Re: CPF: The BEST Forum Ever

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Vrede too
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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GoCubsGo wrote:... Best as I can tell, TEA support has waned recently ....
Sort of, in co-opting the TPers the GOP has moved even further towards the wingnutty right.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Darth Fife wrote:... 72% of likely voters believe parents should be required to prove they are legal residents when registering their child for public school; only 21% oppose such a requirement. Only 32% believe that children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend public school in the U.S., opposed to 53% who disagree (Rasmussen, August 2011)....
You do know that many of those kids are US citizens by birth, right?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Darth Fife wrote:
O Really wrote:Glad you think so.
But what part was the funniest? That most people are not extreme?
That "RINO's" are the traditional Republicans?
The fact that you apparently by into the Left's propaganda that people who want fiscally responsible government, enforcement of immigration laws that are already on the books, and adherence to limits placed on Government by the Constitution as being "extremist".

That is what is so damned funny!
No, the crazy isn't in the broad warm fuzzy principles like "fiscally responsible government..." The crazy is in what constitutes the implementation and details of those principles. I'll bet not many people would be in favor of the type of "fiscally responsible government" espoused by Governor Brownback. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be that many in favor of being "fiscally responsible" by chopping public education, cutting fire and police services. If they were asked do they think it's a good idea to cut taxes so much you create a tremendous artificial shortage and then express your "fiscal responsibility" by cutting essential services? I'll bet they didn't ask that one, but the people of Wisconsin know the answer. I think "securing the border" is a good idea. But building a wall isn't. Don't those who advocate a wall know that the majority of illegal aliens don't sneak over the river, but arrive at an airport and then overstay their visas? Did the survey happen to ask the respondents if they knew if the number of illegals deported had increased or decreased since Obama took office? Although they objected to "amnesty" would they have answered differently if asked if they supported Reagan approach to a path to legality?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Vrede too wrote:
Darth Fife wrote:... 72% of likely voters believe parents should be required to prove they are legal residents when registering their child for public school; only 21% oppose such a requirement. Only 32% believe that children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend public school in the U.S., opposed to 53% who disagree (Rasmussen, August 2011)....
You do know that many of those kids are US citizens by birth, right?
Would you be talking about "Anchor Babies" or Obama's Wet (back) Dreamers?

Now, as for O Really...

I see you pretty much have the DNC Talking Points memorized, so there is no point debating anything with you - you'll never stray from the dictates of your Dark Master!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Darth Fife wrote:[

Now, as for O Really...

I see you pretty much have the DNC Talking Points memorized, so there is no point debating anything with you - you'll never stray from the dictates of your Dark Master!
You're fuckin' serious? You take "talking points" from or some other distributor of "conservative talking points", act as if your own work, and accuse O Really, who really authored every single word in his reply, and say "there is no point debating anything with you - you'll never stray from the dictates of your Dark Master!" That lazy ass shit works on CPF but not here.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Darth Fife wrote:
Vrede too wrote:
Darth Fife wrote:... 72% of likely voters believe parents should be required to prove they are legal residents when registering their child for public school; only 21% oppose such a requirement. Only 32% believe that children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend public school in the U.S., opposed to 53% who disagree (Rasmussen, August 2011)....
You do know that many of those kids are US citizens by birth, right?
Would you be talking about "Anchor Babies"

A citizen is a citizen, deal with it.

or Obama's (racist and childishly vulgar epithet, figures) Dreamers? ...

Ummm, they're not citizens. If you're going to open a topic it would behoove you to get your terminology straight.
Perhaps more importantly, why do you want to punish children for the choices their parents make, why do you want our residents to be less educated, and why would a supposed libertarian like you want local schools doing the feds job for them? Also, do you really think the families won't stay anyhow, or just buy fake IDs, if there are more bureaucratic hoops to enrolling in school? Wow.
Last edited by Vrede too on Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Sometime Lefty wrote:You're fuckin' serious? You take "talking points" from or some other distributor of "conservative talking points", act as if your own work, and accuse O Really, who really authored every single word in his reply, and say "there is no point debating anything with you - you'll never stray from the dictates of your Dark Master!" That lazy ass shit works on CPF but not here.
Not to mention 4 year old polling. Darth Fife must not be as comfortable citing 2015 polls.
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O Really
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Darth Fife wrote: Now, as for O Really...

