The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Victims of Hurricane Michael are represented by climate deniers
Elections have consequences. Denying science has consequences. And we are reaping what we sow.

... It is a wonder that a state like Florida, which will get pummeled by Michael, could vote for someone that denies climate change. Think of how backwards the situation is – the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has reportedly been banned from using the terms “climate change” and “global warming”. This policy reportedly went into effect when Florida elected a science denier, Rick Scott, to governor.

\Rick Scott has been condemned by people in Florida for his backward stance. It is climate denial like his that has contributed to the suffering of residents in the state.

It’s not that my colleagues haven’t tried to help Governor Scott understand how his policies hurt his state. A few years ago, scientists met with him and urged him to take climate change seriously. He remained silent.

It isn’t that the local media hasn’t tried. Major newspapers have called upon Rick Scott to take action on climate change. But to little avail. Maybe it’s because Rick Scott invests in companies that oppose climate change regulations?

It isn’t that his political opponents haven’t tried. Recently, Florida Democrats petitioned Rick Scott to acknowledge climate change.

Fortunately, while Rick Scott is now running for Senate, he’s being challenged by Democrat Bill Nelson. He understands science and believes in facts. Nelson writes,

Climate change is real, and we must take action to protect ourselves. Denial of this scientific reality is simply not an option, especially in Florida.

Rick Scott isn’t the only politician from the state of Florida to reject science and diminish climate change. Senator Marco Rubio has as well.

Florida voters could put an end to this nonsense. In the current race for state Governor to succeed Scott, Republican candidate Ron DeSantis is ignoring science. He recently claimed that climate change is not an issue for states to mitigate. Say what?

Let’s hope Ron DeSantis loses. His opponent is Andrew Gillum, who is clear as day when he says,

Climate change is real, it is impacting Floridians directly, and we will not be silenced on the matter. When I’m Governor, we will not just talk about climate change -- we will put Floridians to work to make our state more energy independent and resilient and transform our state into the Solar Capital of the United States!

But it’s not just Florida; there are other states getting hit by Hurricane Michael that are also led by climate deniers. For instance, Georgia will be hit by Hurricane Michael. One of the senators there, David Perdue, congratulated President Trump when he pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. Georgia’s other Senator, Johnny Isakson also denies the science. He too supported President Trump’s reckless actions.

At the congressional district level, the denial continues. Republican Representative Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) was pleased when President Trump walked away from the Paris Agreement. His opponent, Flynn Broady trusts and understands science, however. His position could not be any clearer as he writes,

We have the technology and knowledge to develop and place into practice renewable energy sources, reduce carbon emissions, and move our energy needs away from carbon fuels. We owe it to the world to participate in the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol. As the leading industrial nation we must lead the effort.

... Fourth, what the hell happened to the Republican Party? The GOP formerly thought of itself as the party of intellectuals. How did you become a party where denying science is a litmus test? Where are the Republicans who actually understand climate change and care about it? If you can find one, tell me....
billy.pilgrim's FL-1 Rep:
In 2016, (Matt) Gaetz acknowledged global warming but said he disagrees with the scientific consensus on climate change that human activity is the primary cause. Gaetz said "In our fervor to protect the environment, we lose sight of economic and scientific reality."The Center for American Progress and Vice Media said Gaetz was a climate change denier citing his 2016 statements. In November 2017 Gaetz joined the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. He said, "I don't think there's a scientific debate left to be had on if it is happening. I also think history is going to judge very harshly climate change deniers, and I don't want to be one of them." He said that he advocates technological innovation and economic incentives that address climate change, and increased federal funds for global warming research by NASA, NOAA and universities, but that he remains opposed to increased environmental regulation....

In 2017, Gaetz proposed legislation to "completely abolish" the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He said, "our small businesses cannot afford to cover the costs associated with compliance, too often leading to closed doors and unemployed Americans. It is time to take back our legislative power from the EPA and abolish it permanently."
Florida's Climate Change Deniers
Meet Florida's climate change deniers.

