Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by rstrong »

Bungalow Bill wrote:Yep. He was the one who made me think of the fake quotes.
He posted that Sanger one in two threads. Students, always
review your work. :)
Sanger's real quote about wanting birth control to be misrepresented as a program to exterminate other races, was in turn misrepresented as a demand to exterminate other races by Angela Davis. It's interesting how Colonel Taylor has such blind faith in a Communist Party activist.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote: :?: Three white kids; one Black kid protesting ..... the "affected" ones are walking away.
I just *KNEW* you would find some goddamned stupid way to misrepresent the picture. And that you wouldn't have the moral courage to read an article that might contradict your little hate-based worldview.
Get screwed stupid; you sure got your little dainty frillies all in a twist over that one, didn't you. Moral courage...? You don't even know the meaning of morals or courage. Like your hero Vrede, you hide behind your keyboard 'way up there in Canada spouting your liberal bullsh*t. Aren't things exciting enough for you up there? I'm certain you're one of those I spoke of that spew hate-filled and vulgar comments on YT and other media sites that you troll all over the U.S.
I know there's Wal-Marts in Canada, stop in at the next one you come to and go get a real life; they're on sale.

The picture's not "misrepresented" in any way, shape, or form. Just your ignorant screaming about my pointing out the others walking away while these four "paused from the march to hold up their protest signs for the photo" (according to your leader)

You ignorant liberals, (or liberal-minded, regardless of your political sway,) only see things one way, and that's your way.

and btw ... You better watch yourself responding to my posts; Vrede has given you and O Really explicit warnings about replying to my posts; he'll be on your ass like white on rice.

Oh yeah ... another thing, stupid ass. You obviously failed to understand where I said I wasn't defending the cop. I did say that I believe the cop's actions were initiated by the mouths of the kids ... but in your world, it's OK for kids to be trashy-mouthed and defy authority, and being Black gives them all the more right to do so.

I typed this as slow as I could; I hope it didn't go over your head too fast.
Last edited by Mr.B on Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Vrede too »

rstrong wrote:Yes, Sanger ... supported eugenics. Against the "profoundly retarded", mentally ill, "and reckless people whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." ...
It's like she met Kernel Failure.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Cultmaster Soapstar wrote: "Well, I had to look because I expected something ......"
Yeah, and you don't lie and bears don't sh*t in the woods.

You're always looking. You would curl up and die if you thought someone said something and you couldn't see it and put it down.
You might not respond, but, you lying troll, ..... you look. 'fess up.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by rstrong »

Mr.B wrote:Moral courage...? You don't even know the meaning of morals or courage.
...Says the homophobic bigot with blinders toward institutionalized racism, who uses his own personal cherry-picking of Christianity to justify his hate-mongering.
Mr.B wrote:Like your hero Vrede,
You're so goddamned stupid and paranoid, you think that ANYONE who disagrees with you is working for Vrede. Or is it part of your religion now? (In case you haven't figured it out, YOU'RE part of his cult following, not me)
Mr.B wrote:I'm certain you're one of those I spoke of that spew hate-filled and vulgar comments on YT and other media sites that you troll all over the U.S.
I'll leave the anti-American hate mongering to you. (No, really. Review your own posts. You simply can't stand that America has a civil rights movement. Or freedom of religion.)
Mr.B wrote:The picture's not "misrepresented" in any way, shape, or form.
And yet you managed to (stupidly) do exactly that.
Mr.B wrote:You ignorant liberals, (or liberal-minded, regardless of your political sway,)
Conservative, actually. I know that doesn't fit with your bigoted little worldview; someone who doesn't parrot Stormfront talking points, not being a liberal.

No, I'm not like the Tea-Party-dominated Republican Party. I'm more conservative on budgeting. I'm more conservative on involvement in foreign wars. I'm more conservative on religion. (Yes, preservation of the separation of church and state as America's founding fathers intended, IS the conservative position.) I'm more conservative on healthcare. And I'm more conservative on civil rights (No, your bigotry is NOT conservatism.), wanting them preserved where the Tea Partiers and religious right want them taken away.

Granted, support for country-wide same-sex marriage in the US would not be conservative, as it advocates change. Here in Canada though we've had it for a decade, and longer in some parts. It hasn't been a problem at all. In fact the issue simply disappeared altogether a decade ago. Keeping things as is, is the conservative position.
Mr.B wrote:You better watch yourself responding to my posts; Vrede has given you and O Really explicit warnings about replying to my posts; he'll be on your ass like white on rice.
I've received no such warning from Vrede. And yet here YOU are, issuing a warning.

