Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
neoplacebo wrote:You continually squawk about "libruls" not having an original thought....unable to think for themselves.....followers, etc. The first time I ever went on Times News forum and read a post of yours, I had an original thought that no one else on the planet was involved in other than me. That thought was "goddam, this dude is a complete wacko." ...
Actually, it would be an original thought to think otherwise about Kernel Failure.
So does anyone know when banni is going to get the ignore feature repaired an this forum. Someone keeps bragging they can't see our post on ignore yet keeps posting replies to it? :crazy:

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Mr.B wrote:The guy goes into a church and kills nine people. So far we've read here that he's possibly a redneck, a "teabagger® KKK-OP sonuvabitch .... "
Next it will be reported, or suggested, he's a Christian wingnut with suppressed homosexual desires.

From all accounts, it appears he's a mentally ill sociopath. You watch; he will plead insanity.

JTA wrote:"Just like Hitler ruined the toothbrush moustache, so has this guy forever ruined the bowl cut."
Nah ... The Moe Howard look will live in infamy.

So far only this sight is tying him to the teabaggers, KKK or what other group they made up. Wonder if ole boaty is going to be an expert witness in this case like vrede and the other clown were in Fla. See how that worked out they were wrong on all roads. :roll:

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Yeppers, nothing racial to see here... ... ar-AAbOWk8

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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O Really wrote:Yeppers, nothing racial to see here... ... ar-AAbOWk8
I read that Fox news is trying to play off the motivation as an attack against Christians. While this may be true kinda sorta only insofar as he shot up a church, its evident that the primary motivation was racism. The guy is blatantly racist against black people bigtime. Hence the Rhodesia and SA pre apartheid flags.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Colonel Taylor wrote:
Mr.B wrote:The guy goes into a church and kills nine people. So far we've read here that he's possibly a redneck, a "teabagger® KKK-OP sonuvabitch .... "
Next it will be reported, or suggested, he's a Christian wingnut with suppressed homosexual desires.

From all accounts, it appears he's a mentally ill sociopath. You watch; he will plead insanity.

JTA wrote:"Just like Hitler ruined the toothbrush moustache, so has this guy forever ruined the bowl cut."
Nah ... The Moe Howard look will live in infamy.

So far only this sight is tying him to the teabaggers, KKK or what other group they made up. Wonder if ole boaty is going to be an expert witness in this case like vrede and the other clown were in Fla. See how that worked out they were wrong on all roads. :roll:
couldn't have been the kkk and lord knows there ain't no racists teabaggers
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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JTA wrote:
O Really wrote:Yeppers, nothing racial to see here... ... ar-AAbOWk8
I read that Fox news is trying to play off the motivation as an attack against Christians. While this may be true kinda sorta only insofar as he shot up a church, its evident that the primary motivation was racism. The guy is blatantly racist against black people bigtime. Hence the Rhodesia and SA pre apartheid flags.

did you hear what Rick Santorum said?

anybody know what huckleberry said
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

I just read that s.c. capitol has federal and state flags at half and confederate battle flag fully raised above the federal flag

can anyone confirm
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:I just read that s.c. capitol has federal and state flags at half and confederate battle flag fully raised above the federal flag

can anyone confirm
South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre
Not much of an explanation.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:I just read that s.c. capitol has federal and state flags at half and confederate battle flag fully raised above the federal flag

can anyone confirm
I was thinking about this. Arguments over whether or not the flag should be there in the first place aside for a moment, if they flew the Confederate flag at half mast or lowered it at all after what happened, that would also be construed as an affront and people would be pissed given the killer was a white supremacist.

It's one of those damned if you do damned if you don't kinda things.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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JTA wrote: . . . It's one of those damned if you do damned if you don't kinda things.
Then it should go.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:"I wonder if it will bother him that he was caught by a female florist? :D Even the Aryan Brotherhood may be too ashamed to ally with him in prison."
I would rather them know I was caught by a female florist, rather than a male florist! :lol:

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Part of me appreciates SC's honest and accurate self-representation (sorry JTA & Wneglia), but:
Remove the Confederate Flag From All Government Places

To be delivered to The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Nikki Haley

Symbols of hate and division have no place in our government. It's time to stand up for what's right and take down the Confederate Flag!
"There are currently 206,756 signatures."
Wow, in less than 2 days. Won't it be ironic if this is Dylann Storm Roof's most lasting accomplishment?

