Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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I'm guessing Leo opposed following up on the decades-old claims of abuse by priests and those against Bill Cosby, too. All those started with an accusation, just like Blasey Ford. There are probably a lot of men who went to Georgetown Prep (and other schools) who committed acts similar to what Kavenaugh is accused of, and for most of them it's just part of their "youthful indiscretions." Whether acts long past should be forgotten/forgiven or not could be debated, but clearly if the issue comes up during a formal process for selection to a high position (e.g., Supreme Court Justice, School Superintendent, national spokesman for women's protection group, etc.) an acceptable response isn't "didn't happen...I was always a perfect gentleman...they're lying...

Kavenaugh should have discovered back in his own "witch-hunting" days that a cover-up often turns out worse than the original act.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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I'm guessing Leo opposed following up on the decades-old claims of abuse by priests and those against Bill Cosby, too. All those started with an accusation, just like Blasey Ford. There are probably a lot of men who went to Georgetown Prep (and other schools) who committed acts similar to what Kavenaugh is accused of, and for most of them it's just part of their "youthful indiscretions." Whether acts long past should be forgotten/forgiven or not could be debated, but clearly if the issue comes up during a formal process for selection to a high position (e.g., Supreme Court Justice, School Superintendent, national spokesman for women's protection group, etc.) an acceptable response isn't "didn't happen...I was always a perfect gentleman...they're lying...

Kavenaugh should have discovered back in his own "witch-hunting" days that a cover-up often turns out worse than the original act.

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Leo Lyons
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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

Don't ya hate when this happens!? :lol:
O Really wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:16 am
I'm guessing Leo opposed following up on the decades-old claims of abuse by priests and those against Bill Cosby, too.
Bad guess.

All those started with an accusation, just like Blasey Ford.
And were attempted to be hushed up with hush money, and in some cases of the priests, transfers. Hush money equates to guilt; same as in the case of Michael Jackson's pedophile accusations.

There are probably a lot of men who went to Georgetown Prep (and other schools) who committed acts similar to what Kavenaugh is accused of, and for most of them it's just part of their "youthful indiscretions."
More than likely.

Whether acts long past should be forgotten/forgiven or not could be debated, but clearly if the issue comes up during a formal process for selection to a high position (e.g., Supreme Court Justice, School Superintendent, national spokesman for women's protection group, etc.) an acceptable response isn't "didn't happen...I was always a perfect gentleman...they're lying...
Either could be lying, which takes us back to "innocent until proven guilty", even though it's not a legal proceeding. If your parents discovered their high $$$ Ming Dynasty vase had been broken all to hell and you, who was the rambunctious wildcat of the family, were accused of breaking it but you didn't, should you get your ass busted anyway, simply because you were what you were?

Kavenaugh should have discovered back in his own "witch-hunting" days that a cover-up often turns out worse than the original act.
True that. Still judgment of guilt or innocence should be reserved until it's proven. Past indiscretions don't make automatic guilt.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Leo Lyons wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:54 am
. Past indiscretions don't make automatic guilt.[/color]
No, but they make an accusation more believable. Anyway, there are many good reasons to reject Kavenaugh whether or not he was an asshole in high school.

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Leo Lyons
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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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O Really wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:08 am
Leo Lyons wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:54 am
Past indiscretions don't make automatic guilt.
No, but they make an accusation more believable. Anyway, there are many good reasons to reject Kavenaugh whether or not he was an asshole in high school.
Plenty of confirmed asshole Dems and Repubs. Why weren't/aren't they rejected? It's politics, that's why.

You only replied to that line. Did you overlook this:

If your parents discovered their high $$$ Ming Dynasty vase had been broken all to hell and you, who was the rambunctious wildcat of the family, were accused of breaking it but you didn't, should you get your ass busted anyway, simply because you were what you were?

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Kavanaugh: I did not have sexual assault with those women.
Sound familiar?

Fox News' Chris Wallace: My Daughters Revealed High School 'Stories' In Light Of Kavanaugh Allegations

... Wallace made the disclosure during Fox News’ coverage ahead of Thursday’s highly anticipated hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee between Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who alleges the judge sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers in the early 1980s.

