Re: CPF: The BEST Forum Ever

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Vrede wrote:
rstrong wrote:Really? What do they think of (Canadian-born) Rafael "Ted" Cruz? Or (Panamanian-born, not a US citizen at birth) John McCain? ...
They disagree, with nursemaid Solar accurately arguing that children of US citizens are "natural born" wherever they are born.
Possibly accurately.

There are two common definitions for "natural born citizen"; "an American citizen at the moment of birth", and "born on American soil." The issue is unresolved, and will remain so until the Supreme Court rules on it.

The second definition isn't some birther-style rationalization with no legal backing:

Black's Law Dictionary - the most widely used law dictionary in the United States - defines "Natural Born Citizen" as "A person born within the jurisdiction of a national government". Cruz was born outside of US jurisdiction, so he does not meet that definition.

And that's how the law is currently applied. Anyone born in Puerto Rico is a U.S. citizen at the moment of birth. But since Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory, not U.S. soil, those US citizens are not "natural born" US citizens and are not eligible to serve as U.S. president.

On the other hand, John McCain, though born to two US parents, met neither definition. He was born in Panama, a US national but NOT a US citizen. He got his US citizenship retroactively when Congress changed the rules 11 months after he was born. (And no, an overseas US base is not US soil.) Congress wisely granted an exemption to McCain - through a unanimous but non-binding Senate resolution sponsored by Hillary Clinton and Obama - so that he could run. Of course, his parents serving the country in the military overseas when McCain was born had a lot to do with it.

Had Obama been born overseas, he would not have been a US citizen. At the time there was a rule that if your were born to a US citizen and a non-US citizen who were residing overseas, and the US citizen had not resided in the US for five years after age 14, then you didn't get citizenship. Obama's mother was not old enough to qualify. (Of course this doesn't apply to Obama, since he wasn't born overseas. And while Ted Cruz WAS born overseas to just one US parent, his mother was old enough for Ted to get citizenship.)

Mitt Romney's father, George Romney, ran in the Republican presidential primaries in 1968 even though he was born in Mexico. He may have required an exemption similar to McCain's. (If Obama is a Kenyan because his father was from Kenya, then Mitt Romney is a Mexican.)

If Cruz gets the Republican nomination, he'd probably get an exemption like McCain's. Even without being born to parents serving overseas in the military. Far from opposing it, I think the Democrats would be overjoyed to go along with it.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Vrede wrote:My understanding is that most legal scholars go with the definition I posted, but I or they could be wrong.
Most do, yes. But there are some who don't.

When the Supreme Court finally rules on it, your definition will most likely, er, rule. Until they do it's a grey area.

It's hard for them to rule on the issue without addressing the Puerto Rico mess. As an unincorporated territory (US administered but not part of the US) Puerto Ricans weren't supposed to be citizens. But Congress needed cannon fodder for WWI without losing votes over the issue or making the war unpopular. And so Puerto Ricans were given citizenship without being consulted. They could then be drafted and shipped to the front. But they can't vote for President, and they don't get representation in Congress.

Between citizenship at birth and other changes, scholars and Congressional studies agree that Puerto Rico is effectively now an incorporated territory, and that its citizens should become first class citizens. With seats in the House and Senate. But Congress and the Supreme Court hasn't ruled on it.

Puerto Rico has more potential voters than several existing US states. And they have a much higher voter turn-out for what elections they have. Given how close US Presidential elections are - and how close the balance of power is in both the House AND Senate - if Puerto Ricans voted overwhelmingly for one party they could decide who controls the country. One party or the other probably fears this a great deal.

And so Congress and the Supreme Court will keep kicking the can down the road. Where it becomes an issue for someone like McCain or Cruz, Congress will pass another nonbinding resolution declaring them a citizen like they did for McCain - rather than addressing the issue properly.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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A Woman's Place Is on the Money
Primary Candidates and Results

Our Primary Round consisted of 15 candidates: Alice Paul, Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisholm, Sojourner Truth, Rachel Carson, Rosa Parks, Barbara Jordan, Margaret Sanger, Patsy Mink, Clara Barton, Harriet Tubman, Frances Perkins, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Learn more about our primary candidates.

