The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede wrote: "I remember that you've argued that it's too late and we can't do anything about it so we shouldn't even try. Is that still your position?"
Yes it is. My stance is that climate changes occurred many milleniums before; our current living habits may or may not have any bearing on the timing of the changes taking place, therefore I don't see how mankind can believe he can change weather patterns.

Heck, we can't even make it rain......

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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How about "affect" weather patterns? Consider - what is on the ground has an effect on the atmosphere above it. Most would agree that the atmosphere above concrete is different from that which is above grass or water. The ground, and the atmosphere above it, affects what will grow, and what grows in turn affects the atmosphere. Change the ground by cutting down the rain forest, concreting over wide areas, filling in swamps, etc., and you change what grows and what happens in the atmosphere. Sure, you may not be able to make it rain tomorrow in a particular spot, but you can certainly have an effect on weather patterns overall.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Mr.B wrote: Heck, we can't even make it rain......
So much for that whole mustard seed parable huh? But yes it's fairly easy to make it rain. Even a child can do it. ... s/rain.htm
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Ombudsman wrote: "But yes it's fairly easy to make it rain. Even a child can do it."
Oh wow! Condensation drops in a glass! Silly me...why didn't I think of that?....Now about that drought out west before the storms finally arrived....
maybe if we had gotten enough third graders each with a glass of hot water and some ice cubes....hey! maybe that's what brought the deluge and floods!


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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Mr.B wrote:
Ombudsman wrote: "But yes it's fairly easy to make it rain. Even a child can do it."
Oh wow! Condensation drops in a glass! Silly me...why didn't I think of that?...
Because they don't teach basic science in Sunday School?
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Ombudsman wrote:
Mr.B wrote:
Ombudsman wrote: "But yes it's fairly easy to make it rain. Even a child can do it."
"Oh wow! Condensation drops in a glass! Silly me...why didn't I think of that?..."
"Because they don't teach basic science in Sunday School?"
No they don't. No need to, silly. God didn't need hot water in a glass and a handful of ice cubes.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Mr.B wrote:
Ombudsman wrote:
Mr.B wrote:
Ombudsman wrote: "But yes it's fairly easy to make it rain. Even a child can do it."
"Oh wow! Condensation drops in a glass! Silly me...why didn't I think of that?..."
"Because they don't teach basic science in Sunday School?"
No they don't. No need to, silly. God didn't need hot water in a glass and a handful of ice cubes.
Apparently he needs larger amounts of water, more heat and more time than a child needs to create rain in a glass. Why is that? Can't god just snap his fingers and make it rain? Why didn't he just make water abundant enough equally all over the earth? Does he just enjoy watching people pray and do rain dances? Maybe he just likes watching people suffer.
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

Over on the CPF.. where critical thinking goes to die ... one Seawolf (part time AlGore-a-phobic .. full time nitwit) has gone into full parrot mode squawking frantically about the ice caps..
Seafool wrote:Antartic [sic] has been growing it's ice cap by leaps and bounds and the Artic [sic] has recovered a majority of it's losses just this year.
Thing is that his entire post is absolute bullshit..

Monthly changes in Antarctic ice mass, in gigatones, as measured by NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites from 2003 to 2011. The data illustrate the continuing loss of ice from the continent.

Something that the deniers simply can not wrap their tiny little heads around is that when measuring such increases or decreases .. "MASS" trumps "area covered" every time.. EVERY TIME..

Wonder what "Seawolf" would say to Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear..

America’s top military officer in charge of monitoring hostile actions by North Korea, escalating tensions between China and Japan, and a spike in computer attacks traced to China provides an unexpected answer when asked what is the biggest long-term security threat in the Pacific region: climate change.

“People are surprised sometimes,” he added, describing the reaction to his assessment. “You have the real potential here in the not-too-distant future of nations displaced by rising sea level. Certainly weather patterns are more severe than they have been in the past. We are on super typhoon 27 or 28 this year in the Western Pacific. The average is about 17.”

Seafool wrote:I am amazed at how gullible so many people are.
Oh.. the irony is strong in this one.. 8-)
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Someone should show him this, it's simplistic enough he might just understand it.

Oh forget it, it uses words like volume, over his head.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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And then we have CNF poster guiller who relentlessly distresses over not being polycephalic and so will never realize his dream of sticking more than one head up his ass.. starting a "Nearly half of meteorologists: 'global warming' doesn't exist" thread dedicated to misquoting a recent American Meteorological Society poll.. .

If only guiller could read (from the same poll) he could have avoided falling into another denier "tas de merde"...

93% of actively publishing climate scientists indicated they are convinced that humans have contributed to global warming. Our findings also revealed that majorities of experts view human activity as the primary cause of recent climate change: 78% of climate experts actively publishing on climate change, 73% of all people actively publishing on climate change, and 62% of active publishers who mostly do not publish on climate change. These results, together with those of other similar studies, suggest high levels of expert consensus about human-caused climate change.

