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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:43 pm
Reagan called it "trickle down economics" and it was a colossal failure. Deplorable Donnie's administration includes at least six former Goldman Sachs executives. Instead of "trickle down economics", their economic program will give Americans a GOLDMAN SHOWER.
Since the days in caves, haven't the rich, the powerful, the scary, the strongest, the most manipulative, the one with the most whatevers, always preached that if everyone else would only give their wealth to him (or her, or them) that the common people would become rich off of the scattered leftovers and crumbs?

Yet the fox watchers and their predecessors have followed this in lockstep for tens of thousands of years while chanting that no poor person ever gave them anything.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Tell your Representative and your Senators: Vote NO on H.R. 1, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The House will take up a bill during the week of Nov. 13 that would provide trillions of dollars in tax breaks to millionaires and wealthy corporations. We must defeat this massive give-away to the rich, which will be paid for by cuts to programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, education, SNAP, housing, job training low-income tax credits, and so many others that help struggling families make ends meet.

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Petition to Senate Democrats:

"Do not collaborate with Donald Trump and Trump Republicans to deregulate big banks. We need to finish the job of Wall Street reform and end a dangerous and rigged system that puts our economy at risk, not roll back the reforms already in place."

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The petition to the inspector general of the Federal Communications Commission reads:

"Investigate FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's actions to benefit the Sinclair Broadcast Group. Until the investigation is complete, direct staff to cease work on the merger and direct Chairman Pai to recuse himself until the investigation determines whether a permanent recusal is warranted."

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The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.
- Elie Wiesel

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Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC):
Earlier this month, I introduced bipartisan legislation with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Never thought I would read those words. The rest:
that would protect veterans from targeted predatory home loan practices. The VA home loan program was designed to give veterans and servicemembers the opportunity to become homeowners as they raise their families. It has proven to be a great success, but unfortunately, a few bad actors are taking advantage of the program. This legislation would require home-lenders to prove that veterans and servicemembers will benefit when they refinance their mortgage.
Cool, but should apply to all borrowers and lenders.

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Tell the Senate Bailout Caucus to stop helping Trump deregulate Wall Street


Petition to Senate Democrats:

"Do not collaborate with Donald Trump and Trump Republicans to deregulate big banks. We need to finish the job of Wall Street reform and end a dangerous and rigged system that puts our economy at risk, not roll back the reforms already in place."

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Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:52 am
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC):
Earlier this month, I introduced bipartisan legislation with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Never thought I would read those words. The rest:
that would protect veterans from targeted predatory home loan practices. The VA home loan program was designed to give veterans and servicemembers the opportunity to become homeowners as they raise their families. It has proven to be a great success, but unfortunately, a few bad actors are taking advantage of the program. This legislation would require home-lenders to prove that veterans and servicemembers will benefit when they refinance their mortgage.
Cool, but should apply to all borrowers and lenders.
Agree wholeheartedly.

Since when do sensible regulations only apply to vets. And as it is taboo to label vets as anything less than our best and brightest, it would seem unnecessary to protect them against predatory capitalism, but it's a different story for those without the education, or decent employment because they got busted for a little pot when they were 18.

Besides, I bet I can tell from here with my googly eyes shut that Mr tillis turned summersaults to protect predatory fake universities when it was suggested that these fake schools get at least 10% of their enrollment from private sources.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Looks like WS scored...

BREAKING: Supreme Court Narrows Definition Of Whistleblower
Share us on: By Dunstan Prial

Law360, New York (February 21, 2018, 10:33 AM EST) -- The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of a narrow definition of the term "whistleblower," a decision that will significantly limit the scope of anti-retaliation measures meant to protect whistleblowers under the Dodd-Frank Act.

The justices ruled in favor of petitioner Digital Realty Trust, finding that employees who bring securities law complaints against their companies must first take their allegations to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to be protected by anti-retaliation measures afforded under Dodd-Frank.

The ruling in Digital Realty Trust Inc. v. Paul Somers says the definition of whistleblower should be interpreted through the specific wording included in Dodd-Frank and not expanded to include employees who report internally. The case had focused on whether employees can bring whistleblower claims under Dodd-Frank's anti-retaliation provision even if they didn't report their concerns to the SEC.

"Dodd-Frank’s anti-retaliation provision does not extend to an individual, like Somers, who has not reported a violation of the securities laws to the SEC," the court ruled.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the opinion, joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Justice Sotomayor filed a concurring opinion joined by Justice Breyer. Justice Clarence Thomas filed an opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgement, which Justices Samuel A. Alito and Neil M. Gorsuch joined.

