Trump Nocare

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Tell Congress: We oppose HR 2581

Dear members of Congress,
I strongly oppose HR 2581, or the “Verify First” Act, which would create dangerous roadblocks for many citizens and immigrants who need access to affordable, urgent healthcare. No eligible person should be unable to enroll for affordable health insurance or see a doctor when they are sick because of inefficiencies or errors in government databases. This legislation could lead to life-or-death impacts and is entirely unacceptable. I urge you to oppose this cruel, unnecessary legislation today for the sake of hundreds of thousands of citizens' and immigrants' health.

Nevada's legislature just passed a radical plan to let anybody sign up for Medicaid


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Re: Trump Nocare

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Re: Trump Nocare

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I'm happy he said that - anything that throws a monkey wrench into the Republicans evil plans is fine with me. But it does once again go to show what a stupid dolt he is, to throw that wrench.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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O Really wrote:
Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:03 pm
I'm happy he said that - anything that throws a monkey wrench into the Republicans evil plans is fine with me. But it does once again go to show what a stupid dolt he is, to throw that wrench.
I dunno . . . more and more, each day, I wonder if he wouldn't have to work his way up to stupid. He constantly projects the intellect of a 4 year old. In a 71 year old "man" that pretty much translates into sub-moronic.
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Re: Trump Nocare

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:37 pm
Gov't report: Health care deductibles higher under GOP bill

Dolt .45 and the GOP lie, again.
I know it will be a serious slap in the face for some folks, but I have made my peace with the GOPhucksticks shitting all over healthcare and screwing the crap out of all those stupid, rural white trash trumphole supporters. Let them shit out something that is exponentially worse than Obammercare. Let al those folks who voted for the dimwitted 71 year old toddler (and some good folks who didn't, alas) bear the brunt. It's gonna happen, regardless, and it will hang around the fucking necks of the rethugs in congress for years to come.
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Re: Trump Nocare

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Their "strategy" may be to not pass anything and then blame the Dems for their inaction and for the failure of Obamacare that they refused to manage as best as possible or tweak with improvements.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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That's all well and good for some things, and if I thought a big albatross could be hung around the Republicans' neck, I'd agree with you. Problem is, ignorance, anti-damgummints, and a stupid willingness to vote against ones own interests put all these worthless slimeballs in office, and they aren't likely to learn anything by being deprived, shafted, shat on, lied to, and insulted (as long as the insult isn't "deplorable" :roll: ) So given the great effort it is to make any substantive change in health care regulations, we really shouldn't roll over just to punish those too stupid to know they've been punished.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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O Really wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:21 pm
. . . a stupid willingness to vote against ones own interests put all these worthless slimeballs in office, and they aren't likely to learn anything by being deprived, shafted, shat on, lied to, and insulted any practical means known to man . . . .
Edited that a bit, just for precision. I don't disagree with your point, but neither do I believe that they are- with few, statistically irrelevant exceptions- capable of change, period. They do not think, they react. They do not gauge their reaction, they react as they are told they should. They do not parse the list of folks whose knowledge and acumen they should trust, they just do as they are told by preachers and fascist manipulators and FUX.
What do you suggest? If having the very assholes they support, finance and elect piss in their faces, openly and blatantly and unapologetically, doesn't change their minds or inspire them to reevaluate their whole fucking situation, then what will?
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Re: Trump Nocare

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Boatrocker wrote:
Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:05 pm

What do you suggest?
Getting the normal people off their asses and out to vote. If, after letting Trump get into office they don't do that, then they're no brighter than the "poorly educated" dimbulbs.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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The polls indicate that some Trumpettes are now regretful. It would be nice if that was our team's doing, but Dolt .45 himself gets most of the credit for it.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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That's fine. Point is, not even a majority of those who voted, voted for Trump, much less a majority of registered voters, or a majority of eligible voters. Whatever the technicalities and reasons for this and reasons for that and no matter how Hillary stepped on her own tail and couldn't overcome 30 years of bashing, bottom line if Dems had turned out, there would be no Trump.