Clearly guiller should stick to plagiarizing sci-fi novels and ripping off Mickey Spillane.. .
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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And today it's "taxed" .. one of CPF's premier ultracrepidarianists .. Scratching his AlGore-a-phobic rash feverishly, taxed dutifully regurgitates his daily ration of denier misinformation which this time again centers around polar ice cap "coverage" .. ..

Arctic sea ice coverage was nearly 9,000 cubic kilometers (2,100 cubic miles) by the end of this year’s melting season, up from about 6,000 cubic kilometers (1,400 cubic miles) during the same time last year.

so.. could be an inch thick or a mile thick.. taxed see no difference in coverage and is too damn stupid to understand that MASS is the metric by which one determines polar ice gains or losses .. poor stupid taxed.. poor stupid right-wingers..
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

A climate scientist and a climate change denier walk into a bar.

The denier says, "bartender, show me your strongest whiskey. "

The bartender says, "this one here. It's 97 percent alcohol."

The denier slams down his fist and leaves the bar in a hurry.

The scientist says, "you know, that's the problem with these guys. You show them the proof, and they still don't buy it."
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by bannination »

Crock Hunter wrote:And today it's "taxed" .. one of CPF's premier ultracrepidarianists .. Scratching his AlGore-a-phobic rash feverishly, taxed dutifully regurgitates his daily ration of denier misinformation which this time again centers around polar ice cap "coverage" .. ..

Arctic sea ice coverage was nearly 9,000 cubic kilometers (2,100 cubic miles) by the end of this year’s melting season, up from about 6,000 cubic kilometers (1,400 cubic miles) during the same time last year.

so.. could be an inch thick or a mile thick.. taxed see no difference in coverage and is too damn stupid to understand that MASS is the metric by which one determines polar ice gains or losses .. poor stupid taxed.. poor stupid right-wingers..
MASS? WTF is MASS? Must be one of those liberal communist terms they use to confuse us and hide the truth.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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You know, you are right. Global warming must be responsible for the Antartic being the coldest ever recorded right now. It's just a scam by people like Al Gore and Obama, who is, IMO, trying to destroy the country. Gore is just trying to make more money and the country be damned.

Even global warming partisans who are scientists are trying to figure out why their predictions for the last ten years are wrong. You do note that they have changed Global Warming to Climate Change. Guess they figured out that anyone with a brain no longer believes the earth is warming, so they are trying to work a new con. Last year the earth wasn't warmer, it was one-half a degree colder.

A couple of days ago it snowed in the Middle East--Cairo got two inches. Even Jerusalem got a couple of inches. Will they again try to tel us that it's colder because it's warmer?
Where is he getting the bold portion?

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Vrede wrote:If you go ask for a citation you'll get banned, again.
That can't possibly be true, I saw solar tell someone it's crazy hard to get banned from there. Then they banned him, but still!

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

bannination wrote:
Last year the earth wasn't warmer, it was one-half a degree colder.
Where is he getting the bold portion?
Surface temperature 2012 was one of the 10 warmest years since such record keeping yet cooler than 2011.

In the global temperature data set there are peaks and valleys . . A dishonest analyst..e.g. GW denier .. could cherry pick a subset that shows a precipitous drop in temperature for a given time frame and it would certainly befuddle the other nitwits . . however the "trend" tells the tale.. .


Somewhat like the downward slide in wingnut IQ.. there is no indication that the climate warming trend is reversing..
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

bannination wrote:
Vrede wrote:If you go ask for a citation you'll get banned, again.
That can't possibly be true, I saw solar tell someone it's crazy hard to get banned from there. Then they banned him, but still!
It struck me the other day that Solar and the CPF is the same as the Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Like" .. The one where Anthony (Billy Mumy) wishes away everything and everyone he doesn't like... . Solar (Anthony) controls what they say and think and anyone who dares open the door to reality is wished away into the cornfield.. ..

Submitted for your approval.. . 8-)
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

Vrede wrote:
Crock Hunter wrote:...Somewhat like the downward slide in wingnut IQ...
Maybe it's an unexpected and as yet unmodeled effect of the now proven AGW, a subtle but too slow balancing mechanism that will eventually drive the idiot deniers into impotent irrelevancy.
“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.”

Sure... .Wingnuts on Earth could be a subtle sub-program the mice are running to answer the ultimate question of Human Stupidity..
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

Vrede wrote:
Crock Hunter wrote:...Einstein?...
Uncertain. Either way, I like this addendum by Gestalt therapist Frederick S. Perls:
yea.. I knew the dispute thus the "?" .. but I like the idea anyway..
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by bannination »

Crock Hunter wrote:
bannination wrote:
Vrede wrote:If you go ask for a citation you'll get banned, again.
That can't possibly be true, I saw solar tell someone it's crazy hard to get banned from there. Then they banned him, but still!
It struck me the other day that Solar and the CPF is the same as the Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Like" .. The one where Anthony (Billy Mumy) wishes away everything and everyone he doesn't like... . Solar (Anthony) controls what they say and think and anyone who dares open the door to reality is wished away into the cornfield.. ..

Submitted for your approval.. . 8-)
Oh man, another liberal distraction, BAN HIM MODS!!! BAN HIM!!!

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