Re: CPF: The BEST Forum Ever

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

bannination wrote:"You should totally check it out tho. It's hilarious.... it's like a bunch of trolls that don't realize they're trolling one another."
Try to keep up Banni, we were talking about that other forum.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede wrote:It's not amazing at all that Mr.B can't figure out when I'm mocking extreme cons that turn out to be career socialist workers who whine about supposed "takers" like the disabled. He is that dumb.
Now this is weird... I had just responded to rstrong about your manner.....Schrodinger's Douchebag

You know well and closely disabled people, Mr.B., along with knowing struggling single moms, divorcees and perhaps abused spouses, yet you give AJ a complete pass on his attacks on them because you're so obsessed with me®.
I said I didn't have a dog in that attention.

"ran from military service"? It was peacetime. You ran® from Vietnam and let others kill and die in your place while at your age and since I've been doing my best to keep other boys from having to kill and die, not to mention easing the suffering of and saving the lives of veterans, things you've likely never even tried to do. Face it, your 2 year, Vietnam-dodging job 50 years ago just wasn't as sacrificial as you pretend it was and you know it.
It's not my claim to fame, for sure. When I enlisted, I knew full well I could go to Vietnam, and my career choice would/could have taken me there. My choice and service time weren't at all sacrificial, but I enlisted with the intent of a career; and no, I did not/do not have your skills.. It's a shame that one that has the skills you do is such a condescending, trolling jerk. I admire your work; despise your nature.

Of course, this is all Mr.B's pathetic attempt at retribution for having gotten busted callously exploiting other vets by saying I called them whores when he knew that the only whoring I mentioned was that his oath to God, country and the Constitution magically expired the moment he wasn't getting a paycheck, even though he continued to get other bennies.
Talking about me again, rather than to me...grow up. I'm not seeking retribution nor attempting to turn anyone against you. I just think it's pathetic how you besmirch those who have or presently serve in the military, all in an attempt to make impress.

Mr.B wrote:... Either you're afraid to stand up to Vrede's trashing you, your character, your honor, and your country, or you're just an out-and-out wuss®.
Or, their comprehension is better than yours® and they aren't so desperate® to present themselves as pitiful, crybaby victims®.
It doesn't take comprehension skills to know that someone is trashing your character and/or life's' choices, especially when they are showing off.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Mr.B wrote:As far as the rest of this tirade, I have no dog in the fight, so I'm steering clear of it because I have no opinion of CPF since I don't post there nor hang around to see who's bad-mouthing who. I have had some invites, but I declined.
I don't post there...who's bad mouthing who... I declined... right liar, you got jesus pissed now!

Quote from: Mister B on July 14, 2014, 06:42:23 PM
Hi everybody! It's me, Mr.B from BlueRidgeDebate (yeah, I've heard of 'em too)
Someone has been sending me private messages @ BRD, but when I get them, they say "This post has been deleted by it's author", or something to that effect.
Let's try it here, OK?

«Quote from: Mister B on July 15, 2014, 05:08:26 AM »
Hey supsalemgr, good to hear from you! I'm not really fond of this forum; I'm not crazy about that captcha thingy you have to use to post.
Yep y'all, BRD is a washed-up forum in Hendersonville run by a clown named Bannination who has visions of grandeur for his pet project. There are only about 6-8 members still posting, because everyone else has been run off by their hateful, acidic replies to any one who dares to differ from their one-sided opinions. Their main poster, Vrede, is on vacation and the place is graveyard dead.
They're pro-homosexual, anti-religion, anti-government, anti-social, and every other anti- anything you can think of.
FWIW, yes they do ridicule this forum, but they spend more time here than in their own backyard! :popcorn: :lol:
Anyhow, just wanted to say hi to all my old friends here; don't expect I'll be hanging around much, though.

Quote from: The Boo Man...
Wait. Did this guy register and start a thread just to tell us he won't be posting here?

