The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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"[...] the attempt to lure our fellow countrymen to this desolate, subarctic region is, upon humanitarian grounds alone, to be denounced as criminal".
- The Hamburger Nachrichten, on German migration to Canada

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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FEMA Strips Mention of ‘Climate Change’ From Its Strategic Plan


Brock Long was one of the more qualified Dolt .45 appointees. It's a shame that he's now disgraced himself by bending over for the :lol: :lol: :lol: AGW deniers :lol: :lol: :lol: .

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Climate Goes Viral
Disease outbreaks could be coming your way — our interactive map shows how you could be affected.

Disease risks to Hendersonville, NC:


How bad is it? The area closest to Winnipeg, Canada will see:


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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:17 pm
How bad is it? The area closest to Winnipeg, Canada will see:

The West Nile virus started showing up in Manitoba in a big way 15-20 years ago. From what I recall it showed up a few years earlier on the US east coast, and we were told it was only a matter of time until it arrived here.

But given that it was soon showing up even in the Yukon, I don't think its a climate change issue. Even today Manitoba - let alone the Yukon - doesn't have a sub-Saharan African climate.

Rather it's an invasive species issue, likely arriving via an infected bird crossing the Atlantic on a ship.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Idk. It is mosquito-borne with a summer transmission season. Maybe they mean it will worsen with the longer summers. The site doesn't elaborate much on the bases for its claims.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

rstrong wrote:
Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:43 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:17 pm
How bad is it? The area closest to Winnipeg, Canada will see:

The West Nile virus started showing up in Manitoba in a big way 15-20 years ago. From what I recall it showed up a few years earlier on the US east coast, and we were told it was only a matter of time until it arrived here.

But given that it was soon showing up even in the Yukon, I don't think its a climate change issue. Even today Manitoba - let alone the Yukon - doesn't have a sub-Saharan African climate.

Rather it's an invasive species issue, likely arriving via an infected bird crossing the Atlantic on a ship.
could be that obama did it. I heard he introduced kudzu into the south as payback for slavery. Little did he know that it wouldn't be long before people were worshipping at the alter of the kudzu jesus. ... jesus.html
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Coal Plants Closing Every 15 Days. It's Time to Face Reality: In 10 Years, Coal Will Be Dead.

Coal power stations have now ceased generating electricity in the UK, with all of them ceasing operations by 2022. They will be closed completely by 2025.

Here in the US, Trump promised coal-producing states that there would be a complete reversal when he took office. He lied (as usual) and said that the reason all the coal plants were closing was due to that damn Obama and his over-regulation. He promised to put a wingnut environment hater in the EPA—which is one of the few campaign promises he kept. (And you are doing a heckuva job, Pruitt.) And now, all those pesky clean air and water regulations are withering on a vine.

So what’s the result?

27 coal-fired plants closed last year. That’s about a rate of one every 15 days since Trump’s election. In fact, Trump is setting a record. The rate of collapse is more than twice what analysts had projected.

Coal plants aren’t yet quite closing at the rate of SEARS stores, but getting there....

If America had simply been willing to face this new reality, we would have been begun the process of shuttering coal plants and moving to new technologies years ago. Unfortunately, we live with republicans.

The rightwing has been creating bogus groups to fight renewable energy since as long as I can remember. There’s no sense in trying to argue logically: I can give you statistics, like these, to prove coal is over---but you won’t believe me. It’s a hoax, like Parkland or climate change. You’ll also accuse me of somehow contributing to coal’s demise.

To which I reply: Coal is already dead. Don’t blame me, I didn’t kill it. It was dead when I got here.

It’s a dead industry. Have the intelligence—and the decency--to sign the death certificate and invest in something with a future.

The GOP keeps telling people that they are the party of the free market. Yet it is they who desperately try to prop up obsolete, old technology more than anyone.

Old lightbulbs
Old transportation
Old internet
Old energy

China doesn’t have republicans. They long ago figured out that coal is dead, and are rapidly closing their coal plants. They also moved an exorbitant amount of money into renewables. Know what else they are doing?

Kicking our butts.
China invested about $103 billion in renewable energy in 2015, about 36 percent of the world's total spending, according to annual global estimates.

