Re: CPF: The BEST Forum Ever

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Vrede too »

Vrede too wrote:Treasury’s new $10 bill idea prompts outcry in defense of Alexander Hamilton

“the right idea but the wrong bill.”

Bureaucratic considerations - planned rotation this time - outweigh common sense.

Silver lining? A shared $10 this time AND a solo when it's the $20's turn?
Treasury Secretary Hints Women Might Appear On More Than Just $10 Bill
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Something weird: ... nd-debate/

More than a page of separate topics with varying numbers of replies almost entirely about the Iowa results. :-0?>

Ted Cruz made history tonight.

They seem pretty worked up for Cruz. :roll: Too many laughers to quote.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by billy.pilgrim » ... -over-head!/

These morons are claiming it was murder
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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billy.pilgrim wrote:These morons are claiming it was murder
Well c'mon; Who ever heard of an overweight diabetic smoker dying suddenly at 79?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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'Something Fishy' Going on With Scalia's Death?
Chaos, confusion still shroud Scalia's demise

Hmmm, maybe this wasn't so outlandish:
Vrede too wrote:By popular demand the resort will be renamed The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

Thank you for your service to the country, miss (or mister :o ;) ).
Another possibility - a pulmonary embolus caused by flight-related DVT.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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I think it's pretty outrageous that they didn't do a better job of investigation, including an autopsy. Not that I think his death is suspicious, given his health and the circumstances, etc., but he is a Supreme Court justice who died after being apparently OK the night before. Raises questions that don't have to be raised. Not that I know, but don't they usually do autopsies on people who die alone and without obvious cause?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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In my experience it's all up to the coroner (or justice of peace in this instance) after consulting with one or more involved doctors and taking into consideration input from family, but I find it unfathomable that an autopsy would not be done on a controversial SCOTUS justice who wasn't witnessed to clutch his chest or go paralyzed on one side prior to dying.

Lots of chatter over this element:
It's not this John Poindexter, I assume.

This is the stuff conspiracy theories are made of. He almost certainly died naturally, but our grandchildren will be talking about it the way some talk about JFK's death.
Last edited by Vrede too on Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Vrede too wrote:... Another possibility - a pulmonary embolus caused by flight-related DVT.
He did fly in that day or late the day before.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Maybe it's karmic revenge for the quail he slaughtered for no good reason.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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I'm off to the conspiracy sites to spread my "second pillow theory."
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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:lol: Do it on CPF, then post the link.

He's not really dead, he's being held at Area 51.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Vrede too wrote:... This is the stuff conspiracy theories are made of. He almost certainly died naturally, but our grandchildren will be talking about it the way some talk about JFK's death.
Or like:

Hitler: The One That Got Away?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Couldn't help myself :toothy:

you're kidding right?
Sent: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:29 pm
From: GoCubsGo
Recipient: Supsalemgr

Political Discussion and Debate / Re: Donald Trump calls on Marco Rubio to drop out of race
« Last post by supsalemgr on Today at 11:41:52 AM »
Quote from: mdgiles on Today at 10:25:28 AM
I've never understood the idea of open primaries. Some people say closed primaries are unfair to independents. But my feeling is take a stand and join a party. If you want to be an independent, be prepared to take whatever you can get in the general! Besides open primaries alway leave the possibility of an "Operation Chaos" when one party has a preselected candidate, and the vote in the other party's primary to provide the weakest opponent possible.

Absolutely! No empathy for the wishy-washy here. Declare or wait for the general.

Any other constitutional rights you all want to curtail?

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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I don't think constitutional rights are at issue. That's why we have open primaries, closed primaries, caucuses and even conventions rather than direct selection.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

I'm registered as an independent, please, please do not even think of telling me of who I can or cannot vote is my right. I understand the need for not being able to cross vote in the primaries. But if I am undeclared, I should be able to vote for the candidate of my choice.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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United States presidential primary

... The United States Constitution has never specified the process; political parties have developed their own procedures over time. Some states hold only primary elections, some hold only caucuses, and others use a combination of both....
I'm also unaffiliated and appreciate that NC has open primaries, but if a party that I refuse to declare or join wants to risk annoying me further by excluding me, it's their right. And, it's not like they can really exclude us with closed primaries, anyhow. We can just change registration before the primary to whichever party we want to vote on. It's as easy as picking the party ballot to vote on is for us now, just one more step every two years.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Cannonpointer »

I don't know who this CPF is, but I take umbrage. My forum CANNOT be better run - I despise the moderation, and I'm the forum administrator.

I make me sick.

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

wow - the cpf guys be funny

I just found out from hero Solar that Kasich is a flaming liberal

they are sum funny folks
but never fear KV is there
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Vrede too »

Vrede too wrote:2 Whitehouse petitions asking that Jackson (or Grant on one of them) be replaced with a woman on a bill rather than Hamilton. ... ce-10-bill ... r-50-woman


Alexander Hamilton's descendant rankled at $10 bill change
Total victory!!! (except for Jackson remaining on the back of the $20)

Hamilton to say on $10, Jackson getting replaced by Tubman

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is expected to announce the changes on Wednesday after receiving fierce blowback.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by JTA »

It makes total sense to keep Hamilton on the 10 dollar bill. Jackson was a dick. I mean, he was a war hero or whatever, and as a person he was one of those guys that give no fucks and makes his own rules. I can respect that. I can't respect the trail o' tears though. Also he was against the central bank, so putting Jackson on the 20 is like a big ol' fuck you Jackson. Harriet Tubman was bad ass and I think I voted for her in the poll you posted. Can't argue with an ex-slave sneaking south to help free other slaves. That takes guts. She has my respect.
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