I'm still not totally convinced, however, that we would have been better off in the long run if Hillary had won. She'd just take over Obama's spot in the Republicans' barrel and possibly/likely not get any seats back in Congress, maybe lose some, and might lose 2020. Horrible as he is, and as his Presidency* is for the country, if it doesn't kill us it will make us stronger down the road.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Though I think it's lazy and self-defeating, I can understand why people who see both parties as being beholden to the corporations and military-industrial complex, who perceive little change in racism and sexism, and who have seen both parties preside over the deliberate massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the uber-rich over the last 35+ years feel that voting is pointless.
Last edited by Vrede too on Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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I think a couple or three decades ago that might have made a good and reasonably valid argument. How anybody could look at what Republicans have done when they get in charge, like in Kansas, NC, WI, and then say "they're all the same" or "it doesn't matter who wins" is beyond me.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Agreed, but it might be that people are saying, "I'm screwed, regardless," or with good reason, "The elections are manipulated internally and externally."

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Who is more difficult to persuade to do the right thing, the frustrated Trump voter or the frustrated nonvoter?

As some countries do, I would be okay with the incentive of a small fine for not voting.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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I'd think it would be easier to incent the frustrated non-voter, because even if they're not adversely affected personally by Trump, they probably know somebody who is. The Trump voters are either (a) really, seriously, too ignorant to change; or (b) anti-damgummint bomb-throwers who are happy with a crumbling establishment. Either one, they're probably not redeemable.

But some of the Trump voters were really just Hillary-haters, so some of them might be salvageable.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:04 pm
The polls indicate that some Trumpettes are now regretful. It would be nice if that was our team's doing, but Dolt .45 himself gets most of the credit for it.
Donald Trump's Latest Approval Rating Plunges As Support Among Republicans, Whites Drops

... Sixty-five percent of respondents in an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research​ poll released Thursday said the president either doesn't have much or any respect for the "country's democratic institutions and traditions." Nearly a third of Republicans or Republican-leaning independents said the same.

The Associated Press-NORC survey also found Trump wasn't a particularly popular president. Just 35 percent of Americans approved of the job he's doing as president, the poll found. Sixty-four percent—and one-quarter of Republicans—disapproved of Trump's job performance. In March, the the Associated Press-NORC poll found 42 percent of Americans approved of the job Trump was doing. Just one-in-five Republicans disapproved of the president in March.

In the latest poll, roughly 50 percent of whites without a college degree—one of Trump's strongest demographics in the 2016 presidential election—approved of the job the president was doing. That's down 8 percentage points from Associated Press-NORC poll in March....

Historically speaking, Trump is uniquely unpopular for a president this early in their term, defying the usual grace period of sorts in which leaders are typically gifted a decent approval rating. At this point in his first term, for instance, former President Barack Obama had a 59 percent approval rating....

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Republicans, particularly those in Congress, can say all they want about "polls are wrong" but IRL not one of them believes it. A poll can be wrong, but a collection of many polls, like RCP, particularly when looked at as a trend, is a pretty good indicator and the GOP politicians know it. But they can see that less than 20% approve of their "mean" plan yet they push forward to "repeal and replace." It would be very easy to accomplish "repeal and replace" with some flashy tweaking that doesn't change the current program (which was originally a Republican plan anyway), claim it as "repealing" the horrid parts and "improving" the rest. Walk away saying "we did it" and turning those poll numbers around the other way. I understand that they are drooling ideologues, and they've got a certain block of voters who won't be happy (ever) until some law is passed with the words "repeal Obamacare" in it, but I still am amazed at how politically stupid they are. Of course, they're not so stupid as to not be able to keep themselves gerrymandered in office, so maybe the rest of us who let this happen are the stupid ones.

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Re: Trump Nocare

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Petition to Senate:

Senate Mitch McConnell wants to push through a secretive Trumpcare bill as fast as possible, without any hearings, debate on the Senate floor, or testimony from experts. The American people deserve an open and transparent legislative process – especially when it comes to our healthcare. Publicly announce you will vote NO on any healthcare repeal bill negotiated in secret, without adequate time for evaluation by the American people.

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