Visual arts thread

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Re: Visual arts thread

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Who left a 4-mile-wide 'Black Lives Matter' mural in Nevada's Black Rock Desert?



The message appears to be written in perfect Helvetica font ...

The message is four miles wide and the circle is 13 miles in circumference ...


All together, there is 25 miles of text, Valle found after driving the whole message. Each stroke of each letter is about 50 feet wide, he added.

"It’s so big that it can actually be seen on my search and rescue team’s weekly updated satellite imagery feed," said Valle....
:o :-||

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Re: Visual arts thread

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Re: Visual arts thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:35 pm

3D Schröder Staircase


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Re: Visual arts thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:41 pm
Another, the circles never move.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:43 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:41 pm
Another, the circles never move.

Are you sure?
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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O Really
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Re: Visual arts thread

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Take the edge of a piece of paper and set it on the edge of the circle. It really doesn't move, but this is one of the best visual tricks I've ever seen.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:54 am
Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:43 am
Another, the circles never move.

Are you sure?
:lol: Maybe I'm stoned.

No illusions here:

Nikon’s Small World
Celebrating 47 years of images captured by the light microscope.

(92 pics)

Image of Distinction
Stinger of a small paper wasp (Vespidae Protopolybia)

Image of Distinction
Ant (Camponotus)

Image of Distinction
Dental drill bit studded with diamond chips
Who knew?

11th Place
Moth eggs

1st Place
2022 Photomicrography Competition
Embryonic hand of a Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis)

Winning Videos (30)

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Re: Visual arts thread

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That ant is one evil looking beast.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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O Really wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:06 am
That ant is one evil looking beast.
Like a tiny orc. ... CJQV-9aHvM
Last edited by billy.pilgrim on Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Visual arts thread

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That's some cool shit.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:13 am
O Really wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:06 am
That ant is one evil looking beast.
Like a tiny orc.
I see the resemblance:


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Re: Visual arts thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:13 am
That's some cool shit.
The videos are wild, too.

Video Competition Annual Winners

2022 Winning Videos (30)
For example:

4. 4th Place
Dying melanoma cells

7. Honorable Mention
A cell going through cell division

9. Honorable Mention
8-hour time-lapse of a Hydra devouring Daphnia pulex
Mmmm, Daphnia pulex.

14. Honorable Mention
Crystallizing Epsom salts

. . . never mind, they're all amazing.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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Sensorio - light installation near Paso Robles CA.

Fea­tured in The New York Times as #6 in ​“50 Places to Vis­it in 2020,” Light at Sen­so­rio fea­tures two instal­la­tions by inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed artist Bruce Munro. Field of Light is a 15-acre walk-through expe­ri­ence, Munro’s largest art­work to date, com­prised of more than 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber optics, gen­tly illu­mi­nat­ing the land­scape in sub­tle blooms of mor­ph­ing col­or that describe the undu­lat­ing land­scape. Our lat­est instal­la­tion, Light Tow­ers cel­e­brates Paso Rob­les’ exten­sive wine coun­try envi­rons, fea­tur­ing 69 tow­ers com­posed of more than 17,000 wine bot­tles, illu­mi­nat­ed with glow­ing optic fibers whose col­ors morph to an inspir­ing musi­cal score. Pow­ered by solar, these stun­ning exhi­bi­ts cap­ti­vate vis­i­tors, invit­ing them to engage with the land­scape and envi­ron­ment through an ethe­re­al light based and sculp­tur­al expe­ri­ence. Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine has called Munro’s art ​“stun­ning,” while The Guardian noted ​“This is art you feel, rather than art you view.”


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Re: Visual arts thread

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O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:10 am
Sensorio - light installation near Paso Robles CA.

Fea­tured in The New York Times as #6 in ​“50 Places to Vis­it in 2020,” Light at Sen­so­rio fea­tures two instal­la­tions by inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed artist Bruce Munro. Field of Light is a 15-acre walk-through expe­ri­ence, Munro’s largest art­work to date, com­prised of more than 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber optics, gen­tly illu­mi­nat­ing the land­scape in sub­tle blooms of mor­ph­ing col­or that describe the undu­lat­ing land­scape. Our lat­est instal­la­tion, Light Tow­ers cel­e­brates Paso Rob­les’ exten­sive wine coun­try envi­rons, fea­tur­ing 69 tow­ers com­posed of more than 17,000 wine bot­tles, illu­mi­nat­ed with glow­ing optic fibers whose col­ors morph to an inspir­ing musi­cal score. Pow­ered by solar, these stun­ning exhi­bi­ts cap­ti­vate vis­i­tors, invit­ing them to engage with the land­scape and envi­ron­ment through an ethe­re­al light based and sculp­tur­al expe­ri­ence. Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine has called Munro’s art ​“stun­ning,” while The Guardian noted ​“This is art you feel, rather than art you view.”

That looks cool.
What's become an annual exhibit in my hood. It's world class.
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Re: Visual arts thread

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O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:10 am
Sensorio - light installation near Paso Robles CA.

Fea­tured in The New York Times as #6 in ​“50 Places to Vis­it in 2020,” Light at Sen­so­rio fea­tures two instal­la­tions by inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed artist Bruce Munro. Field of Light is a 15-acre walk-through expe­ri­ence, Munro’s largest art­work to date, com­prised of more than 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber optics, gen­tly illu­mi­nat­ing the land­scape in sub­tle blooms of mor­ph­ing col­or that describe the undu­lat­ing land­scape. Our lat­est instal­la­tion, Light Tow­ers cel­e­brates Paso Rob­les’ exten­sive wine coun­try envi­rons, fea­tur­ing 69 tow­ers com­posed of more than 17,000 wine bot­tles, illu­mi­nat­ed with glow­ing optic fibers whose col­ors morph to an inspir­ing musi­cal score. Pow­ered by solar, these stun­ning exhi­bi­ts cap­ti­vate vis­i­tors, invit­ing them to engage with the land­scape and envi­ron­ment through an ethe­re­al light based and sculp­tur­al expe­ri­ence. Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine has called Munro’s art ​“stun­ning,” while The Guardian noted ​“This is art you feel, rather than art you view.”

Nice! Oddly, nothing shows perspective on the website. Each of those towers must be at least 7-8 feet tall. The " 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber optic":


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Re: Visual arts thread

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We haven't decided to go or not. They say it takes an hour, hour and a half walk-through at $50/each. Thought we'd ask around for somebody who's gone, but the pics are really spectacular.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:11 pm
... What's become an annual exhibit in my hood. It's world class.
Merry! Do you joyfully skip through it like the girl at the start of the vid? If not, why not?
Last edited by Vrede too on Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:53 pm
We haven't decided to go or not. They say it takes an hour, hour and a half walk-through at $50/each. Thought we'd ask around for somebody who's gone, but the pics are really spectacular.
$50! Art for the elite. Can't be that hard to sneak in.

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Re: Visual arts thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:11 pm

That looks cool.
What's become an annual exhibit in my hood. It's world class.

Oooh, that's a good one. Doing lights in botanical gardens have gotten fairly frequent over the past few years, but some are clearly better than others. That's one of them. Enjoy!

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Re: Visual arts thread

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:55 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:11 pm
... What's become an annual exhibit in my hood. It's world class.
Merry! Do you joyfully skip through it like the girl at the start of the vid? If not, why not?
I used to, but some mommies threatened to call security on me last year. Guess it's not my best look.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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