Rep. Neal Dunn (R-FL-02) [Mexico City]

"I am sure human activity plays some role, but I don't think the science is clear on how much is man-made and how much is natural. What I do know is that the United States should not follow the path of the global warming alarmists like the Obama administration who wants us to unilaterally handicap...industry with over-burdensome EPA regulations."
Kinda strange that Dunn's campaign site has no 'Issues' section.
Candidate: Brian Kemp

Brian Kemp, the Republican candidate for Georgia Governor, is currently the Secretary of State of Georgia (serving since 2010). Kemp served as a Georgia State Senator from 2003 to 2007. Kemp’s “4 Point Plan to Put Georgia’s First” does not appear to address clean energy or environmental issues. Kemp personally owns land for managing timber and discusses in this video “being good stewards of the environment” but beyond this, we could not locate broad stances on clean energy, the environment, or clean transportation.

Florida Governor - DeSantis vs. Gillum - Gillum (D) +3.7

Florida Senate - Scott vs. Nelson - Nelson (D) +2.4

Georgia Governor - Kemp vs. Abrams - Kemp (R) +2.0

Battle for the House 2018
Apparently, FL 1 & 2 and GA 11 are not in play :( , and there's no GA Senate race.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Just for Fun®

Tell Congress:
Stop the volcanic madness! DEMAND that all volcanoes on American soil be capped!

Volcanic ash is responsible for over 87% of all pollutants and is pushing ahead on AGW factors!
Demand that Yellowstone NP be filled in, is the worst polluter in the U.S.


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The Piper
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Leo Lyons wrote:
Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:31 am
Just for Fun®

Tell Congress:
Stop the volcanic madness! DEMAND that all volcanoes on American soil be capped!

Volcanic ash is responsible for over 87% of all pollutants and is pushing ahead on AGW factors!
Demand that Yellowstone NP be filled in, is the worst polluter in the U.S.

Donate Here:
At first I didn't see the Just for Fun tag at the top of the page. I see what appears to be links, and I'm like 'what the.....?'
Fake links, you got me.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:43 pm
Humans emit 100 times more CO2 than volcanoes.
I agree with that. We had some neighbors that we shunned because of their emissions.

A drop of volcanic activity in the early 20th century may have had a warming effect. However, volcanoes have had very little impact on the last 40 years of global warming.
That's hard to believe what the smoke and fumes being emitted from "hot spots" around the world.

TV news about this area:
Warmest month to date ever.
Warmest season to date (since 9/1) ever.
Warmest year to date ever.
Although humans are a great impact, it's hard to believe that forces of nature isn't the biggest cause.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Cooper calls for NC to slash greenhouse gas emissions

Gov. Roy Cooper signed an executive order Monday calling on North Carolina to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent in the next seven years.

Standing amid arrays of solar panels on SAS Institute's 12-acre solar farm in Cary, Cooper said such reductions are needed to lessen the impact of climate change, which he linked to the catastrophic flooding seen in eastern North Carolina from Hurricane Matthew in 2016 and Hurricane Florence last month.

"Floodwaters will come again, and we must take steps to lessen their impact," he said. "Greenhouse gases intensify climate change. This means sea-level rise, stronger storms and erratic weather, from droughts to floods" ...
Thank Gov. Cooper for signing an executive order calling for NC to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2025.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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U.S. report says climate change will batter economy, in clash with Trump

:---P Literally.

Even his own combined agencies say that POSPOTUS and the other LOL LOL LOL AGW deniers LOL LOL LOL are America-hating idiots.

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O Really
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by O Really »

So I headed out to my neighborhood Publix to stock up for the weekend weather. Plenty of bread and milk still there, but the supply of good beer was getting low and the sunscreen shelves had been ransacked.

You guys stay warm up there!

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:40 pm
So I headed out to my neighborhood Publix to stock up for the weekend weather. Plenty of bread and milk still there, but the supply of good beer was getting low and the sunscreen shelves had been ransacked.

You guys stay warm up there!
Snowing all day, but just started sticking after the sun went down. This should create a perfect layer of ice from the wet roads under the snow, especially since the pre-treatments were all washed away.

It's "Winter Storm Diego". I think there's a plot to associate Latinos with disasters.

I think I have enough booze to get me into January, but please send your thoughts and prayers just in case.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Don't you have to get shot to earn "thoughts and prayers"? For storms, all you get is a "Hendo Strong" t-shirt and an extra roll of paper towels.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:40 pm
So I headed out to my neighborhood Publix to stock up for the weekend weather. Plenty of bread and milk still there, but the supply of good beer was getting low and the sunscreen shelves had been ransacked.

