Evil Obamacare

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:16 am
Ah. It's more work to be poor than privileged people realize.

When I've needed a new MD or dentist I've called around and asked if they accept new Medicaid patients. When told 'No', I've politely told them that I'm not on Medicaid but I don't accept new providers that don't take Medicaid. Some receptionists have gotten quite offended with me.
I like it.
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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Some receptionists have gotten quite offended with me.
:lol: Knowing who or what you were would have offended anybody. :lol:
It's a joke. Don't get upset or tell rstrong I made a joke
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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:16 am
Ah. It's more work to be poor than privileged people realize.

When I've needed a new MD or dentist I've called around and asked if they accept new Medicaid patients. When told 'No', I've politely told them that I'm not on Medicaid but I don't accept new providers that don't take Medicaid. Some receptionists have gotten quite offended with me.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/his-wife-r ... =DDMorning
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Re: Evil Obamacare

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His Wife Runs Medicaid, but This Doctor’s Practice Won’t Accept It

... That group doesn’t accept Medicaid....

Jane Norris, a CMS spokesman, said Verma’s husband does not accept Medicaid because that “helps avoid any further conflict of interest or complication of her recusal obligations.”
What a BS excuse! First, it's the entire group, not just him. Then, Medicaid reimbursement is and will remain low relative to private insurance. There is no way he could benefit unless he's going to commit fraud and have her cover it up. It's like saying someone can't be Transportation Secretary because they've got a toll taker in the family.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Petition to Congress:

"Force pharmaceutical companies to offer fair prices for drugs developed with taxpayer money. Support Sen. Bernie Sanders’ amendment to the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and Rep. Peter DeFazio's companion legislation in the House."

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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rstrong wrote:
Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:05 pm
... But yes, the Senators from Aetna should have paid a price. Not just for killing the public option, but for killing much of what could have been in what followed.

Marketwatch.com: Aetna's money well spent
Lieberman, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, and fellow Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd, a retiring Democrat, got the most Aetna funds. But Aetna also went far and wide when it came to finding key players in the health-care debate, giving heavily to Montana's Max Baucus and Nebraska's Ben Nelson -- both Democrats -- as well as two moderate Republicans from Maine, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins
Vrede too wrote:
Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:46 pm
rstrong wrote:... that included the "Senator for Aetna", independent Joe Lieberman. And Ben Nelson, another independent who opposed single-payer. Realistically Obama had only 57 votes....
Don't forget my favorite, Montana's powerful Dem corporate shill, former Senator Max Baucus....
Key Obamacare Architect (Former Sen. Max Baucus [D-Mont.]) Who Shunned Single Payer Now Backs It

A little late, you bastard. We may, may get there, but no thanks to you.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Petition to Congress:

"Lower prescription drug prices and crack down on Big Pharma monopolies by supporting the Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act."

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Then, there's what rightwing Christians are costing us:

Anti-Abortion Extremist Swindled Millions in Obamacare Rehab Ripoff
Jeff White, a father of 11, faces more than five years in prison, but shows no signs of slowing down on the anti-abortion front.

$27 million worth of birth control would have prevented a lot of abortions. Anti-choice Jeff White is a huge "baby killer". Ironic that.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Sanders, Khanna to Introduce Legislation to Drastically Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Petition to Congress:

"Support the Prescription Drug Price Relief Act, which would stop Big Pharma from ripping off the American people and lower drug prices by more than 40 percent."

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Posted elsewhere (I was lost, but now I am found)

https://www.theguardian.com/science/201 ... ancer-test

Where's our cancer doc?

Ten minute test

Oh well, we are the US and we don't use no kinda foreign drugs cause they ain't as pure as ourn.

oops - that is unless you are a drug company
They buy your drugs from india so you won't have to.

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/high-bloo ... d=59527133
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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:46 pm
Exclusive: Big Pharma returning to U.S. price hikes in January after pause

Elizabeth Warren’s ambitious new bill to lower generic drug prices, explained
Warren’s interesting new bill to lower generic drug prices, explained.

