated gently? You poor sensitive thing.
I wasn't asking to be treated gently or any other way, Corky? I was merely pointing out what an asshole you are which meshed well with the reputation that preceded you.

Try a reply without an ad hominem attack and one might take you seriously instead of as the buffoon you've chosen to display so far. Then again, maybe discussing how a person with 4 posts hits the wrong button is about as deep as you get. Who knows...who cares. -0-?

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Seems like the only point may be located on your head. Your last two posts says as little as all your replies to me thus far. Spare me the feigned outrage that I responded in kind to your personal attacks. Unlike you I don't bend over and take it up the ass so as not to displease hate-filled morons.

You reap what you sow. You sowed personal attacks and you reaped back the same. Any other stupid remarks you would like to "discuss". It seems that's all that goes on here.

When you start a real discusiion drop me a PM.

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:Quit whining, your squad car pooper attack on OWS and O Really was "ad hominem" and you are a "buffoon" for not realizing it and "an asshole" for not admitting it.

Hey dope is anyone from OWS here? Is OWS one person? No? Then it can't be an ad hominem" attack. That's how stupid you are that you don't even know what a pharse that you are using means. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Priceless!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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O Really
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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by O Really »

Turks wrote:
O Really wrote:.

Because we all know how the other side of the aisle follows the rules to the letter of the law. OWSers come to mind. I would venture to guess that it's the fact that the meat could have fed many unfortunate souls rather than them being upset with the law per se. But we all know how caring and compassionate libs are. There are laws against public defecation, did you have an issue with enforcing them on the guy who took a shit on a police car's fender? My guess is that you likely found that behavior funny and amusing. :problem:
I have no idea what OWSers or car pooping has to do with the deer issue. Point being, everybody probably agrees it would have been nice if the people in the shelter got to eat the deer. Probably there was a way the donators could have gotten their meat inspected or certified or whatever, but they didn't. Probably the shelter could have continued to serve uninspected meat if nobody had complained. Would you like food inspectors to be able to arbitrarily make decisions on which uninspected food they'll let go and which they'll follow the law on? It's the same law that keeps road kill out of restaurants and prevents 3-day old fish from getting put into the stew. Want to let "Swamp People" haul anything they kill or find into a public eating place for sale? Point being, the inspectors were doing their job and following the law. There may have been better ways to handle it, but just turning a blind eye wouldn't have been one of them unless they were ready to give up their jobs.

Yet the usual right wing screamers made the whole incident to be some sort of "lib" conspiracy to keep people from killing Bambi. Lib conpiracy? Anti-hunters? In Louisiana? Seriously?

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Delete many posts? I hear you have a penchant for modifying and removing those you don't like. Seems a few of mine have gone A.W.O.L. I seldom if ever use this word but you are one stupid CUNT, Vrede!

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:
Turks wrote:Delete many posts?

Just Ukranian spam. This is an uncensored free speech forum.

I hear you have a penchant for modifying and removing those you don't like.

OMG, you actually believe an illiterate and whiny idiot like The Stranger. Now we know, that explains a lot.

Seems a few of mine have gone A.W.O.L.

I doubt it. One of the moderators is a con, he could check the logs but I suspect he's too embarrassed by you to bother.

I seldom if ever use this word but you are one stupid CUNT, Vrede!
Could be, but you're still that much more so:
[color=#BF0000]Vrede[/color] wrote:
Turks wrote:
Vrede wrote:Quit whining, your squad car pooper attack on OWS and O Really was "ad hominem" and you are a "buffoon" for not realizing it and "an asshole" for not admitting it.
Hey dope is anyone from OWS here? Is OWS one person? No? Then it can't be an ad hominem" attack.

Sure it can: Guilt by association is one type, and appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason is one definition. Ad hominem attacks are personal attacks, not necessarily attacks on an individual. You've screwed up, again.

That's how stupid you are that you don't even know what a pharse that you are using means. :lol: :lol: :lol:

But, your attack on O Really was indeed a personal attack on an individual. You're a coward and a "pharse" in not admitting it.

Priceless!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Turks 1st post here actually was ad hominem.
Turks whines that he was the victim of ad hominem attacks.
Turks does nothing but post reams of ad hominem attacks and then blames others for his behavior.
Turks doesn't even know what ad hominem means.
Turks was too stupid and lazy to look up ad hominem before claiming to know its definition.
Turks makes a complete fool of himself saying that others don't know what ad hominem means.

