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Re: Immigration

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Axios: Canada has pulled off a brain heist


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Re: Immigration

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rstrong wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:07 pm
Axios: Canada has pulled off a brain heist

Zombie Canadians are the worst. They act all polite until the moment that they crack your skull open.

Los Angeles Times: Separating children and parents at the border is cruel and unnecessary

Tell DHS: Stop separating families at the border


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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:22 pm
Eleven? We'll watch for them at our border. Please remind them to dress warmly and don't make eye contact with the furries.

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Re: Immigration

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rstrong wrote:
Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:34 pm
Eleven? We'll watch for them at our border. Please remind them to dress warmly and don't make eye contact with the furries.
Shhhh, we'll never keep the few that we allow in if you keep flaunting your Canadian furry fetishists. We just can't compete with you furriners.

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Modern day slavery:

SPLC sues private prison company that uses forced labor of detained immigrants in Georgia to boost profits

“'CoreCivic is placing profits above people by forcing detained immigrants to perform manual labor for next to nothing, saving millions of dollars that would otherwise provide jobs and stimulate the local economy,' said Meredith Stewart, senior attorney for the SPLC."

So, immigrants really do "steal" Americans' jobs.

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Native American Tribe on U.S.-Mexico Border Blocks Trump's National Guard Troops From Its Lands

Federal Court Hands Jeff Sessions a Stinging Defeat Over Sanctuary Cities

A federal appeals court in Chicago on Thursday upheld an injunction blocking the Justice Department from requiring that local law enforcement agencies comply with federal immigration rules if they wanted to receive federal grant money.

The three-judge panel from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit—all of whom are Republican appointees—ruled against a Trump administration policy that would deny public safety grants to so-called sanctuary cities that limit how local law enforcement can cooperate with federal immigration officials.

A federal appeals court in Chicago on Thursday upheld an injunction blocking the Justice Department from requiring that local law enforcement agencies comply with federal immigration rules if they wanted to receive federal grant money.

The three-judge panel from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit—all of whom are Republican appointees—ruled against a Trump administration policy that would deny public safety grants to so-called sanctuary cities that limit how local law enforcement can cooperate with federal immigration officials.

Tell border state governors: Don't help Trump terrorize border communities

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Pennsylvania Judge Calls ICE to Arrest Couples on Their Wedding Days

Including perfectly legal ones - POSPOTUS Era family values.

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Re: Immigration

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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:50 pm
rstrong wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:07 pm
Axios: Canada has pulled off a brain heist

Zombie Canadians are the worst. They act all polite until the moment that they crack your skull open.
Subject: Call your MP now - Stop the STCA expansion
From: "maya menezes via" <>
Date: Fri, May 4, 2018 12:21 pm

We have bad news.

Despite insisting otherwise, Canadian officials have been quietly trying to re-negotiate the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) with the United States to make it even harder for refugees to enter Canada. These backdoor negotiations have been going on since September but are now heating up![1]

Last year, in response to Trump's racist, exclusionary policies, 40,000 people signed our petition to scrap the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA).

According to published media reports this week, instead of listening to our voices, Canadian officials are asking the United States to expand the STCA to apply to the entire border!

This means that the thousands of asylum seekers and migrants entering Canada on foot from the United States could be turned away without having their claims heard.

Former Conservative leadership hopeful MP Michelle Rempel has been calling for this exact same brutal expansion in Parliament. And Liberal Minister Ralph Goodale’s response? That such a measure wouldn’t work. That it would in fact force migrants to take more dangerous routes to avoid capture.

Minister Goodale is right, for once. We don’t need to expand the STCA, we need to repeal it entirely.

Can you take a minute and leave a message for your Member of Parliament? Click here to call your MP right now.

Tell them to:

* #LetThemIn: End the Safe Third Country Agreement, welcome asylum seekers fleeing Trump’s America into Canada and stop jailing them;

* #LetThemStay: Ensure all asylum seekers get proper legal, healthcare, housing and social services. No more case-by-case processing, give them all permanent status now.

Already Toronto and Montreal are refusing to provide decent shelter while the federal government drags it feet in providing financial services. Asylum seekers are being processed on a case by case basis, and without enough staff at arbitration boards, many are facing years of limbo. Nearly 40% of claimants have been rejected.

We need a permanent solution, starting with full and complete status for all migrants, refugees and undocumented people in Canada, and permanent immigration status for those arriving in the future.

Justin Trudeau is attempting to expand the dangerous and deadly effects of precarious border crossings to even more innocent people. People fleeing Trump. People seeking refuge, Mothers, fathers, children, families who only want to be safe and build a life.

Don’t let him get away with it.

