Tree Hugger Thread

Generally an unmoderated forum for discussion of pretty much any topic. The focus however, is usually politics.
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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At Power Plant Approval Meeting, Paid Actors Spoke While Residents Were Locked Out
We've asked the Louisiana attorney general to investigate a New Orleans City Council meeting where actors were paid to speak in favor of placing a gas plant in a neighborhood that didn't want it there.

... A news report this week revealed that their constitutional right to observe and participate in public meetings—specifically, meetings where the New Orleans City Council approved the building of a dirty gas-fired power plant in their neighborhood—had been put up for sale....

A local investigative journalist with The Lens New Orleans reported that professional actors were paid $60 to fill up seats—or $200 to give a scripted speech—at two recent city council meetings on the controversial plant, while the people of New Orleans East were “literally locked out,” said Reverend Gregory Manning, pastor of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in New Orleans.

... there were only “a few things to keep in mind: 1) Tell nobody you’re being paid. 2) Tell nobody you’re being paid. 3) Media will be present, do not talk to them. 4) Tell nobody you’re being paid. 5) If someone approaches you, don’t tell them you’re being paid.”

... Entergy, the utility company that would profit from the ratepayer-funded plant, initially denied any involvement. After conducting an internal investigation, it reported that a public affairs firm the company contracted with had hired Crowds on Demand, a publicity firm that provides rent-a-crowd services, without Entergy’s knowledge.

The city council, which started a new term on Monday with several new members, has vowed to investigate....

On April 19, before news of the paid actors broke, Earthjustice filed a lawsuit on New Orleans East residents’ behalf, claiming that the city council violated both the Louisiana Constitution and the Open Meetings Law when more than 100 residents were locked out of meetings on the plant, which has been approved to be built in an area made up of predominantly Vietnamese, African-American and Latino communities, on a FEMA floodplain within two miles of homes, churches and schools. The plant will bring with it billions of pounds of toxic air pollution, increased flood risk and higher monthly electric bills for the next 30 years.

On Feb. 21, Mark Nguyen, a leader with the Vietnamese American Young Leaders Association of New Orleans, brought 100 people from the Vietnamese community to voice their concerns about the health, environmental and cost implications of the $210 million plant. They were locked out and never got a chance to speak.

“How could it be a public hearing when the public was kept out?” Nguyen said. “Community voices were not heard—how could that be legitimate?”
:roll: :cussing:

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Thank you for taking to contact me about the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. I appreciate hearing from you.

As you know, in 1987, Yucca Mountain was selected to be a permanent repository for our country’s nuclear waste. However due to ongoing litigation, no nuclear waste has ever been housed at this site. I understand your concerns with Yucca Mountain not being a suitable site for a nuclear waste repository, but I also recognize the need for a long-term plan to address the ever growing stockpile of waste currently being held at interim storage facilities. The fiscal year (FY) 2018 spending bill, signed by President Trump on March 23, 2018, prohibits any new expenditures for building the Yucca Mountain repository....

Thom Tillis (R-NC)
U.S. Senator
Weird that he references the fiscal year (FY) 2018 spending bill - great if what he says about it is true - yet completely ignores the separate bill that I wrote him about. Note that he takes no position on Yucca Mountain.

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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People Are Getting Poisoned, and Scott Pruitt Tried To Hide It
While already egregiously unfit for his job as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has taken his ineptitude to a new level.

I signed a petition, got this reply:

Thank you for taking the time to express your views on issues affecting our country. While we may not agree on every issue, as your President, I pledge to work with Congress to find common ground to make the United States stronger and more prosperous. I look forward to the enormous opportunity we have to work together in order to solve many of our most important problems for the benefit of all Americans.

I appreciate hearing your thoughts and knowing we share the same pride in our country and passion for improving it. If we unite, we will make America stronger, freer, and greater than ever before.



Last week, thousands of people took action to demand that Trump and his EPA release the report about the health effects from widespread water contamination from PFOA, the chemical used to make non-stick Teflon.

I took our action too, and the next day I received a response from Trump — did you get it too?

I, personally, thought it was lacking (in specifics, emotion or any concern for real people and their right to safe drinking water). So we went ahead and edited the message. Check out our "corrected" message from Trump:


All joking aside, it is unconscionable that Trump's administration is covering up the fact that people's drinking water and health are threatened.

It's crazy that they are keeping reporters out of public meetings about this issue.

