Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:48 pm

Is a compromise Repub that can get some Dem votes a viable possibility? Idk, but it would be best for America. Could he win Dem votes that molester-abettor Jordan never will? -0-?
There may be a way forward, but at what cost to who?

Hakeem Jeffries: A bipartisan coalition is the way forward for the House
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:54 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:35 am
O Really wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:33 am
Last I saw they can lose 4 votes. I guess that would change with "present" votes.
Scalise still doesn't have the votes.
It should be noted that TRE45QN backed Jordan. For the moment his 7 year record of LOSING elections remains intact.
MAGAt Jordan did win the GQP caucus vote, but then lost the full House vote yesterday.

Nancy Pelosi buries Jim Jordan’s speaker bid as GOPer admits “bullying” spectacularly “backfired”

Ballot #2 may begin in a few minutes, could be even worse for molester-abettor Jordan, his proxy bullies and rapist P01135809. Opps.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:11 am
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:54 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:35 am
O Really wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:33 am
Last I saw they can lose 4 votes. I guess that would change with "present" votes.
Scalise still doesn't have the votes.
It should be noted that TRE45QN backed Jordan. For the moment his 7 year record of LOSING elections remains intact.
MAGAt Jordan did win the GQP caucus vote, but then lost the full House vote yesterday.

Nancy Pelosi buries Jim Jordan’s speaker bid as GOPer admits “bullying” spectacularly “backfired”

Ballot #2 may begin in a few minutes, could be even worse for molester-abettor Jordan, his proxy bullies and rapist P01135809. Opps.
McCarthy is laughing at all this.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Am I a bad American for taking pleasure at the mess the GOP has brought upon itself?
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:17 am

McCarthy is laughing at all this.
Hey, I was right!
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 11:39 am
Am I a bad American for taking pleasure at the mess the GOP has brought upon itself?
It's a definition of 'good American'.

Rep Tom Cole (R-OK) nominating Jordan - :yawn: .
Rep Pete Aguilar (D-CA) nominating Jeffries - excellent job trashing Jordan. Dems are much more vocal and enthusiastic than the lackluster RepuQs were.

Voting now - 7 RepuQs have voted for someone other than Jordan, en route to worse than yesterday and he and Dolt .45 have already LOST!!! Jordan could only afford to lose 3.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Jordan has done WORSE than yesterday and they're still voting. Boehner even got a vote. Opps. MSNBC is calling it "masochism". :lol: Honorable mention to Hannity's stupid and clumsy intimidation.

22, final tally. 7 for Scalise, 5 for McCarthy, others 10. Jordan 199.
Jeffries - unanimous 212 Dems. :thumbup:
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:50 pm

Jordan has done WORSE than yesterday and they're still voting. Boehner even got a vote. Opps. MSNBC is calling it "masochism". :lol: Honorable mention to Hannity's stupid and clumsy intimidation.

22, final tally. 7 for Scalise, 5 for McCarthy, others 10. Jordan 199.
Jeffries - unanimous 212 Dems. :thumbup:
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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GOP's Jordan backs a temporary House speaker plan and calls off 3rd vote for now, lawmakers say

Refusing to drop out, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan told GOP colleagues Thursday he would back a temporary U.S. House speaker for the next several months as he works to shore up support to win the gavel himself.
Wimp. You lost, grow a pair and admit it.
Jordan delivered the message at a closed door meeting at the Capitol as the Republican majority considered an extraordinary plan to give the interim Speaker Pro-tempore Rep. Patrick McHenry more powers to reopen the House and conduct crucial business until January, according to Republicans who attended the private meeting and insisted on anonymity to discuss it.

... The hard-fighting ally of Donald Trump won't step aside either as his far-right allies stand with him— and some other Republicans are deeply shaken after receiving death threats from Jordan supporters.
The asshole team.
At the same time, there is a sinking realization that the House could remain endlessly stuck, out of service and without a leader for the foreseeable future as the Republican majority spirals deeper into dysfunction. The impasse has left some Republican lawmakers settling in for a protracted stretch.

McHenry has brushed off attempts to take the job more permanently after he was appointed to the role after the unprecedented ouster of Kevin McCarthy more than two weeks ago.

