Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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US Air Force Hires Two Firms to Start Developing America’s Next ICBM

... The military is in the early stages of a sweeping overhaul of its nuclear arsenal. It’s buying new stealth bombers, nuclear submarines, cruise missiles, and ICBMs. The total price tag over the coming decades could top $1.5 trillion, the Arms Control Association warned last week....
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:28 am

Don’t Bank on the Bomb

One of the Principal Authors, Susi Snyder, is an old friend from my years working to shut down the Nevada (nuclear weapons) Test Site (NTS).

United States
226 Financial Institutions made an estimated USD$ 344 billion available to 27 nuclear weapon producing companies since January 2013.

Almost all of my banked money is in a credit union that doesn't appear on the list. However, I do still have an old, small account at NC's BB&T (#33, page 32). I'll close it and tell them why.

First US bank announces public position against nuclear weapons

Divesting from Warfare

Preventing the First Use of Nuclear Weapons (petition)

"Together with China we'll continue to strive for a reasonable approach and not an emotional one like when children in a kindergarten start fighting and no one can stop them."
-- Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia. Lavrov was referring to a proposal supported by Russia and China that would involve North Korea freezing its nuclear and missile programs in exchange for a halt to joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises.
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:57 pm
US Air Force Hires Two Firms to Start Developing America’s Next ICBM

... The military is in the early stages of a sweeping overhaul of its nuclear arsenal. It’s buying new stealth bombers, nuclear submarines, cruise missiles, and ICBMs. The total price tag over the coming decades could top $1.5 trillion, the Arms Control Association warned last week....
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Easier to read the tiny type at the very beginning at YouTube.

Anointed (written by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner)
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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On Mon, November 5, 2018 3:43 pm, Senator Thom Tillis wrote:
> Dear (Vrede too):

> Thank you for taking the time to contact
> me about the New START Policy Act. I appreciate hearing from you.

> As you
> may know, on April 8, 2010, President Obama signed the Measures for the
> Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty with
> Russia. Also referred to as the New START Treaty, it became effective on
> February 5, 2011.

> On June 28, 2018, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
> introduced S. 3169, the New START Policy Act, which was subsequently
> referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If enacted, this bill
> would establish a statement of policy that the United States extend the
> New START from its initial termination date of February 2021 to February
> 2026,


> unless the President of the United States determines, and informs
> Congress, that Russia is not in material compliance with the New START
> Treaty.


> Like you, I am very concerned about nuclear proliferation.
> Vladimir Putin’s gangster regime is armed to the teeth with nuclear
> weapons.

“Vladimir Putin’s gangster regime is armed to the” TREATY LIMITS, JUST LIKE OUR “gangster regime”.

> Beijing, which has hegemonic desires on its neighbors, seeks more
> nuclear weapons than even Putin can imagine.


> And last, but definitely more
> frightening,


> is the march of Tehran’s mullah’s


> toward intercontinental
> ballistic missile systems. If permitted to achieve their goals, the
> ayatollah will aim these weapons at Washington and Tel-Aviv.


> Congress has
> shown its support for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA),
> increasing its budget by nearly 20% over the last three years.


> Along with
> this increase has been a sizable increase in Defense Nuclear
> Nonproliferation spending. Like you, I support robust funding for this
> program.


> In addition to nonproliferation efforts, we must maintain a
> viable nuclear deterrent.


> Our nuclear triad, a three-pronged military
> force structure, gives our military nuclear strike capability from the
> land, air, and sea. It consists of land-launched nuclear missiles,
> nuclear-missile-armed submarines, and strategic aircraft with nuclear
> bombs and missiles. Developed during the Cold War, the nuclear triad
> continues to be a key component of our defense strategy;


> however, much of
> the technology has become outdated.


> We must be willing to invest now to
> ensure that the United States preserves this vital tool for the future.


> Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate
> to get in touch with me again about other issues that are important to
> you.

