The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Vrede too wrote:Plus, one has to know "normal" compared to what. I don't know about the above map but when we hear above or below normal on the TV news it's usually relative to the 10 year average, an average that's already well above "normal" compared to 25, 50 or 100 years ago.
True that. Sort of a "rolling average" that doesn't show the real change over a significant amount of time.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Also, we had another significant fire just a week or two ago, in "winter"!
O Really wrote:I see my little corner of the world down toward the end of Florida is marked white for "normal." Nice to know, even if the beaches are getting smaller. But for most of January and February, temps have been consistently above normal, if only by maybe 5 degrees instead of 15, but still.
At some point you won't have to leave NC to enjoy the FL climate that's been your reason for leaving.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:"If Global Warming doesn't kill us off, the Government will! (sheesh!)"
"It's the far right that keeps claiming that "the government will kill us off." That includes the "chemtrails" conspiracy fantasies."
Not entirely true; however, you're welcome to provide citations for your earth-shattering revelation.
Mr.B wrote:"It's amazing how paranoid people can be..."
"The claim is one of the *less* paranoid claims coming out of the firehose of wingnuttery called InfoWars. From 9/11 conspiracies to moon landing hoaxes to "North American Union" warnings to claims that the Newtown Massacre - and every other crisis - was a "false flag" operation, nothing is to too insane and stupid for Alex Jones's InfoWars."
I wouldn't know. I don't follow or read anything associated with those moonbats, or any other anti-government nutjobs; despite their political leanings.

Nor for Donald Trump, who appears on their show, tweets links to them and endorses them.
"It is surreal to talk about issues here on air, and then word-for-word hear Trump say it," Alex Jones confessed.
He's YOUR candidate. YOU voted for him.
I get your paranoia; global warming, chemtrails, and wingnuts are all Trump's fault.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Vrede too wrote:Also, we had another significant fire just a week or two ago, in "winter"!
O Really wrote:I see my little corner of the world down toward the end of Florida is marked white for "normal." Nice to know, even if the beaches are getting smaller. But for most of January and February, temps have been consistently above normal, if only by maybe 5 degrees instead of 15, but still.
At some point you won't have to leave NC to enjoy the FL climate that's been your reason for leaving.
Maybe, but you miss part of the real point. Why do I live in South Florida 4-5 months of the year? Because Lady O doesn't want to live here in the summer and fall. If I had the only vote in the family, I'd go back to our former life living full-time in Florida and spending a week or two at a time in WNC. I'm happy with a week of fall, a couple weeks of spring, and a couple of hiking/biking trips in the summer. Lady O likes high 70's low 80's summers, cool brisk fall days, and spring wildflowers. And I like Lady O. ;)

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Okay, at some point you'll have to go to Canada to enjoy the NC climate that's been Lady O's reason for leaving FL.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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I'm OK with that, but I doubt we'll still be around that long to have to do it. By then there won't be a livable Florida anyway. We could summer in Nova Scotia and winter on the Eastern Shore. :lol:

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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It just isn't happening ... it's just not...! It's made up, they say!

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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By the Chinese, according to the Republican leader!

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

I wonder if the Russians deny Global Warming .... ?

The Batgaika Crater
Alexander Gabyshev, Research Institute of Applied Ecology of the North

"Siberia’s enormous “hellmouth” crater in the melting permafrost is growing fast —
and it’s opening a portal to a 200,000-year-old world.

The Batgaika crater, known to the local Yakutian people as the “doorway to the underworld,” is one of the largest of a growing number of pits collapsing across the Siberian landscape as the ice beneath the surface turns to slush — and methane gas.

But this crater in particular offers some form of a silver lining...
It’s revealing eons of climate change in the region, along with long-buried animal carcasses and petrified forests.

The half-mile-wide, 275-foot-deep crater is growing at the rate of 30 to 100 feet a year as the ice around its edges gives way.
Researchers say it’s also getting gradually deeper.

But a study in the science journal Quarternary Research says that, along with its ominous release of greenhouse gas,
the stratified layers of the crater’s sides are releasing immense historical climate data.

Preserved in the melting permafrost are layers of pollen revealing that the area was once covered by open tundra.
But there are also two prominent bands of tree stumps, showing the land was once dense forest.

Among it all are the remains of ancient mammoth, musk ox, and even a 4,400-year-old horse.

Put together, it’s all painting a picture of gradual changes in climate over the course of tens of thousands of years.
Researchers hope it will help them predict what will happen in coming decades.

University of Sussex professor Julian Murton says the last time Siberia appears to have experienced the formation
of “hellsmouth” craters was 10,000 years ago — when the Earth woke from the last ice age.

One forest-bed remnant sits above an even older landscape that had been heavily eroded.

