The Global Warming thread.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Cannonpointer »

Mr.B wrote:That video would be funny if it weren't so redundant; but then again I always thought that naming hurricanes was silly too; especially when political correctness kicked in and they started naming them male names in addition to former all female names.
(yeah, I know the joke about hericanes and himacanes!)

I think a numbering system would be better suited; numbered in the year of occurrence.....f'r instance first hurricane would be A2013, 2nd would be
B2013, on to Z2013 if necessary, and if needed beyond that, AA2013 and so on. They're gonna run outta names some day!
I can predict with absolute certainty that if we ever adopt your system, "Hurricane Bingo" will be invented the very next day. Humanity shall forever have a smirking attraction to the macabre.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

If this winter is going to half as bad as the strange weather occurrences this nation has had so far this year, I'm dreading this winter!

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Cannonpointer »

Bwahahaha!!! I have read the emails PERSONALLY, retard. Your reference to a cover up are just more of your typical childish prattle and another false appeal to authority in the face of incontrovertible evidence.

I guess if some right wing panel "clears" Ron Paul's kid of plagiarism, you will hop aboard, Nancy?

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Cannonpointer »

Vrede wrote: Besides, limiting fossil fuel consumption will decrease other pollution including what's turning the world's oceans into sewers, will improve the health of Americans, reduce our support for dictators, decentralize power production and reduce our trade deficit. Why are you opposed to these things?
What does this even MEAN to you, Nancy? WHOM will you limit and HOW will you limit them? This^^^ is just a childish platitude, or a "Vrede post," as I've come to think of them.

We have CAFE standards improving fuel efficiency and reducing consumption. We have the ever escalating price of gas and the ever diminishing American job market doing their share. We are tax-breaking and subsidizing solar and wind. Giving Fat Al Gore his own carbon trading board won't heal Gaia, retard - it'll just make Fat Al Gore the first Carbon Billionaire (his espoused goal).

As to "reducing support for dictators," we won't need a dictator over Nicaraguans, if WE are doing the dictating directly from D.C., son. Let me put a lid on a developing nation's industry, and watch how many whores I can create and how many desperate people I can exploit. You are with those who have trained you to chant, parrot.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by rstrong »

Cannonpointer wrote:Bwahahaha!!! I have read the emails PERSONALLY, retard. Your reference to a cover up are just more of your typical childish prattle and another false appeal to authority in the face of incontrovertible evidence.
I too read the emails PERSONALLY. The ones that the climate change deniers held up while screaming AHA!!!! to anyone who would listen, claiming that they were proof of conspiracy or dishonesty.

But then I read the emails in context.

Like the email that climate change deniers claimed expressed doubts about the science of climate change, but was really making a point about what happens if scientists don't explain their assumptions and results in a realistic and understandable way and put it into a broader context . It did NOT express any doubt about the real science of climate change.

Or the email saying that "One way to cover yourself would be to delete all emails at the end of the process. Hard to do, as not everybody will remember to do it." Sounds like a conspiracy, doesn't it? But in context it's about time wasted on nuisance Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests and how to reduce the time wasted on them. Deleting the emails is one method.

The next paragraph talks about how it's not just the time needed to gather the information demanded by FOI requests that's at issue. They also need to explain each time the whole process of how the scientists do their research.

I once took part in a mass shredding, the night before FOI rules came into effect, pre-email. The Manitoba Department of Health realized that since we would be required to keep every print-out, every Your Wife Called While You Were Out note, every request for office supplies, every printed revision of every spreadsheet, which might be several a day for a given spreadsheet, the room where we stored it would fill floor-to-ceiling within months. In effect we had to keep, sort, index and store most of our garbage. And find and produce individual items on request. We'd need to double our office staff to do so. So we shredded what garbage we had, and made strict rules about printing or writing anything on paper. Without harming anyone's "right to know."

Then there's the quote used by Faux News to convince their gullibly submoron audience that Scientists "Left Out" Information To Fit A "Message." In context, the email was about the need to edit a lengthy outline down to "0.5 pages of HIGHLY focused and relevant stuff."

Check this out:

MediaMatters: "Climategate" Redux: Conservative Media Distort Hacked Emails ... Again

It's a long list of outright lies on the subject in Faux News and other major right wing news in the space of just one month. All of them backed by the mails themselves. That is, by a carefully snipped sentence or two. And all of them proven to be lies by simply reading the quotes in context.