Each voter was asked to select 3 of the 15 candidates to support. At the close of the primary round on April 5th, 256,659 people had cast ballots. Every candidate received at least 10,000 votes and the top 3 vote-getters received more than 100,000 votes each.

Advancing from the Primary Round to the Final Ballot are Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks. Because of strong public sentiment that people should have the choice of a Native American to replace Andrew Jackson, Cherokee Nation Chief Wilma Mankiller appears on the Final ballot. View our Final ballot candidates (and vote).
Though there would be some sweet irony in genocidal, ethnic cleansing Jackson being replaced by Mankiller, I voted for Harriet Tubman again, but any of the 4 would be great.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Image says: we have already recorded nearly a half a million ballots seeking a woman's portrait on the $20 bill. It is now within our sights to present President Obama with an even more powerful mandate - a million or more votes for historic change.

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Women on 20s nominates Harriet Tubman as Andrew Jackson’s successor on currency

Roosevelt came close. Harriet Tubman was one of my 3 picks in the semis, along with Alice Paul and Sojouner Truth, and she was my choice in the finals. I'm surprised, I thought Rosa Parks would get it.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Here in Canada we have a woman on *most* of our currency.

(Equality isn't when women appear on currency. It's when women can appear on currency for no good reason.)
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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I don't think the Treasury Secretary will go for Queen Latifah.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Treasury’s new $10 bill idea prompts outcry in defense of Alexander Hamilton

“the right idea but the wrong bill.”

Bureaucratic considerations - planned rotation this time - outweigh common sense.

Silver lining? A shared $10 this time AND a solo when it's the $20's turn?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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2 Whitehouse petitions asking that Jackson (or Grant on one of them) be replaced with a woman on a bill rather than Hamilton. ... ce-10-bill ... r-50-woman


Alexander Hamilton's descendant rankled at $10 bill change
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Greetings all!

I, too, am a refugee from CPF! My crime? I simply stated that there were some (not all, but some) members of that forum who would never criticize or condemn a cop for shooting an unarmed suspect - regardless of race and regardless of circumstances.

And for pointing out that the U.S. is very quickly becoming a Police State and that neither the Democrats, nor the Republicans seem to be overly concerned about it!

For speaking truth to power, I got a one week ban. I'm not going back! When the one week is up I'm going to delete my account and be done with it!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Yowsa, I guess Solar is still being the little dicktater with the big ego? How'd you hear about little ol' us? Feel free to say what you want, people might disagree, sometimes passionately, but you won't get banned.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Boatrocker »

It ain't so bad in here, if ya can take it.
I will not lie down.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Darth Fife »

GoCubsGo wrote:Yowsa, I guess Solar is still being the little dicktater with the big ego? How'd you hear about little ol' us? Feel free to say what you want, people might disagree, sometimes passionately, but you won't get banned.

I found this place by googling "CPF Sucks" (or words to that effect!) :lol:

The thing that gets me is that any device I've ever used to log onto CPF is banned from even accessing the website and viewing it as a "guest"! I have to say, I've been a member of a number of forums on the internet, from full blown Liberal to Right Wing Racists (they call themselves "White Nationalists") and just about everything in between. I always speak my mind and I've never backed down. And, until CPF, I've never been banned - even temporarily!

As far as political beliefs go, I'm pretty much of a Libertarian. Unlike Solar and his crowd, I don't believe that TEA (Taxed Enough Already - a stupid acronym!) is going to be the savior of the Republican Party. I also believe that if the Republicans run another milquetoast middle of the road RINO, like they did in the last two General Elections, they will get the same result!

When it comes to religion and faith, I'm not quite an atheist and I'm not quite an agnostic. I often describe my belief system by referring to the novelization of 2001: A Space Odyssey, by the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke. In the scene where the ape-man, Moonwatcher, confronted the Monolith Clarke says, "He couldn't eat it, and it couldn't eat him. So, he promptly forgot about it."

