Kill List

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Re: Kill List

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rstrong wrote:Now that official rules for drones are in place...

NPR: FAA Expects 600,000 Commercial Drones In The Air Within A Year

All lower than 400 feet in the air.

Imagine what it'll be like in TEN years.

Now realize that we live in a world where a 15 years ago a legally blind guy built a drone and flew it across the Atlantic. And that's without today's high-energy density batteries, smartphones as guidance and target recognition computers etc. Tin-pot dictatorships and terrorist organizations can build a drone and fly it into a target after launching from dozens, hundreds or thousands of miles away. And the US has paved the way for this to be perfectly acceptable.

Since 1945, America has bombed China, Korea, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, The Congo, Peru, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Grenada, Libya, Lebanon, El Salvador, Panama, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Yemen and Syria.* Some in multiple conflicts. I'm probably forgetting a few. For the most part they were unable to respond against American territory. But drones are an equalizer, and America had made their offensive use acceptable.

This list says Bosnia and Serbia in place of your Yugoslavia, adds Kuwait and Nicaragua, and says possibly the Dominican Republic. This one includes Palestine. So, as many as 29 nations that we know of.

Add nuclear test explosions in Alberta--Canada, the Pacific Ocean off California, Johnston Atoll, Kiritimati (Christmas Island)--Republic of Kiribati, 3 in the South Atlantic Ocean, and Bikini and Enewetak Atolls in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Also, nuclear test explosions at the Nevada Test Site, Amchitka--Alaska, Colorado, Mississippi, New Mexico and Nevada outside the NTS.

There were 1,054 tests by official count (involving at least 1,149 devices). 219 were atmospheric tests as defined by the CTBT. These tests include 904 at the Nevada Test Site and 106 at the Pacific Proving Grounds and other locations in the Pacific. ... ted_States ... by_country

Then, there's the 1985 bombing of MOVE in West Philadelphia and of Micah Xavier Johnson, the July 7, 2016 Dallas police shooter.

Make it 33 nations that we know of plus international waters.

So imagine what it'll be like in ten years when drones are common just overhead, and suddenly there's a scare about the latest military target responding with drones. Gonna be a lot of drones blasted out of the sky. A lot of ammo coming down blocks away with still-lethal force. A lot of Amazon customers wondering "Where's the Impeach Ted Nugent shirt I ordered?"

I'm thinking a Wrist-Rocket and a mask.

In the past week we've seen two major airport panic evacuations over loud noises. Imagine what happens during a "foreign drone scare" when a camera or Amazon drone overflies a crowded football stadium.

* And the lunar south pole, wherever the Ranger probes hit, and comet Tempel 1. But those don't count officially because America didn't return a decade later to make a movie about how bombing those places made their soldiers feel sad.

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Re: Kill List

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Vrede too wrote:Add nuclear test explosions in Alberta--Canada,
No, that never happened.

(Project Alberta, part of the Manhattan Project, included the Trinity test and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But nothing in Canada. Cruise missiles were tested in Alberta in the early '80s, but just the guidance systems.)

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Re: Kill List

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My bad :oops: , I did mistake "Project Alberta" for location Alberta. All you got was the fallout. Thanks. Make it 32 nations that we know of plus international waters that America has bombed since 1945.

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Re: Kill List

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If it makes you feel better, the USAF once had a bad day and dropped a nuke on British Columbia. It detonated in mid-air.

But the bomb didn't contain the plutonium core necessary for a nuclear detonation. It *did* contain a substantial quantity of uranium, which was disbursed by 5,000 pounds of conventional explosives. So I suppose that would count as a "dirty bomb."

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Re: Kill List

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So, we have bombed Canada . . . not that I object. ;)

Back to 33 nations, more if one counts Aleuts and Native Americans as sovereign, especially the Western Shoshone. Corbin Harney was a friend and colleague of mine.

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Re: Kill List

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Vrede too wrote:So, we have bombed Canada . . . not that I object. ;)
Well, sure. But if you're going to heat up a province, that's the wrong one.

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Re: Kill List

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If we always picked the right target we wouldn't be at 33 nations.

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Re: Kill List

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Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Kill List

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Cows with Puns

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Re: Kill List

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... “It’s believed the rails underneath the helicopter got tangled up in the cow’s horns, causing the chopper to lose balance,” the Queensland Police Service wrote on its website....
So, the mischievous cow went human tipping.

I think the cow t-boned the helicopter . . . or, the whole story is bull.