“I did not ask for additional powers,” said McHenry of North Carolina Republican who is well-liked by his colleagues and viewed as a highly competent legislator. "My duty is to get the next speaker elected. That’s my focus.”
Looks like McHenry, who doesn't want the job, rather than even a few RepuQs standing up for America and working out a deal with some Dems. Shame on them.

Oh wait:
Elevating McHenry to an expanded speaker's role would not be as politically simple as it might seem. The hard-right Republican lawmakers including some who ousted McCarthy, don’t like the idea.

“Asinine,” said Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, a leader of far-right House Freedom Caucus.

While Democrats have suggested the arrangement, Republicans are loathe to partner with the Democrats in a bipartisan way. And it's highly unlikely Republicans could vote to give McHenry more powers on their own, even though they have majority control of the House.

“It’s a bad precedent and I don’t support it,” said Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., the Freedom Caucus chairman.

A McCarthy ally Rep. David Valadao, R-Calif., said there was a show of hands at the private meeting asking members whether they would support the pro-tempore effort but it was just “a small number that raised their hands.”

“I just don’t know if the numbers are there," he said.
Endless chaos will play well for the Dems in 2024.
Still, installing a temporary speaker for the next few months is backed by many of Jordan’s opponents and would give him an offramp so he would not have to declare defeat.
Because his widdle feewings are what really matter here. :roll:
Next steps were highly uncertain Thursday as angry, frustrated Republicans looked at other options. Some predict the House could stay essentially shuttered, as it has been almost all month, until the mid-November deadline for Congress to approve funding or risk a federal government shutdown.
Because their widdle feewings are what really matter here. :roll:
... On Wednesday, Jordan failed in a crucial second ballot, opposed by 22 Republicans, two more than he lost in first-round voting the day before. Many view the Ohio congressman as too extreme for a central seat of U.S. power
and resented the harassing hardball tactics from Jordan's allies for their votes. One lawmaker said they had received death threats.
Opps. Hateful idiots.
... To win over his GOP colleagues, Jordan had relied on backing from Trump, the party’s front-runner in the 2024 election to challenge President Joe Biden, and groups pressuring rank-and-file lawmakers for the vote. But they were not enough and in fact backfired on some.

“One thing I cannot stomach or support is a bully,” said a statement from Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Iowa, who voted against Jordan on the second ballot and said she received “credible death threats and a barrage of threatening calls.”

... Jordan’s refusal to concede only further embittered some of the Republicans.

... Jordan has been a top Trump ally, particularly during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack by the former president’s backers who were trying to overturn the 2020 election he lost to Biden. Days later, Trump awarded Jordan a Medal of Freedom....
TRE45QN loses yet another election, an unbroken string dating back to 2016.
O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:07 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:45 pm
O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:14 pm
Do I get a round of "O Really was right" now or is everyone gonna wait until a loon actually takes the gavel?
Sure...right about what?
Some people (who shall go unnamed) floated the uptake of McCarthy's dumping as maybe getting an improvement. I, being the eternal pessimist (realist) regarding Repugs, cast my bet on their replacing McCarthy with a bigger loon. So far, looks like I'm right although I would gladly but unlikely be wrong.
"realist"? :P
Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:26 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:54 pm
5 names that I'm aware of:
Molester-abettor Jordan won't get the unanimous RepuQs;
Health-challenged David Duke-lite Steve Scalise won't get the unanimous RepuQs;
Dolt .45 won't get the unanimous RepuQs;
Moronic Kevin McCarthy (according to Aaron Rupar above) probably won't get the unanimous RepuQs unless the Gaetzites think the point has been made and are able to extract yet more emasculating concessions;
Rep Kevin Hern (OK) is definitely a loon, but Idk how the GQP caucus feels about him;
Six names if we count Speaker pro tempore Patrick McHenry by inaction default.
Is a compromise Repub that can get some Dem votes a viable possibility? Idk, but it would be best for America. Anyhow, the unanimous Dems felt that dumping SINO was worth all potential consequences. Who am I to disagree?
Do I get a round of "Vrede was right" now or is everyone gonna wait until a more moderate compromise RepuQ actually takes the gavel? :P
I gave the GQP too much credit for patriotism to even suggest the possibility. :oops:
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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You can't make this shit up. Someone needs to tell the Moron this ain't playing in Peoria.

