The Food Thread

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by Boatrocker »

O Really wrote:
Boatrocker wrote: little styro trays of something vaguely sushi-like. We didn't try it. Call us wussies.
I think that was bait.
Probly better used as bait, but it came in 6 roll packages, with rice wrapped in seaweed. Must be a bitch to keep it on a hook.
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Re: The Food Thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Boatrocker wrote:Ever tried convenience store/gas station sushi? Stopped at some little shit hole place way out in the sticks between Columbia and Florence, just off I20 a couple of years ago. Kinda place that sells tube socks and silver spray paint. Right there in a cooler beside the roller dogs and day-old fried chicken were some little styro trays of something vaguely sushi-like. We didn't try it. Call us wussies.
I never eat sushi unless I know that the tuna came from the Gulf or off the fla coast. Radioactive pacific tuna and any fish from the Vietnam / China areas scare me.

I miss the open box of smoked mullet at the checkout in the convenience stores.
The interwebs say that all that fish from China/Indochina are farm-raised and fed human waste. Just like the shitfish in Rota, Spain.
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Re: The Food Thread

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Vrede too wrote:
To: "(Rep. Chuck McGrady)" <>, chuck.edwards@ncleg

HB 467, Agriculture and Forestry Nuisance Remedies. ... =H&RCS=488

When pigs fly: Hog nuisance bill clears first hurdle toward full override ... u4ZtM.dpuf

Court Documents: DNA Samples Indicate That N.C. Hog Farms Sprayed Pig Feces on Neighbors’ Homes ... ign=buffer

Dear Rep. Chuck McGrady,

It's no surprise at all that Sen. Edwards chose polluters and Chinese pigs over the health, safety and property rights of North Carolinians, but it's utterly shameful that you, a FORMER environmentalist and defender of property rights, switched your vote. Oink.

(Vrede too)
Newsletter, must be feeling heat from more than just me:
... Solving peoples’ problems by passing sound legislation is the best part of my job, but all too often the job involves voting on legislation I would rather not become law. An example of this also occurred last week when the House overrode Governor Cooper’s veto of H 467 [Agriculture and Forestry Nuisance Remedies]. H 467 limits the amount of compensatory damages that may be awarded in a private nuisance lawsuit against an agricultural or forestry operation to the fair market value or fair rental value of the plaintiff's property.

Essentially, the bill limits lawsuits over agricultural activities that might be considered a nuisance because of odors or noise. As originally introduced, I thought the bill was unconstitutional, since it attempted to dismiss pending lawsuits involving claims that certain animal operations [hog, chicken and turkey farms] constituted nuisances. In the House, the bill was amended to only make the law applicable to future nuisance claims. I voted for that amendment and then voted for the bill, although I still wasn’t sure the change in the law was needed. Later, the Senate made some minor changes to the bill and sent it back over for concurrence. I again voted for the bill, but the bill’s sponsors knew I was a weak “yes” vote. Basically, I continued to have doubts as to the need for the bill.

The Governor then vetoed the bill, and explained his veto. At that point, the bill came back to the House, and we had to again, vote on the bill. The House voted to override the veto on a vote of 74 to 40. Initially, I was going to vote “no.” I hate special interest legislation that gives special protection or privileges to some industry or group of people, and H 467 was clearly special interest legislation. However, I ended up voting to override the Governor’s veto.

Why did I do that? To override a governor’s veto, each chamber must vote by a three-fifths vote of members present and voting. Depending on how many House Members were voting, something between 69 and 72 votes were going to be needed to override Governor Cooper’s veto. House leadership knew several House Members were absent, and the bill was only going to be brought to the floor if there were enough votes to override.

If everyone were present, there were clearly enough votes to override even if I joined some number of my colleagues in voting against the bill. However, just before the vote, a Member supportive of the bill had to leave to address a family health issue and the vote to override was in doubt. I voted to override, in part, to simply get the issue behind us. Had I told leadership I would vote “no,” they would have just postponed the vote and taken it up later. As it turned out, the vote was not as close as expected, but I suspect there were other Members who were inclined to vote “no” but then voted “yes” when it became clear the veto was going to be overridden.

People will ask “why’d you vote “yes” when you had doubts about the bill?” My reason was that I believe one can’t fight every battle. To be effective, one must pick one’s battles. H 467 was a major priority for the agricultural community, and the agricultural community is important in my district. While I was willing to vote “no” if my vote made a difference, when both supporters and opponents of the bill confirmed the bill would pass if all members were present, I voted “yes” to put the issue behind us.