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Re: Kill List

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Re: Kill List

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Obama vs. Trump on Drones: What’s Changed?

Back in 2011, the University of Michigan’s Michael Heaney and Indiana University’s Fabio Rojas released a study that confirmed something many had already suspected: the election of Barack Obama effectively demobilized the anti-war movement which had developed under George W. Bush. “As president, Obama maintained the occupation of Iraq and escalated the war in Afghanistan,” explained Heaney, assistant professor of organizational studies and political science, “The antiwar movement should have been furious at Obama’s ‘betrayal’ and reinvigorated its protest activity. Instead, attendance at anti-war rallies declined precipitously and financial resources available to the movement have dissipated. The election of Obama appeared to be a demobilizing force on the anti-war movement, even in the face of his pro-war decisions.”

Atop the list of Obama’s pro-war decisions sits the drone program, which Noam Chomsky referred to as “the most extensive global terrorism campaign the world has yet seen.” According to the Bureau for Investigative Journalism, Obama carried out one drone strike about every five days–ten times more than the Bush administration did. There is ample reason to distrust official government numbers on most things, and strong evidence that the highest amount of skepticism should be reserved for official civilian casualty counts....

Not only has Trump inherited Obama’s massive murder program, he also immediately eradicated its few meager restraints, aiming to make it even easier for the government to carry out assassinations. Under Trump, the military has classified parts of Yemen and Somalia as “areas of active hostilities”, a designation which allows the military and CIA to kill alleged militants in these countries without a presidential sign-off. In his first 75 days in office, Trump has launched at least 74 strikes–about one a day. “Some of the Obama administration rules were getting in the way of good strikes,” a US official told NBC.

Now that the face of the US government is once again a cartoonish leader hated by liberals, will we see a rebirth of the antiwar movement? If so, how much attention will drones get and what would an effective resistance to the drone program look like? Unlike ground wars, where U.S. soldiers die and there’s often a substantial amount of reporting, everything about the drone program is impersonal and often secretive. Even Obama himself admitted that future presidents would be able to wage completely secret, perpetual drone wars despite failing to acknowledge his own personal role in establishing such a reality.

“With drones, our citizens don’t have to physically come into contact with the people we are killing anymore, just like we don’t come in contact with the animals we eat in our food,” explained Cian Westmoreland, a former drone program technician, told Courage to Resist in a recent interview. “It allows us to live in illusionary worlds where we are deprived of the exposure to our own personal violent consequences and have very little incentive to improve how we interact with the world,” Westmoreland noted....

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Un-kill List

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Drones carrying defibrillators could aid heart emergencies


Not a bad idea, but how about drones carrying Snickers bars, Pop-tarts, porn, beer? Give Americans what they want! Make America Great Again!
We've been doing this for 3.5 years

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Re: Kill List

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The Kill List is exactly what it sounds like: a list of individuals the US is targeting for death with drones.

The list is based on data collected by the US and its allies – including the UK. This data is often misused and misinterpreted, leading to innocent people being mistakenly put on the list and killed.

Could you end up on the List if you lived in a conflict zone? Take our short quiz and find out.
Your results

Unfortunately, you would not be safe.
If you lived in Pakistan and Yemen, answering yes to any one of these questions could put you on the "Kill List" or leave you at risk of being killed in a US drone strike.

You have got 7 out of 7 risk factors.

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Re: Kill List

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Plus I'm tall. The first US drone strike killed three people because one of them was tall, which was all the evidence they needed that he was bin Laden. (He wasn't.) So, 8/7.

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Re: Kill List

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Re: Kill List

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In ‘kill list’ case, judge questions government’s unilateral authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad

A federal judge Tuesday challenged a U.S. government claim of unilateral authority to kill American citizens abroad, speaking at a hearing for a lawsuit brought in Washington by two journalists who say they are wrongly being targeted as terrorists.

U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer didn’t indicate whether she would toss out the case, as the government has requested, but she repeatedly asked government attorneys whether national security concerns trump individual citizens’ rights, allowing one to be put on a “kill list” without any notice or challenge.

Courts have left open that question since the rise of the U.S. ­targeted-killing program after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“Are you saying a U.S. citizen in a war zone has no constitutional rights?” Collyer asked Justice Department attorney Stephen Elliott in the 90-minute hearing. “If a U.S. person is intentionally struck by a drone from the U.S., does that person have no constitutional rights to due process . . . no notice, anything?” ...

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Re: Kill List

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