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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:46 pm
You can't make this shit up. Someone needs to tell the Moron this ain't playing in Peoria.
Of course everyone knows that he's a lying crybaby. The Dems have voted for Jeffries on every ballot beginning in January, and party line votes for Speaker is how it's ALWAYS done.

However, if we take his whining at face value he is saying that the Dems are so smart, devious and powerful that they manipulated the Goofy Gaetzite revolt, thus magically turning the RW extremists into RINOs. Cool :thumbup:

The effort to temporarily expand McHenry's power devolved into a caucus shouting match and FAILURE. Jordan says he's still running and will "talk to" the 22 RepuQs that detest him and are outraged at the bullying by his minions. Yeah, that's gonna work :laughing-rolling: What a LOSER!
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:56 pm

The effort to temporarily expand McHenry's power devolved into a caucus shouting match and FAILURE. Jordan says he's still running and will "talk to" the 22 RepuQs that detest him and are outraged at the bullying by his minions. Yeah, that's gonna work :laughing-rolling: What a LOSER!
Starting to think the trumpaloons goal is to effectively shut down government which they didn't get done under McCarthy. Nothing else makes sense, there's no end in sight.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:42 pm
Starting to think the trumpaloons goal is to effectively shut down government which they didn't get done under McCarthy. Nothing else makes sense, there's no end in sight.
-0-? I lean towards they don't know WTF they're doing.

In the latest sign of House chaos, the temporary speaker is threatening to quit

Internal House GOP Meeting Was So Dysfunctional That One Member Left to Go Pray
According to reports, Republicans decried death threats sent by Jim Jordan supporters, Matt Gaetz almost physically fought a McCarthy supporter, and more.

:violin: :laughing-rolling: Too hilarious to excerpt.

:o :thumbup:

GQP "governing":
CNN Airs Chilling Voicemail Sent To Wife Of Anti-Jim Jordan Republican
The caller's threats were slammed as "pretty ugly" and "disgusting" by "The Lead" anchor Jake Tapper.

... “Why is your husband such a pig? Why would he get on TV and make an asshole of himself? Because he’s a deep-state prick? Because he doesn’t represent the people?” the male caller began.

The caller then threatened to “fucking come follow you all over the place” and warned she would “keep getting calls and emails.”

“I’m putting all your information over the internet now. Everybody else is,” they continued. They said “you’re going to be fucking molested like you can’t ever imagine” but “non-violently.”

“You must be a bitch to marry a fucking ugly motherfucker like that,” they added.

Tapper called the voicemail “disgusting.”

“The pressure campaign for Jordan was announced over the weekend. Calls like that started happening immediately. Jordan didn’t denounce it until last night. What is going on in your party?” the anchor asked Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas).

“Well, this shows you the level of political discourse in this country now,” McCaul responded.

Tapper interrupted to say: “No. In your party, sir. In your party.” ...

Watch the video here:
(call begins at 1:00 and lasts less than 2 minutes)
:shock: Governing :puke-left:

GOP Rep. Says Wife Slept With Loaded Gun After Threats Over His Jim Jordan Vote
“She had terrible phone calls," said Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon.

Other threatened Republicans discussed.

Makes me wonder exactly why Scalise backed out without a vote.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:25 pm

TRE45QN loses yet another election, an unbroken string dating back to 2016.

Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:26 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:54 pm
5 names that I'm aware of:
Molester-abettor Jordan won't get the unanimous RepuQs;
Health-challenged David Duke-lite Steve Scalise won't get the unanimous RepuQs;
Dolt .45 won't get the unanimous RepuQs;
Moronic Kevin McCarthy (according to Aaron Rupar above) probably won't get the unanimous RepuQs unless the Gaetzites think the point has been made and are able to extract yet more emasculating concessions;
Rep Kevin Hern (OK) is definitely a loon, but Idk how the GQP caucus feels about him;
Six names if we count Speaker pro tempore Patrick McHenry by inaction default.
Is a compromise Repub that can get some Dem votes a viable possibility? Idk, but it would be best for America. Anyhow, the unanimous Dems felt that dumping SINO was worth all potential consequences. Who am I to disagree?
Do I get a round of "Vrede was right" now or is everyone gonna wait until a more moderate compromise RepuQ actually takes the gavel? :P
I gave the GQP too much credit for patriotism to even suggest the possibility. :oops:
Jim Jordan molestor-abettor won't be governing above the level of committee chair.
Jordan is no longer nominee for House speaker after a secret vote

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has lost a secret vote to remain his party's nominee for House speaker, several Republican lawmakers told reporters.