The sponsors of this legislation included Rep. Jimmy Dixon (R-Duplin) and Sen. Brent Jackson (R-Sampson). Both of them are strong legislators whose support will be needed on other matters important to me. If I had voted “no,” it ultimately would have made no difference and my vote could have hurt my relationship with some colleagues whose support is essential on issues more important to me than H 467.

Still, I hate voting against my gut feeling about a bill. If passing a good bill is a high, then voting for a bad bill or a bill one doesn’t think is necessary is a low. I’m often asked to vote for bills I don’t really like. I know I can’t fight every battle, and I’m not willing to waste my time on issues that I can’t change or influence. But it still doesn’t feel good.

Rep. Chuck McGrady
117th House District
Summary: He chose his GOP over the health, safety and property rights of North Carolinians and even his own conscience. Ick.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by k9nanny »

Well, that sure was a lot of bullshit, when all he needed to say was, "It was the easy way out."
Agriculture here bears little resemblance to agriculture in the eastern part of the state. Indeed, I seem to remember that as Henderson County loses about 1000 acres of farmland every year (over 10,000 acres between 2002 and 2007), nursery/greenhouse operations have become number one in terms of income.

I'm not sure how bowing to the big special interests down east is going to help us preserve farmland and keep small farms from going under.
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Re: The Food Thread

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A 2012 story is finally going to court... with 2017 baggage added.

CBC: 'Pink Slime' case against ABC a challenge to press in era of 'fake news'
A South Dakota meat processor's $5.7 billion US defamation lawsuit against American Broadcasting Companies Inc., which opens Monday, pits big agriculture against big media, and is a first major court challenge against a media company since accusations of "fake news" by U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters have become part of the American vernacular.

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Re: The Food Thread

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by JTA »

I've graduated from couscous to qunoia. Found me a ten pound bag on Amazon for like thirty bucks and have mastered the art of qunoia preparation.
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Re: The Food Thread

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Re: The Food Thread

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I mastered the art of cooking it, not spelling it. That's a battle for another day.
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Re: The Food Thread

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You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

Priorities count.
Lady O makes a great soup with keewah, kale, chicken (or sometimes turkey sausage), carrots, black beans and whatever other fresh veggies might be around. Usually Italian-style seasonings. Delicious and hardy.

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Re: The Food Thread

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I make a great PBJ. Perfected the recipe when I was six.

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Re: The Food Thread

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I'm craving a rabbit stew and pancakes picnic made by a persistent woman and served by a fabulous waiter, not sure why.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

rstrong wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:20 am
I make a great PBJ. Perfected the recipe when I was six.
PBJ with bananas was mine. My kid added Fritos - perfect
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

I've never been much for jelly, but today for lunch I had PB and banana with chocolate protein powder.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by JTA »

I ordered some Kava from "Kalm with kava" -

Kava is a root harvested in the Pacific Islands that's consumed to give the user a relaxed feeling, as well as mental clarity. More about Kava:

There are a bunch of different varieties. So far I've only tried the Vula Waka Kava, and it most definitely works. The feeling it gives you is reminiscent of the "body high" you get when smoking green or eating edibles, minus the mental affects. Or the relaxed feeling you get after you've had a few shots of liquor. Pretty neat. Can't wait to try some of the other varieties I received.

Oh yeah, Kava tastes pretty terrible, too.
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Re: The Food Thread

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Petition to members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees:

"Hold hearings on the Amazon-Whole Foods merger and investigate the potential for Amazon’s growing monopoly to cost jobs, lower wages, and crush local businesses."

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:02 am

Petition to members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees:

"Hold hearings on the Amazon-Whole Foods merger and investigate the potential for Amazon’s growing monopoly to cost jobs, lower wages, and crush local businesses."

the interstate highway system and heavily subsidized air industry continues to destroy small business
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by homerfobe »

billy.pilgrim wrote:
Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:55 pm
the interstate highway system and heavily subsidized air industry continues to destroy small business
The Internet is the world's largest monopoly. The Internet continues to destroy ALL business with Walmart and Amazon being the key leaders. One is simply trying to outdo the other. It wouldn't bother me if the entire online, Internet, and computerized infrastructure were to fail, permanently.
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