Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Seth Milner
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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Not my problem. I don't go bat-shit crazy over wingnuttiness.
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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Seth Milner wrote:
Not my problem. I don't go bat-shit crazy over wingnuttiness.
Not *MY* problem. But were I an American citizen, seeing my elections being manipulated by denying people the right to vote, it would absolutely be my business.

Funny how you consider hyper-dishonest, easily disproven "Obama gonna take away our guns" claims to be serious and your business. And then you dismiss well-documented election manipulation to be "not your problem" and "wingnuttiness."

That pretty much sums you up, actually.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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rstrong wrote:
Seth Milner wrote:Not my problem. I don't go bat-shit crazy over wingnuttiness.
Translation: Not my problem if blacks are being disenfranchised. I don't go bat-shit crazy over democracy being damaged. Interesting how quickly Seth Milner switched to apathy from denial:
Vrede too wrote:
rstrong wrote:
Seth Milner wrote:This thread began 3 years ago. Surely you all don't think that any of that line-up of clowns (Republicans) is going to steal the election, do you?
This thread lists in detail the many ways in which the Republicans are working on plans to outright steal elections. Maybe Seth Milner should look through it before posting out of ignorance, again. As stated, it's not just about POTUS elections, it's also the thousands of lower offices. And, as we've seen, POTUS elections can come down to a few thousand votes in one or more swing states. Thus, minor voter suppression and other ant-democratic schemes can have a major effect.
Anyhow, no one cares whether you care or not, it's a post for those that it does matter to. As always, this is just about your whining at me.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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In news that surprised no one except the Kentucky idiots that voted against their own interests to elect this guy... "Kentucky’s brand new Tea Party governor just broke a campaign promise and REVERSED a positive move by his Democratic predecessor..."

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Will the 2016 Presidential Election Be Decided by Voter Suppression Laws?
Voter Suppression Laws: What’s New Since the 2012 Presidential Election
(click for interactive map)

In 2016, 10 states will be putting into place restrictive voting laws that they will be enforcing for the first time in a presidential election. These laws range from new hurdles to registration to cutbacks on early voting to strict voter identification requirements. Collectively, these ten states are home to over 80 million people and will wield 129 of the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency.
Congress: Pass the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2015 (petition)

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Questions abound after judges invalidate 2 NC congressional districts

This is gonna be a mess, and there are other challenges in progress.
... Reps. Robert Rucho, a Mecklenburg County Republican, and David Lewis, a Harnett County Republican, both of whom were involved in the redrawing the congressional district lines in 2011, said in a statement that Friday’s ruling would cause votes to be thrown out....
No, assholes, its the NC GOP's illegal and anti-democratic behavior that will cause votes to be thrown out.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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NC Lawmakers Approve New District Map

The General Assembly approved a new congressional district map for North Carolina on Friday.

Lawmakers also gave final approval on a measure that will push the congressional primary back to June 7, from March 15.

The new map mainly redrew boundaries in the eastern part of the state, in the areas directly bordering districts one and twelve. A federal court ordered legislators to redistrict again after the panel of judges said the latest map was racially gerrymandered....
New NC congressional map, primary date get legislative approval

... State Elections Director Kim Strach, acknowledging the potential for voter confusion, urged people to vote for their preferred congressional candidate in both elections. “Vote the whole ballot and let us worry about what will count,” she said in a statement issued after the bill passed both chambers....

The maps, like the new primary schedule, were approved as part of a contingency plan. Republicans hope the U.S. Supreme Court will stay the lower court ruling so the congressional primary and elections can proceed March 15 using the existing boundaries.

As part of the plan to comply with the federal court’s ruling in the absence of a stay, the shift of the primaries includes having no runoffs in any races — the candidate receiving the most votes would automatically win the primary and would not have to reach the 40 percent level that is now the law.

A new filing period of March 16 to 25 will be opened for congressional candidates....

A separate lawsuit challenging the way state legislative districts were drawn is pending before another federal three-judge panel....
Also: ... ontact-us/


Given that the GOP was told at the time that this was illegal gerrymandering, it would be great if you provided an analysis of how much this fiasco has and will cost taxpayers across the state - courts, special legislative session, extra election, public notification, etc.

(Vrede too)

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Dept. of Justice: Investigate Arizona voter suppression

To be delivered to Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney General:

In Maricopa County Arizona, the number of polling places was reduced from 200 during the 2012 primary election, to just 60 for 2016. Some predominantly Latino areas only got one or no polling places at all. People had to wait in 5+ hour lines to vote. Please investigate and put a stop to the voter suppression before the general election.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Irregularities and voter suppression in the primaries?


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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Sign the Petition
Dear Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell:

... At least two of the major elections you’ve presided over have been a complete disaster. For the good of Maricopa County, for the good of our country and our democracy, we demand that you resign immediately.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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(Ohio) Senate bill dangerously similar to a poll tax
Lawmakers fast-track bill requiring cash for longer voting hours

... The bill heads to Gov. John Kasich for his signature (or veto).
:roll: :cussing:

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Yes, they really are trying to steal elections - and being successful... ... ald_trump/

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Common Cause v. Rucho is the case that could end partisan gerrymandering.

On Friday we filed a lawsuit in North Carolina where state legislators created partisan gerrymandered congressional maps, unconstitutionally robbing hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians of their constitutional right to elect the candidate of their choice.

Voters should choose politicians; politicians should not choose voters. Letting politicians handpick their constituents bears no resemblance to a government of the people, by the people and for the people....

We’re fighting unlawful partisan gerrymandering wherever we see it, but this case is the best chance to bring this issue to the U.S. Supreme Court at a time when a majority of justices seem willing to strike down partisan gerrymandering for good.

Republican legislators publicly and repeatedly stated that their goal was to gerrymander congressional districts in North Carolina to ensure an overwhelming Republican majority despite an equally split electorate.

In a transcript of a meeting to draw districts, one legislator proposed “that we draw the maps to give a partisan advantage to ten Republicans and three Democrats because I do not believe it’s possible to draw a map with 11 Republicans and two Democrats.”

This case — if it reaches the highest court in the land — could be what makes the U.S. Supreme Court decide that it is time to end gerrymandering nationally.

But a lawsuit like this will be a long, hard battle. We’re digging in and committed to seeing it all the way through....

Common Cause opposes all forms of gerrymandering as an abuse of power, regardless of party or state. In Maryland, we’re working with Republicans to highlight the harm to democracy Democrats have done through their partisan gerrymandering. We'll continue to promote solutions — such as impartial commissions, the participation of nonpartisan agencies, unbiased and clear standards, and transparency requirements — that already work in several states.

But for now, we can't let North Carolina’s partisan gerrymander (one of the most blatant we've ever seen) stand.....

Thanks for your support,
Karen Hobert Flynn

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Post by "Stinger"Fri Dec 21, 2012:
"Voter suppression didn't work. Voter fraud didn't work. Just steal it. Openly, blatantly steal it. And it's underway."

We know now it's the Dems who plan to steal the election for POTUS; why, Donald Trump himself revealed to the whole world that the election is rigged!
That should settle any doubts in anyone's minds!
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