And typical for you, with a reference to someone's ass or testicles. Just open that closet door already.
Mr.B wrote:I did say that I believe the cop's actions were initiated by the mouths of the kids ... but in your world, it's OK for kids to be trashy-mouthed and defy authority
Nothing they did provoked the cop pointing a gun at them or attacking them. He was doing what he simply wanted to do. If you watch the video, it's the cop who was "trashy-mouthed." The video backs this up.
Mr.B wrote: and being Black gives them all the more right to do so.
Getting back to the article linked with that picture - again, the one you obviously didn't have the moral courage to read - even the WHITE witnesses paint a different picture. But if Stormfront talking points suit you better, enjoy.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Vrede too »

rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:You better watch yourself responding to my posts; Vrede has given you and O Really explicit warnings about replying to my posts; he'll be on your ass like white on rice.
I've received no such warning from Vrede....
As Mr.B and everyone else already knows:
Vrede too wrote:... I am not offering an opinion on what if any sanctions should be imposed on Mr.B. That would be too self-serving. The physical threat months ago was funny to me and I urged that there be no penalty then, but now that it's become a pattern of behavior the situation is different.

Feel free to weigh in to help banni decide. Any conclusion is fine with me and maybe ______'s way is best - Isn't shunning an appropriately Christian thing? If the decision is nothing, I'm fine with that. I can hold my own for as long as I feel like and y'all are creative enough to hold him accountable one way or the other.
Its time for Mr B to go. He has physically threatened Vrede and know he hints at threatening his employment....
To be fair, he has not yet hinted at threatening my employment, though his other threats are clear. Rather, I made my choice because my employment could have been threatened by him or anyone else that chose to do so.
It's pathetic that he's so whiny, dishonest and paranoid, and really funny that he's so stupid as to get repeatedly busted.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

rstrong wrote: Sanger's real quote about wanting birth control to be misrepresented as a program to exterminate other races, was in turn misrepresented as a demand to exterminate other races by Angela Davis. It's interesting how Colonel Taylor has such blind faith in a Communist Party activist.
Politics does make strange bedfellows (figurative ones of course).

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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There are few things in life scarier than a skinny
14 year old black girl in a bikini. Yikes!!!

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by rstrong »

Mr.B wrote:I know there's Wal-Marts in Canada,
In early 1994 the temperature never once went above -30, day or night, for an entire month. Walmart was setting up shop in Winnipeg. An executive was sent from the head office in Arkansas to oversee the project.

A private jet lands and taxis up near the terminal. Door opens, stairs fold down. A man in a business suit appears at the top of the stairs, and starts to descend.

A gust of -37C/-35F wind blasts across the open prairie and hits him with full force.

The executive from Arkansas wobbles for a moment, executes a 180 degree turn to starboard, and ascends the stairs. Stairs fold up, door closes, jet departs to the south.

Apparently they had a hard time finding anyone else to go to Winnipeg, after this guy telling his horror story to everyone who would listen.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Obviously not a deterrent; you've got 6 of 'em. You've got a wide choice of where to get a life. Remember, they're on sale.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote: "It's pathetic that he's so whiny, dishonest and paranoid, and really funny that he's so stupid as to get repeatedly busted."
But you don't read my posts, remember?
Vrede too wrote: "Well, I had to look because I expected something....."

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Bungalow Bill wrote:"There are few things in life scarier than a skinny 14 year old black girl in a bikini. Yikes!!!"
Like a short cop who knows how to do a ground roll without missing a beat, and then pulling a gun? :lol:

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by rstrong »

Mr.B wrote:Obviously not a deterrent; you've got 6 of 'em. You've got a wide choice of where to get a life. Remember, they're on sale.
The dossiers you're compiling on Those Who Disagree With You includes details like how many Walmarts are nearby.

And then you tell THEM to get a life.


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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

rstrong wrote: "The dossiers you're compiling...."
You've been hanging with Vrede too long .... you're beginning to emulate him to a tee. If your name wasn't heading the post; we wouldn't be able to tell which of you posted it. That's spooky; he's taught you well. :-|| :-||

Betcha your little bunny's twitchin' nose misses that smelly old goat, huh? :silent:

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by rstrong »

You're the head prophet of the Vrede cult, not me.

But sure. Maybe you just happened to be looking up the number of Walmarts in Winnipeg. Nothing forum related. Right.


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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Mr.B »

rstrong wrote:You're the head prophet of the Vrede cult, not me.
That would be Homerfobe; he's the one that's got Vrede's number.

"Maybe you just happened to be looking up the number of Walmarts in Winnipeg. Nothing forum related. Right."
Duh ... you're the one who posted about the exec snubbing his nose at your weather, ( Quote: "Apparently they had a hard time finding anyone else to go to Winnipeg...." ) so how would I have known otherwise, Dingleberry?

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by rstrong »

You mentioned Canadian Walmarts. I told a Walmart anecdote. Then you tell me how many Walmarts are in my home city of Winnipeg.


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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Vrede too »

From goat to bunny, looks like Mr.B is seeking another Cultmaster. We've converted him from Christianity to Zoolatry.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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He'll still declare it "Christianity" and cherry-pick some Biblical quote to back it, as always.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

Unread post by Vrede too »

Lamb of God.
Goat of God?
Bunny of God?
A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
-- Charlie Sykes on MSNBC
1312. ETTD.

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