You guys stay warm up there!
I think I may be confused....I thought you and Ms. O Really lived in Florida but isn't that a pic of Seattle with your id? And take my advice and stick with that beer and cigarettes diet whatever the weather.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by O Really »

neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:13 pm
O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:40 pm
So I headed out to my neighborhood Publix to stock up for the weekend weather. Plenty of bread and milk still there, but the supply of good beer was getting low and the sunscreen shelves had been ransacked.

You guys stay warm up there!
I think I may be confused....I thought you and Ms. O Really lived in Florida but isn't that a pic of Seattle with your id? And take my advice and stick with that beer and cigarettes diet whatever the weather.
Lady O and I live in a motorhome. Winter in Naples Florida. Lady O is a native Seattlite, UDub grad and Seahawks fanatic. Daughter lives out there, and after this winter, we're going west to Summer in western Washington/British Columbia and Winter in southern Cali. And we're going to stay in Canada/Washington/California until either we die or Trump is out of office, whichever comes first. ;)

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:03 pm
O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:40 pm
So I headed out to my neighborhood Publix to stock up for the weekend weather. Plenty of bread and milk still there, but the supply of good beer was getting low and the sunscreen shelves had been ransacked.

You guys stay warm up there!
Snowing all day, but just started sticking after the sun went down. This should create a perfect layer of ice from the wet roads under the snow, especially since the pre-treatments were all washed away.

It's "Winter Storm Diego". I think there's a plot to associate Latinos with disasters.

I think I have enough booze to get me into January, but please send your thoughts and prayers just in case.
They've been hyping a big snow storm here in northeast TN for the past day or so, but so far nothing to report. Fortunately, I've provisioned myself appropriately for treacherous weather and don't figure to venture out unless I run out of diet supplies, which is not likely. Also, Army beat Navy a while ago and Trump was at the game.....I blame him. Go Navy, fuck Army.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:18 pm
neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:13 pm
O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:40 pm
So I headed out to my neighborhood Publix to stock up for the weekend weather. Plenty of bread and milk still there, but the supply of good beer was getting low and the sunscreen shelves had been ransacked.

You guys stay warm up there!
I think I may be confused....I thought you and Ms. O Really lived in Florida but isn't that a pic of Seattle with your id? And take my advice and stick with that beer and cigarettes diet whatever the weather.
Lady O and I live in a motorhome. Winter in Naples Florida. Lady O is a native Seattlite, UDub grad and Seahawks fanatic. Daughter lives out there, and after this winter, we're going west to Summer in western Washington/British Columbia and Winter in southern Cali. And we're going to stay in Canada/Washington/California until either we die or Trump is out of office, whichever comes first. ;)
Cool....I didn't mean to be intrusive but I've been absent from here for an extended period and seemed to remember that you and your significant other either lived or spent a lot of time in FL.....I attribute this feat of trivial memory to my diet (previously described). I wish you both the best on the holiday highway and that your motor home is a fluid and subtle journey down a picturesque highway with no wreckage in the fast lane. Barring that, rip the mufflers off that bastard and drive it like you stole it. ok

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Vrede too
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:43 pm
Don't you have to get shot to earn "thoughts and prayers"? For storms, all you get is a "Hendo Strong" t-shirt and an extra roll of paper towels.
:lol: :thumbup:

However, by the time I can get mail again I won't need them.

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O Really
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:03 pm

It's "Winter Storm Diego". I think there's a plot to associate Latinos with disasters.
It was Weather Channel that named it - National Weather Service doesn't name winter storms.

But still it could be a part of the plot to demonize Hispanics. I wonder what nationality is Maria LaRosa, Jim Cantore, or Jen Carfagno.

"Diego" as a generic name or term for a Spaniard is documented from around 1615, and "Dago" is used as such still in the 19th century. By the early 20th century, the term "dago" became an ethnic slur chiefly for Italian Americans, besides also for anyone of Spanish or Portuguese descent"

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

O Really wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:43 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:03 pm

It's "Winter Storm Diego". I think there's a plot to associate Latinos with disasters.
It was Weather Channel that named it - National Weather Service doesn't name winter storms.

But still it could be a part of the plot to demonize Hispanics. I wonder what nationality is Maria LaRosa, Jim Cantore, or Jen Carfagno.

"Diego" as a generic name or term for a Spaniard is documented from around 1615, and "Dago" is used as such still in the 19th century. By the early 20th century, the term "dago" became an ethnic slur chiefly for Italian Americans, besides also for anyone of Spanish or Portuguese descent"
The most famous Diego of all.....


Played by a white guy.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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