And it is insulting that Trump's reply shows such little concern for hundreds of communities facing devastating impacts from PFOA contamination.

We can't let Trump and Pruitt get away with hiding a report like this. It's up to us to hold Trump and his administration accountable for these despicable actions.

And, with your support, we'll keep fighting through every possible channel to make sure everyone has access to safe drinking water....

Caitlin Seeley George
Online Organizer
Food & Water Action

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Humans just 0.01% of all life but have destroyed 83% of wild mammals – study
Groundbreaking assessment of all life on Earth reveals humanity’s surprisingly tiny part in it as well as our disproportionate impact

... The world’s 7.6 billion people represent just 0.01% of all living things, according to the study. Yet since the dawn of civilisation, humanity has caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of plants, while livestock kept by humans abounds....

The new work reveals that farmed poultry today makes up 70% of all birds on the planet, with just 30% being wild. The picture is even more stark for mammals – 60% of all mammals on Earth are livestock, mostly cattle and pigs, 36% are human and just 4% are wild animals.

The destruction of wild habitat for farming, logging and development has resulted in the start of what many scientists consider the sixth mass extinction of life to occur in the Earth’s four billion year history. About half the Earth’s animals are thought to have been lost in the last 50 years.

But comparison of the new estimates with those for the time before humans became farmers and the industrial revolution began reveal the full extent of the huge decline. Just one-sixth of wild mammals, from mice to elephants, remain, surprising even the scientists. In the oceans, three centuries of whaling has left just a fifth of marine mammals in the oceans....

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Burns Trump's Coal Plan With One Brutal Tweet
‏Verified account @Schwarzenegger

I eagerly await the administration’s regulations protecting pagers, fax machines, and Blockbuster.
Donald Trump is reportedly considering ordering grid operators to buy electricity from struggling coal and nuclear plants ...
Socialist command economy, anyone? No matter, Trumpettes would worship their Dear Leader even if he revealed himself to be an extreme communist.

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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How POSPOTUS treats his own voters, with abuse and lies:
Trump Stifles Science in Coal Country
The Trump administration doesn’t want us to know what’s making coal country sick.

Update, 6/13/18: In January, Rep. Raul M. Grijalva (D-AZ) requested that the Department of the Interior’s inspector general investigate why the National Academy of Sciences study of mountaintop removal mining’s health impacts had been cancelled. On June 7, the inspector general’s office responded in a letter that they could find no criteria for the cancellation, contrary to claims by the Department of the Interior that the cancellation was part of an agency-wide review of grants exceeding $100,000.

The inspector general’s office further concluded that the almost $500,000 spent thus far had been “wasted” as DOI did not allow a final report to be published.

This letter also followed a Freedom of Information Act request from Pacific Standard magazine, which found that the deputy assistant secretary for lands and minerals management at DOI, Katharine MacGregor, pushed for the study to be cancelled after meeting approximately half a dozen times with representatives of the coal industry and mining interest groups.

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Ask Congress to Remove Anti-Wildlife Language from Defense Bill

N.C. DEQ is creating a new air permit for the coal ash recycling facility in Goldsboro, N.C., and we need your help to make sure the permit protects the air, land, water and people living nearby. The adjacent community has already suffered from illnesses, water contamination and coal ash spills.

Take action by providing comments on Duke’s new air permit!

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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The petition to Congress reads:

"Forcefully reject and work to block any proposal that would gut the Endangered Species Act."

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Leo Lyons
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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No petition, just interesting read and view.

I must be getting religious nostalgia or something; I remember reading or hearing about these as a kid in Sunday school.
If Al Gore had kept his mouth shut, we wouldn't be as concerned with this crap that "isn't happening."
Damn tree-huggers anyway.

Climate Change Is Killing the Cedars of Lebanon

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Leo Lyons wrote:
Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:30 pm
No petition, just interesting read and view.

I must be getting religious nostalgia or something; I remember reading or hearing about these as a kid in Sunday school.
If Al Gore had kept his mouth shut, we wouldn't be as concerned with this crap that "isn't happening."
Damn tree-huggers anyway.

Climate Change Is Killing the Cedars of Lebanon
it there something wrong with passing on petitions?

I sign some, some I have already signed and some I Really Don't Care, Y Do U?

ignore them, or use them to start a discussion on the topic, but why complain

interesting article. global warming will cause changes everywhere. A real shame that nearly all republicans refuse to believe it's real - because fox told them so
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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