Quote from: Mister B on July 15 2014, 06:48:35 PM
Well....kinda sorta. :confused: I really started the thread because I wanted to touch base with all my former friends who I used to post with before the know-it-all poster from Hell ran them off.
For me, it's kinda hard to stay focused on all the different boards, and if I've gotta do that dad-blamed, annoying captcha thingy everytime I post, I don't have the patience for that.
Who knows...? Maybe I will, maybe I won't stick around. I despise politics, therefore, politically, I don't consider my liberal or conservative. I am conservative in my thinking and Christian beliefs.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by O Really »

Mr.B wrote:[It's amazing that's Vrede's personal opinion of military men and women, especially retired military men and women who served their country in time of war or peace, doesn't seem to offend those who served their country with honor and pride.

So...I'll directly ask those of you who are "on his side" as far as ideologies and political persuasion....

Are you proud that you served your country?
If you retired, are you proud that the military gave you the opportunity to seek health care at the VA at little or no costs to you?
If you didn't retire...same question if you meet certain discharge guidelines.
Do you not feel some sense of resentment because someone who ran from military service, jealously posts ugly comments about your character and why you even joined (or were drafted by) the military? Are you really afraid of "offending" that someone because you're "on that someone's side"?
I'm qualified to address that. I could accurately say that "I served." I could use common vernacular honestly to say I "served in the military to protect my country." Except I didn't. I had a nice interesting job in an obscure part of the military, mostly in Europe, where I didn't get shot at. I was not a warrior. Neither were many thousands of others who for whatever reason joined or were drafted into the military and had safe cushy jobs or assignments. But people like to toss everybody in the same category as a "veteran" who "served his country" yada. Nevermind that they don't distinguish between serving the interests of one's country and serving the interests of one's government. Those who risk (and often lose) their lives and limbs in support of government interests earn our respect and far more benefits than they're currently eligible for. Those who had the cushy jobs, such as myself, not so much.

But here's the thing - no matter what one's job in the military, if you stay in for 20 years or more, you're entitled to a better retirement package than the vast majority of private sector people get. I think about 50% of base after 20 years, going up to 100% after 40. Plus a really nice medical plan, Tricare. Plus some educational benefits. Plus "veteran's preference" on other government jobs and certain programs. I've got no problem with that. I've got no problem with a guy spending 20 years in the military, then another 20 in another federal job, gets to be 50-something or 60ish, retires on full pay, lifetime benefits.

But when you've never drawn a check in your life that didn't have "US Treasury Department" at the top of it, and then yammer on about the damgummint, spend, spend, spend, "socialism" (at the thought of everybody getting health insurance), yada. That seems to me to be snapping at the hand that has fed you for your entire life. That makes me think, if you don't appreciate what you have, maybe you should waive it. That makes me think, you who have lived off the government through your employment in one job have no standing to criticize those who live off the government in another job. That makes me think that if you can't tell that Tricare and Medicare really is a "government run plan" and Obamacare isn't, then maybe you should either shut up about "damgummint takeover of the health system" or give up your government-funded and run health plan.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

Dang it! I got nabbed! Three posts in two days almost a year ago. case I hurt your feelings, I apologize.
BTW...I'm aware that y'all monitor the goings-on at CPF, so it's not like I tried to hide anything; those three posts does not mean I still post there, therefore I'm not lying.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

O Really wrote:[........]
Still though, regardless what you did in the military, or how long you served, whether you served your country or yourself....
can you honestly say it's OK for someone who never served or ever worked in any capacity of the military, to publicly state that what you did was whoring for the government, and your choices were those of a parasite?

Vrede touts his career choices, which I will say are admirable; but for him to downplay other's choices and say they made choices that would portray them as cowards, and besmirch them in a taunting, humiliating manner is low in the lowest form.

Y'all can continue to cuddle and coddle with him all you want; I'm saying he has to walk on stilts to look a snake in the eyes.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede wrote:"Also, I've warned you before about altering my posts to make it look like I said things or included symbols that I didn't. It's sleazy and juvenile. Either make your additions clearly your additions or you've chosen a battle that you're guaranteed to lose miserably and hilariously. Your choice, either way is fine with me - a win-win."