Again, thanks for the Welcome.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Yeah, I've trolled enough over there to get the gist, Solar and his twenty or so followers seem to think that there's a TEA revolution on the horizon. Best as I can tell, TEA support has waned recently (don't think anyone has polled their popularity in a while), the republicans picked up some steam in 2014, but that was to be expected in an off presidential year. No evidence that it was TEA driven (did any if their "candidates" win the primaries?) as far as I could see.

If you really want back in over there either change your IP address or use a proxy like TOR browser (works with Firefox) or, then you get to see the same idiots posting the sos, new day.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Darth Fife »

GoCubsGo wrote:Yeah, I've trolled enough over there to get the gist, Solar and his twenty or so followers seem to think that there's a TEA revolution on the horizon. Best as I can tell, TEA support has waned recently (don't think anyone has polled their popularity in a while), the republicans picked up some steam in 2014, but that was to be expected in an off presidential year. No evidence that it was TEA driven (did any if their "candidates" win the primaries?) as far as I could see.

If you really want back in over there either change your IP address or use a proxy like TOR browser (works with Firefox) or, then you get to see the same idiots posting the sos, new day.
Yeah... not really that interested. Just wondering if he had the balls to own up to what he did. He rarely does.

There is a Tea Party (as opposed to T.E.A.) movement in the Republican Party, but it is just a minority. The RINOs still run that place with an Iron Fist - and they control the money - and who gets it! As the old saying goes, there's no Buck Rogers without the Bucks!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by O Really »

Darth Fife wrote: There is a Tea Party (as opposed to T.E.A.) movement in the Republican Party, but it is just a minority. The RINOs still run that place with an Iron Fist - and they control the money - and who gets it! As the old saying goes, there's no Buck Rogers without the Bucks!
Those that are now called "RINO's" are far closer to real Republicans than those who want to run their party off the cliff. There's a reason the mainstream of both parties are somewhat similar - that's because most mainstream citizens aren't extreme.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Darth Fife »

O Really wrote:
Darth Fife wrote: There is a Tea Party (as opposed to T.E.A.) movement in the Republican Party, but it is just a minority. The RINOs still run that place with an Iron Fist - and they control the money - and who gets it! As the old saying goes, there's no Buck Rogers without the Bucks!
Those that are now called "RINO's" are far closer to real Republicans than those who want to run their party off the cliff. There's a reason the mainstream of both parties are somewhat similar - that's because most mainstream citizens aren't extreme.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, yeah! I can tell this place is going to be fun already!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by O Really »

Glad you think so.
But what part was the funniest? That most people are not extreme?
That "RINO's" are the traditional Republicans?
Darth Fife
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Darth Fife »

O Really wrote:Glad you think so.
But what part was the funniest? That most people are not extreme?
That "RINO's" are the traditional Republicans?
The fact that you apparently by into the Left's propaganda that people who want fiscally responsible government, enforcement of immigration laws that are already on the books, and adherence to limits placed on Government by the Constitution as being "extremist".

That is what is so damned funny!

59% of likely voters believe that the “policies and practices of the federal government encourage illegal immigration.” Only 23% disagree (Rasmussen, September 2011).

72% of likely voters believe parents should be required to prove they are legal residents when registering their child for public school; only 21% oppose such a requirement. Only 32% believe that children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend public school in the U.S., opposed to 53% who disagree (Rasmussen, August 2011).

81% of likely voters oppose granting in-state tuition to illegal aliens in their state, with 12% supporting tuition breaks for illegal aliens (Rasmussen, August 2011).

66% of likely voters say that gaining control of the border is more important than amnesty for illegal aliens. Only 27% believe amnesty is more important (Rasmussen, July 2011).

43% of Americans believe that immigration to the U.S. should be decreased, 35% believe that it should be remain at its present level, while only 18% believe that it should be increased (Gallup, June 2011).

And yet, the Political Elite - both Democrat and Republicans (with a few exceptions on the Republican side) favor what amounts to blanket amnesty and open borders!

The American People don't want amnesty, it is just the extremists inside the beltway that are pushing this issue, for their own greedy purposes.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Vrede too »

Darth Fife wrote:... I found this place by googling "CPF Sucks" ...
:lol: :clap:
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