“Over the course of this week, like I think a lot of American families, my family ― a lot of it on email ― has been discussing this and disagreeing and arguing about it,” Wallace said. “And two of my daughters have told me stories that I had never heard before about things that happened to them in high school.”

He continued: “[They] hadn’t told their parents ― I don’t know if they told their friends ― certainly they never reported to police. They weren’t as serious as the allegations against Kavanaugh, but the point is that there are teenage girls who don’t tell stories to a lot of people, and then it comes up, and I don’t think we can disregard that. I don’t think that we can disregard Christine Blasey Ford and the seriousness of this. I think that would be a big mistake.” ...
Rick wrote:I have a daughter that we know something happened to her as a senior in high school but 20 years later we still do not know exactly what occurred. We just know friendships changed abruptly and she stopped going to functions outside of church. To be frank, I personally am better off not knowing, but I know my daughter does not feel that way. The men who control politics, business, finance, law and religion just flat don't listen as they should to females and how tough and perverse the world can be toward them.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:29 pm
Kavanaugh: I did not have sexual assault with those women.
Sound familiar?

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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O Really wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:08 am
No, but they make an accusation more believable. Anyway, there are many good reasons to reject Kavenaugh whether or not he was an asshole in high school.
I did not watch a lot of either Ford's or Kavanaugh's testimony today, but the little I did see of his convinced me that he's still an asshole.

Brett Kavanaugh Let His Mask Slip
The Supreme Court nominee spoke like the partisan warrior that he is.

There's his sheer whiny hypocrisy:
Man Who Pushed To Ask Bill Clinton Sexually Explicit Questions Bemoans Dirty Politics
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh once worked for Ken Starr, the independent counsel who went after President Clinton.

... The dirty politics Kavanaugh is alleging should be no surprise to him, since he spent part of his career in that world.

Kavanaugh cut his teeth in Washington working for what Democrats consider to be the most brazen and partisan crusade in modern politics: Ken Starr’s investigations into President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. He spent more than three years working for the independent counsel, who was looking into various scandals surrounding Clinton and his wife, Hillary.

Kavanaugh personally urged Starr to expand the Whitewater investigation to include looking at the death of White House staffer Vince Foster, a controversy that was a partisan attempt to use a man’s death to go after the Clintons.

Foster died by suicide in 1993, a conclusion reached by U.S. Park Police (his body was found in a park) and the FBI. In fact, multiple investigations concurred that it was a suicide.

Yet in March 1995, after those reviews, Kavanaugh called for a “full-fledged investigation” into Foster’s death. That inquiry helped validate right-wing conspiracy theorists who believed that the Clintons killed Foster, and the matter outraged Foster’s family.

During the Monica Lewinsky inquiry, Kavanaugh pressed Starr to ask Clinton sexually graphic questions about his relationship with the White House intern. Some examples:


Yet on Thursday, Kavanaugh said he was shocked that he had to talk about his sex life.

“As to sex, this is not a topic I ever imagined would come up at a judicial confirmation hearing,” he told the Senate Judiciary Committee....
Karma is a bitch.

Caught lying again:

Twitter Users School Brett Kavanaugh On Real Meanings Of 'Boof' And 'Devil's Triangle'

This is what our judiciary has devolved to in the POSPOTUS Era:

Whitehouse asks Kavanaugh about yearbook slang

Yet more lying:

WATCH: Brett Kavanaugh says he doesn't know what role Federalist Society played in nomination

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

What a whiny ass little piece of shit.

Refusing to answer simple questions, smart ass answers to senators, interruptions, ...

Hard to imagine that this shit will be on the Supreme Court.
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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:27 pm
O Really wrote:
Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:08 am
No, but they make an accusation more believable. Anyway, there are many good reasons to reject Kavenaugh whether or not he was an asshole in high school.
I did not watch a lot of either Ford's or Kavanaugh's testimony today, but the little I did see of his convinced me that he's still an asshole.

Brett Kavanaugh Let His Mask Slip
The Supreme Court nominee spoke like the partisan warrior that he is.

