Central America

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Vrede too
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Central America

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To be delivered to The United States House of Representatives

Co-sponsor HR1299, the Berta Caceres Human Rights In Honduras Act. Suspend military & police aid to Honduras.

A bad person.
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Re: Central America

Unread post by Mr.B »

Opps...! :shock:

"Hillary and US Govt is responsible for Berta's death. We installed that dictatorship and trained them to take care of foreign commercial interests first....We are a sick society that only worries about those who finance political campaigns."

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Re: Central America

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I'm glad you read the petition (and even the comments under it!) - did you sign? - but why is that an "Opps...! :shock: "?
Vrede too on Jan 08, 2016 wrote:
O Really wrote:How has Obama's military policy differed from his Republican predecessors?
Excluding Shrub's catastrophic adventurism, how has foreign and military policy differed significantly between the parties since WWII?
rstrong wrote:
Seth Milner wrote:What's really scary about Trump is the fact that he could get elected POTUS
Sadly, I'm with Seth Milner. I wouldn't bet on it, but he could.

That's how low my estimation is of America's politics and voters.
Sometimes, I hate being correct.
http://www.blueridgedebate.com/viewtopi ... ras#p60890
Vrede too on May 08, 2016 wrote:
Eighty-seven percent of all Latino voters have a negative view of Trump, according to a new Latino Decisions national survey.
True, but does Hillary who is running on Obama's record of good words, few deeds and more deportations than ever, along with her support of Honduras' military coup and dictatorship get them to turn out?
Vrede too on May 18, 2016 wrote:... Hillary endorsed the coup in Honduras.
http://www.blueridgedebate.com/viewtopi ... ras#p62791
Vrede too wrote:

for immediate release
July 12, 2016
Contact: Hendrik Voss, SOA Watch, 202-234-3440

Close the SOA/WHINSEC Included in the Platform of the Democratic Party

At the two-day Platform Committee meeting, that took place in Orlando, Florida last weekend, it was agreed to include the closing of the School of the Americas, now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, as one of its planks into the Democratic Party's policy platform.

The amendment to call for the closure of the notorious US military training school, which reads “Our support of democracies and civilian governments in the Western Hemisphere includes our belief that their military and police forces should never be involved in the political process, and therefore we will reinstate the 2000 Congressional mandate to close the School of the Americas now known as WHINSEC” was introduced by Marcos Rubenstein, a member of the platform committee, who was elected by the Sanders delegates.

The "Close the School of Americas" plank was accepted by both the Sanders and the Clinton campaigns and is now in manager's mark. That means that only grammatical changes are now allowed. This is the first time that the draft of the Democratic Party's policy platform includes the call for the closure of the School of the Americas/ WHINSEC.

The draft policy platform, which still needs to be ratified at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia later this month, is supposed to be the policy on which the presidential candidate runs, and around which Democrats rally. While the platform is nonbinding, grassroots activists, who have been concerned about the hawkish stands of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton towards Latin America, will push the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign to adhere to the platform’s call for the closing of the School of the Americas/ Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.

Hillary Clinton has been dogged on the campaign trail with questions about her role as Secretary of State in the 2009 military coup in Honduras, which was carried out by graduates of the School of the Americas. The State Department under Hillary Clinton legitimized the 2009 coup, which has led to increased militarization, and unleashed violence and human rights abuses. Thousands of Hondurans are fleeing their country, as political violence by the government and death squads is ongoing. Hundreds have been murdered, including indigenous environmentalist and social justice activist Berta Cáceres, who was shot in her house in the Honduran community of La Esperanza on March 3, 2016....

“In order to create real change, we can't rely on politicians to make it happen for us. We have to organize to build broad-based grassroots power, and hold those who are making decisions that affect our lives accountable.” said Hendrik Voss of School of the Americas Watch.

Hillary Clinton’s dodgy answers on Honduras coup

Or, was your "Opps...! :shock: " a reference to your own ignorance on the topic and what I've posted about it for years? If so, sorry.

Anyhow, now:

Berta Cáceres court papers show murder suspects' links to US-trained elite troops
The Honduran environmental activist’s killing a year ago bears the hallmarks of a ‘well-planned operation designed by military intelligence’ says legal source

An Idealist’s Martyrdom Fails to Move Honduras

Rep. Johnson (D-GA) reintroduces the “Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act”

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Re: Central America

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Immediately suspend US financing of the Honduran regime (petition to Congress)

Thousands and thousands of Hondurans have taken to the streets to protest the fraud and lack of transparency surrounding the elections. The US-financed military and security forces have violently repressed citizens who are protesting, murdering numerous people and injuring over 20 people with live bullets fired on protesters.

In addition to sending this e-mail, please also call your Congressperson, by calling the Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and ask him/her to suspend US security aid to Honduras.

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Re: Central America

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My posts and links about Hillary Clinton and the 2009 military coup in Honduras.

There's been no real democracy there since, gangs are rampant, and immigration (escape) to the US has been out of control.

US prosecutors allege Honduras president helped move drugs

Thanks, Hillary.

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