Middle East

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Re: Middle East

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:14 pm
... Across the other side of the dock, a passenger ship, the Orient Queen, has been blown on to its side by the blast, while other vessels appear destroyed....

2020 Beirut explosion

Orient Queen arrived in Beirut on 27 June 2020 following a 22-day voyage from King Abdullah Port in Saudi Arabia. On 4 August 2020, the vessel was severely damaged by an ammonium nitrate explosion while moored at her berth.

The ship was left listing to starboard. Two crew, both Filipino nationals, were killed and several people injured. A crewmember, interviewed after the explosion, stated "The ship is totally destroyed – the cabins, the saloon, everything". The ship capsized that night after her list worsened, then partially sunk. Several other ships were damaged in the same incident.
Sad. Could have been far worse.
... Not to forget, couples bringing their children have the unique opportunity to cater for their needs at the advanced kid's center....

... Staterooms 154 ... Capacity: 300 Guests.... International crew member: 153


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Nurse Saves 3 Newborns After She Was Knocked Unconscious in Beirut Explosion


... "I noticed the nurse's calm, which contrasted the surrounding atmosphere just one meter away,” he explained. “However, the nurse looked like she possessed a hidden force that gave her self-control and the ability to save those children....
Sniff :( :-|| :angel4:
The hospital that the nurse was working at--Al Roum hospital--suffered extensive damage and saw a devastating loss of life. According to the report that George Saad, the disaster manager for the hospital, gave CNN, a total of 12 patients, two visitors, and four nurses died in the explosion. And the hospital itself was practically destroyed, with 80% of the structure damaged and over half of its equipment wiped out.

Nurses’ Sacrifice

On an Instagram post, Maria Hajjar, who says she is a nurse in nearby Saint George Hospital in Lebanon, located only a mile away from the explosion that was quickly flooded with patients, described the devastation of the area and the tragedy of losing coworkers. After initially treating patients with basic care, Saint George Hospital was evacuated due to the extent of the damage it suffered.

“I am a registered nurse in Saint George Hospital Lebanon, and I can't tell you the big devastating tragedy we are in,” Hajar wrote. “My colleagues are superhero nurses who passed away yesterday. They were my family and they are now our heroes and angels. Thank God I survived, but we are really devastated. Nurses, patients, visitors, many people died....”

On Facebook, the Nurses Order of Lebanon posted a memorial to five nurses--Lena Abu Hamdan, Jesse Qahuji David, Jessica Bazdjian, Mirai Germanos and Jacqueline Gibrin-- that lost their lives in the explosion ...

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Re: Middle East

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Beirut port blast crater 43 metres deep: security official

The huge chemical explosion that hit Beirut's port, devastating large parts of the Lebanese capital and claiming over 150 lives, left a 43-metre (141 foot) deep crater, a security official said Sunday.

The blast Tuesday, which was felt across the county and as far as the island of Cyprus, was recorded by the sensors of the American Institute of Geophysics (USGS) as having the power of a magnitude 3.3 earthquake....

The huge blast also wounded at least 6,000 people and displaced more than 300,000 from their destroyed or damaged homes....

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Re: Middle East

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Well, trump doesn't have much time left to start a war. He will probably assassinate another Iranian General before the month is over.

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Re: Middle East

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:42 am
Well, trump doesn't have much time left to start a war. He will probably assassinate another Iranian General before the month is over.
He's decided to stoke one here, going to Kenosha today.

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Re: Middle East

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:46 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:42 am
Well, trump doesn't have much time left to start a war. He will probably assassinate another Iranian General before the month is over.
He's decided to stoke one here, going to Kenosha today.
Maybe he will get shot with a "paint is not bullets" paint gun. And then, on the bright side he could get shot in the back seven times and be paralyzed in the mouth.

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Re: Middle East

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The past couple of days the trumpaloons have been crowing about how great it is that they've managed to get the UAE and Bahrain to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. Last time I checked, the main issue in the Middle East is between Israel and the Palestinians. As far as I know, the UAE nor Bahrain have not been stealing land and killing Palestinians. Can someone explain how this "peace deal" delivers any peace? To me, it's sort of like the fire department showing up at a fire and drenching the building next door that isn't on fire with water and bragging about what a great job they're doing.

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Re: Middle East

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:56 am
Vrede too wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:08 pm
All criticism of 45SHOLE's complicity in the Saudis' genocide against Yemen is apt, but we should not forget when and how it began.

