The homophobic thread :>

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

Unread post by billy.pilgrim » ... =emaildkre

Driver pissed at gays runs into crowd.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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It's okay unless the driver is Muslim.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:49 pm
It's okay unless the driver is Muslim.
Didn't even make the news.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:12 pm
Driver pissed at gays runs into crowd.
Occasionally a story will appear where a driver manages to run over himself. Homerfobe has the incentive.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:52 pm
Didn't even make the news.
Injuries were more minor than with the non-Muslim Charlottesville terrorist and at the moment there are differing accounts of what happened. I did see it on Yahoo! News earlier, but can't remember whether it was on the home page and where it was reprinted from. It's not on the home page now.

Edit: Here it is, AP. No idea how many outlets have picked it up or how prominently they're featuring it.

Man charged after car pulls into St. Louis rally, hurting 3

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Jared Kushner Is a Woman, According to Voter Registration Records

Jared Kushner is a woman.

Well, that's true at least according to records from the New York State Board of Elections. As first reported by Wired, Kushner is listed as a female in its records.
Nttawwt. :o
Jared Kushner is registered to vote in two states -- New York and New Jersey.

It's not clear if this constitutes a breach of voting laws, but it is quite ironic considering the Trump administration's claims of widespread voter fraud....

Kushner has come under fire for failing to properly disclose foreign contacts—including meetings he had with Russians—on his security clearance form, which he amended several times. This has added to suspicions surrounding the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russia in interfering with the election. Kushner has maintained he's not guilty of collusion and blamed the error on his staff.

On top of this, it was also recently reported that Kushner has used a private email account for government business, which was one of Trump's major criticisms of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the campaign.

In short, whatever the reason for Kushner being listed as a woman in voter records, it adds to the narrative that he's incompetent and fails to follow proper procedures. This doesn't exactly inspire confidence in terms of his ability to advise the president.

If Kushner can't fill out a simple form, should he really be offering guidance to Trump on complex matters like a push for peace in the Middle East? ...
Donald Trump's other favorite daughter.
Jared is gender fluid. Don't judge.
Here's that voter fraud conservatives are always claiming happens.
No wonder the Dotard-in-Chief likes him.
Blames it on his staff? Oh please, you signed the form as better know what's in it!
Have we checked his/her birth certificate?
At this point I am convinced that the Dump administration is just a giant "Candid Camera" joke on the entire world. Except nobody is laughing.
Lock her up!
This administration is a decade worth of JERRY SPRINGER SHOWS!
He doesn't have the intellect to be a woman.
Ivanka has his balls on the mantle so I guess he had to figure things out from there.

:lol: :!: Some days I love the internet.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

Unread post by billy.pilgrim » ... bt-people/

"United Nations Human Rights Council approved a resolution condemning the use of the death penalty in a discriminatory fashion or to punish “apostasy, blasphemy, adultery, and consensual same-sex relations.”

"the U.S. sided with allies including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, China and India in opposing the move."
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:40 am
... "the U.S. sided with allies including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, China and India in opposing the move."
Such fine company Dolt .45 keeps.

Transgender Teen Ousted By School Is Crowned Homecoming King

The kids are alright. This was a huge FU to Tri-City (even more "perverted" than Bi-City) Christian Academy.

When her time comes, will Caitlyn Jenner be interred in a transcript? :D

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Mostly a victory for equality and tolerance, not complete and could be only temporary depending on the Leg. -

Cooper: ‘Transgender people are not prevented from the use of public facilities’

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Good article in the AC-T today...

Question: Because I am a Biblebelieving Christian, I have no choice but to believe that homosexuality is a sin. I know that opinion wouldn’t make me popular in certain circles, and I’m OK with that. But here’s the thing: I’ve been told, twice now, just for believing what I do about gays and gay marriage, that I am a bigot. A bigot! That’s so crazy and wrong. Do you have any advice for how I should respond the next time someone calls me a bigot just because I choose to believe the word of God?