:-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-||
A thousand pardons, O'Great One of The :bs: Pit....what did I do this time that invoked the wrath of One so mighty?

If I "quoted" a post of yours and added a symbol, or even another word, do you not think that those here who read it, and have already read your post, doesn't have sense enough to see I added something else? Damn, you're stupid, as well as being a pouting, juvenile, condescending jerk.

Just because you were given POWER! to alter posts, make deletions, or whatever your almighty POWER! pitiful self wants to do, doesn't make you anything special. You're still nothing more than Banni's lackey.
Maybe I can sweet-talk Banni into allowing me to be one of them almighty :-|| moderators that you are....then the ship could really hit the sand, couldn't it? Talk about a whole new bunch of excitement....... :violent:
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by bannination »

I HAVE LACKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First step of world domination complete.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by O Really »

Mr.B wrote:
O Really wrote:[........]
Still though, regardless what you did in the military, or how long you served, whether you served your country or yourself....
can you honestly say it's OK for someone who never served or ever worked in any capacity of the military, to publicly state that what you did was whoring for the government, and your choices were those of a parasite?
Only if I'm whining about "government run health care" when I'm using Tricareor Medicare or if I'm complaining about those worthless government workers, or if I call anybody who is eligible for any established program a "parasite" or "on the dole." In that case, I'd say the intentionally extreme characterization Vrede enjoys does make the point pretty clearly.

Like the poster formerly known as Nascar, who has spent his career working for a governmental unit, clearly a socialization of function, and yammers on about "socialist criminals." Why can firefighting be considered a "socialized" function? It is a service and industry that could be privately performed (and in some places is), but that has been "taken over" by the government because it's in the best interest of the community.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

bannination wrote:I HAVE LACKEYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No... You have A lackey....One to fear! One to bow down to! Image
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

O Really wrote: "In that case, I'd say the intentionally extreme characterization Vrede enjoys does make the point pretty clearly. "
Well....there's one that has no pride.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

neoplacebo wrote: " wasn't too long ago that I posted about not feeling as if I were a whore for the military while serving. I made the choice myself to join, no pimp involved." you feel that you are/were a coward or a parasite because of your choices (or assignments)?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by O Really »

Mr.B wrote:
O Really wrote: "In that case, I'd say the intentionally extreme characterization Vrede enjoys does make the point pretty clearly. "
Well....there's one that has no pride.
Oh, I have pride - but you haven't heard me complaining about government employee deadbeats and such, have you? In fact, I'm quite proud of what I did on behalf of the government back in the day. It was just coincidental that part of it was working for a military unit, doing the same job as at NSA. I'm no warrior; I'm no hero. Lots of people contribute a lot outside of the military; lots of people contribute nothing in the military. Being in the military or not is not the primary criteria for worthwhile contribution. So yeah, if Vrede or anyone else wants to criticize those who collect government checks themselves but trash others who do - I'm fine with that.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

O Really wrote: "So yeah, if Vrede or anyone else wants to criticize those who collect government checks themselves but trash others who do - I'm fine with that."
Providing that Vrede only trashes those whose opinions differ from his? Looks as if you have nothing to worry about, don't it? :roll:
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Mr.B wrote:
neoplacebo wrote: " wasn't too long ago that I posted about not feeling as if I were a whore for the military while serving. I made the choice myself to join, no pimp involved." you feel that you are/were a coward or a parasite because of your choices (or assignments)?
Nope. I originally intended to be a Hospital Corpsman when I joined the Navy; mostly because I knew a guy who did that and he seemed to like doing it. This is what I was promised I would be doing before I joined. Once I was in, and had to fill out all these forms and stuff, one question on one form was "have you ever used marijuana or other illegal drugs?" Well, I said, yes, I have. Turns out the truth was not what they wanted to hear......because of my answer, I was told I could not be a Hospital Corpsman and was given a list of other jobs I could do instead. I chose Storekeeper; no particular reason for doing so. Turns out I ended up ordering all the drugs that the Corpsmen needed, these drugs passed through my domain before they got them. It was ironic that my truthfulness about having used drugs banned me from being around drugs but enabled me to place orders for drugs, which all start with the Stock Number prefixes 6505, 6510, 6515, etc. This system is still used today; just about everything, or at least everything the government buys, has a National Stock Number, and I believe all drugs do. To this day, if I had the right forms and sent them to the right place I could order just about anything. I also knew that should I have been a Hospital Corpsman, I could easily have been assigned to a Marine unit instead of a Navy one since the Marines have no medical guys but rely on the Navy medical guys. So I could have been killed had I been a Corpsman and been assigned to a Marine unit during the last six months of our involvement in Vietnam. Instead I had an office type job on two different ships. So, no, I don't feel as if I were a coward or parasite. The first time I ordered drugs, it felt like victory.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Vrede wrote:
Vrede wrote:Peacetime, little practical difference between the service or assignment as far as bravery goes.

