President* Trump

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Re: President* Trump

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In screeching about Canada, the Liar in Chief and his lap dogs ONLY discuss a deficit in goods. According to US Office of Trade Representative data for 2017, when goods AND services are counted, the US had an $8+ billion SURPLUS.

Picking this fight would have been stupid even if there was a deficit, doing so when there's a surplus is bizarre. I can't think of any reason other than to appease Putin's desire to disrupt the western alliance.

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Re: President* Trump

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It's my understanding that he doesn't listen when his advisors correct his fabricated numbers. Canada is our biggest customer, and he wants to alienate them?

One commentator made an interesting point. When Trump makes a deal, he's not happy unless he has the upper hand or the better deal.
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Re: President* Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:03 am
'Fox & Friends' Host Calls North Korea Summit A Meeting Of 'Two Dictators'

... “This is history,” Huntsman said over video showing Trump arriving in Singapore ahead of Tuesday’s meeting with Kim.

“Regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators, what we are seeing right now ― this is history,” she continued....
:lol: :clap:
She's a University of Pennsylvania grad, like President* Trump, and her father is Ambassador of the United States to Russia. So, she would know better than most. :D

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Re: President* Trump

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WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DOJ REPORT - Idiot Trumpettes (redundant, I know) are crying in their safe spaces because for months they were so very sure that this GOP report was going to lead to Hillary and other Dems going to jail. Instead, Comey didn't help Hillary or cover anything up for her, he helped Putin's Agent Orange become an illegitimate POSPOTUS.

Did I mention that it is a GOP report?

Hectic morning on the White House lawn: Trump speaks, and so do the facts

This is why his press conferences are so historically rare, he's a coward that always gets caught lying.

If he’s innocent in the Russia probe, why lie about what the GOP IG’s report says?
If his connection to Paul Manafort’s criminality is nonexistent, why lie about his connection to Paul Manafort?
If he thinks that ripping children from their mothers’ arms is the right thing to do, why lie about it being the Dems’ fault?
If he wasn’t colluding with Russia to manipulate the election, why lie about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the campaign?
If any family members have been pleading with him to retrieve the remains of Americans killed in the Korean War, why lie about it being parents who would be almost impossibly old?

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Re: President* Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:52 pm
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DOJ REPORT - Idiot Trumpettes (redundant, I know) are crying in their safe spaces because for months they were so very sure that this GOP report was going to lead to Hillary and other Dems going to jail. Instead, Comey didn't help Hillary or cover anything up for her, he helped Putin's Agent Orange become an illegitimate POSPOTUS.

Did I mention that it is a GOP report?

Hectic morning on the White House lawn: Trump speaks, and so do the facts

This is why his press conferences are so historically rare, he's a coward that always gets caught lying.

If he’s innocent in the Russia probe, why lie about what the GOP IG’s report says?
If his connection to Paul Manafort’s criminality is nonexistent, why lie about his connection to Paul Manafort?
If he thinks that ripping children from their mothers’ arms is the right thing to do, why lie about it being the Dems’ fault?
If he wasn’t colluding with Russia to manipulate the election, why lie about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the campaign?
If any family members have been pleading with him to retrieve the remains of Americans killed in the Korean War, why lie about it being parents who would be almost impossibly old?
Why does he lie? Because he always has.... he lies about stupid stuff, it's his very nature.

I do hope they take him to prison in handcuffs and we get to watch him shouting bbubuuubuuu Hillary on the way in.

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Re: President* Trump

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bannination wrote:
Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:40 pm
Why does he lie? Because he always has.... he lies about stupid stuff, it's his very nature.

I do hope they take him to prison in handcuffs and we get to watch him shouting bbubuuubuuu Hillary on the way in.
It's hard to tell when the lies are stupid, when they're driven by a brittle ego, and when they're deliberate obfuscation.

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Re: President* Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:13 pm
bannination wrote:
Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:40 pm
Why does he lie? Because he always has.... he lies about stupid stuff, it's his very nature.

I do hope they take him to prison in handcuffs and we get to watch him shouting bbubuuubuuu Hillary on the way in.
It's hard to tell when the lies are stupid, when they're driven by a brittle ego, and when they're deliberate obfuscation.
Hey now, be nice, genius trump gives us new words and phrases. What would the early pioneers have done for water if trump hadn't invented - prime the pump.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: President* Trump

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:47 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:13 pm
It's hard to tell when the lies are stupid, when they're driven by a brittle ego, and when they're deliberate obfuscation.
Hey now, be nice, genius trump gives us new words and phrases. What would the early pioneers have done for water if trump hadn't invented - prime the pump.
Good point, I should have included 'delusional'. :D

There are so very many that I'm always impressed when someone remembers a lie from more than 2 weeks back. Kudos.

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Re: President* Trump

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Trump’s Military Service Family History

… During the 150 years of American History comprising the background for this analysis of the Trump families patriotic contribution to America’s national military service, are all the nation’s foreign military conflicts since the Civil War (1861-1865).