Oh, I get it, this latest ad hominem attack is just Turks running away from his last set of screw ups.
No "one" told me anything. Your reputation precedes you and that comes from many so feel free to apologize for indicting the wrong person. I see now that I taught you a new phrase and you like to use it. :clap: I enjoy when I can educate an ignorant buffoon. A number of my posts are missing particularly the last couple. But I must have hit the wrong misplaced button, right? :lol: They must have been spot-on and hit a nerve.

Do you realize that the only ones who give a shit what you say are the other three posters here and those laughing at you from afar? No I don't think that you do. You have an audience of very few yet you "talk at" them as if there are legions reading your drivel.

As far as the Conservatives here, they likely are embarassed by having you in charge but they grin and bare it. Why, only they know when there are far superior outlets than this shithole. I'm only here to see for myself the comic relief that you have provided to others. Turns out it's all true.

Now let's refute the asshole's comments:

"An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person", short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument"

See that "an opponent"? Not a group but one, an individual. Do I need to get a defintion of those too for you? God, this is like shooting fish in barrel.

I bet your shoe size is larger than your I.Q. Come on..I'm right, aren't I? :-H

I really have had enough for one day. Bashing a mentally impaired person like you doesn't makes me look good. More like I am taking advantage. You attempted to mount what you thgought was a witty comeback but sorry honey, you failed miserably.

Give it another try. Here's a hint...make it good since I won't be back to refute it...that way you can claim a hollow victory. :D :lol: :D :lol:

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Turks wrote:...make it good since I won't be back to refute it . . . .
That was a forgone conclusion.
I will not lie down.
I will not go quietly.

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

I'm getting a kick out of the latest nutjob theme, "low-info" voters. For some reason,
they only seem to appear in years when a Democrat wins the presidential election,
but disappear when a Republican does. Wingnuts=Hilarious Sore Losers. :crazy:

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by bannination »

Turks wrote:Delete many posts? I hear you have a penchant for modifying and removing those you don't like. Seems a few of mine have gone A.W.O.L. I seldom if ever use this word but you are one stupid CUNT, Vrede!
*Check moderator log*, nope, nothing modified or deleted except by you Turk. However, just FYI had you posted that on your own forum as a "lib" you'd be banned right now. Something about eventually the idiots lose it and break downor just start calling names and you have to ban them, their words, not mine. (Even though there was no name calling over there to my knowledge.)


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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

So I attacked O Really, did I ? You just can't be truthful can you? No wonder no one posts here except for the occasional drive by who realizes quickly that they are wasting their time. Naturally you can produce that personal attack. You know, not the one on OWSers but on O Really. Do you climb into the barrel unassisted to be shot or does someone have to help you with a step ladder?

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by Turks »

bannination wrote:
Turks wrote:Delete many posts? I hear you have a penchant for modifying and removing those you don't like. Seems a few of mine have gone A.W.O.L. I seldom if ever use this word but you are one stupid CUNT, Vrede!
*Check moderator log*, nope, nothing modified or deleted except by you Turk. However, just FYI had you posted that on your own forum as a "lib" you'd be banned right now. -0-? Something about eventually the idiots lose it and break downor just start calling names and you have to ban them, their words, not mine. (Even though there was no name calling over there to my knowledge.)

Is that English or Ebonics? :-0?>

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Re: Right Wingers Are Like Third Worlders

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

O Really wrote:
Turks wrote:
O Really wrote:.

Because we all know how the other side of the aisle follows the rules to the letter of the law. OWSers come to mind. I would venture to guess that it's the fact that the meat could have fed many unfortunate souls rather than them being upset with the law per se. But we all know how caring and compassionate libs are. There are laws against public defecation, did you have an issue with enforcing them on the guy who took a shit on a police car's fender? My guess is that you likely found that behavior funny and amusing. :problem:
I have no idea what OWSers or car pooping has to do with the deer issue. Point being, everybody probably agrees it would have been nice if the people in the shelter got to eat the deer. Probably there was a way the donators could have gotten their meat inspected or certified or whatever, but they didn't. Probably the shelter could have continued to serve uninspected meat if nobody had complained. Would you like food inspectors to be able to arbitrarily make decisions on which uninspected food they'll let go and which they'll follow the law on? It's the same law that keeps road kill out of restaurants and prevents 3-day old fish from getting put into the stew. Want to let "Swamp People" haul anything they kill or find into a public eating place for sale? Point being, the inspectors were doing their job and following the law. There may have been better ways to handle it, but just turning a blind eye wouldn't have been one of them unless they were ready to give up their jobs.

Yet the usual right wing screamers made the whole incident to be some sort of "lib" conspiracy to keep people from killing Bambi. Lib conspiracy? Anti-hunters? In Louisiana? Seriously?

Hi Turks,
So here was the original point of the whole thread, would you care to address it?
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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