Dumb headlines thread

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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O Really wrote:
Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:14 pm
I've tossed a lot of stuff into a dumpster and have never been in danger of falling in. Never saw anybody else putting stuff in a dumpster and came close to falling in. Don't even know how you could get to a point where you could fall in without climbing up to the edge or stick your head way into the door past your waist. I'd say she was doing more shopping than tossing out.
:thumbup: Short of getting compacted, one can injure fingers and toes while dumpster diving. If so, you might meet:
How vaccine hesitancy is contributing to rising rates of measles and COVID

... PBS NewsHour digital health reporter Laura Santhanam joins John Yang to discuss why cases are climbing.
:headscratch: The headline is fine, though sad, but does PBS really need a reporter who specializes in digits? Or, do they mean that she reports on computer repair? :wave:

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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Award winner in the category "So freaking obvious why is this even printed"

"E. Jean Carroll says that Trump can't be trusted"


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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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Rachel: "I Took Control Over My Buddy At The Age Of 50"

(It's a weight-loss advert, so I didn't post the link, but I'm pretty sure she means "body"

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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It's not so much the headlines are "dumb" but I've seen the exact same headline with several one-word variations:

"Haley hints she isn’t bound by loyalty pledge to support GOP nominee"

According to other headlines, Haley "says", "suggests" and "implies."

Makes you kinda wonder what the actual quote was.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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O Really wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:08 pm
It's not so much the headlines are "dumb" but I've seen the exact same headline with several one-word variations:

"Haley hints she isn’t bound by loyalty pledge to support GOP nominee"

According to other headlines, Haley "says", "suggests" and "implies."

Makes you kinda wonder what the actual quote was.
:D That's because what she's saying is as nebulous and muddled as the headlines about the reporting on it are:
https://www.yahoo.com/news/nikki-haley- ... 50882.html
A very cynical take would be:
1. She despises ex-PINO.
2. She knows that his nomination will be bad for the GQP.
3. She knows that his election would be bad for the USA.
4. She's waiting to see what she's offered to endorse him.
5. In lieu of #4 she's waiting to see what she's offered to stfu.

Btw, ex-PINO never signed a loyalty pledge to support the GOP nominee. What's good for the goose . . .

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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Many NFL Fans With Frostbite Injuries From Freezing Cold Dolphins-Chiefs Playoff Game Need Amputations
Several NFL fans who attended the Dolphins vs. Chiefs Wild Card matchup in January need amputations from frostbite

(article: "some")

And did they ever say how many? Noooooo

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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O Really wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:25 pm
Many NFL Fans With Frostbite Injuries From Freezing Cold Dolphins-Chiefs Playoff Game Need Amputations
Several NFL fans who attended the Dolphins vs. Chiefs Wild Card matchup in January need amputations from frostbite

(article: "some")

And did they ever say how many? Noooooo
:D How many fans or how many amputations? :wave:

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

Post by O Really »

Vrede too wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:51 pm
O Really wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:25 pm
Many NFL Fans With Frostbite Injuries From Freezing Cold Dolphins-Chiefs Playoff Game Need Amputations
Several NFL fans who attended the Dolphins vs. Chiefs Wild Card matchup in January need amputations from frostbite

(article: "some")

And did they ever say how many? Noooooo
:D How many fans or how many amputations? :wave:
Garcia predicted the number of amputations her burn unit would encounter in the late winter to early spring would be in the double digits.

“In just this cold spell we’ve been having I’ve seen multiple patients that will likely require amputation five to six weeks from now. I imagine it’ll be somewhere between 10 and 20 at this point,” she told WDAF in January.
So is 10 to 20 "many" "several" or "some"? I guess it depends on whether it's your fingers or somebody else's getting chopped off.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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"Oscars 2024: Julia Fox Stuns in Nipple-Bearing Look For Elton John’s Watch Party"

I support the right to bear nipples. Or for bears to have nipples. But even better is "bare" nipples.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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O Really wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:31 pm
"Oscars 2024: Julia Fox Stuns in Nipple-Bearing Look For Elton John’s Watch Party"

I support the right to bear nipples. Or for bears to have nipples. But even better is "bare" nipples.

I like a girl who can fix her own brakes . . . or breaks.


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Re: Dumb headlines thread

Post by billy.pilgrim »

“FDA to Finally Outlaw Soda Ingredient Prohibited Around The World
March 11, 2024

Wow - super - great news- way to go science, better late than never; after all, we were looking a bit silly denying well established science.

But then I did what so many won’t - I read on. I didn’t have to go far because there it was in the very first sentence - poof - blink and say bye-bye - as profit tells science to sit down and quit acting like it knows sumthing about business.

“An ingredient once commonly used in citrus-flavored sodas to keep the tangy taste mixed thoroughly through the beverage could finally be banned for good across the US.”

“FDA to Finally Outlaw”
“could finally be banned”

“It's taken time, and a number of further studies, but on the back of more recent animal studies based on relative concentrations of BVO humans are likely to ingest, the FDA is finally convinced there is sufficient evidence to ban its use altogether.”

Although I’m glad to know that my FDA is “finally … convinced”, I’m now curious about why now and not 50 years ago when these same tests convinced the rest of the world 50 years ago.

Read on:

“Most major soda drink companies are fortunately ahead of the game.”

"Over the years many beverage makers reformulated their products to replace BVO with an alternative ingredient, and today, few beverages in the US contain BVO," said Jones.”

