War on Women

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Re: War on Women

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Mr.B wrote:Image
Another quote from a comedian offered without comment. :roll:

But just in case you find it worth repeating somewhere, keep in mind that the main reason females only make 70-something percent on average of males isn't based on getting "a dollar less" for the same job. Most of the discrepancy is that the females weren't hired for the better jobs. Obviously there may be a number of reasons for that, but at least part of the reason is discrimination.

Even the "women and children first" part of the ummm "humor" has no basis in maritime law. According to disaster evacuation expert Ed Galea, in modern-day evacuations people will usually "help the most vulnerable to leave the scene first. It's not necessarily women, but is likely to be the injured, elderly and young children."

Well, nobody said comedians have to be accurate or base their ummmm, "humor" on truth.

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Re: War on Women

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Give me a break. Vrede's rubbing off on you; seriously.


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Re: War on Women

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Give you a break on what, Mr.B? You posted something, I commented. No derision, no ridicule, no insults.
When you post something to a forum, it's assumed to be your comment unless it's accompanied by some type of disclaimer, even an emoticon. Post that joke with nothing, I'll believe it to be your comment. Post it with an applause emoticon, I'll believe it to be your comment. Post it with a real comment or even a negative emoticon, and I'll think you're thinking something different.

And in the unlikely event somebody influences my own opinion or comments, there are a lot worse than Vrede to do it.

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Re: War on Women

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My bad, I thought you were scolding me.

With no captions, comments, emoticons, emoji's or whatever; it's just that ... a meme to emulate the thread title; one to form your own opinion on.
I hesitated to state it was posted in jest or even a joke; firstly because that ain't allowed here, and secondly, the subject matter is really no joke.

The cartoon that followed your reply was directed at Vrede; seriously. I've never seen anyone that had so many agendas on their plate to complain about .... everything from government, cops, environment and even pig farming. Vrede's persona fits that guy in the cartoon to a ' T '.
His life must suck spending all that time researching endless causes to petition and post here ... :lol:
(no whining; just laughing!)
Last edited by Mr.B on Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: War on Women

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O Really wrote:... And in the unlikely event somebody influences my own opinion or comments, there are a lot worse than Vrede to do it.
Hey, I resent that! ;)

Plus, I would have said something about ancient patriarchal and misogynistic religions and their various forms of Sharia Law being part of the reason for the wage disparity. Some thing take longer to shed than the belief in a flat Earth at the center of the Solar System or Universe.

Anyhow, the standup comics are always last to get a lifeboat seat, regardless of gender. :D

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Re: War on Women

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Vrede too wrote: Anyhow, the standup comics are always last to get a lifeboat seat, regardless of gender. :D
Yes, but as I think about it, even on the Titanic, where the "women and children first" story took hold, the musicians went down with the ship.

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Re: War on Women

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Among them, the bass player is always last.

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Re: War on Women

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"It's all about the bass..."

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Re: War on Women

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Vrede too wrote:That was fast. Who says that petitions don't work?

22 companies (soon 60+) pull advertising from 'The O'Reilly Factor'
O Really wrote:
Mr.B wrote:
[color=#BF0000]Vrede too[/color] wrote:Now forty-five advertisers have abandoned Bill O'Reilly, according to SumOfUs.org.

"Now let's set our sights on Microsoft

"Empowering us all" includes women.

and Capital One

Is misogyny in your wallet?

-- two of O'Reilly's last holdout sponsors."
You'd think that one who uses that word in their everyday branding of someone else would know what it means, or how to apply it. If O'Reilly, or Trump for that matter, were such skirt-chasers, how do you figure they're 'misogynists' ? Just askin' ...

(məˈsäjənē) noun

dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women

"she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny"
You're joking again, right?
What could better demonstrate "contempt for" than "grab her by the pussy"?
What could better demonstrate "prejudice against women" than seeing them as prey or subservient?
k9nanny wrote:Misogyny is closely related to gynophobia. Throw in a healthy dose of narcissism, and you have Trump, Cosby, O'Reilly.
Men of their ilk desperately need to feel superior, and they feed that need by controlling, objectifying, and humiliating women.

As far as I'm concerned, any man who voted for Trump has a piss poor attitude about women. No man who truly loves and respects women would overlook the contempt coming from him and the Republican party.

It begs the old question, "What if that were your mother/daughter/sister?"
Vrede too wrote:As everyone with ethics and half a brain knows, "skirt (or pants)-chasing" can be done legally and respectfully. Only despicable misogynists think that illegal and immoral sexual assault and workplace harassment are natural extensions of skirt-chasing. Ick, again. By that definition stalking and rape are okay, too.
Fox News Fires Bill O’Reilly Amid Sexual Harassment Storm

Yep, even Faux Noise is less misogynistic than some that write off sexual harassment as mere skirt-chasing.

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Re: War on Women

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The petition to congressional Democrats reads:

"Stand strong on women’s health care. Reject any spending bill that strips Planned Parenthood of federal funding.”

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Man Who Cracked Missing Student and Teacher Case Says Teen 'Looked Depressed'

So, the TN creep was busted by a NoCal hippie on 4/20, sweet.

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Re: War on Women

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Vrede too wrote:
k9nanny wrote:They need to pull advertising from the entire network, not let their ads get assigned to other shows.
I thought of that, too. One critical step at a time, I guess.
Bill O’Reilly Lost His Job, But Fox Promoted His Racist Protege
Jesse Watters will now regularly be in primetime.

... But it’s not clear the new Fox will be all that different from the old Fox, at least on air. The network’s new 8:00 p.m. show will be hosted by Tucker Carlson, who has his own history of unenlightened remarks about women.

And although O’Reilly lost his primetime perch, the network promoted his protege, Jesse Watters, who will now have a permanent spot on another primetime show, “The Five.”

These days, Watters is best known for producing perhaps the most racist segment on cable news in recent memory. He went to New York City’s Chinatown and mockingly interviewed residents there, many of whom couldn’t speak English well. He peppered the segment with every Asian stereotype in the book....
Bill O’Reilly’s Replacement, Tucker Carlson, Has Unenlightened Views On Women
It’s a good time to look back at Carlson’s stances on equal pay, women in combat and transgender rights.

Fox News Thinks Its Flagrant Racism Against Asians Is Just ‘Good Fun’
Jesse Watters went to Chinatown and asked, “Do you know karate?”

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Re: War on Women

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O Really outlasted O'Reilly (and Mr.B).

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Re: War on Women

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The misogynistic morons on the anti-choice team:
Alaska State Rep Says Women Get Abortions for the ‘Free Trip to the City’

There’s no shortage of lawmakers making infuriating, illogical statements about abortion. This year alone, Texas state representative Tony Tinderholt posited that criminalizing abortions would force women to be “more personally responsible.” There was Oklahoma’s George Faught defending banning abortion in cases of rape or incest because “God can bring beauty from ashes.” And the most recent inanity comes straight to you from the state Alaska, where Republican state representative David Eastman is insisting that some women purposely get pregnant so they can get a free abortion vacation. Fun! ...
In Trump’s America, Being Sexually Assaulted Could Make Your Health Insurance More Expensive

Tell the Senate:
"Don't take away healthcare from sexual assault and domestic abuse survivors. Vote NO on Trumpcare."

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Re: War on Women

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Fisher resigned 5/17.


Who says that petitions don't work?

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Re: War on Women

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No surprise there...

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