The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Red state. Voted for the trumphole. Elected asshole Scott Walker, kept him safe from a recall. Rural idiots, certain that global warming is a vast, left wing conspiracy designed to profit Al Gore, personally. They'll blame Obama.
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Map Shows How Climate Change Will Affect Health Across US


Our South is tied with the Southwest for the "win".

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Trump’s Defense Secretary Cites Climate Change as National Security Challenge
James Mattis’ unpublished testimony before a Senate panel recognizes a threat others in the administration reject or minimize.

... These remarks and others in the replies to senators could be a fresh indication of divisions or uncertainty within President Donald Trump’s administration over how to balance the president’s desire to keep campaign pledges to kill Obama-era climate policies with the need to engage constructively with allies for whom climate has become a vital security issue.

Mattis’ statements on climate change, for instance, recognize the same body of science that Scott Pruitt, the new Environmental Protection Agency administrator, seems dead-set on rejecting....

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Recent Trump Tweet:
Honored to sign S.442 today. With this legislation, we support @NASA's scientists, engineers, and astronauts in the…
"we support", except the ones telling the truth about climate science.
President Trump is dismantling progress on climate change – Fight back

Climate change is happening now, and the poorest people around the world are already suffering the consequences.

Communities around the world are reeling from more extreme and unpredictable weather events, sustained drought, dramatic floods, and unprecedented wildfires.

But President Trump’s budget proposal and executive actions will dismantle programs that help the most vulnerable on the front lines of climate change fight for their lives.

Now is the time to fight back.

Sign your name to demand that Congress protect US actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to defend critical programs that help people fight back against climate change.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by JTA »

Did anyone else get hit with that hailstorm? Had some ping pong sized hail hit me.
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by bannination »

JTA wrote:Did anyone else get hit with that hailstorm? Had some ping pong sized hail hit me.
Nope, how's your head?

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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bannination wrote:
JTA wrote:Did anyone else get hit with that hailstorm? Had some ping pong sized hail hit me.
Nope, how's your head?
The Jheri curls saved him.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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BREAKING: Trump Just Took Two Steps Back on Climate Change

Trump is at it again. He just announced executive actions to start rolling back our progress on climate change by:

Lifting a moratorium on new coal mining that Obama had put in place on public lands.
Instructing the EPA to relax carbon emissions standards for new power plants.
Rolling back an Obama-era goal of reducing methane emissions by 40 percent by 2025.
Eliminating a guidance for federal agencies to conduct environmental reviews before new construction projects.
Rolling back the Clean Power Plan — standards for polluters aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

And all this after the Trump Administration approved the Keystone XL pipeline last week.

Trump has proven time and again that he will go above and beyond to put fossil fuel profits over people and the planet — but together, we will fight his agenda every step of the way.

Preventing fracking and other forms of fossil fuel extraction on federal lands is essential to protecting our drinking water, public health and the environment.

Corporations have mined hundreds of millions of tons of federally owned coal under outdated laws, and now Trump wants to allow more coal mining on public lands, while loosening restrictions on the emissions of polluters. Extracting fossil fuels comes at too high a cost to our climate and the health of our communities.

Don't ever doubt what we're able to achieve when we work together. Despite the bad news today from Trump, we are making progress. Just yesterday, the Maryland State Senate passed a bill to ban fracking in the state. Since the House already passed the bill and the Governor has announced his support, we are on the verge of banning fracking in Maryland. This win, and all positive changes in our country, have happened when people have come together, organized, and stood up against injustice.

Now more than ever we need the people who represent us to stand firmly for what's right for our communities.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by rstrong »

Global warming sucks but I’m kind of looking forward to riding a jet ski to work every day.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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. . . in winter, but I think a dune buggy is more likely for you.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by k9nanny »

I'm speechless. As far as I can tell, Sen. Wagner said this with a straight face. ... arrisburg/

Wagner said he thinks there are too many redundant restrictions on the oil and gas industry that need to be studied and pared down–a popular position among the rural county commissioners
He also took the stance that climate change is probably happening, though–citing scientifically unsound evidence–he maintained that the US shouldn’t worry too much about emissions.

“I haven’t been in a science class in a long time, but the earth moves closer to the sun every year–you know the rotation of the earth,” Wagner said. “We’re moving closer to the sun.”

He added, “We have more people. You know, humans have warm bodies. So is heat coming off? Things are changing, but I think we are, as a society, doing the best we can.”
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Well, you know Pennsylvania - a state with Philadelphia on one end, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in between. And York County is next to Lancaster County where the kids say, "if the Amish don't have to go to school past 8th grade, why do i have to?" And just down the road from Kennett Square, the Mushroom Capitol of the World. Maybe they have ostriches, too. :lol:

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Kentucky has a museum dedicated to the coal industry. It now runs on solar power.
Trump’s Climate Change Policy is Strongly Opposed by Americans, Poll Shows

... More than three-quarters of Americans surveyed—76 percent—are at least somewhat concerned by climate change, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, with 59 percent saying more needs to be done to address the problem.

Trump signed an executive order last week gutting former President Barack Obama’s landmark Clean Power Plan....

Sixty-two percent said that Trump should not remove specific regulations intended to combat climate change, and 66 percent said they were at least somewhat concerned that climate change will personally affect them or a family member.

Only 19 percent of those polled said they believed climate change was a hoax. Sixty-five percent said they believed climate change was caused by human activity....

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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40% of world's permafrost set to thaw by 2100, unlocking billions of tonnes of carbon and methane

... Once permafrost thaws, the carbon in dead organic matter – which may have been frozen for tens of thousands of years – begin to decay. This releases carbon dioxide and methane, also a potent greenhouse gas, exacerbating climate change.

Melting permafrost also means that the buildings, roads and other infrastructure built on this ground is at risk. The process of collapsing roads and structures is already underway in much of the Arctic.

"This would also have consequences for the ecosystems. Those are going to definitely going to change.

One way they are already doing so is through the collapse of coastlines of Arctic nations. These are held fast by earth that is frozen solid, but as they melt they slough off into the oceans, affecting the availability of nutrients and populations of marine creatures there....

The only way to limit the thaw of the permafrost is to reduce carbon emissions, the authors said.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by k9nanny »

My maternal grandfather studied the permafrost in Point Barrow around 1950. I wish he were still here. Temperature was part of his research; the reason for that, I do not know.
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