> Thom Tillis
> U.S. Senator (R-NC)

Stop a New Low-Yield Nuclear Weapon (petition to US Rep.)
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Stop a New Low-Yield Nuclear Weapon (petition to your U.S. Rep.)

"When we went over to Nagasaki, it was total devastation. It was like a landscape in hell.... It was acres of mud, with bones and hair sticking up out of it. And as I’ve said before, it really made me an instant pacifist. Up to that time, I’d been a good American boy, in the boy scouts, etc…Nagasaki really woke me up."
-- Lawrence Ferlinghetti, a legendary American poet who turned 100 on March 31
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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TAKE ACTION: Save Nuclear Arms Control
Tell your members of Congress to support these bills.
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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We all heard about the North Korean missile tests in May. I did not hear about the simultaneous US missile tests. Funny that.

U.S. and North Korea Launch Missiles at Same Time: What They Have and Why They Should Stop
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Very strange, the 45SHOLE admin* is making a big deal out of supposed violations of treaties that the US is not party to.
A Response to Claims of Illegal Russian Nuclear Testing

In prepared remarks delivered Wednesday at a Hudson Institute event, Lt. Gen. Robert P. Ashley, Jr., the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, stated that “The United States believes that Russia probably is not adhering to its nuclear testing moratorium in a manner consistent with the ‘zero-yield’ standard” outlined in the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

Any violation of the CTBT by Russia, which has signed and ratified the agreement, would be a serious matter. But when pressed on the allegation in the question and answer session of the event by Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Gordon, Ashley would only say that Russia had the "capability" to conduct very low-yield supercritical nuclear tests in contravention of the treaty, a capability which Russia, China, and the United States have long had. He did not say that Russia has conducted or is conducting such tests.

The CTBT prohibits any nuclear test explosions that produce a self-sustaining, supercritical chain reaction and creates a robust international verification regime.

The United States has signed but not ratified the treaty....

The most effective way for the United States to enforce compliance with the zero-yield standard is for the Trump administration and the U.S. Senate to support ratification of the treaty and help to bring it into force, which would allow for intrusive, short-notice, on-site inspections to detect and deter any possible cheating....
The Trump Administration’s Failing Iran Policy Is Spurring Troubling Retaliatory Actions by Iran

Iran announced Monday that in 10 days it will exceed a limit on enriched uranium set by the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Iran’s decision to breach caps imposed by the accord is a troubling but predictable response to the Trump administration’s systematic campaign to deny Iran any benefit from the nuclear deal over the past year....

While any violation of the deal is concerning, breaching the limit on low-enriched uranium does not pose a near-term proliferation risk....

We also urge the Trump administration to rethink its failing Iran’s policy, which has put an effective nonproliferation agreement in jeopardy, increasing the risk of a new nuclear crisis and the threat of conflict in the region.

It may still be possible to save the nuclear deal, which has successfully blocked Iran’s pathways to nuclear weapons. Doing so will require Tehran’s continued compliance with the accord and for the remaining parties to the agreement to ratchet up efforts to facilitate legitimate trade with Iran and to pressure the United States to return to compliance with its commitments. Such developments could serve as a foundation for the United States and Iran to engage in negotiations that address other areas of tension in the region.
Trump Cryptically Parrots Fox News Graphic Encouraging Iran Military Strike

... “Iran to defy Uranium Stockpile Limits,” the president tweeted at 11:49 a.m. ET, three minutes after America’s Newsroom aired a chyron with the same wording ...
There are NO “Uranium Stockpile Limits” as far as the US is concerned. POSPOTUS withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal last year, duh.
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Re: Nuclear weapons

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Yeah, I think that same thing every night as I watch Pompeo blather about Iran; his boss has effectively made it none of our business. I guess it's just another case of the Israeli tail wagging the American dog but this is the biggest tail wag yet. Plus, trump has to express his gratitude to Nuttyahoo for naming part of the most recently stolen land "Trump Heights" even though trumpy already moved our embassy and also blessed the latest Israeli seizure of land; they way I see it Nuttyahoo owes trump at this point.

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