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Re: Immigration

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Yes, the (DC) Trump Hotel’s Steakhouse Will Be Affected by Today’s Immigrant Strike
BLT Prime will offer a limited menu and limited reservations

Dozens of restaurants across the DC-area will be closed Thursday as immigrant workers skip work to participate in “A Day Without Immigrants” protest. Other restaurants will stay open with extremely slimmed-down staffs.

And not even the restaurant in Donald Trump‘s own DC hotel is immune. BLT Prime, the steakhouse in the hotel’s lobby, will operate with limited reservations and a limited menu on Thursday. Its sister restaurant BLT Steak will be closed....
(Asheville, NC) Restaurants pledge profits to ACLU on 'Day Without Immigrants'

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Re: Immigration

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Not All Evangelicals Are Buying Trump’s Line On Refugees

... “We consider the refugees in our community some of the most vulnerable among us,” the ministry says on its website. The ministry also noted that more than 500 evangelical pastors and ministry leaders have signed a pro-refugee letter they plan to deliver to Trump.

“As Christians, we have a historic call expressed over two thousand years, to serve the suffering. We cannot abandon this call now,” the letter reads. “Compassion and security can coexist, as they have for decades. For the persecuted and suffering, every day matters; every delay is a crushing blow to hope.” ...

Catholic leaders in the country have also spoken out against this ban. The Rev. Thomas Reese, a Jesuit, told The Washington Post on Jan. 30 that Catholic leaders don’t agree with Trump’s decision to prioritize Christian refugees over Muslim refugees.

“Any proposal that preferences Christians over Muslims as refugees makes Catholic leaders nervous because it feeds that narrative that this is a war between the Christian West and the Muslims,” Reese said.

World Relief’s letter echoed a similar sentiment.

“While we are eager to welcome persecuted Christians, we also welcome vulnerable Muslims and people of other faiths or no faith at all,” it reads. “This executive order dramatically reduces the overall number of refugees allowed this year, robbing families of hope and a future. And it could well cost them their lives.”

We applaud efforts by religious leaders to stand with refugees and reject religious discrimination. It’s the right thing to do.
Evangelical leaders call on President Trump and Vice President Pence in support of refugees (letter/petition)

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Re: Immigration

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Jeb Bush Verified account

Reality sets in.


Trump Can’t Build a Border Wall Without the Real Estate
The president’s plan would require massive, not to mention expensive, use of eminent domain.

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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Jeb Bush Verified account

Reality sets in.

Trump Can’t Build a Border Wall Without the Real Estate
The president’s plan would require massive, not to mention expensive, use of eminent domain.
I saw a story on the issue a year or so back. The border bends and loops for miles north and south as it follows the Rio Grande. It would be impractical for the fence to follow those loops. So it's not just the few hundred foot wide strip (x 1,254 miles) that would be seized; it's the miles of US property south of the fence that would be cut off. Including a suburb or two, a golf course and whole ranches. More will seized to build roads to border construction sites.

Gee. I wonder if Bundy and his rancher pals will be protesting that.

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Re: Immigration

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Not to mention that it will be a disaster for wildlife and that people can always find a way to go under, over or around it.

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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
' To Read the Full Story, Subscribe or Sign In '
No thanks. There's enough biased/slanted wingnuttery already on both sides of the political fence without adding another to the pile.

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Re: Immigration

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Hunters charged in Texas shooting had blamed immigrants

Two hunters accused in a shooting on a remote Texas ranch near the Mexican border had told authorities that they were attacked by immigrants who had entered the country illegally.

Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told Odessa television KOSA ( that a grand jury indicted Michael Bryant and Walker Daugherty last week on charges of using deadly conduct by discharging firearms in the direction of others.

The charges stem from a Jan. 6 incident where police responding to call about a shooting on a ranch near Candelaria found Daugherty and another man in the hunting party, Edwin Roberts, with gunshot wounds. The men were part of a group of hunters and told authorities they were attacked by people who had illegally crossed the nearby border and tried to steal an RV some of the hunters were using.

An investigation found that Daugherty shot Roberts and Bryant shot Daugherty, Dominguez said.