Jordan lost the ballot by 86-112, Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., said. She added that Republicans will leave town for the weekend, and members have until noon on Sunday to declare their candidacy. A candidate forum is expected Monday.

The secret ballot came after House Republicans rejected Jordan's bid on the floor Friday for a third time – this time by a bigger margin. Opposition to Jordan's nomination grew from 20 GOP defections earlier this week to 22 and finally 25.
Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma, for one, told reporters he will be running for speaker.
... The process has left members angry and frustrated. Many have told reporters they fear that nobody can win sufficient support from Republicans to be elected speaker.
Gee, if only there was the opportunity to dump the extremists and get some Dem votes with a more moderate compromise RepuQ. Oh wait . . . :wave:
... The House remains unable to conduct any business without an elected speaker.
Any week in which Jim Jordan molestor-abettor is humiliated by his own chaotic and incompetent GQP team multiple times and ultimately defeated is a good week.
FU Dolt .45, Hannity and all Jordan allies and sycophants.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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All this recent chaos in the House makes me recall reading in several books over the years about how it was not uncommon for House members to engage in actual physical fights on the floor. Even in the Senate. This was during the first half of the 19th century. If I remember correctly, even one or two duels happened.....and I'm not counting the Hamilton/Burr match.

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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:59 am
All this recent chaos in the House makes me recall reading in several books over the years about how it was not uncommon for House members to engage in actual physical fights on the floor. Even in the Senate. This was during the first half of the 19th century. If I remember correctly, even one or two duels happened.....and I'm not counting the Hamilton/Burr match.
:thumbup: Fingers crossed. One of the tweets I posted suggested that it would be a good time to allow members to carry. :twisted:
House remains paralyzed with no end in sight for speakership battle after Jordan’s exit

... Here are some of the candidates now vying to become the next GOP speaker nominee:

Rep. Tom Emmer, who serves as majority whip ... McCarthy is backing Emmer for speaker, sources tell CNN, delivering an early boost for his candidacy.
Michele Bachmann's seat. So, that's the district he reps :roll:
"endorsed by the Tea Party Express" :puke-left:
Asshole COVIDiot. Wiki:
... voted against establishing a national commission to investigate the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol Complex....

In an October 2022 CBS News television interview, Emmer was challenged for posting a video on Twitter that showed him firing a fully automatic machine gun with the caption "#FIREPELOSI"....
Rep. Kevin Hern
LGBTQ bigot, Wiki:
After Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election and Trump refused to concede, Bergman announced he would oppose the confirmation of the Electoral College's vote in Congress.

In December 2020, Bergman was one of 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Biden defeated Trump.

In January 2021, Bergman announced his intention to object to the certification of the Electoral College results.
MAGAt asshole (redundant, I know).
In December 2020, Scott was one of 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives to sign an amicus brief in support of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated incumbent Donald Trump. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case on the basis that Texas lacked standing under Article III of the Constitution to challenge the results of an election held by another state.
MAGAt asshole.
Rep. Byron Donalds, a Freedom Caucus member, announced on X that he’s seeking the speakership to advance a “conservative vision for the House of Representatives and the American people.”
Rep. Mike Johnson, the House Republican conference vice chairman, also announced a run for speaker in a letter to his Republican colleagues Saturday, saying “after much prayer and deliberation, I am stepping forward now.”
RW loon. Not a moderate in the bunch. I don't see any Dems voting for any of them. Best case scenario: They all get humiliated like SINO McCarthy, Scalise and molester-abettor Jordan.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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Hell, they might as well put Sean Hannity, Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Alex Jones on their list. Fucking morons.

