Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by Boatrocker »

rstrong wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:22 pm
k9nanny wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:28 pm
Bravo, rstrong!
And then Trump hijacked the wreckage of the right.
Thanks! It's almost a punch-line even without any efforts by the Democrats.

It's always been standard practice in federal elections to portray one's-self as a "Washington outsider", ready to "take on the Washington establishment." Even former Speaker of the House and then Washington Lobbyist Newt Gingrich declared himself a "Washington outsider" in 2012.

Every individual I know, personally, who supported and voted for the trumphole has doubled-down on the stupid- continuing to use the idiot commentary out of the approved phrasebook.

"He's crude and rude but he speaks his mind!"
"He's an outsider, and that's what we need!"
"He gets things done!"

A couple of them have trouble hiding the misgivings and regret, but they all- without exception- refuse to simply admit to choosing the wrong idiot. You can lead them around to acknowledging, in a roundabout way, that the mind he speaks is one that generates grossly inappropriate and inaccurate things, that he is most certainly not an outsider and that no NYC real estate crook can possibly be anti-establishment any more than a pig can fly, and that the only things he has managed to "get done" have been unproductive, negligible, or even counterproductive dog-&-pony shows for the cameras.  But then, they simply repeat the pre-programmed responses again.
I voted for Reagan twice, but was not happy with him by the end of his second term. Voted for GHW Bush and was underwhelmed. Voted for him again, then for Dole. Voted for GWB in 2000 with some apprehension, as I thought Gore was not suited to the office. Voted for him again in '04 out of habit, while holding my nose. By '08, I had become honest with myself and conceded that I had been turning away from the RW since that fucking asshole crook Gingrich led the rush of the GOP to embrace obstruction rather than governance.
Hopefully some of the trumphole dupes will turn themselves around before he can cause too much damage. Hopefully. Maybe. I fuckin pray.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Is this part of your 12 Step Program atoning, Boatrocker? :P

billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:26 pm
... I've only heard one comment on the news that five states have made what this nazi did with his car - legal.
Sign now: No “driver immunity” for hitting protestors

Petition to all state legislatures:

The horrifying attack in Charlottesville, Virginia cost the life of Heather Heyer and shows the dangers of legislation protecting drivers who hit protestors with their vehicles. Please vote down any “driver immunity” legislation in your legislature and work to ensure no similar bills are introduced in the future.

'My life is over': Man who attended Charlottesville neo-Nazi rally forced to move away after being identified

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:26 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:28 pm
- Their idol Dolt .45's wimpy and slow response hurt him. Bannon, Gorka and Miller are on the hot seat, too....
Demand Trump Get White Supremacists out of the White House

Sign the Petition

The presence of Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller to positions in the White House is unacceptable and dangerous. White supremacy, racism, anti-Semitism, climate change denial, and misogyny have no place in the White House.
Steve Bannon out as White House chief strategist

:---P :clap: Antifa and BLM keep accumulating victories.

The finely-tuned machine keeps chugging along.
62 million (or way less) heads just exploded. Mess is minimal.
What the covfefe is up with this president?
So, to all you Trump Nazis....I guess we must erect a Timothy McVeigh statue in Oklahoma City. Opposition to this is erasing our history and will be condemned.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Now it starts to get ugly.

(After a brief but obligatory counter-spin from Republicans: "Now he'll start acting presidential.")

Gee. I wonder if Bannon is vindictive?

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Heather Heyer (Obituary) was murdered at about 1340 a week ago tomorrow. I strongly considered going to the Confederate Soldier Memorial for an hour or two tomorrow afternoon with a sign that might have read something like:

Heather Heyer R.I.P.
murdered Aug. 12, 2017

This obelisk honors slavers and traitors

I just returned from scouting the site. However,

-- It was erected in 1903, a time when many Civil War veterans were dying off.
... But two distinct periods saw a significant rise in the dedication of monuments and other symbols.

The first began around 1900, amid the period in which states were enacting Jim Crow laws to disenfranchise the newly freed African Americans and re-segregate society. This spike lasted well into the 1920s, a period that saw a dramatic resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, which had been born in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War.

The second spike began in the early 1950s and lasted through the 1960s, as the civil rights movement led to a backlash among segregationists. These two periods also coincided with the 50th and 100th anniversaries of the Civil War....

(View and download a larger version of the timeline.)
-- 1903 was indeed at the beginning of this period, but predates the 1915 resurgence of the KKK and these monuments being exclusively about support for Jim Crow rather than truly honoring the then almost all dead vets.
-- Just feet away from the Confederate Soldier Memorial is:


So, Hooterville's monument is nowhere near as offensive as many. I decided not to do the vigil.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Maryland removes Dred Scott ruling author's statue

A statue of the U.S. Supreme Court justice who wrote the 1857 Dred Scott decision that upheld slavery and denied citizenship to African Americans was removed from the grounds of the Maryland State House early Friday.

The statue of Roger B. Taney was lifted away by a crane at about 2 a.m. It was lowered into a truck and driven away to storage....

Three of the four voting members of the State House Trust voted by email Wednesday to move the statue. House Speaker Michael Busch, a Democrat who was one of the three who voted to remove it, wrote this week that the statue "doesn't belong" on the grounds....

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, said this week that removing the statue of Taney in Annapolis was "the right thing to do." Republican Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford voted on behalf of the administration to remove the statue....

Taney was born in Maryland and practiced law in Frederick before becoming the nation's fifth chief justice. Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet, were slaves who sued for their freedom after they were taken from the slave state of Missouri into territory where slavery had been prohibited by the Missouri Compromise.