Ben Rhodes’ False Atonement for the Yemen War
Our failure to reckon with Obama-era atrocities—and why it matters.
They a reinvent themselves as the money blows. Hell, Obama is even claiming to be a liberal these days - kinda like he did before 2009.
Better path now?
Biden takes away Saudi Arabia's blank check to commit war crimes

The Biden administration announced Thursday that it would halt support of Saudi Arabia's offensive military operations in Yemen, where the war has caused a gigantic humanitarian emergency on top of the coronavirus pandemic. Biden will also reportedly appoint experienced diplomat Timothy Lenderking as special envoy to Yemen.

It remains to be seen exactly how this will play out, but as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) noted in a statement, it looks like the start of a diplomatic push to get Saudi Arabia to end the brutal war in which it has been bogged down since 2015, obtain a general ceasefire, and coordinate an international aid effort. The Saudi military basically cannot do anything without U.S. support, and any strong signals from America that it should knock it off probably will be heeded. That's especially true now that Trump is gone, and Saudi dictator Mohammad bin Salman thus faces possible recrimination for ordering the cold-blooded murder of a U.S. resident and Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, back in 2018.
It is worth noting that while Biden is reversing a Trump decision, the Yemen policy actually originated under the Obama administration. It is a marked difference from the early months of 2009, when Obama kept on George W. Bush's secretary of defense and planned for a massive troop surge in Afghanistan. Perhaps two decades of expensive, bloody, and totally unsuccessful wars are enough?
Yep, we'll see what really happens, but so far I like this Joe guy.

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Three Gaza fishermen killed by apparent Palestinian rocket, rights group says

Three Palestinian fishermen were killed on Sunday when their boat exploded off the Gaza Strip, a blast that a human rights group said was likely caused by errant Palestinian rocket fire....

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Re: Middle East

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'Was there a bone saw?' How Trump helped the Saudis whitewash the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

... The story of how the Trump White House responded to Khashoggi’s gruesome murder — and ultimately helped cover up the crime — is the subject of “Anatomy of a Cover-up,” the eighth and final episode in the Yahoo News’ “Conspiracyland” podcast series, “The Secret Lives and Brutal Death of Jamal Khashoggi.”

It is a story in which American values and rhetorical support for human rights around the world collided head first with perceived U.S. strategic and economic interests in the region. And it is a tension that carried over into the Biden administration when the new president, having pledged during his campaign to turn the Saudi kingdom into a world “pariah,” chose not to impose any penalties on the person who the CIA had concluded was responsible for Khashoggi’s murder: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS.

It is also a story — related in a special episode of “Conspiracyland,” “Training the Assassins” — in which Trump officials maneuvered to remove American fingerprints from the crime....
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was

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Re: Middle East

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Since former PINO is screeching blame at Joe for the 13 service deaths at the Kabul Airport as a result of a bombing during the withdrawal that former PINO negotiated, it's useful to recall how he tried to cover up the 110 service injuries as a result of a predictable Iranian missile attack one week after the US military killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike:

Trump's White House tried to meddle in Pentagon reporting on US military injuries after Iranian missile attack, former official says

There are no troops that 45SHOLE won't cynically exploit.

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Re: Middle East

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:33 am
Since former PINO is screeching blame at Joe for the 13 service deaths at the Kabul Airport as a result of a bombing during the withdrawal that former PINO negotiated, it's useful to recall how he tried to cover up the 110 service injuries as a result of a predictable Iranian missile attack one week after the US military killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike:

Trump's White House tried to meddle in Pentagon reporting on US military injuries after Iranian missile attack, former official says

There are no troops that 45SHOLE won't cynically exploit.
I'm still composing my response to Marsha Blackburn's latest "from the desk of" email that I got this morning. The subjects are; remembering 9/11, President Biden's "overreach" about vaccine mandates for a novel (that means new) virus, and the issue of the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan. She is guaranteed to not like it. I'm spending more than normal time on this one. Especially after she sent me a standard "thank you for replying" email from the last hate mail I sent her. I'm hoping this one I'm working on will elicit a more personal response from her.

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Re: Middle East

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:55 pm
I'm still composing my response to Marsha Blackburn's latest "from the desk of" email that I got this morning. The subjects are; remembering 9/11, President Biden's "overreach" about vaccine mandates for a novel (that means new) virus, and the issue of the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan. She is guaranteed to not like it. I'm spending more than normal time on this one. Especially after she sent me a standard "thank you for replying" email from the last hate mail I sent her. I'm hoping this one I'm working on will elicit a more personal response from her.
:thumbup: Feel free to CC us.

