President* Trump

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Re: President* Trump

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The Homer Simpson theory of international affairs


Donald J. Trump

One by one we are keeping our promises - on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations. Big changes are happening!
As if he is intent on trolling the country, Trump has over the past couple of days, flip-flopped on the following campaign statements. Trump now says: NATO is “no longer obsolete;” China is not a “currency manipulator;” he would consider re-appointing Janet Yellen as head of the Federal Reserve; he supports the Export-Import Bank; he doesn’t know Vladimir Putin.

This comes on the heels of not throwing Hillary Clinton in jail, not getting involved in Syria, not getting Mexico to pay for the wall, not repealing Obamacare, not tearing up the Iran nuclear deal, not re-negotiating NAFTA and, at least to date, not making America great again. But hey, it’s not all bad: Trump is as Panglossian as ever about his young administration: “I don’t think that there is a presidential period of time in the first 100 days where anyone has done nearly what we’ve been able to do.”

It’s almost enough to make you laugh . . . and then you remember there are still three years, six months and 20 days until Election Day 2020.
Trump lawyers have a new argument to fight a lawsuit filed by protesters injured at a campaign rally

I don't know whether the lawsuit overall is valid, but it's no surprise that the lawyers for the Liar in Chief are lying about Trump's clear intent at his rallies. I like how Trumpette Alvin Bamberger is throwing Trump under the bus. Not that it's a surprise, Trump and his Trumpettes are all about blaming others for everything.
... In a separate filing on Friday, attorneys for Alvin Bamberger, the Trump supporter and Korean War Veterans Association member accused of pushing the woman in the video, argued "to the extent that Bamberger acted, he did so in response to — and inspired by — Trump and/or the Trump Campaign's urging to remove the protesters," Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel reported.

Bamberger's lawyers also argued that any damages awarded to the protesters in the case should be paid by Trump or his campaign....

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Re: President* Trump

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Intel source: in Russia scandal, Rudy Giuliani has now flipped on Donald Trump after all

I am not sold on these sources; they are predicting much that has not (yet, anyhow) played out. But it seems, at times, as though I hear a faint tick-tick-ticking. I guess time will tell.
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Re: President* Trump

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Easter egg roll: kids yell “no” as Donald Trump inexplicably flings some kid’s hat into the crowd [video]

Donald Trump returned to the White House today for the traditional Easter Egg Roll, but he might have done better for himself if he’d remained at Mar-a-Lago instead. Trump forgot to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, until his wife prompted him.

Not that I care, but remember the outrage when Obama did that?

But then things got even worse when a kid in the crowd asked Trump to autograph his hat.

Video footage posted by Politico reveals that a kid said “Will you sign my hat?” to Donald Trump, who stopped and amicably signed the hat. But then instead of handing the hat back to the kid, Trump flung the hat randomly into the crowd. The kid yelled out “No!” and other kids joined him in yelling the same. Then Trump signed another kid’s hat – only to fling it into the crowd as well. After throwing the second hat, Trump inexplicably said “Whose hat?”

... Donald Trump’s week is off to a strange start, even by his standards. Watch the video of Trump taking kids’ hats from them and flinging them into the crowd: ...

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Re: President* Trump

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2 red districts, one of them very red -
Latest Trump Tweet:

Dems failed in Kansas and are now failing in Georgia. Great job Karen Handel! It is now Hollywood vs. Georgia on June 20th.

(Liked by 29494 idiots.)
On our planet the Democrat did far better than expected in Kansas, and in Georgia the Democrat took 48% to Karen Handel's 20% and will almost certainly win the runoff. President* Trump and his 29494 idiots are "special".
A first decision for Karen Handel: To be seen, or not, with Donald Trump?

... In her 10-minute victory speech, Handel never once mentioned Donald Trump, whose presidency has turned a reliably Republican district into a near-miss....
Trump loyalists flail in Georgia special election

... Bob Gray made allegiance to Donald Trump the cornerstone of his campaign, and he may have suffered for it. He got about 10 percent of the vote and came under a barrage of criticism over his pro-Trump bona fides.

And Bruce LeVell, head of Trump’s diversity coalition, got less than 1 percent of the vote. He also put Trump at the center of his campaign, and even made a last-minute trek to the White House to visit with the president, who didn’t endorse any candidate in the race....
Trump pledges more support for Karen Handel in Georgia 6th race

Riiiight, that's gonna help her.

Daily Kos email:
... This isn't the sort of district that Republicans thought they'd have to worry about. A Democrat hasn't won here in decades. It was Newt Gingrich's home base in the 90s. Mitt Romney won here by 23 points in 2012, and Republican Rep. Tom Price—who resigned this seat to become Trump's secretary of Health and Human Services—also won by 23 points last fall, even as Trump limped along to a one-point win.

Ossoff's performance last night is an almost unbelievable 22-point turnaround for Democrats.

GOP hacks and "geniuses" like Donald Trump are trying to spin this as some sort of win for the GOP. But this is simply a disaster for them.