"Climategate" fizzled. It turned out that scientists were saying in private exactly what they were saying in public, and the emails served only to further document their processes and findings.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Mr.B wrote:If this winter is going to half as bad as the strange weather occurrences this nation has had so far this year, I'm dreading this winter!
I dread all winters. I'm already in a state of abject dread and acute anxiety. If folks in Florida weren't so crazy, I might go there for the winter; house sit in an appropriate estate. I recommend Sally become Mustang Sally, for old times sake.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

When I was in the US Navy, I often had to witness the tossing of trash, paint cans, oil cans, whatever...."over the side." That was more than 35 years ago. As far as I know, they still do that. I suppose we can take comfort that submarines eject their trash into the ocean in containers that cost thousands of dollars and may or may not disintegrate. I had to make another post since that last one was 911. shit

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by rstrong »

neoplacebo wrote:I dread all winters.
To escape the winter, I'd recommend moving to North Carolina.

Charlotte's normal January high and low temperatures are 51/32°F. Here in Winnipeg it's 9/-9°F. 40° colder.

Our record low is -49°F, though I played outside in slightly colder weather growing up in Northern Manitoba. One day a few years ago a spot just north-west of the city was the coldest place on the planet, including both poles. A co-worker's engine block cracked open; his anti-freeze was only good for -39°C/-38.2°F, and he didn't plug his car in.

Gad, I'd love to winter in the Carolinas.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

neoplacebo wrote: "I dread all winters. I'm already in a state of abject dread and acute anxiety.
If folks in Florida weren't so crazy, I might go there for the winter; house sit in an appropriate estate."
I hate cold weather. My favorite saying is "The older I get, the more I hate cold weather...and I'm gettin' older every day!"
I wouldn't mind moving to Florida myself; my son lives in Tampa, but I sure wouldn't want to live there. Give me any small community between Tampa
and Cuba that's not bordered by a marsh or swamp, (except Key West) and I'll be happy.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Boatrocker »

neoplacebo wrote:. . . I suppose we can take comfort that submarines eject their trash into the ocean in containers that cost thousands of dollars and may or may not disintegrate. I had to make another post since that last one was 911. shit
Musta changed since the late 70s. We used light gauge, pre-perforated galvanized sheets, rolled to a can shape as required, weighted, filled with trash and shot out the Trash Disposal Unit. Wetter stuff went out in a weighted wetbag, thru the same unit. The cans would disintegrate quickly, simply being steel (even galvanized). The wetbags were nylon and probably lasted longer.
They may use something more sophisticated now.
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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by O Really »

Mr.B wrote: I wouldn't mind moving to Florida myself; my son lives in Tampa, but I sure wouldn't want to live there. Give me any small community between Tampa
and Cuba that's not bordered by a marsh or swamp, (except Key West) and I'll be happy.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Cannonpointer »

rstrong wrote:
Cannonpointer wrote:Bwahahaha!!! I have read the emails PERSONALLY, retard. Your reference to a cover up are just more of your typical childish prattle and another false appeal to authority in the face of incontrovertible evidence.
I too read the emails PERSONALLY. The ones that the climate change deniers held up while screaming AHA!!!! to anyone who would listen, claiming that they were proof of conspiracy or dishonesty.

But then I read the emails in context.

Like the email that climate change deniers claimed expressed doubts about the science of climate change, but was really making a point about what happens if scientists don't explain their assumptions and results in a realistic and understandable way and put it into a broader context . It did NOT express any doubt about the real science of climate change.

Or the email saying that "One way to cover yourself would be to delete all emails at the end of the process. Hard to do, as not everybody will remember to do it." Sounds like a conspiracy, doesn't it? But in context it's about time wasted on nuisance Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests and how to reduce the time wasted on them. Deleting the emails is one method.

The next paragraph talks about how it's not just the time needed to gather the information demanded by FOI requests that's at issue. They also need to explain each time the whole process of how the scientists do their research.

I once took part in a mass shredding, the night before FOI rules came into effect, pre-email. The Manitoba Department of Health realized that since we would be required to keep every print-out, every Your Wife Called While You Were Out note, every request for office supplies, every printed revision of every spreadsheet, which might be several a day for a given spreadsheet, the room where we stored it would fill floor-to-ceiling within months. In effect we had to keep, sort, index and store most of our garbage. And find and produce individual items on request. We'd need to double our office staff to do so. So we shredded what garbage we had, and made strict rules about printing or writing anything on paper. Without harming anyone's "right to know."

Then there's the quote used by Faux News to convince their gullibly submoron audience that Scientists "Left Out" Information To Fit A "Message." In context, the email was about the need to edit a lengthy outline down to "0.5 pages of HIGHLY focused and relevant stuff."

Check this out:

MediaMatters: "Climategate" Redux: Conservative Media Distort Hacked Emails ... Again

It's a long list of outright lies on the subject in Faux News and other major right wing news in the space of just one month. All of them backed by the mails themselves. That is, by a carefully snipped sentence or two. And all of them proven to be lies by simply reading the quotes in context.