The hunters' claim became fodder for a Facebook post by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who wrote the attack was another reason why a wall must be built to secure the Texas border to halt "violent criminals and members of drug cartels coming in."

Dominguez at the time suggested the agriculture commissioner "needs to do his job and stick to that, and I'll do my job." ...

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Re: Immigration

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First-Grade Teacher Suspended Over 'Illegal Aliens' Post: School District

My signed note to
"You've done the right thing, kids and their families should not have to fear their teachers. Ignore the haters and xenophobes."

Donald Trump Tweeted "See You in Court" in All Caps and the Internet Lost It
Donald J. Trump


Seth Rogen


Does this dude not know that they literally just saw him in court?
President Trump, after losing in court, says he will see the court. In court.
You just told a court you would see them in court.

Even you have to understand how stupid that sounds.
[While still standing in court, after just losing in court, following a previous loss in a different court] I will see you in court!
Only court I recognize.

Y'all remember when President Obama took to the twitter streets to cry when he didn't get his way? Yea, me neither.
Old man yells at cloud.
Trump's SEE YOU IN COURT is like if Matt Ryan had gone home and tweeted SEE YOU AT THE SUPER BOWL.
Find someone who loves you as much as Trump loves caps-lock
me if Beyoncé doesn't sweep the grammys

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Re: Immigration

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Re: Immigration

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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:Not to mention that it (the wall) will be a disaster for wildlife and that people can always find a way to go under, over or around it.
5 Animals Threatened by the Border Wall
#EcoList of Things We Love

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Re: Immigration

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10 Reasons Trump’s Border Wall, Executive Order Are Terrible Ideas

... 1. The wall is an environmental travesty....
2. The executive order runs roughshod over public land managers....
3. The wall is physically impossible....
4. It is fiscally insane (and it will be U.S. taxpayers, not Mexico, footing the bill)....
5. Borderlands residents don’t want Trump’s wall....
6. Borderlands elected officials don’t want Trump’s wall....
7. Americans don’t want Trump’s wall....
8. The executive order would further militarize the borderlands....
9. The order inhumanely targets immigrants and refugees....
10. We need comprehensive immigration reform....

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Re: Immigration

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It astounds me to watch these people publically parade their dismay over the trumphole doing the very things he said he would do to get their vote.
"Here's yer sign."
I will not lie down.
I will not go quietly.

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Re: Immigration

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Vicente Fox Quesada‏ (former President of Mexico) Verified account

.@realDonaldTrump this is the wall I would pay to get it done as fast as possible. #FuckingWall #JointSession


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Re: Immigration

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"I consider it appropriate that Mexico should pay for a wall along its border, Canada should do likewise, and then maybe the world community will agree to spring for a lid."
- Seen on Techdirt

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Re: Immigration

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Could you pass a US citizenship test?

In order to become a US citizen, immigrants must pass the Naturalization Test. American citizenship bestows the right to vote, improves the likelihood of family members living in other countries to come and live in the US, gives eligibility for federal jobs, and can be a way to demonstrate loyalty to the US. Applicants must get 6 answers out of 10 in an oral exam to pass the test. According to US Citizenship and Immigration services, 92 percent of applicants pass this test.

You must get 58 or more of these test questions correct in order to pass.
Your score
95 Correct
1 Wrong

You answered 95 of 96 questions correctly for a total score of 99%.

Average reader score
#19 correct, but I would quibble that “mixed” should be an option. #40 correct, but in reality not for the past year. #63 incorrect, opps. #70 correct, but it’s actually wrong about taxes.

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Re: Immigration

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Congress: Stop the ban now (Oxfam petition)

President Trump released a new executive order that doubles down on his attacks on refugees and immigrants. While this new ban has been designed to avoid court challenges, it still discriminates against Muslims, slams the door on vulnerable refugees, and blocks people from lawfully traveling to the US.

Now is the time for Congress to act and unequivocally stop the ban. Congress has the power to supersede executive orders and must act now.

Push your representatives in Congress to stand against prejudice and act to rescind ANY AND ALL of President Trump's executive orders that slam the door on refugees and immigrants.

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