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

To: Governor Nikki Haley and members of the South Carolina Legislature

We demand that you respect all South Carolinians and use your power and influence to ensure the confederate flag is removed from the capitol grounds.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:Crap, another one. :cry:

9 fatally shot at historic black church in Charleston, SC

We don't know the motive yet, but notice that the word terrorism isn't even mentioned. Think that would be the case if it was a white church and an Arab-looking shooter?
Why Are Persons Unknown More Likely to Be Called 'Terrorist' Than a Known White Supremacist?

In the wake of mass violence, a nation struggling to understand turns to its news outlets to see how they frame events. The language journalists use in the immediate aftermath of a bloodbath helps form public attitudes and has a major impact on official reactions.

When two bombs went off at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, killing three and injuring hundreds, it was inevitably a huge story: A search of the Nexis news database for US newspapers on the next day turns up 2,593 stories mentioning the marathon, virtually all of them about the bombing. Of these, 887, or 34 percent, used the word “terrorism” or a variant (“terrorist,” “terroristic” etc.)–even though the bombers, let alone the bombers’ motivations, would not be known until days later.

When nine people were killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on April 17, 2015, there were 367 stories in the next day’s papers that mentioned “Charleston” and “church,” according to Nexis–a big story, though not given the blockbuster treatment of the Boston Marathon bombing. Of these 367 stories, 24 mentioned “terrorism” or “terrorist”–just 7 percent, even though a suspect, Dylann Roof, was named on the first day, with evidence presented that he was motivated by a white supremacist ideology and a desire “to start a civil war”....

If media are going to use the word, though, they need to have a single standard for its application. By applying the word to a bombing with initially unknown perpetrators, and largely declining to use it in connection with a massacre allegedly perpetrated by a white supremacist hoping to spark a race war, media failed that test.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Why isn't suspected Charleston shooter Dylann Roof called a terrorist?

Critics charge that cases involving suspects tied to Islam are labeled terror, but white suspects are often seen as mentally ill

... After every mass shooting, Hooper said, the public waits to see if the suspect has any association with Islam.

“If there’s not any association, it is never called terrorism. That’s basically the dividing line,” he said to Yahoo News. “We see it time and time again.”

According to Hooper, the moment it is clear that the suspected murderer is not a Muslim, the national conversation shifts to the suspect's mental state and personal biography.

“Down in Charleston, that was a textbook definition of terrorism. He did it for the political goal of creating a race war in America,” Hooper said.

He pointed to a study from the University of Illinois, published in the Journal of Communication, which found that 81 percent of suspected domestic terrorists were identified as Muslims in a sample of breaking news reports between 2008 and 2012.

Whereas, according to FBI reports from those same years, Muslims only accounted for 6 percent of domestic terrorism suspects....
There shouldn't be even a moment's debate, terrorist.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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So many anti-christian are so disappointed that these folk are praying and not acting like the terrorist in liberal utopias of cleveland and ferguson. :crazy:




ferguson Yup kill cops is the message!

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Colonel Taylor wrote:So many anti-christian are so disappointed that these folk are praying and not acting like the terrorist in liberal utopias of cleveland and ferguson. :crazy:

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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bannination wrote:
Colonel Taylor wrote:So many anti-christian are so disappointed that these folk are praying and not acting like the terrorist in liberal utopias of cleveland and ferguson. :crazy:
I used the same one that one the followers (Boaty) used say that Roof was a KKK member and a TeaBagger.
He'll be along soon to tell us don't worry!

By the way did you fix the ignore feature yet, some here say Mr.B and I am on ignore yet reply to nearly all our post so I am assuming it's broke or they are just lying again? :lolno:

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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bannination wrote:
Colonel Taylor wrote:So many anti-christian are so disappointed that these folk are praying and not acting like the terrorist in liberal utopias of cleveland and ferguson. :crazy:
My guess is that the lying wimp never had a source, banni.

Ummm, they were slaughtered by a civilian white supremacist, not by government agents, and the perp has been arrested and charged. Try to make sense, try hard.
Rioting, as distasteful as it is, is not terrorism. ESL much?
The vast majority of protests in Ferguson were nonviolent, not that truth and accuracy ever matter to you.
The Cleveland protests after the acquittal of Patrolman Michael Brelo were peaceful. Honesty much?
Last edited by Vrede too on Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Alleged Dylann Roof manifesto discovered online ... c_src=copy

There's a surprise. How is this "hate crime" not domestic terrorism. Oh yeah, he's not Muslim.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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