The Dodd-Frank Act, passed in 2010, expanded whistleblower incentives and protections created under the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act. At issue before the justices was the wording of Dodd-Frank, which defined whistleblowers as employees who provide "information relating to a violation of the securities laws to the commission."

By narrowing the definition to whistleblowers who take their allegations “to the commission,” the high court excludes from Dodd-Frank protections employees who report internally, historically a much larger category than those who report to the SEC.

"The Court’s understanding is corroborated by Dodd-Frank’s purpose and design. The core objective of Dodd-Frank’s whistleblower program is to aid the Commission’s enforcement efforts by “motivat[ing] people who know of securities law violations to tell the SEC,” the high court found.

The ruling settled a circuit split between the Ninth and Fifth Circuits, reversing the Ninth Circuit's decision.

The Ninth Circuit found in March that former Digital Realty executive Paul Somers was entitled to protection under Dodd-Frank after being fired because he complained to upper management that a senior vice president had eliminated some internal corporate controls in violation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. A Fifth Circuit ruling in a similar case, Asadi v. G.E. Energy, found in 2013 that whistleblowers must take their complaints to the SEC to be eligible for protection under Dodd-Frank.

Digital Realty, a San Francisco-based real estate investment trust, appealed the Ninth Circuit's ruling to the high court.

Justice Elena Kagan had hinted during oral arguments in November that she was leaning toward a narrow definition, pointing to the statutory wording included in the Dodd-Frank Act.

"You have this definitional provision, and it says what it says," Justice Kagan said, according to a transcript of the hearing.

Justice Kagan wasn't alone during oral arguments in seeming to lean toward the narrower definition included in Dodd-Frank, foreshadowing the court’s decision Monday.

Digital Realty is represented by Kannon K. Shanmugam, Amy Mason Saharia, A. Joshua Podoll and Meng Jia Yang of Williams & Connolly LLP, and Brian T. Ashe, Kiran A. Seldon, Shireen Y. Wetmore and Kyle A. Petersen of Seyfarth Shaw LLP.

Somers is represented by Peter K. Stris, Brendan S. Maher, Daniel L. Geyser and Douglas D. Geyser of Stris & Maher LLP, and by Stephen F. Henry.

The case is Digital Realty Trust Inc. v. Paul Somers, case number 16-1276, in the Supreme Court of the United States.

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Interesting, essentially 9-0. Hard to bitch about that. Sounds like it's more a matter of the specifics of Dodd-Frank's language than it is an anti-whistleblower stance. I wonder if some of WS will still protect their internal whistleblowers figuring that it's good policy in the long run.

I was supposedly protected at work for internal whistleblowing on illegal activities or ethical breeches. I assumed that this was because of the specifics of healthcare law, but I don't know that for sure.

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A Dozen Democrats Want To Help Banks Hide Racial Discrimination In Mortgages
These senators are finding common ground with President Trump.

The 17 Democrats selling out on bank regulation is worse than it looks
There was room for a deal, but they did a giveaway instead.

Everything Wrong With the Democrats, in One Bill
The bipartisan push to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank reveals a minority party that can’t get it right on the policy or the politics.

Dems who voted to move forward with Senate's bank deregulation bill: Bennet, Carper, Coons, Donnelly, Hassan, Heitkamp, Jones, Kaine, King, Manchin, McCaskill, Nelson, Peters, Shaheen, Stabenow, Tester and Warner. #S2155 #DoddFrank
Elizabeth Warren
‏Verified account @SenWarren

Senate Republicans voted unanimously for the #BankLobbyistAct. But this bill wouldn’t be on the path to becoming law without the support of these Democrats. The Senate just voted to increase the chances your money will be used to bail out big banks again.
Tell Chuck Schumer: RESIST, don't assist. Stop Trump’s Wall Street giveaway.

Petition to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer:
“As minority leader, it is unacceptable to let 17 members of the Democratic Caucus vote for a giveaway to Wall Street, especially one that makes it easier for banks to racially discriminate. Please speak out loudly and forcefully against the Bank Lobbyist Act, and tell your Democratic colleagues to drop their support of the bill.”
As with the partial repeal of Glass–Steagall, when the next crash happens we won't be able to blame just the GOP and POSPOTUS.

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