Tree Hugger Thread

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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It’s Not Just Jeff Sessions: The FBI Must Investigate Scott Pruitt for Lying to Congress
The new EPA head used private email to conduct government business in his prior job, but he didn’t say that when asked by the Senate. If Hillary Clinton was investigated for lying, he should be too.

... . In Pruitt’s pre-confirmation questionnaire, Senator Cory Booker asked, “Have you ever conducted business using your personal email accounts, nonofficial Oklahoma attorney general email accounts, text messages, instant messenger, voicemails, or any other medium?”

Pruitt’s responded: “I use only my official OAG [Office of the Attorney General] email address and government-issued phone to conduct official business.”

As we know now, that was untrue. (Pruitt’s EPA office did not respond to a request for comment.)

It may also be a crime. Section 1001 of the criminal code defines the crime of “False Statement to Government Agency” as anyone who “(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; or (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation” when speaking to government agents or officials (PDF).

This broad statute is the one that sent Martha Stewart to prison for lying about insider trading, and the one under which Henry Cisneros was indicted for lying to FBI investigators during his own confirmation process for secretary of Housing and Urban Development in 1992. The penalty for a Section 1001 violation is identical to that of perjury: a maximum of five years in prison. The two crimes are functionally equivalent.

When it comes to statements to Congress, Section 1001 is limited to “any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress.”

This most likely includes a confirmation hearing, according to Pace Law School professor Bennett Gershman.

“Section 1001 clearly covers false statements made knowingly and willfully to congressional committees,” the expert on criminal law told The Daily Beast when asked about Pruitt’s hearing. “This is precisely the argument that some Republicans made in demanding an FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s testimony before Congress.” ...
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Mayors, conservationists blast possible cuts to Great Lakes restoration work

A group representing the region's mayors in both the United States and Canada joined conservation groups Friday in responding sharply to news that the Trump administration is mulling drastic cuts to the ongoing Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

The proposed cuts, reported by the Detroit Free Press on Thursday, would slash annual funding for the $300 million program to $10 million. The restoration initiative is an ecological recovery program for the Great Lakes that combats invasive species, curbs nutrient-fueled algae blooms, cleans up toxic messes and restores sensitive fish and wildlife habitat.

“Cuts of this magnitude would be devastating to the efforts of our two countries over the past five decades to restore the resource," said David Ullrich, executive director of The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, which represents mayors from more than 125 U.S. and Canadian cities in the Great Lakes basin.

Ullrich said the cuts also will undermine all of the lake restoration and protection efforts underway by local governments, which are collectively far more significant than the federal restoration initiative launched by the Obama administration in 2010....

“Great Lakes protection is not a partisan issue. No matter how different our backgrounds, Great Lakers value clean water,” the Alliance for the Great Lakes said in a statement issued Friday. “For decades, people of all political affiliations from all corners of the region, have consistently shown strong support for protecting the Great Lakes. And, some of the most critical programs and regulations targeted by President Trump’s proposed cuts have been supported by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.” ...
What, instead of throwing the money at fat cats and the bloated and wasteful military? Damn, being so close to Canada is rubbing off on the unpatriotic bastards. Make America Gross Again!
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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President Trump’s proposed cuts...
The Republican Party's proposed cuts.

He's a Republican President*. The cuts can't happen without the full cooperation of the Republican Congress. Don't give them the excuse "It wasn't OUR doing, it was Trump's."

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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True. Otoh, there may come a point where, "That's a Trump idea," will be poison.
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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That didn't happen with Bush II. Instead by the end you had countless right-wing blogs and news outlets telling people that "Bush wasn't really a Republican." After the 2008 election they banished him from memory. But still kept the Bush permanent tax holiday for the wealthy, etc.

Republicans will cheerfully gut environmental laws and funding and then cheerfully deny having anything to do with it while pointing at Trump.

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Sort of. They did lose the WH for 8 years and Congress for a couple of years. Now, they put even less of a Republican in. I think it's too early to say how much of Trump's damage will fall on him alone vs. the GOP in general, and what the full and lasting effect of the massive resist Trump movement will be.
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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A mess in Paradise today... ... -behavior/

2,500 acre fire. Smoky air all around.

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Don’t let Republicans destroy the EPA

The petition to the U.S. House reads:

"I urge you to vote no on H.R. 861, 'To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.' The EPA is essential for protecting our environment. If it were eliminated, we’d lose important safeguards for our air, water, and climate. Please stand up for our environment by opposing this bill."
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Happy St Patty's Day

You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Started late in life (left), started at a young age (right).
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Synopsis of the movie that image is from (Leprechaun in the Hood)
Los Angeles rap artists Postmaster P. (Anthony Montgomery), Stray Bullet (Rashaan Nall) and Butch (Red Grant) accidentally free a Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) that was imprisoned by record producer Mac Daddy O'Nassas (Ice-T) 20 years earlier. The Leprechaun hunts the friends in order to recover his magic flute, which places listeners of its tune in a euphoric trance. After killing some people, such as a reverend, DJ artists, and a hot girl, the Leprechaun reaches the three friends at Postmaster P.'s home.