The petition to Congress reads:

"Pass the Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act, which would break Big Pharma monopolies on generic drugs if they hike prices or deny Americans medicine."
Heh, my brother in law has worked for big drug companies for decades, initially as a rep that goes around to doctors and pushes drugs (sort of like a guy with long hair and baseball cap on roller skates in Mission Beach San Diego as he rolled in a circle around me, tipped his hat and asked if like to buy any of the pot he had all up in there back in 77 or so) and he later went on to have posts of greater standing in Iowa and San Francisco. He and my sister live in a 600K house and the brother in law isn't what I would call overly smart or impressive but he is a Republican and they're both fundamentalists. Go covfefe. Anyway, I suspect that the price of drugs in this country is abnormally high compared to other advanced countries because the wages of all those involved in providing those drugs (drug salesmen, doctors, nurses, medical technicians, physicians assistants, et al) are at a much higher rate than the wages of those professionals in other countries. I haven't researched this but I will if I ever get off these drugs.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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The wages of all those professions definitely drive up the cost of healthcare, but not necessarily the price of drugs. That's all on Big Pharma, it's execs, some of its workers, its investors and the pols and prescribers that are bribed.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:40 pm
The wages of all those professions definitely drive up the cost of healthcare, but not necessarily the price of drugs. That's all on Big Pharma, it's execs, some of its workers, its investors and the pols and prescribers that are bribed.
Yes, I understand your point but I think there's a kind of inertia involved with the health care industry in this country that has an ancillary effect on everything related to it (similar to the relations the defense industry creates with its immense contracting of products or services it cannot itself provide). The drug companies are likely the biggest driver of this and they make their products as expensive as they can....because they can. Until enough folks raise enough hell about it, the industry lobbyists will win and things will remain as they are. I've noticed in the past couple of years there's a LOT of drug commercials on tv; some even have their own fucking theme song. I think it's grotesque. This alone probably costs the drug companies hundreds of millions of dollars a year that I don't see that they have to spend at all. They should have the doctors tell the patients what the option drugs are for their condition.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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neoplacebo wrote:
Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:21 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Fri Dec 28, 2018 6:40 pm
The wages of all those professions definitely drive up the cost of healthcare, but not necessarily the price of drugs. That's all on Big Pharma, it's execs, some of its workers, its investors and the pols and prescribers that are bribed.
Yes, I understand your point but I think there's a kind of inertia involved with the health care industry in this country that has an ancillary effect on everything related to it (similar to the relations the defense industry creates with its immense contracting of products or services it cannot itself provide). The drug companies are likely the biggest driver of this and they make their products as expensive as they can....because they can. Until enough folks raise enough hell about it, the industry lobbyists will win and things will remain as they are. I've noticed in the past couple of years there's a LOT of drug commercials on tv; some even have their own fucking theme song. I think it's grotesque. This alone probably costs the drug companies hundreds of millions of dollars a year that I don't see that they have to spend at all. They should have the doctors tell the patients what the option drugs are for their condition.

Insurance companies love the high price of drugs. They are allowed overhead and profit as a percentage on total cost. The more they spend, the more they take home. Once a drug is accepted by insurance companies there is little pressure to keep prices low.
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Re: Evil Obamacare

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I agree with Ulysses, and think that the only way we will ever get effective drug price reduction is if we get single payer that allows across the board negotiation like the VA already does. The other thing Europe does right is that if a new drug can't prove that it's better than an existing drug, they can't charge more than the cost of the existing drug. This removes almost all of the bribery involved in getting providers to prescribe the new drug.

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Re: Evil Obamacare

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Democrats’ plan to neuter Medicare for All irks liberals
With their eyes on 2020, Democrats have introduced at least eight plans for expanding health coverage beyond Obamacare’s gains.

Medicare for All may be progressives' rallying cry. But it’s Medicare for More that’s likely to wind up becoming reality.

Several likely 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are pushing plans for something short of universal health care, a move already creating friction within the party's empowered left wing, which has panned any attempt to water down the progressive dream of a single-payer system....
:roll: Here we go again.
Poll: 56 percent of public supports 'Medicare for all'

... The poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that 56 percent of the public supports a single-payer plan, compared to 42 percent who oppose the idea....

The poll finds that there are wide swings in support and opposition to the idea depending on how the question is asked.

When people are told that Medicare for all would “guarantee health insurance as a right for all Americans,” support shoots up to 71 percent.

But when people are told that the proposal would “require most Americans to pay more in taxes,” support plummets to just 37 percent....
:confusion-scratchheadyellow: We are an ignorant people.

Tell Democrats: Co-Sponsor Medicare for All


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