Call your MP right now:

In continued struggle,

No One Is Illegal - Toronto

[1] ... SKBN1I12AR?

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Re: Immigration

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Teacher of the Year Winner Gives Trump a Stack of Letters Written by Her Refugee Students

President Trump had to honor someone with actual integrity yesterday at the National Teacher of the Year reception.

Trump presented the Teacher of the Year award to Mandy Manning, a high school teacher who teaches teen refugees at the Newcomer Center at Joel E. Ferris High School in Spokane, Washington; Newcomer specializes in teaching English to refugees and immigrants. Manning’s remarks were not broadcast, but she spoke at length about the refugee and immigrant students she works with every day, according to reports from CNN and the Associated Press.

While Trump congratulated Manning for her win, he didn’t mention her students or the fact that they’re refugees. Because he is a racist bigot. Still, Manning didn’t need to hear insincere, saccharine talk from a president who ordered a discriminatory and dangerous travel ban and targets immigrants with hateful policies and rhetoric as his personal brand. Manning told CNN that she had one goal in mind by coming to accept the award: Deliver handwritten letters to Trump, penned by her students.

She succeeded. Trump allegedly told her that he was excited to read them and told an aide to place them on his desk so he could read them immediately.

“My goal is to share my student’s stories,” Manning said. “But to send a message—to not only my immigrant and refugee students but the LGBT community—that they are wanted, they are loved, they are enough and they matter.”

Trump Created a Shiny New Center Dedicated to His Muslim Panic and No One Knows What It Does

A County Sheriff’s Election in North Carolina Has Become a Referendum on ICE’s Deportation Machine

The Trump era has been breathing new life into often dormant local politics — and the president’s crackdown on immigrants, in particular, has made resistance to federal immigration enforcement a central issue in some municipal elections.

As the increasingly aggressive tactics of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have come under scrutiny, the question of whether local police should help ICE deport people has taken on new importance in local races. In Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, where residents are heading to the polls next month to choose a sheriff, the question has made the previously obscure 287(g) program a central issue in the campaigns of the incumbent sheriff (Irwin Carmichael), who embraced it, and his two challengers, who want to end it.

Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act allows local law enforcement agencies to form voluntary partnerships with the federal government to enforce immigration law. Agencies that sign up receive delegate authority to ask people booked into local custody about their immigration status and to hold undocumented individuals for ICE. But 287(g) has been mired in controversy ever since it started in 1996 — in some places, leading to sweeping racial profiling and, in many others, putting a huge drain on local law enforcement resources and damaging police relationships with the communities they serve....

The Democratic primary is on May 8 — but with no Republican challenger, the winner of the primary will be the new sheriff....
I don't know what polling shows. Having two challengers is an advantage for the incumbent.

My Henderson County is a 287(g) county and it would really surprise me if the challenger for sheriff wants that to end.

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Re: Immigration

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rstrong wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:07 pm
Axios: Canada has pulled off a brain heist

The Globe & Mail: Canada facing ‘brain drain’ as young tech talent leaves for Silicon Valley

Good heavens. It's a cross-border tennis match with brains!

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Trump taps hate group fellow Ronald Mortensen for important post dealing with refugees

On Thursday, President Trump nominated Ronald W. Mortensen, a fellow with the anti-immigrant hate group Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), for Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.

The Bureau’s mission is “to provide protection, ease suffering, and resolve the plight of persecuted and uprooted people around the world on behalf of the American people…”

If approved by the Senate, Mortensen would be the fourth individual from an anti-immigrant hate group to join the Trump administration. Mortensen’s former colleague, longtime CIS staffer Jon Feere, left CIS in 2017 to take a position as a senior advisor to ICE director Thomas Homan.

CIS was founded by white nationalist John Tanton who wrote in 1993, "I've come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that." CIS has three decades of anti-immigrant animus, publishing reports and blogs depicting immigrants as terrorists, criminals and carriers of disease under their belt. CIS publications refer to immigrants as “Third-World gold-diggers,” and claimed that a lasting legacy of the Temporary Protective Status program is “the burgeoning street gang problem in the United States.” ...

Petition to the U.S. Senate:

"Block and resist the nomination of racist, anti-immigrant, hate-group fellow Donald Mortensen as Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration."

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Immigration agents arrest 114 in sting at Ohio landscaper

Corso's Flower & Garden Center is owned by Veronica and August Corso according to its website. Neither of them show up on as being political donors. However, there is a CHARLES CORSO of SANDUSKY, OH who works for NORTHCOAST HORTICULTURE PRODUCTS and a CHRIS CORSO of COLUMBUS, OH who both donate to . . . GOP candidates. :lol:

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