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Re: Heroes

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Awwww, Mr.B thwows the most adorable widdle lying tantwums when the truth is posted about him.

Still altering my posts, still an immoral child.
"who was the instigator" - Mr.B in attacking my family when I'd adhered to his own rule about not doing so for years.
What did I do? Suggest that the entirely theoretical Mrs.B had a normal sex life. Horrors!
"I didn't threaten "physical violence", I PROMISED retaliation." - Accompanied by the admission of having visited my home. Only a moron, an illiterate or a coward when busted like Mr.B would claim that is not a physical threat. Plus, it was on top of Mr.B's more direct threat of physical violence that had earned him a suspension not very long beforehand.
I didn't cry, idiot, and I didn't call for any new sanction on you. I merely protected my job as any sane person would do when faced with a stalker and serial liar like you. The only difference now is that I'd be fine with losing my job. You are utterly impotent.
"If I can take the b.s. you and your boyfriend" - You clearly can't take it, awwww, you're fantasizing that I'm gay again, figures, and you're so stupid and projecting, as always, as to imagine that I'm whining. You clearly are mistaking my hilarity, pity and appreciation over the ongoing opportunity to point out your immaturity for caring a whit about your posts. As far as I'm concerned you contribute nothing, nothing that's challenging or contributory. You're merely a source of entertainment when someone happens to quote you and are nonexistent otherwise.

A bad person.
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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

Poor little conceited, paranoid AM,NA idiot. Altering your posts...sure. You can't stand it that I'm pointing out the tiresome same old b.s. names and labeling that you are so famous for. As far as your other drawn out, worn out whining and sniveling above, I care less what you think of me or call me, you're only whining and moaning yourself, and hoping to garner a whim of pity from your peers.

You're nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a human who cherishes attention and praise. Of all the "cons" who've ever been members of this forum, I'm the only one left because I can hand you back your b.s. as fast as you can spit it out. If I wanted to vacate, I will when I take a notion, but I'm cherishing being an annoyance to you as a reminder to you that the world doesn't revolve around you.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Re: Heroes

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Donald J. Trump Verified account

Maybe the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have their own rally. It would be the biggest of them all!
Bernie Sanders Verified account

.@realDonaldTrump They did. It wasn't.

Ouch, Trump got Berned.

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Re: Heroes

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Searching for Trump condemnation in Pope Francis’ words
You don't have to search hard.

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Re: Heroes

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Re: Heroes

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It's a generic question. He's quite specific about this president in response to WaPo's Miss Manners.

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Re: Heroes

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Yeah, I know. Another of my pet peeve misleading headline writers. A better choice, given the circumstances and the article's content, would have been "when" the President* Lies.

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Re: Heroes

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O Really wrote:Yeah, I know. Another of my pet peeve misleading headline writers. A better choice, given the circumstances and the article's content, would have been "when" the President* Lies.
I'm not sure in this case. Since it's an op-ed, Bernie might have written the headline. Either way, it's pretty accurate since he took the rhetorical tack of first setting up the generic question, then getting specific in detail and at length about Trump being a serial liar.
... What should a United States senator, or any citizen, do if the president is a liar? Does ignoring this reality benefit the American people? Do we make a bad situation worse by disrespecting the president of the United States? Or do we have an obligation to say that he is a liar to protect America’s standing in the world and people’s trust in our institutions?

...how does one respond to a president who has complete disregard for reality and who makes assertions heard by billions of people around the world that have no basis in fact?
President Trump cannot continue to lie, lie, lie....
... If Trump lies over and over again what kind of credibility will he, or the United States, have when we need to bring countries around the world together to respond to those crises? How many people in our country and other countries will think that Trump is just lying one more time?
... Both lies.
... preposterous and dangerous allegation ...

... factually incorrect....
... Not even close.
... the trivial lies....
And Trump was lying long before he was president ...
... baseless and dangerous attack against ... a deliberate and dishonest effort to appeal to racist sentiment ...
... @realDonaldTrump continues to shamelessly lie.
... Trump continues to shamelessly lie ... continuous lies ...

... we have a president who either lies intentionally or, even more frighteningly, does not know the difference between lies and truth.