By 2020, about half of China's new electricity generation will come from installed solar, wind, hydro and nuclear power projects, the National Energy Administration (NEA) said in its five-year blueprint for the nation's energy sector.
Sure, in WV the politically smart thing to do is to talk coal. But good politics isn’t the same as good policy. The hard truth is that workers need to be trained to compete in a 21st century economy. Propping up coal is akin to churning out Macintosh computers while all your competitors are building Macbook Pros.

It’s over.

In less than 10 years, it will be completely over.

The only difference is whether we wise up and at least try to at least play catch-up with the rest of the world.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Revenge of the dinosaurs: Administration seeks technology to revive coal

Given both public perceptions and economic pressures, research on new coal plants may be tantamount to the Pentagon seeking a design for a superior musket.
Drumpf, putting campaign promises ahead of the human race.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Wipeout: Human role in climate change removed from science report
April 2, 2018

Democratic Letter to DOI IG
April 5, 2018

National parks report on climate change finally released, uncensored
May 18, 2018

“The fight probably destroyed my career with the (National Park Service) but it will be worth it if we can uphold the truth and ensure that scientific integrity of other scientists won’t be challenged so easily in the future.”
-- Maria Caffrey, a University of Colorado research assistant and the study’s lead author, officials said they could take her name off the paper or potentially not release it at all.

Officials tried to censor a report on national parks. Here’s what was in it.

:---P :clap:

Groundbreaking Study Shows Limiting Warming to 1.5 Degrees Is Good for the Economy, Too

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Subject: 2 Days, 2 victories for the climate

This week showed that people power can push both corporations like Samsung and political groups like the Democratic National Committee to protect the climate!


I'll be honest, there are many weeks when fighting to protect the climate seems like an uphill battle, and the Trump Administration keeps making the hill steeper. But this week I’m grinning from ear to ear because people-power just achieved not one, but two great victories against the fossil fuel industry.

1. Late last night, Samsung announced sweeping commitments to power its operations in the US, China and Europe with 100% renewable energy by 2020.

2. On Tuesday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced it would ban contributions from fossil fuel corporations.

These wins might seem disparate but really, they are telling a single story. The global movement to protect the climate — and all the people, creatures, and ecosystems that depend on it — is turning the tide against the fossil fuel industry. YOUR VOICE is making it unacceptable for corporations and politicians to ally themselves with polluters.

I’m sure you want the details.

Over the last year, tens of thousands of Greenpeace supporters all over the world have demanded Samsung commit to renewable energy. Greenpeace activists staged a series of actions in New York, Seoul, London, Berlin, and Taipei. Yesterday, Samsung responded.

Samsung will adopt 100% renewable energy at its factories, offices and buildings in the United States, Europe and China by 2020, and install onsite solar and geothermal energy at key semiconductor factories in South Korea. This huge step follows Greenpeace’s successful campaigns asking Apple and Facebook to make renewable energy commitments, but Samsung is the first electronics manufacturing company in Asia to do so — and its the largest smartphone company in the world.

On Tuesday, in a unanimous vote, the DNC banned contributions from fossil fuel company Political Action Committees (PACs). This is huge for the climate movement, and particularly for Greenpeace’s friends at Climate Hawks Vote and Oil Change International who have fought hard to get fossil fuel money out of politics. During the 2016 elections, thousands of Greenpeace supporters like you reached out to candidates up and down the ballot to demand they reject fossil fuel money. After Greenpeace organizer Eva Resnick-Day asked Secretary Hillary Clinton if she would reject fossil fuel contributions, supporters like you made the video of her go viral. And your persistent calls made it possible for Greenpeace USA's Democracy Campaigner, Molly Dorozenski, to testify before the DNC platform committee, advocating for this change.

These amazing victories wouldn’t have been possible without Greenpeace supporters like you. Thank you!

But even as we celebrate, it’s crucial we keep the pressure on. We have to hold Samsung to its commitment and continue to demand all tech companies commit to renewable energy. And now we need to ask the DNC and all political candidates to reject all fossil fuel money — not just contributions from PACs....

During weeks like this it is clear that the fossil fuel era’s days are numbered. But it means coal, oil and gas corporations are going to fight like hell to hold onto power. With you as part of our movement, I know we will win.

Thanks for all that you do,

Gary Cook
Climate and Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Thanks to people like you, I know people power can overcome the corrupting influence of the fossil fuel industry and build a world powered by 100% renewable energy....

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