“This was probably when permafrost thawed in a past episode of climate warming,” Murton said.

But greenhouse gas levels in our atmosphere are much higher now than then.
Current figures place the saturation level at 400 parts per million of CO2. Back then, it was 280 parts per million."

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Mr.B wrote:I wonder if the Russians deny Global Warming .... ?

The Batgaika Crater
Alexander Gabyshev, Research Institute of Applied Ecology of the North

"Siberia’s enormous “hellmouth” crater in the melting permafrost is growing fast —
and it’s opening a portal to a 200,000-year-old world.

The Batgaika crater, known to the local Yakutian people as the “doorway to the underworld,” is one of the largest of a growing number of pits collapsing across the Siberian landscape as the ice beneath the surface turns to slush — and methane gas.

But this crater in particular offers some form of a silver lining...
It’s revealing eons of climate change in the region, along with long-buried animal carcasses and petrified forests.

The half-mile-wide, 275-foot-deep crater is growing at the rate of 30 to 100 feet a year as the ice around its edges gives way.
Researchers say it’s also getting gradually deeper.

But a study in the science journal Quarternary Research says that, along with its ominous release of greenhouse gas,
the stratified layers of the crater’s sides are releasing immense historical climate data.

Preserved in the melting permafrost are layers of pollen revealing that the area was once covered by open tundra.
But there are also two prominent bands of tree stumps, showing the land was once dense forest.

Among it all are the remains of ancient mammoth, musk ox, and even a 4,400-year-old horse.

Put together, it’s all painting a picture of gradual changes in climate over the course of tens of thousands of years.
Researchers hope it will help them predict what will happen in coming decades.

University of Sussex professor Julian Murton says the last time Siberia appears to have experienced the formation
of “hellsmouth” craters was 10,000 years ago — when the Earth woke from the last ice age.

One forest-bed remnant sits above an even older landscape that had been heavily eroded.

“This was probably when permafrost thawed in a past episode of climate warming,” Murton said.

But greenhouse gas levels in our atmosphere are much higher now than then.
Current figures place the saturation level at 400 parts per million of CO2. Back then, it was 280 parts per million."
Shut up you dirty lib.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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These days one must be careful to ask not just if someone believes the Earth is warming, but also whether s/he understands that human activity is causing it.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Vrede too wrote:These days one must be careful to ask not just if someone believes the Earth is warming, but also whether s/he understands that human activity is causing it.
These days it's amazing just to find someone that realizes that yes, the earth is indeed warming. Or maybe that's just because I watch too much politics.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

bannination wrote: "Shut up you dirty lib."
Vrede too wrote:"These days one must be careful to ask not just if someone believes the Earth is warming, but also whether s/he understands that human activity is causing it."
Of course human activity, mammal activity, and naturally occurring cycles is causing it ... however, the increases in human and mammal populations is taking it's toll as well.
bannination wrote: "These days it's amazing just to find someone that realizes that yes, the earth is indeed warming."
Only a fool would say there's no such thing as climate change/global warming, when the overwhelming evidence is right before our eyes.

"Or maybe that's just because I watch too much politics."
Too much politics. In other words, climate change has become a political play-toy with baseless and absurd accusations being tossed about by every political ideology on earth. Climate change/global warming cannot be stopped, but steps to slow it down "possibly" could be implemented; but at a very high price.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by O Really »

Somebody you know here, rstrong?
Video captures couple crashing through Lake Winnipeg ice in truck ... -1.4024802

I posted under Global Warming since apparently it "was always safe to drive across the lake in March." Ummm, maybe not so much now.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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I wouldn't have counted on it always being safe. Even without global warming there's always the occasional outlier.

And this fall and winter was a major outlier. A record for latest-in-the-year first snow. Heck, even the grass was green into December, where even with a late snow it normally turns brown in October*. Only couple short cold snaps all winter, and nothing extreme.

On the other hand the province is starting to build all-season roads to communities that have always been served only by ice roads. The ice road season for trucking in supplies just isn't long enough any more. That's not over a year or two; it's the long-term trend.

* I miss the brilliant fall colors in eastern Ontario. In Winnipeg everything just turns dull grey/brown. Even Calgary* gets fall colors.

* Calgary was founded when a bunch of settlers already worn out after crossing the plains saw the Rocky Mountains and said "Fuck that, I quit."

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

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rstrong wrote:... Calgary was founded when a bunch of settlers already worn out after crossing the plains saw the Rocky Mountains and said "Fuck that, I quit."
:lol: I was just about to post, 'Canadians, too polite to swear even when the fucking truck falls through the goddamned ice.'

America, we go big:

36 Cars Fall Through Ice at Wisconsin Fishing Tournament

There's even a company called "Sunk? Dive and Ice Service".

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