I see you pretty much have the DNC Talking Points memorized, so there is no point debating anything with you - you'll never stray from the dictates of your Dark Master!
And yet you don't seem to have any factual response. Do you know what Reagan's path to legality was, and when and why it was ended? Do you have any source that shows more illegal immigrants sneak across the river than arrive by other means? Are you saying Brownback really is doing a good job?
Do you not know that Walker really did create his own "financial crisis?" It's well documented in many places other than "DNC talking points."
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Here's the same I said - only with more detail. Feel free to disagree, but hopefully with some facts. ... l_reality/
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Darth Fife wrote:Greetings all!

I, too, am a refugee from CPF! My crime? I simply stated that there were some (not all, but some) members of that forum who would never criticize or condemn a cop for shooting an unarmed suspect - regardless of race and regardless of circumstances.

And for pointing out that the U.S. is very quickly becoming a Police State and that neither the Democrats, nor the Republicans seem to be overly concerned about it!

For speaking truth to power, I got a one week ban. I'm not going back! When the one week is up I'm going to delete my account and be done with it!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Sometime Lefty wrote:
Darth Fife wrote:Greetings all!

I, too, am a refugee from CPF! My crime? I simply stated that there were some (not all, but some) members of that forum who would never criticize or condemn a cop for shooting an unarmed suspect - regardless of race and regardless of circumstances.

And for pointing out that the U.S. is very quickly becoming a Police State and that neither the Democrats, nor the Republicans seem to be overly concerned about it!

For speaking truth to power, I got a one week ban. I'm not going back! When the one week is up I'm going to delete my account and be done with it!
Can anyone guess where Waldo is?
Holy shit Darth, you got some dumb motherfucking friends over there: ... hower!/15/

Love how they hold The Constitution so dear :lol:

This woman got the cop's badge, hope she gets his house next.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Apparently, Darth Fife is a liberal. Who knew?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Welcome Darth Fife; for however long it lasts. As I did, you've walked into one nest of angry bees. Hope you're not allergic.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Vrede too wrote:Apparently, Darth Fife is a liberal. Who knew?
Liberalism obviously has differing degrees of membership: Somewhat Liberal, Liberal, and Radically Liberal. The latter makes it's home here.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Vrede too »

Maybe you did not follow the link and thus missed the point. Darth Fife claims to be libertarian, which would make him arguably more truly conservative than the neofascists at CPF.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Heil Solar just posted this and I went there thinking it had to do with CPF's popularity but it was about a site called BACK YARD CHICKENS! So I went to the site thinking maybe it was a secret tea site but it was about BACK YARD CHICKENS! So I ask what the fuck drug is that asshole on?

Solar wrote
"We merely continue telling the truth, exposing the Leftists in both party's, the truth always prevails.
We have a very strong following of readership, and new readers twice that amount daily, more than 100 thousand a month new readers, called Uniques according to quantcast.

I'd say we're making changes in how TEA is viewed". :thumbup:
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by bannination »

Sometime Lefty wrote:Heil Solar just posted this and I went there thinking it had to do with CPF's popularity but it was about a site called BACK YARD CHICKENS! So I went to the site thinking maybe it was a secret tea site but it was about BACK YARD CHICKENS! So I ask what the fuck drug is that asshole on?

Solar wrote
"We merely continue telling the truth, exposing the Leftists in both party's, the truth always prevails.
We have a very strong following of readership, and new readers twice that amount daily, more than 100 thousand a month new readers, called Uniques according to quantcast.

I'd say we're making changes in how TEA is viewed". :thumbup:
I wonder if anyone even noticed beside you? ...
I can't even visit the forum at the moment because I happened to get assigned an IP that's been banned before.

He was only off 1000 percent or so, I'd say that's closer than any other predictions made on that forum.

BTW, we don't use quantcast because we actually value privacy and don't give companies help tracking you from site to site.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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So going on 4 or 5 times a day in a private window am I generating a higher then normal number of unique views?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Sometime Lefty wrote:So going on 4 or 5 times a day in a private window am I generating a higher then normal number of unique views?
Yep, and I do the same thing sometimes! LOL
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by bannination »

Here's another goodie, them complaining about google, while Solar is tracking his users with google analytics. ... &f=norefer

What a bunch of hypocrites.
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