Worse still: Ossoff's stunning performance mirrors the surge in support that Democrat James Thompson saw last week in the Kansas special election for an even-more-conservative district. Thompson came up just short, but Ossoff is still in the game: A runoff election between Ossoff and the top GOP vote-getter, Karen Handel—who's most infamous for trying and failing to get the Susan G. Komen breast cancer charity to defund Planned Parenthood—is scheduled for June 20....
So, pro-women voters are unlikely to support Handel while enough anti-women voters will still vote for the guy. Congratulations, Rep. Ossoff.

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Re: President* Trump

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Re: President* Trump

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Vrede too wrote:... Ophthalmologists are reporting a dramatic spike in injuries suffered from :roll: .
Donald Trump is Great Friends with Luciano Pavarotti Who is Dead

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Re: President* Trump

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I'd be pissed if my great friend forgot I died ten years ago.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: President* Trump

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Is there no one President* Trump won't antagonize? Canadians? "Another bad act"? Seriously? Look out, rstrong, next there will be a big wall to keep your frozen ass out of North Dakota. ... 877c3ce4d5

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Re: President* Trump

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Build a wall around the entire U.S. and then cover it just in case real aliens come to visit.

The rest of the world would probably thank Trump for that though.

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Re: President* Trump

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O Really wrote:Is there no one President* Trump won't antagonize? Canadians? "Another bad act"? Seriously? Look out, rstrong, next there will be a big wall to keep your frozen ass out of North Dakota. ... 877c3ce4d5
See, Trump isn't all bad. :P

New houses will be more costly and logging will increase here. So, lose-lose.

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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by k9nanny »

Every now and then, I visit an old classmate's page. The only reason I haven't unfriended him is to see what the crazies are up to. These are actually mild examples. They are still calling for the arrest of Hillary and Obama.
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Re: President* Trump

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O Really wrote:... Canadians? ...
Donald Trump launches nonsensical rant about Canada selling milk to the US

"We begin bombing in five minutes."
-- President* Ronald Reagan, August 11, 1984

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Re: President* Trump

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k9nanny wrote:image.jpegEvery now and then, I visit an old classmate's page. The only reason I haven't unfriended him is to see what the crazies are up to. These are actually mild examples. They are still calling for the arrest of Hillary and Obama.image.jpeg
All this time has passed by, and somehow they still think he's a Muslim. That's just amazing.

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Re: President* Trump

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Latest Trump Tweet:

As families prepare for summer vacations in our National Parks - Democrats threaten to close them and shut down the government. Terrible!

(Liked by 7025 idiots.)
You've got the House, Senate and WH, and you're gutting environmental funding. No one sane swallows your blaming the Dems.

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Re: President* Trump

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Trump is blowing up twitter today something must be going down.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: President* Trump

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Extravagant Travel Expenses Of 5 US Presidents


Where are all the ODS cons that whined on and on about Barack's travel costs? Same same for all the cons that whined about Michelle's travel costs yet are silent about the massive cost of Melania's staying in NYC.

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Re: President* Trump

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Latest Trump Tweet:

.@LouDobbs just stated that "President Trump's successes are unmatched in recent presidential history" Thank you Lou!

(Liked by 10625 idiots.)
He's got a point.

Polls: Trump approaches 100 days with lowest job approval rating in more than 70 years

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Re: President* Trump

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Well, you gotta admit Trump's start has something for everybody. For people whose eyes aren't close together and whose brows don't furrow, he's really been unable to get much done. This is a good thing. For Trumpistas, he's tossed out a lot of bluster and bullshit, so there wasn't any need to actually do anything. For media people, he's continued to troll them around keeping them happy with shiny objects. Happiness for all!

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Crybaby President* Trump

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Presidency has been a burden on wife and youngest son says Donald Trump

His Presidency has been a burden on the entire country.
I never heard Michelle Obama whining about it. And what's so difficult about his son going to a different school? Does he have a dysfunction we don't know about? (we already know the dysfunction of his father)
I understand his wife and youngest son's burden. I'd be embarrassed too.
His presidency has been a burden on my wife and son also.
Oh, BOO HOO. Every president with family has moved to the white house upon winning the post. NO other president has complained. What a joke. "Oh, poor, poor, pitiful me. What burdens I bear." GROW UP. What a whiner we have for a president. Just how is he going to last 4 years (not that he will). And he thinks Melania has been slammed??? Michelle Obama was brutalized by right wingers. The name calling was horrendous and disgusting. But she has grace and shrugged it off like a true lady and NEVER complained or SUED someone. I SO MISS THEM!!
No offence intended Your Eminence, but shouldn't that have been something you thought about BEFORE you ran for the Presidency? *shakes head in utter disbelief*
Excuse me, Mr. President. Our last president's wife and kids had to go through racism, people calling their father a non-American, a Muslim and even a terrorist because his name. Some of that was spearheaded by you, Donald Trump.
Their burden is severely complicated by the fact that they don't have a positive role-model as a father/husband. What a burden to have to be kin to such a deviant, immoral, divisive human being.
What burden has Melania endured? She and Barron are probably grateful as hell that they don't have to spend much time with that vile creature.
Now he's even exploiting Melania and Barron to gain sympathy. What a crybaby creep!

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Re: President* Trump

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"Excuse me, Mr. President. Our last president's wife and kids had to go through racism, people calling their father a non-American, a Muslim and even a terrorist because his name. Some of that was spearheaded by you, Donald Trump." :clap: :clap:

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