... makes statements that reverberate around our country and the world that are not based on fact or evidence? ... And if the media and political leaders fail to call lies what they are, are they then guilty of misleading the public? ...
Berned! (I know that I did not need to do all the quoting to make the point, especially with you. I did it because I knew that it would be fun ;) , and it was :D :thumbup: )

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Re: Heroes

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It's funny (not funny) how the definition of "lie" changes. The RWNJ's raved for years over Obama's outrageous "lies" like the out of context "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan." Sure, he could have been criticized for not adding "...as long as your insurance company offers the plan you have." But on a lying Richter Scale, that doesn't register as much as a heartbeat. They made fun of P-Lo's out of context and mis-quoted comment of "...we have to pass the bill to see what's in it." People enjoy defining "plans", "intent" or elected officials' wish lists as "promises" and then bash them when they couldn't get it done regardless of effort. They enjoy calling the opposition "liar" when the statement is clearly a mistake.

But then you have private citizen, candidate, and President* Trump. He has a documented record of lying throughout his entire life, and it appears to be getting worse. Even in the context of "politicians lie" Trump is beyond the pale. I understand the hard-core poorly educated Trumpers don't care, but I really don't see how anybody else could not be aghast and outraged.

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Re: Heroes

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O Really wrote:It's funny (not funny) how the definition of "lie" changes. The RWNJ's raved for years over Obama's outrageous "lies" like the out of context "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan." Sure, he could have been criticized for not adding "...as long as your insurance company offers the plan you have." But on a lying Richter Scale, that doesn't register as much as a heartbeat.
Yup. Nothing about ObamaCare stopped you from keeping your plan or doctor, but since these things change all the time regardless, it wasn't a promise Obama could make.

Meanwhile, Trump has already made the same promise regarding his own plan. Last Week tonight had fun with this (Feb 29th show, about 24 minutes in) complete with video of Trump making the promise. "They can have their doctors, they can have their plans, they can have everything."

As always, take Obama's worst lie and put it into a Trump speech and it would go unnoticed, overshadowed by far worse Trump lies.

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Re: Heroes

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I think that's why Bernie took the rhetorical tack of first setting up the generic question - an appeal to the principle involved rather than just taking pro/anti Trump sides. Not all Trump voters are "hard-core poorly educated Trumpers", and some will choose country and ethics over partisanship.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede too wrote:. Not all Trump voters are "hard-core poorly educated Trumpers",
Not all Trump voters, since some of them were just Republican partisans, Hillary-haters, whatever. But it's pretty hard to defend the thought process of someone who actually supports him or who thinks he's doing a good job. Even if you like in concept what he wants to do (keep out immigrants, reduce regulations/bureaucracy, yada), it's hard to say the constant lies are the best approach. At the very least, it undermines his ability to get stuff done. NTTAWWT.

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Re: Heroes

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3 weeks or so ago Trump went out of his way to cite a Rasmussen Reports poll, which always runs more con than other polls, saying that his approval rating was 55%, even though all other polls were saying the opposite. Now, Rasmussen Reports says:

"... 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 43% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11."

2 bets:
The serial lies are a big part of the drop.
Trump doesn't cite his Rasmussen Reports approval rating any time soon.

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Re: Heroes

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by k9nanny »

Collins has reflected on his lashing of Democrats. Who knows whether it's honest or damage control. Maybe these guys have seen the wingnut rhetoric from breitbart and rush.

[“I did lash out. … After, you know, the emotion of that instance wore off, an hour or two later, I looked in the mirror and said, ‘That’s not the right tone,’” Collins said on CNN’s “New Day,” adding, “I’m willing to admit that was wrong for me to say, that would actually be going in the wrong direction, and I myself am gonna try to tone down some of my rhetoric.”

Collins also criticized Trump for blasting a Washington Post report of a possible obstruction of justice investigation into Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. “I would have certainly not advised that that tweet go out today because we’re still very much reacting to yesterday’s shooting,” Collins said on “New Day.”[/quote]
Se Non Ora, Quando?

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

k9nanny wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:15 pm
Collins has reflected on his lashing of Democrats. Who knows whether it's honest or damage control. Maybe these guys have seen the wingnut rhetoric from breitbart and rush.

[“I did lash out. … After, you know, the emotion of that instance wore off, an hour or two later, I looked in the mirror and said, ‘That’s not the right tone,’” Collins said on CNN’s “New Day,” adding, “I’m willing to admit that was wrong for me to say, that would actually be going in the wrong direction, and I myself am gonna try to tone down some of my rhetoric.”

Collins also criticized Trump for blasting a Washington Post report of a possible obstruction of justice investigation into Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. “I would have certainly not advised that that tweet go out today because we’re still very much reacting to yesterday’s shooting,” Collins said on “New Day.”

Lord help me, repugs apologizing and making sense.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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