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Re: Middle East

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:57 pm
neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:55 pm
I'm still composing my response to Marsha Blackburn's latest "from the desk of" email that I got this morning. The subjects are; remembering 9/11, President Biden's "overreach" about vaccine mandates for a novel (that means new) virus, and the issue of the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan. She is guaranteed to not like it. I'm spending more than normal time on this one. Especially after she sent me a standard "thank you for replying" email from the last hate mail I sent her. I'm hoping this one I'm working on will elicit a more personal response from her.
:thumbup: Feel free to CC us.
I'm going to teach this crazy bitch some truth. I have serious doubts if it will take. With any luck I'll get Taylor Swift involved in it but I'll have to keep my distance from her in order to not suffer a heart attack.

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Re: Middle East

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Whack9 wrote:
Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:25 am
Evangelical Pat Robertson on Journalist kidnapping and execution by Saudi Arabia:

https://www.vox.com/2018/10/17/17990268 ... ump-crisis
For those who are screaming blood for the Saudis — look, these people are key allies,” Robertson said. While he called the faith of the Wahabists — the hardline Islamist sect to which the Saudi Royal Family belongs — “obnoxious,” he urged viewers to remember that “we’ve got an arms deal that everybody wanted a piece of…it’ll be a lot of jobs, a lot of money come to our coffers. It’s not something you want to blow up willy-nilly.”


You’ve got one journalist — who knows? Was it an interrogation? Was he assassinated? Were there rogue elements? Who did it?...You’ve got $100 billion worth of arms sales...we cannot alienate our biggest player in the Middle East.”
In swipe at Saudi Arabia, Washington City Council renames street in front of embassy after Khashoggi


... The City Council measure is expected to be signed shortly by Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser and, as with all D.C. legislation, will then go to Congress for a 30-day review before becoming law. But D.C. officials have indicated that they expect to unveil the new signage in a public ceremony next month. The Saudi Embassy, where the signage will be installed, is directly across the street from another Washington landmark known for scandal: the Watergate hotel.

The Saudi Embassy did not respond to a request for comment.
Fingers crossed.

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Re: Middle East

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We're discussing Saudi Arabia over on the Golf (yeah, golf) thread
but kinda moved away from just golf.
Arrest of Saudi for lying to FBI shows kingdom’s reach in US

... U.S. federal prosecutors have arrested the man behind the messages, 42-year-old Ibrahim Alhussayen, on charges of lying to federal officials about using the fake account to harass and threaten Saudi critics — mostly women — living in the U.S. and Canada....

A complaint unsealed last month in federal court in Brooklyn points to a wider investigation into online harassment campaigns targeting Saudi dissidents in the U.S. and their relatives — part of a trend of transnational repression that has alarmed American authorities in recent years as various autocratic governments seek to punish critics overseas.

Earlier this year, for instance, the Justice Department revealed a plot by operatives acting on behalf of the Chinese government to stalk, harass and surveil dissidents in the U.S.
The complaint comes as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman continues to clamp down on opposition, both in the kingdom and abroad, while working to burnish an image as a liberal reformer. The Saudi government has maintained in the past that its critics incite violence, broadly defined, and pose a threat to the kingdom's security.

Nonetheless, President Joe Biden met — and shared a cordial fist-bump with — Prince Mohammed at a diplomatic summit last week in Saudi Arabia.

The scenes drew scathing criticism from fellow Democrats and rights groups after Biden had vowed to treat the kingdom like a “pariah" and deemed Prince Mohammed responsible for Khashoggi’s killing.
I agree.
... While some accuse Biden of abandoning his promise to put human rights at the heart of his foreign policy with his trip to the kingdom, the arrest of Alhussayen in New York underscores that federal officials are increasingly scrambling to prevent those rights abuses from occurring on U.S. soil.
The kingdom's campaign to silence criticism has played out in America for some time. In 2019, U.S. prosecutors alleged Saudi Arabia recruited two Twitter employees to spy on thousands of accounts including those of American citizens and Saudi dissidents.
... Alhussayen’s victims routinely checked their phones to discover new waves of vitriolic attacks. As women critical of the Saudi government, they said Alhussayen’s warnings were part of a powerful campaign unleashed by legions of social media trolls.

“MBS will wipe you off the face of the earth, you will see,” Alhussayen reportedly told al-Mayouf, the Saudi activist, referring to the crown prince by his initials....

“I do believe some of them are here, in the U.S.,” she said of online bullies who flood her and her American fiancé with death threats each day. “I’m afraid something might happen to me.”

She and her fiancé moved after pro-government accounts posted their home address on Twitter....

“The Saudis are paying big money to fix their image and the way they see it, we’re ruining it for them,” Aljohani said. “I feel like there’s no place that’s safe.”
Assholes working for and on behalf of an asshole.

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Re: Middle East

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Merrick doing his job, unlike turning his back on the more serious trump Administration and family crimes.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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