Plus, I don't even have a problem with people that choose safe assignments if they can. However, they should be honest enough to admit that they've essentially chosen a job like anyone else does and not be so high and mighty as to claim that those who chose against the military are cowards like you do.
Close, but I was wrong by 6 months. :oops:
neoplacebo wrote:... I also knew that should I have been a Hospital Corpsman, I could easily have been assigned to a Marine unit instead of a Navy one since the Marines have no medical guys but rely on the Navy medical guys. So I could have been killed had I been a Corpsman and been assigned to a Marine unit during the last six months of our involvement in Vietnam....
Well, the last flight out from the embassy roof was around the end of April, 1975......only four months after I joined the Navy. We at that point achieved, or arrived at, or were given "peace with honor" according to Nixon.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede wrote:
Mr.B wrote:
O Really wrote:[........]
Inconvenient for you to let O Really's words stand, especially when they speak exactly to the AJ post I replied to, isn't it?
What a freakin', snot-nosed dumbass you are! I didn't delete any thing fool; if you go back and look at O'Reall'y post, they're still there; I don't have the almighty powers that you do to change them, erase them, or delete them. What I did do was to choose not to fill up the reply box with everything he wrote., because we already know what he wrote, you idiotic, condescending, paranoid, accusatory troll.

I don't really care what AJ wrote, I don't read his posts because they are in similarity to your buddy Homerfobe's posts, nor do I read any replies to AJ; I saw your comments about his military service and just like the replies to me regarding the same, you were calling him a parasite...therefore I chose to target your hateful, condescending :bs: , but like the little immature child you are, you chose to whine, bitch, lie, and try to weasel your way out.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Vrede wrote:I hope that corpsman training was longer than 4 months.

Found this: Students go through an 18 week course that provides in-depth and extensive training into the application of emergency medical techniques, disease and pathologies, and nursing techniques. If the same back then, you would have been safe by 2 weeks.

I didn't know that about you. But for your honesty about your sordid past you could have gone on to a career in healthcare like me, administering drugs rather than victoriously "ordering" them. ;)
Heh; don't know how long that training was since I didn't take it. The Storekeeper training was about 4 months I think. Oh, I've been on that honesty kick ever since filling out that form years ago, and will now admit to not only "ordering" drugs but administering them as well, except in an "unofficial" capacity. After all, once I honestly filled out the form, I was doomed to honesty from then on. It works pretty good.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by bannination »

Hey Andy, you might better warn "Wally" he's about to be on the chopping block by Solar......

Seems he's getting too reasonable about "natural birth". ... -2moro/30/
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by rstrong »

Vrede wrote:Apparently one can be a :lol: :lol: :lol: birfer :lol: :lol: :lol: and not get banned by Solar. There are several :lol: :lol: :lol: birfer :lol: :lol: :lol: threads, at least 3 were entirely ignored by Solar though Solars Toy posted to one of them.
Really? What do they think of (Canadian-born) Rafael "Ted" Cruz? Or (Panamanian-born, not a US citizen at birth) John McCain?

I know that Cruz finally recanted his Canadian Citizenship a few months ago. But in our hearts - and American banking laws - he'll always be a Canadian.
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