There's his sheer whiny hypocrisy:
Man Who Pushed To Ask Bill Clinton Sexually Explicit Questions Bemoans Dirty Politics
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh once worked for Ken Starr, the independent counsel who went after President Clinton.

... The dirty politics Kavanaugh is alleging should be no surprise to him, since he spent part of his career in that world.

Kavanaugh cut his teeth in Washington working for what Democrats consider to be the most brazen and partisan crusade in modern politics: Ken Starr’s investigations into President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. He spent more than three years working for the independent counsel, who was looking into various scandals surrounding Clinton and his wife, Hillary.

Kavanaugh personally urged Starr to expand the Whitewater investigation to include looking at the death of White House staffer Vince Foster, a controversy that was a partisan attempt to use a man’s death to go after the Clintons.

Foster died by suicide in 1993, a conclusion reached by U.S. Park Police (his body was found in a park) and the FBI. In fact, multiple investigations concurred that it was a suicide.

Yet in March 1995, after those reviews, Kavanaugh called for a “full-fledged investigation” into Foster’s death. That inquiry helped validate right-wing conspiracy theorists who believed that the Clintons killed Foster, and the matter outraged Foster’s family.

During the Monica Lewinsky inquiry, Kavanaugh pressed Starr to ask Clinton sexually graphic questions about his relationship with the White House intern. Some examples:


Yet on Thursday, Kavanaugh said he was shocked that he had to talk about his sex life.

“As to sex, this is not a topic I ever imagined would come up at a judicial confirmation hearing,” he told the Senate Judiciary Committee....
Karma is a bitch.

Caught lying again:

Twitter Users School Brett Kavanaugh On Real Meanings Of 'Boof' And 'Devil's Triangle'

This is what our judiciary has devolved to in the POSPOTUS Era:

Whitehouse asks Kavanaugh about yearbook slang

Yet more lying:

WATCH: Brett Kavanaugh says he doesn't know what role Federalist Society played in nomination

Thanks to ___?__, the Wikipedia entry for boof and devil's triangle were changed last night to conform to judge Bret's newest under oath lie.
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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:45 am
Thanks to ___?__, the Wikipedia entry for boof and devil's triangle were changed last night to conform to judge Bret's newest under oath lie.
:lol: That's pitiful.

Somethings are best left to the Urban Dictionary, anyhow. They're both on its homepage! :lol:
Devils Triangle

A threesome with 1 woman and 2 men. It is important to remember that straight men do not make eye contact while in the act. Doing so will question their sexuality.

Larry: Did you hear that Eric and Brian were in a Devils Triangle with Sarah last night?
Brad: Yeah man, I did, what homo's.
Larry: No man, its cool, they didn't make eye contact.

to have taken it in the butt; had anal sex.

Nick boofed Mal last night.
Maybe Kavanaugh really was a virgin for years after high school . . . technically.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:41 am
What a whiny ass little piece of shit.

Refusing to answer simple questions, smart ass answers to senators, interruptions, ...

Hard to imagine that this shit will be on the Supreme Court.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off at y'all if he does, eat crow if he don't...

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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That's pretty stupid. It was always a long shot that his confirmation would be blocked. I guess some people are easily entertained. Besides, basing one's reaction to a SCOTUS appt. on what a tiny handful of lefties think about it is childish and unpatriotic. That said, it's both flattering and sad that we are so very central to your life and mood. The feeling is not mutual.

Brett Kavanaugh should be impeached, not promoted


Petition to the U.S. House of Representatives:

"Brett Kavanaugh now faces credible accusations of sexual assault and perjury and should be impeached, not promoted. Initiate impeachment proceedings to remove him from the federal bench."

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Way to go Senators,when in doubt, kick the can.

Politicking at its finest.
Last edited by GoCubsGo on Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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There’s an Entry on Kavanaugh’s 1982 Calendar That Supports Ford’s Story Better Than His Own

... In Thursday’s hearing, Kavanaugh was asked about the July 1 entry by Rachel Mitchell, the lawyer representing Republican senators, and replied, “It looks like we went over to Timmy’s” and identified the other boys who’d joined him. That was as far as that line of questioning went.
... Is it possible that teenagers might gather to drink on a Thursday night in the summer at a house with no parents home? Is it possible Kavanaugh went over to Timmy’s for “skis” (brewskis, apparently) and he and Judge journeyed on to another gathering? Could the night of July 1 be the night Ford was assaulted? Sounds worthy of further interrogation.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Leo Lyons wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:47 am
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:41 am
What a whiny ass little piece of shit.