When the rap artists and the Leprechaun engage in a fight, the Leprechaun kills Stray Bullet by making him shoot himself in the mouth with his own pistol while Postmaster P. and Butch stare in horror. Butch visits Postmaster P. at his grandma's house and convinces him to use a joint laced with four-leaf clovers to strip the Leprechaun of his powers in order to steal back the flute.

Postmaster P. and Butch then visit the club in which the Leprechaun has taken up residence. In order to gain entry they dress in drag. Postmaster P then disenchants the Zombie Fly Girls[clarification needed] by having them smoke one of the joints laced with clovers. The duo then goes upstairs to find the Leprechaun who wants the dragged up Postmaster P. to give him a blowjob. Before proceeding any further, the Leprechaun smokes the clover laced joint and passes out. The rap artists take the flute and head downstairs where Mac Daddy shoots Butch, killing him. Postmaster P. retaliates by shooting Mac Daddy three times. No longer under the effects of clover, the Leprechaun comes downstairs and uses magic to pin Postmaster P. against a girder. Postmaster P. then distracts the Leprechaun, allowing the bullet-ridden Mac Daddy to hit the Leprechaun with a wooden chair. Immediately, the Leprechaun uses magic to explode Mac Daddy's torso, but with the last of his strength, Mac Daddy throws the magic amulet in the air.

Cut to a dark stage with much fog and a silhouetted Postmaster P. rapping about how he's finally made it. He moves to the forefront where his eyes are hidden behind sunglasses. He removes the sunglasses to show that his irises glow a neon green, which indicates that he is under the Leprechaun's spell. The camera pans to the front row, in which the Leprechaun sits wearing the same glasses as Postmaster P.
The film ends with the Leprechaun rapping about being an evil Irish leprechaun.
I can't believe I haven't seen this Leprechaun movie yet.
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Don’t let Republicans destroy the EPA

The petition to the U.S. House reads:

"I urge you to vote no on H.R. 861, 'To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.' The EPA is essential for protecting our environment. If it were eliminated, we’d lose important safeguards for our air, water, and climate. Please stand up for our environment by opposing this bill."
Or just send it directly to the Congressional Petition File...

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Every now and then a Congressional Petition File . . .
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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From Center for Biological Diversity:
Trump: Coal Safe to Eat, Drink and Make Sweet, Sweet Love to

In an executive order issued early today, President Donald Trump encouraged all Americans to embrace the fossil fuel known as coal, which, as he tweeted at 2:34 a.m., is a healthy source of everything. Outside its obvious use for generating electricity, the miracle substance can also be sautéed, broiled or fried -- or even liquefied and consumed as an energy beverage, tweeted the commander-in-chief.

In addition, according to the executive order, the black, combustible sedimentary rock can be converted to a powder and sprinkled into the marital bed to spice up tired romance.

"I promise you, you'll absolutely love it. It's the best thing for America. Sprinkle it on your toast, rub it on your body... If you miss out... sad!"

White House Issues 'How to Talk' Guides for Employees


The Trump administration sent a new guide to all 4.2 million federal employees this week with helpful guidance on how to talk. Not only are "global warming" and "climate change" banned from use -- "These are antiquated ideas for nerds and crybabies," the guide says -- but so are phrases like "the science shows that...," "public health" and "the Russians."

"The Trump administration loves freedom, and we want you to speak freely, but only with the right words," the guide's introduction says. "You heard the president say it during the campaign. He's got the best vocabulary, the best words, so let's follow his example!"

Other guidance for speeches and government documents calls for a mandatory, 80-percent increase in the use of "great," "jobs" and "great, bigly jobs."

Wildlife Hastily Adopting 'Apocalypse-proof' Mutations


A new study reveals that, since Nov. 8, 2016, several American wildlife species have begun to rapidly evolve mutations to gird against potential apocalypse.

"It's the damndest thing," said one federal wildlife scientist, who would only speak anonymously because she's not sure whether scientists are still allowed in the Trump administration. "It's as if they know something we don't."

Pikas, possums and raccoons have all been observed with emerging outer shells capable of withstanding a nuclear blast. Dolphins have started to develop skin impermeable to spilled oil. Migratory birds have departed for Canada and not returned.

Other species, including some humans, have been observed simply huddling in dark, quiet places.

Reclassified as Condiment, Prairie Dogs Can Be Eaten


In an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of late President Ronald Reagan -- whose Department of Agriculture famously attempted to classify relish as a vegetable in order to cut corners on children's school lunches -- the Trump White House has declared various rare and tasty species, including prairie dogs, to actually be condiments.

The prairie dogs can now be gobbled at will in combination with hamburgers, sloppy Joes and frankfurters, the White House said. In addition, since the small, fat mammals can be difficult to catch, condiment-gathering methods -- which traditionally have been limited to tomato harvest, mustard farming, etc. -- will soon be expanded, in consultation with the NRA.
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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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Re: Tree Hugger Thread

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A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
-- Charlie Sykes on MSNBC
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