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Re: Heroes

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Madeleine Albright Verified account

I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish. I stand ready to register as Muslim in #solidarity.
Madeleine Albright Verified account

There is no fine print on the Statue of Liberty. America must remain open to people of all faiths & backgrounds. #RefugeesWelcome

Stand as one

Donald Trump wants to require all Muslims to register in a government database.
We must stand together to protect our neighbors and our most fundamental rights.
Let's all pledge to register as Muslim today.

The people's pledge

Donald Trump has said he would "absolutely" require all Muslims to register in a database*. This is just one of Trump’s racist and Islamophobic proposals that threaten our ideals of freedom and equality. We must come together and fight back before he takes these dangerous, hateful and unconstitutional ideas any further.

We pledge to stand together with Muslims across the country, and around the world. Because when we stand as one, no American can be singled out by their race, religion, income, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
I pledged.

And yes, Mr.B, if you rightwing crybaby Christians were actually being persecuted here the way you filthy bigots are persecuting Muslims, I would pledge to register as a Christian.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote: "And yes, Mr.B, if you rightwing crybaby Christians were actually being persecuted here the way you filthy bigots are persecuting Muslims, I would pledge to register as a Christian."
:crybaby: :crybaby:
...and like you filthy liberal bigots treat ALL people who profess a religious lifestyle...? got it.

You don't give one flying crap for Muslims, the same are your feelings for any religion. Hypocrite.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by rstrong »

Mr.B wrote:...and like you filthy liberal bigots treat ALL people who profess a religious lifestyle...? got it.
One more time:

We - liberals AND conservatives - don't have a problem with the religious. We only have a problem with those who force their religious beliefs on others. We - and the religious too - have a problem with people like you who use religion to justify your bigotry and misogyny.

If you don't like it, go back to stormfront and breitbart.

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Re: Heroes

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No one is talking about registering Christians or discriminating against them in any other way, moron. You're just being a pitiful big fat crybaby because decent people are mean to you filthy and immoral bigots. Awww, poor widdle thing.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:"...and like you filthy liberal bigots treat ALL people who profess a religious lifestyle...? got it."
"One more time:
We - liberals AND conservatives - don't have a problem with the religious. We only have a problem with those who force their religious beliefs on others. We - and the religious too - have a problem with people like you who use religion to justify your bigotry and misogyny."
LIAR You goons equate religious beliefs to bigotry and misogyny because the Bible condemns homosexuals and puts a man at the head of the house. Your lying explanations of what YOU think the Bible means holds no weight or water.

"If you don't like it, go back to stormfront and breitbart."
Your homes...? Never been to either. And if you don't like it, tough shiitte, the Bible's been around much longer than your pathetic whining and will be around long after the worms have eaten your rotting remains....
Vrede too wrote:"No one is talking about registering Christians or discriminating against them in any other way, moron."
Do tell..? When were we discussing those points anyway; Moron...?

"You're just being a pitiful crybaby because people are mean to you filthy and immoral bigots."
...and you're just being a pitiful crybaby.
"filthy and immoral bigots" ... new phrase of the month? I've been called worse by people much better than you -- or your dancing queen, above.

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Re: Heroes

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Mr.B wrote:
rstrong wrote:We - liberals AND conservatives - don't have a problem with the religious. We only have a problem with those who force their religious beliefs on others. We - and the religious too - have a problem with people like you who use religion to justify your bigotry and misogyny."
LIAR You goons equate religious beliefs to bigotry and misogyny because the Bible condemns homosexuals and puts a man at the head of the house.
Your personal interpretation does that. Entire major branches of Christianity disagree.

You've made it clear that you casually ignore much of what the Bible says, cherry-picking just the bits that match your personal phobias and bigotries. You're a sad little man who can't accept that women - and other races and religions - don't see you as the Lord and Master.
Mr.B wrote:Your lying explanations of what YOU think the Bible means holds no weight or water.
My opinion is as valid as yours. We've simply cherry-picked differently, as have entire major branches of Christianity that disagree with your bigotry. And while I'm no religious scholar, frankly I seem to know a whole lot more about the history of the religion than you do.

BTW, if you use the King James version of the Bible, know that the branch of Christianity that created it is among those that supports and performs same-sex marriages. I'll take their interpretation of it over yours.

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Re: Heroes

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rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:LIAR You goons equate religious beliefs to bigotry and misogyny because the Bible condemns homosexuals and puts a man at the head of the house.
Your personal interpretation does that. Entire major branches of Christianity disagree....
And, by definition it is bigotry and misogyny. Claiming a cherry-picked religious rationalization for it doesn't make it any less bigoted than the Muslims who disdain and discriminate against Christians and women. Jihadi Mr.B fails honesty, decency and English, again.

"goons"? What a pants wetting pansy! Plus, it's hilariously hypocritical since this forum has had only one pitiful, butthurt, real world stalker that threatened physical violence - Goon Mr.B.
Last edited by Vrede too on Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Heroes

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

I always wondered why that Carolina rep wasn't arrested for calling the president a liar during his address to congress
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

rstrong wrote:"Your personal interpretation does that. Entire major branches of Christianity disagree."
Since you two hijacked billy's thread with your screeching and pitiful whining, I moved my reply to the religion thread.