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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:14 am
Hell, they might as well put Sean Hannity, Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Alex Jones on their list. Fucking morons.
Pillow Guy is a joke, but I think the rest may prefer chaos. To what end? Civil War? Fascist coup?

Other possibilities according to a different article: ... 28289.html

Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) - 2020 election denier

Pete Sessions (R-Texas) - District-shopping carpetbagger, 2020 election denier, pot prohibitionist, Russian tool

I hope the Dems don't support these two, either.
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Jake Tapper Scorches House Republican With 1 Brutal Question On Hellish Speaker Race
The CNN anchor didn't mince his words for Rep. Mike Turner as Republicans continue their search for a House speaker this week.

... “I hope you don’t take this personally but do you guys have any idea how clownish you look?” Tapper asked Turner on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Burn, but I think Turner's reply is even more damning of the GQP:
“Well, you know, Jake, I’m very fond of saying that Congress is a lot like high school but even more so,” Turner replied, “so, hopefully, we’ll get past this.” ...
Tapper had mocked that exact assessment 2 days earlier:
Jake Tapper Schools House GOP For Treating Speakership Like 'Prom King'
The CNN host had some sharp words for Republicans after Rep. Jim Jordan's speaker bid failed Friday.

... “The country needs a speaker,” the CNN host said Friday during an interview with Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.) on “The Lead.”

“This isn’t about, you know, prom king. Like, we need a functioning legislative branch,” he added.
Again, the Repug scorches the GQP even worse:
... Womack, who ripped members of the GOP for “peeing on the electric fence” elsewhere in the interview, noted “deep wounds,” “hurt feelings” and “some angry people” within the party before the CNN host interjected.

“I know, but you know what? None of us out here care. It’s just like, get over it,” said Tapper, who compared a social media fight between Reps. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) to “high school.”

“That’s kind of offensive to high school people because it’s really junior high stuff,” Womack responded.

:o Another Repug I agree with:
Ex-GOP Congressman Delivers Damning News About Next House Speaker
David Jolly has a stark warning on what the next leader will really be like.

There are now nine Republicans in the House seeking the speaker’s gavel ― but one former GOP member says they have one thing in common.

“They’re all bad,” former Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) said on MSNBC on Sunday....

Jolly called Jordan an “authoritarian anti-democratic crazy,” but said that McCarthy would’ve gone in that direction eventually had he kept the job.

“It’s the same with all of these candidates,” he said of the nine now seeking the gig. “They would all end up being a speaker who ultimately gets to where Jim Jordan starts. That’s the danger we face.” ...


Finally, Liz is even more savage:
'It's Really Dangerous': Liz Cheney Blames Kevin McCarthy For House GOP Chaos
The former Wyoming lawmaker said that chaos among House Republicans is a "direct result" of the ousted former speaker's decisions.

... “What we’ve seen is a result of really the leadership decisions that Kevin McCarthy made all the way back after the 2020 election ― and certainly after Jan. 6,” Cheney told CNN’s Jake Tapper after he asked about the House GOP “fiasco” on “State of the Union.”

She continued: “And looking the other way in the face of the kind of assault on our democracy that we’ve seen from Donald Trump and his allies in the House, including Jim Jordan. Elevating those members, frankly, some of whom are white supremacists, some of whom are antisemitic, a number of whom were involved directly in the attempt to seize power and overturn the election.”

Cheney ― who once criticized GOP leadership for enabling white nationalism ― said it’s not a surprise to see those Republicans “empowered,” adding that “it’s really dangerous.”

... Tapper later asked Cheney, a harsh critic of Donald Trump, if she traces the threats of violence to the former president.

“I think you certainly would have to trace it back ― in its modern version ― to Donald Trump,” she replied.

“And we now know, frankly, because of the lie, we know that the lie about the election, we know that telling people that they have to use violence in order to take back their country, we know that that lie was very effective in sparking violence,” Cheney continued. “And it hasn’t stopped.”
Hero. GQP fascist terrorism is at the root of this mess.
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Re: Moronic Kevin McCarthy

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It's a bit interesting now that the "sane" Republicans have developed a partial spine and can hold the party hostage the same as the wingnuts.

Will they continue to do so? My guess is that probably not, at least long term. The disadvantage of not being being a zealot.
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