Mr. Jones gets so excited about the FDA finally acting on 50 year old and no longer applicable science that he envisions a science tsunami sweeping the United States of America. He says,
“The ban could be a sign of more things to come, with Jones announcing the agency is reviewing regulations that authorize the use of certain food additives, with a view to automatically prohibit the approval of any food coloring agents found to cause cancer in humans or animals, making for a more nimble bureaucratic process.

It’s a “sign of more things to come” he says as he pits his own “more nimble bureaucratic” Lucy holding the football against his own Charlie Brown with the caution:
“final call on the FDA's reclassification blah, blah
lengthy review process blah, blah, blah, blah.”
“lengthy review process”

Finally he summarizes the toothlessness of the FDA and the uselessness of his own journalism.
After admitting that the industry was no longer using this chemical he admits that this March 11, 2024 article is a version of his same article from 2023.

Some have suggested that the 2023 article refers back to a 2022 article which in turn refers back to a 2021 article
No way, of course he’d only do it once, no way, no more.

https://www.sciencealert.com/fda-to-fin ... -the-world
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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That's funny, thanks.
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:06 am
“FDA to Finally Outlaw Soda Ingredient Prohibited Around The World
March 11, 2024

I am overjoyed to learn that the toothless FDA is finally acting on 50 year old and no longer applicable science about a product I almost never consume, and about the science tsunami sweeping the United States of America that it portends. It's about time. We need more Useless actions and imaginary movements.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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Just walking along here with the Devil and wondering - if it's very difficult to show causal harm, is there really enough harm to ban a product?

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:49 am
Just walking along here with the Devil and wondering - if it's very difficult to show causal harm, is there really enough harm to ban a product?
Without opining on the particulars of BVO - "show causal harm" can be an impossibly high standard. It's often easier to infer harm based on:
Statistical probabilities;
Experience with similar chemicals;
Animal testing;
Computer modeling;
Significant anecdotal evidence, etc.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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Well sure it's easier.
But just because you can kill of some rats by giving them 8,000 times more chemical X than any human is going to intake in a lifetime doesn't, in my devilish opinion, justify banning from the market. Publicize findings, sure. Issue advisories on real findings, sure. Ban, not so much.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

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O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:05 pm
Well sure it's easier.
But just because you can kill of some rats by giving them 8,000 times more chemical X than any human is going to intake in a lifetime doesn't, in my devilish opinion, justify banning from the market. Publicize findings, sure. Issue advisories on real findings, sure. Ban, not so much.
Were you an insurance company lawyer? Animal testing is not as simplistic as you portray it and there's likely some legit reasons that all of these nations, according to billy.pilgrim, have banned BVO, that most companies have already replaced it, and that the FDA is finally acting. A strong case can be made that we've been dangerously tolerant of artificial chemicals rather than too restrictive of them.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

Post by O Really »

Vrede too wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:51 pm
O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:05 pm
Well sure it's easier.
But just because you can kill of some rats by giving them 8,000 times more chemical X than any human is going to intake in a lifetime doesn't, in my devilish opinion, justify banning from the market. Publicize findings, sure. Issue advisories on real findings, sure. Ban, not so much.
Were you an insurance company lawyer? Animal testing is not as simplistic as you portray it and there's likely some legit reasons that all of these nations, according to billy.pilgrim, have banned BVO, that most companies have already replaced it, and that the FDA is finally acting. A strong case can be made that we've been dangerously tolerant of artificial chemicals rather than too restrictive of them.
I'm not even pretending to defend BVO, but as to "animal testing is not as simplistic as you portray," well, yeah it is sorta.
Examples of animal tests include forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dogs pesticides, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits’ sensitive eyes. Even if a product harms animals, it can still be marketed to consumers. Conversely, just because a product was shown to be safe in animals does not guarantee that it will be safe to use in humans.
https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-use ... iversities.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

Post by Vrede too »

O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:17 pm
I'm not even pretending to defend BVO, but as to "animal testing is not as simplistic as you portray," well, yeah it is sorta.
Examples of animal tests include forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dogs pesticides, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits’ sensitive eyes. Even if a product harms animals, it can still be marketed to consumers. Conversely, just because a product was shown to be safe in animals does not guarantee that it will be safe to use in humans.
https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-use ... sting-101/
:wtf: I'm no proponent of animal testing, and I'm not going to debate PETA on the issue. However, it is done and its applicability to human health in general is well established. If anything, we have been too conservative and too slavish to the god of profit on the question of exposure to chemicals in foods.

Plus, you're strangely focused on animal testing when I listed several criteria that are used in far too seldom creating chemical restrictions.

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

Post by O Really »

Vrede too wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:04 pm

Plus, you're strangely focused on animal testing when I listed several criteria that are used in far too seldom creating chemical restrictions.
Yeah, I just picked the easier answer, sorta like the FDA.

But if I wanted to comment on computer modeling and statistical probabilities I'd have to look no further than the most recent Super Bowl where the models favored the 49ers and with a few minutes left the statistical probability of a 49er win was what, 95+%, and yet...opps. And anecdotal evidence is about as reliable as saying cigarettes don't cause cancer because your aunt smoked all her life and didn't get it.

Hey, IRL I support science and FDA in its efforts to protect the public and I don't usually eat stuff suspected to be carcinogenic. I'd just like to see an actual parade of horribles instead of a less than causative connection. Remember the Pinto? Most people think it was a rolling bomb and one of the most dangerous cars made. Was it poorly designed? Sure, and the design flaw was corrected. Could the gas tank blow up? Sure. How many didn't blow up?
How many blew up in use?

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Re: Dumb headlines thread

Post by Vrede too »

O Really wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:57 pm

Hey, IRL I support science and FDA in its efforts to protect the public


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