Answer: I share your desire for an increase in the civility of our public discourse; these days our “debates” are rarely anything but self-serving exercises in histrionic accusations and inflammatory hyperbole. (Whoo-hoo! My Word of the Day calendar is really paying off!) Here’s to equal parts passion and compassion returning to fashion.
That said, I’m constrained to say that you are most definitely a bigot. Which I hate to say! But you’ve stated that you believe gay people are morally inferior (for to say “homosexuality is a sin” is to say exactly that), and that gay people should be denied the same civil rights enjoyed by all other Americans.
By definition those opinions make you, my friend, a bigot. If I said, “Black people are inferior, and should be denied their civil rights,” you wouldn’t wonder if I was a bigot. You’d have your proof that I am.
And a belief isn’t rendered any less bigoted because it’s embedded in a larger moral code — like, say, that of the Bible. No amount of religious fervor or tradition can make a wrong thing right.
Your choice is simple: Rethink (as millions of Christians before you have done, btw) the notion that God finds gay people morally repugnant, or simply accept that what you believe about gay people makes you, ipso facto, a bigot.
But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim that gay people shouldn’t be allowed to get married AND that you’re not a bigot, the same as no one who is a card-carrying member of the KKK can (reasonably) claim that they’re not a racist. Racists and bigots are as racists and bigots do.
And racists and bigots believe that those who belong to a particular group of people are inherently
inferior to the group of people to which they themselves belong.
Which (alas!) is what you believe. Now, of course, there’s believing, and there’s doing. It is to be hoped that you never show your bigotry. But that’s asking a lot, since it’s fairly impossible for someone who holds a conviction — especially one born of a religious belief — not to in some way live out that conviction. And of course that holds true for you, too.
If you give one penny, or any of your time, to a church or ministry which you know actively works to restrict or limit gay rights, then you are a bigot. If you speak in private or preach in public against homosexuality, then you are a bigot. If you refuse to provide the same professional service to gay people that you provide to straight people, then you are a bigot.
If you believe that gay people should not be allowed to live exactly as you would like to live if you were gay, then you are a bigot.
You can either accept that fact, or you can change it by (barely: do the research) adjusting your personal beliefs. It is my hope that through the adjustment of your beliefs you eradicate your anti-gay bigotry, since that is the only rational, kind, and just thing to do.
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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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It turns out that doctor Backpfeifengesicht jet-set Price has a politician doctor wife back home in Georgia who believes that since people with AIDs don't die so quick anymore they are a greater risk to the public. Although she really really didn't want to use the word "quarantine", oops, she did.

“It seems to me it’s almost frightening the number of people who are living that are potentially carriers, well not carriers, with the potential to spread, whereas in the past they died more readily and at that point they are not posing a risk."
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:10 am
It turns out that doctor Backpfeifengesicht jet-set Price has a politician doctor wife back home in Georgia who believes that since people with AIDs don't die so quick anymore they are a greater risk to the public. Although she really really didn't want to use the word "quarantine", oops, she did.

“It seems to me it’s almost frightening the number of people who are living that are potentially carriers, well not carriers, with the potential to spread, whereas in the past they died more readily and at that point they are not posing a risk."
Among the many, many other reasons that the anesthesiologist (not even close to being an epidemiologist) is wrong is that her Rx would force those infected back underground and WORSEN the spread of HIV.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:42 am
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:10 am
It turns out that doctor Backpfeifengesicht jet-set Price has a politician doctor wife back home in Georgia who believes that since people with AIDs don't die so quick anymore they are a greater risk to the public. Although she really really didn't want to use the word "quarantine", oops, she did.

“It seems to me it’s almost frightening the number of people who are living that are potentially carriers, well not carriers, with the potential to spread, whereas in the past they died more readily and at that point they are not posing a risk."
Among the many, many other reasons that the anesthesiologist (not even close to being an epidemiologist) is wrong is that her Rx would force those infected back underground and WORSEN the spread of HIV.
But it is only black and gay people, isn't this what they knew they were signing on for when they decided to be gay?
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Tell Congress: Transgender people deserve basic civil rights

The petition to Congress reads:

“Protect the civil rights of transgender people. Block and resist the anti-transgender Civil Rights Uniformity Act of 2017.”

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Anti-LGBT politician resigns after being 'caught having sex with man in his (Ohio Leg.) office'

“Christian. American. Conservative. Republican. Husband to @Beth1027”


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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Kenyan official says male lions who had sex 'must have seen gay men behaving badly' and should be separated
The country's 'moral policeman' Ezekial Mutua says the animals must have been inspired by seeing gay men and should receive therapy


... Ezekial Mutua, the chief executive of the Kenya Film Classification Board, said the pair must have been influenced after they viewed a human same sex couple....

“These animals need counselling, because probably they have been influenced by gays who have gone to the national parks and behaved badly. I don’t know, they must have copied it somewhere or it is demonic. Because these animals do not watch movies.”

Mr Mutua argued that homosexuality was caused by evil spirits and hinted that the gay lions could also have been possessed by the same source.

He said: “The demonic spirits inflicting in humans seems to have now caught up with animals.” ...
Gay Lions? Not Quite

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Please support LGBT ............. Liberty ... Guns .... Bible ... Trump

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Put it back where you found it. That's just gross.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Aspen Times‏ Verified account

VP @mike_pence is staying in a house near #Aspen on vacation. His neighbors have a colorful message for him. via @JasonAuslander

:D :---P

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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You Can't Pray The Gay Away | Laura Bell Bundy

No matter how hard you try, Mr.B/homerfobe/Gollum.

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