This year marked the 160th anniversary of the 1857 decision. In March, a family member of Taney's apologized to the Scott family in front of the statue that was removed Friday. Charles Taney IV of Greenwich, Connecticut, apologized to the Scotts and all African Americans for the "terrible injustice of the Dred Scott decision." Lynne Jackson, a great-great-granddaughter of Dred Scott, accepted the apology for her family and "all African Americans who have the love of God in their heart, so that healing can begin."
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:41 pm
-- It was erected in 1903, a time when many Civil War veterans were dying off.
The second spike began in the early 1950s and lasted through the 1960s, as the civil rights movement led to a backlash among segregationists. These two periods also coincided with the 50th and 100th anniversaries of the Civil War....
I once read an article about how many Civil War veterans married "sweet young things" late in life, especially in the south. Leading to a great many Civil War widows being around in the late 20th century. The last, Maudie Hopkins, died in 2008 . The 21st century. I wonder how much the 1950s spike had to do with them.
Vrede too wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:41 pm
...but predates the 1915 resurgence of the KKK...
Apparently the film The Birth of a Nation did that almost by itself.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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rstrong wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:11 pm
I once read an article about how many Civil War veterans married "sweet young things" late in life, especially in the south. Leading to a great many Civil War widows being around in the late 20th century. The last, Maudie Hopkins, died in 2008 . The 21st century. I wonder how much the 1950s spike had to do with them.
I doubt anything. Those spouses would have been spread across the years in age and are unlikely to have sparked the reactionary emotions that the civil rights movement did.

Are you saying that Dolt .45's fourth wife will be campaigning for statues decades from now?
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:27 pm
Are you saying that Dolt .45's fourth wife will be campaigning for statues decades from now?
Yup! And collecting a pension from the taxpayers into the 22nd century.

But first you'll have to deal with Trump-related 2010s nostalgia in the late 2030s.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:41 pm
Heather Heyer (Obituary) was murdered at about 1340 a week ago tomorrow. I strongly considered going to the Confederate Soldier Memorial for an hour or two tomorrow afternoon with a sign that might have read something like:

Heather Heyer R.I.P.
murdered Aug. 12, 2017

This obelisk honors slavers and traitors

I just returned from scouting the site. However,

-- It was erected in 1903, a time when many Civil War veterans were dying off.
... But two distinct periods saw a significant rise in the dedication of monuments and other symbols.

The first began around 1900, amid the period in which states were enacting Jim Crow laws to disenfranchise the newly freed African Americans and re-segregate society. This spike lasted well into the 1920s, a period that saw a dramatic resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, which had been born in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War.

The second spike began in the early 1950s and lasted through the 1960s, as the civil rights movement led to a backlash among segregationists. These two periods also coincided with the 50th and 100th anniversaries of the Civil War....

(View and download a larger version of the timeline.)
-- 1903 was indeed at the beginning of this period, but predates the 1915 resurgence of the KKK and these monuments being exclusively about support for Jim Crow rather than truly honoring the then almost all dead vets.
-- Just feet away from the Confederate Soldier Memorial is:


So, Hooterville's monument is nowhere near as offensive as many. I decided not to do the vigil.

Always heard it was more in the 20s and 30s, but I guess the monuments would come before the more blatant Klan demonstrations - "code" or dog whistle always comes first
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

billy.pilgrim wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:22 am
Pay Pal involvement with domestic terrorism? ... rce=EOACLK

Even help out my bud, August Invictus who as candidate for senate for the Florida republican Party is best known for his botched slaughter of a goat and subsequently drinking its blood.

Update from splc

"But as the nation grapples with the violent coordination of hate groups across the far-right spectrum in Charlottesville, Facebook has shut down at least nine pages connected to the rally; Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn have suspended several extremist accounts; Reddit has eliminated one discussion community that supported "Unite the Right," and even OKCupid has kicked white nationalist Christopher Cantwell off the dating site.

By far, the biggest sweep came from PayPal, which agreed to block at least 34 organizations from using its services after an SPLC report highlighted how extremists used the platform to fund the rally in Charlottesville."
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

This is the 2nd 15 minutes of fame for the crying Nazi. He was featured by Colbert 3 years ago.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Were they really free when unlike everyone else they had to be absolutely scrupulous about obeying all traffic laws?

In case folks missed it, here's Chris Cantwell's most recent idiocy:
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:48 am
White supremacist cries on camera as he describes 'terror' over arrest warrant

What a pansy!!!
I've been arrested scores of times for nonviolent direct action. No wonder the ammosexual thinks he needs his pitiful compensations.

How sweet! The tears of poorly educated, deplorable racists and bigots are delicious!
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Alex Jones visits Seattle, the "heart of resistance." He was greeted with a warm (but wet) welcome... ... ee-on-him/

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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O Really wrote:
Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:10 pm
Alex Jones visits Seattle, the "heart of resistance." He was greeted with a warm (but wet) welcome... ... ee-on-him/
oops, I slipped and spilled my covfefe.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Gizmodo: Before Getting Banned From OkCupid, White Supremacist Chris Cantwell Wrote Tips for Dating Online

So, also misogynist and homophobic.

I think we have to consider the possibility that Cantwell is Mr.B.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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The petition to the Department of Homeland Security and key congressional leaders reads:

“Protect our communities from white supremacist hate. Immediately restore federal funding to stop white supremacists, Nazis and other extreme right-wing organizations that either directly or indirectly engage in domestic terrorism.”
A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
-- Charlie Sykes on MSNBC
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