These include, among others, the Spanish America War (1898-1902), Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901), Occupation of the Dominican Republic (1916-1924), World War I (1917-1918), World War II (1941-1945), Korean War (11950-1953), Viet Nam War (1968-1975). Invasion of Grenada (1983), Invasion of Panama (1989-1990), Gulf War (1990-1991), Bosnian War (1994-1995), Kosovo War (1998-1999), War in Afghanistan (2001-2014), and the Iraq War (2003-2011). America’s armed forces have fought in a military conflict in a foreign country in every decade for the last 150 years (since 1870), except during the 1930’s.

During this time, literally tens of millions of American citizens have served their nation honorably as uniformed members of our military branches….

The list above shows that at least 19 Trump family males have lived in America during those 140 years. Based on the best information available, one died in infancy, one is seriously disabled, and six are young children under the age of 10 years old. One more has just reached the age for military service. Thus there were 10 mature Trump men who were of military service age over this time period….

Bold: How Many Trump Men Have Served in the U.S. Military in 150 Years?

Based on publicly available records sources and the news searches described above, the plain answer is None. Zero for Ten.

Absent a draft or other legal compulsion, there is, of course, nothing illegal about this record. There can be many reasons why any particular person does not get to serve.

However, over this long a period of time (1.5 centuries), with the number of major military conflicts the U.S. has fought in, and with this number of Trump male family members, it seems unusual that not one of them made the same sacrifice of service as tens of millions of their countrymen.

Can you review your own family’s history in America since 1870 and not find a single veteran or serviceman among them? …
Our CiC - Chickenhawk in Chief - it's a family tradition.

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Re: President* Trump

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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by JTA »

Saw this on Reddit:

"The only thing Trump knows how to grab is pussies, which is why he grabbed the attention of so many of his supporters so easily."
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: President* Trump

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Headlines all over "Trump has two women on Supreme Court short list." As if. It's going to be a white male right-winger without doubt. But his dealing with the press of whom he's so disparaging and disrespectful reminds me of "Chicago" when Billy the slick lawyer plays the press like a bunch of puppets. So Trumpian.

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Re: President* Trump

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Uh ohhhh - ... nvestments
In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, BMW wrote words of caution to U.S. politicians, stating that the international response to
President Donald Trumps' threat of imposing additional tariffs up to 20 percent would only hurt more domestic jobs and investments.

Currently, BMW employs more than 8,000 factory workers at its largest operational manufacturing plant, located domestically in South Carolina. This particular factory builds nearly 500,000 vehicles annually, almost 40 percent more cars than BMW sells in the U.S. as a whole. The majority of these vehicles are then exported to other countries including Canada and the EU. Should it become unprofitable for BMW to continue operations within the boundaries of the United States, it may move operations elsewhere, rendering up to 8,000 workers without jobs and a substantial loss in local economic growth.
Very troubling news for the booming Upstate.

Greenville county went 59% for Trump in the 2016 election
Spartanburg county went 63% for Trump.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: President* Trump

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JTA wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:45 am
... Very troubling news for the booming Upstate.

Greenville county went 59% for Trump in the 2016 election
Spartanburg county went 63% for Trump.
They'll find some way to blame "libruls".

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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:55 am
JTA wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:45 am
... Very troubling news for the booming Upstate.

Greenville county went 59% for Trump in the 2016 election
Spartanburg county went 63% for Trump.
They'll find some way to blame "libruls".
without mentioning the millions their republican policies spent bribing BMW to build in Greenville.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: President* Trump

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‘Trump Baby’ Balloon Gets OK From London Mayor To Fly During POTUS Visit


In a move that could strain the already contentious relationship between London Mayor Sadiq Khan and U.S. President Donald Trump, the former has given permission for a giant blimp depicting POTUS as an angry baby to be tethered in Parliament Square Garden next Friday.

On July 13, Trump will make his first visit to the UK since taking office and this is just one of the forms of protest expected to greet him. With demonstrations planned outside BBC headquarters and in Trafalgar Square, media will be on high alert as Trump travels through London. The 19-foot-high ‘Trump Baby’ blimp will surely be a big orange focus.

The ‘Trump Baby’ Crowdfunder campaign has raised over £17K to make the “inflatable baby with a malevolent face and tiny hands fly over central London during Trump’s UK visit.” Leo Murray, one of the organizers, told Sky News, “We didn’t get off to the best start with the mayor’s office over this, who originally told us that they didn’t recognize ‘Trump Baby’ as legitimate protest. But following a huge groundswell of public support for our plan, it looks like City Hall has rediscovered its sense of humor. Trump Baby will fly!”

A spokesperson for Khan told Deadline, “The Mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms. His city operations team have met with the organisers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp.” ...

:lol: :thumbup: The cell phone in his tiny right hand is a nice touch.

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Re: President* Trump

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Re: President* Trump

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My favorite anti-Trump protest sign...

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