Carry on billy.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by O Really »

billy.pilgrim wrote:

I always wondered why that Carolina rep wasn't arrested for calling the president a liar during his address to congress
Because Congressman Wilson (R-SC) was a member of Congress; she was a spectator. Also, Trump has set a tone to "get 'em outta here" that is likely carrying on to events other than campaign rallies.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede*(too) wrote:"goons"? What a pants wetting® pansy©! Plus, it's hilariously hypocritical® since this forum has had only one pitiful©, butthurt©, real world stalker® that threatened physical violence - Goon Mr.B."
...and you've been running screeching® with wet pants® ever since. Wuss.

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Re: Heroes

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede*(too) wrote: "....it's hilariously hypocritical® since this forum has had only one pitiful©, butthurt©, real world stalker® that threatened physical violence - Goon Mr.B."
So what is it you're attempting to accomplish? Or prove?

Since you wish to keep harping and whining, let's talk about that "butthurt" and "stalking" b.s. you're constantly whining and moaning about....
who was the instigator of your pitiful "victimization" anyway?? YOU started it by allowing your mouth to overload your ass and pushing to see far you could push. I didn't threaten "physical violence", I PROMISED retaliation. You kept goading and what do you know...!? ...

Waaah, :crybaby: waaah, :crybaby: waaah :crybaby: ...Banni! Banni! Mr. B found out who I am!! Please, oh please! Delete my account! He's going to tell the world about me! Oh woe is me! Viva la revolucion ! "My real ID has been learned by Mr.B, something that is intolerable to me. I don't know how....I don't trust Mr.B as far as I can throw him. I have asked banni to close my account and delete all of my posts."

:crybaby: :crybaby:

If I can take the b.s. you and your boyfriend dish out, STFU and take your licks like a man too, wuss; grow up and move on.
Your petty whining and living in the past isn't impressing anyone nor garnering any sympathy.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

Mr.B wrote:
"....it's hilariously hypocritical® since this forum has had only one pitiful©, butthurt©, real world stalker® that threatened physical violence - Goon Mr.B."
So what is it you're attempting to accomplish? Or prove?

Since you wish to keep harping and whining, let's talk about that "butthurt" and "stalking" b.s. you're constantly whining and moaning about....
who was the instigator of your pitiful "victimization" anyway?? YOU started it by allowing your mouth to overload your ass and pushing to see far you could push. I didn't threaten "physical violence", I PROMISED retaliation. You kept goading and what do you know...!? ...

Waaah, :crybaby: waaah, :crybaby: waaah :crybaby: ...Banni! Banni! Mr. B found out who I am!! Please, oh please! Delete my account! He's going to tell the world about me! Oh woe is me! Viva la revolucion ! "My real ID has been learned by Mr.B, something that is intolerable to me. I don't know how....I don't trust Mr.B as far as I can throw him. I have asked banni to close my account and delete all of my posts."

:crybaby: :crybaby:

If I can take the b.s. you and your boyfriend dish out, STFU and take your licks like a man too, wuss; grow up and move on.
Your petty whining and living in the past isn't impressing anyone nor garnering any sympathy.

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Re: Heroes

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Mr.B wrote:
Mr.B wrote:
"....it's hilariously hypocritical® since this forum has had only one pitiful©, butthurt©, real world stalker® that threatened physical violence - Goon Mr.B."
So what is it you're attempting to accomplish? Or prove?

Since you wish to keep harping and whining, let's talk about that "butthurt" and "stalking" b.s. you're constantly whining and moaning about....
who was the instigator of your pitiful "victimization" anyway?? YOU started it by allowing your mouth to overload your ass and pushing to see far you could push. I didn't threaten "physical violence", I PROMISED retaliation. You kept goading and what do you know...!? ...

Waaah, :crybaby: waaah, :crybaby: waaah :crybaby: ...Banni! Banni! Mr. B found out who I am!! Please, oh please! Delete my account! He's going to tell the world about me! Oh woe is me! Viva la revolucion ! "My real ID has been learned by Mr.B, something that is intolerable to me. I don't know how....I don't trust Mr.B as far as I can throw him. I have asked banni to close my account and delete all of my posts."

:crybaby: :crybaby:

If I can take the b.s. you and your boyfriend dish out, STFU and take your licks like a man too, wuss; grow up and move on.
Your petty whining and living in the past isn't impressing anyone nor garnering any sympathy.

You really are trash.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

billy.pilgrim wrote: "You really are trash."
I'll settle for trash; as opposed to your being rotting garbage ... :sick:
Suck it up, buttercup.

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Mr.B wrote:
billy.pilgrim wrote: "You really are trash."
I'll settle for trash; as opposed to your being rotting garbage ... :sick:
Suck it up, buttercup.

Yeah is does take filth to live off of the taxpayer, but refuse to understand why
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Heroes

Unread post by Mr.B »

billy.pilgrim wrote: "Yeah is does take filth to live off of the taxpayer, but refuse to understand why"
I paid my dues; and I'm not living off anyone, Vrede Jr.

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