Refusing to answer simple questions, smart ass answers to senators, interruptions, ...

Hard to imagine that this shit will be on the Supreme Court.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off at y'all if he does, eat crow if he don't...
If he does what?

I meant his childish acting yesterday. Refusing to answer simple questions, turning the questions back on the senators, his pouting, snorting, nose up in the air crap.
None of which he would allow in his own courtroom.
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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Leo Lyons wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:47 am
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:41 am
Hard to imagine that this shit will be on the Supreme Court.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off at y'all if he does, eat crow if he don't...
If he does what?
Get a seat on the Supreme court.
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."

- John F. Kennedy

Libs & Dems declared Kavanaugh guilty simply by association with the Republican party, and past bench decisions.
So much hate is rampant; from Dems and Repubs.!
I believe Ms. Ford's story that she was sexually assaulted--by someone. I believe Brett's story; that he did not do it.

The entire circus of events are unbelievable!
The Dems "11th. hour" of submitting an attempted rape accusation..
That Ms. Ford was doing "her civic duty" by bringing an accusation against a man the Dems desperately do not want to gain a SCOTUS seat, despite the accused has sat on a lofty court bench for years.

What's in the envelope Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handed to Ms. Ford's attorney? (watch the video more than once; note the facial expression and her body movements, before and after handing the envelope)

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

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Kavanaugh Testified That 'The Drinking Age Was 18.' Not In Maryland When He Was 18.

Kavanaugh just can't stop lying. Every teen knew and remembers whether s/he was drinking legally. For example, I was able to drink legally from age 18 on, but I remember like it was yesterday my girlfriend being angry because the age jumped from 18 to 21 a month before she turned 18.

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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Leo Lyons wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:51 pm
Leo Lyons wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:47 am
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:41 am
Hard to imagine that this shit will be on the Supreme Court.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off at y'all if he does, eat crow if he don't...
If he does what?
Get a seat on the Supreme court.
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."

- John F. Kennedy

Libs & Dems declared Kavanaugh guilty simply by association with the Republican party, and past bench decisions.
So much hate is rampant; from Dems and Repubs.!
I believe Ms. Ford's story that she was sexually assaulted--by someone. I believe Brett's story; that he did not do it.

The entire circus of events are unbelievable!
The Dems "11th. hour" of submitting an attempted rape accusation..
That Ms. Ford was doing "her civic duty" by bringing an accusation against a man the Dems desperately do not want to gain a SCOTUS seat, despite the accused has sat on a lofty court bench for years.

What's in the envelope Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee handed to Ms. Ford's attorney? (watch the video more than once; note the facial expression and her body movements, before and after handing the envelope)
"unopened stationery notes to counsel for Dr. Ford from women who wanted to enter the hearing room but were not allowed to enter the hearing room,"

Great cut and paste leo, but

So what?
Last edited by billy.pilgrim on Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kavanaugh, drunk, party boy and confirmed liar under oath for the SC

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:04 am
Kavanaugh Testified That 'The Drinking Age Was 18.' Not In Maryland When He Was 18.

Kavanaugh just can't stop lying. Every teen knew and remembers whether s/he was drinking legally. For example, I was able to drink legally from age 18 on, but I remember like it was yesterday my girlfriend being angry because the age jumped from 18 to 21 a month before she turned 18.
So many of his lies are like this - just little shit that he didn't need to lie about. He's like trump - he just lies for the sake of lying.

And then there are also a host of big lies and even lies about lie detector tests. Could be that he wasn't lying about lie detector testing. Maybe he meant, when he wrote how super cool and useful lie detector testing is for law enforcement in determining the truthfulness of a witness, that lie detector testing is only good when it's not pointed at him (possibly echoing his stance on guns - guns are great but not allowed in my gated, walled and guarded private neighborhood).
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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