"Climategate" fizzled. It turned out that scientists were saying in private exactly what they were saying in public, and the emails served only to further document their processes and findings.
I like it that you consider FOIA requests a "nuisance." No reason the hard fought battle to shed a little light on such things should be respected by a warmista. And your credulous acceptance that they need to generate anew, each and every time they answer an FOIA request, an explanation of their methodology - is that based on copier capacity?

Yeah, it's better that folks in a powerful priesthood who are committed to radically altering how we live should be left to operate in private - or at least be defended staunchly when they are caught trying to do so. After all, darkness is the best disinfectant, right? And bush - he was just getting "unvarnished advice," yeah? He was just "taken out of context," holding those secret meetings...

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by rstrong »

Cannonpointer wrote:I like it that you consider FOIA requests a "nuisance." No reason the hard fought battle to shed a little light on such things should be respected by a warmista. And your credulous acceptance that they need to generate anew, each and every time they answer an FOIA request, an explanation of their methodology - is that based on copier capacity?
One more time:

(We) realized that since we would be required to keep every print-out, every Your Wife Called While You Were Out note, every request for office supplies, every printed revision of every spreadsheet, which might be several a day for a given spreadsheet, the room where we stored it would fill floor-to-ceiling within months. In effect we had to keep, sort, index and store most of our garbage. And find and produce individual items on request. We'd need to double our office staff to do so.

Each request can take hours and hundreds of dollars. And no, that's not an unreasonable claim:

Data is often shared between different agencies, so there needs to be a coordination between them to grant permission to release the data. (Think of how Mars Rover science data isn't released immediately, because those who dedicated years of their lives to planning the missions and collecting that data correctly have the right to publish first in peer-reviewed papers.) This can take up a lot of time.

Because many of these scientists work for universities, every page has to be reviewed by both administrators and university legal staff to ensure that student confidentiality is not being breached and to ensure that the FOI is being appropriately addressed (there are often thousands of pages).

That student confidentiality is important, because being connected to climate science opens you up to death threats, on-air demands from Rush Limbaugh that you be harassed, etc.

When just one small group of scientists gets 60 FOI requests in four days, they can't do their job.

That BTW was a coordinated campaign of climate change deniers to use nuisance FOI requests as a weapon to harass scientists and prevent them from doing their jobs. Each demanding five countries worth of data - a *different* five countries each. For datasets that were available on the web, but nevertheless the FOI requests had to be processed anyway.

Climate change deniers have also been using FOI requests to demand access to scientists' personal, private email accounts.
Cannonpointer wrote:Yeah, it's better that folks in a powerful priesthood
Yes, Cannonpointer. Working with evidence and reason makes you part of "a powerful priesthood." You certainly are a most devout atheist.


Jesus tap-dancing Christ, what a stupid thing to write.
Cannonpointer wrote:who are committed to radically altering how we live
They're committed to showing how we live radically alters the world.

What to do about it, whatever the data shows, is for the rest of us to decide.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by rstrong »

Super typhoon Haiyan just broke all scientific intensity scales
Meteorologist Eric Holthaus says that the super typhoon Haiyan about to hit the Philippines is the worst storm he has ever seen. With sustained winds of 190mph (305km/h) and staggering gusts of 230mph (370km/h), its "intensity has actually ticked slightly above the maximum to 8.1 on an 8.0 scale." Update: It broke 235mph.
The Dvorak scale, which is used to measure strong strength using satellites, maxes out at 8.0. This is the theoretical maximum intensity for any storm. Within the last hour, one real-time estimate of the storm’s intensity has actually ticked slightly above the maximum to 8.1.

It's about to hit shore in the Philippines just north of an area that had an M7.2 earthquake last month. It was already predicted to be the strongest storm ever to make landfall in the Philippines and possibly to become the strongest storm ever recorded to make landfall, anywhere on Earth.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Boatrocker wrote:
neoplacebo wrote:. . . I suppose we can take comfort that submarines eject their trash into the ocean in containers that cost thousands of dollars and may or may not disintegrate. I had to make another post since that last one was 911. shit
Musta changed since the late 70s. We used light gauge, pre-perforated galvanized sheets, rolled to a can shape as required, weighted, filled with trash and shot out the Trash Disposal Unit. Wetter stuff went out in a weighted wetbag, thru the same unit. The cans would disintegrate quickly, simply being steel (even galvanized). The wetbags were nylon and probably lasted longer.
They may use something more sophisticated now.
I'm not sure about all the details, but the later runs of 688 class boats had a pretty sophisticated, and expensive, trash ejection rig. I'm pretty sure it's 6" diameter.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

rstrong wrote:Super typhoon Haiyan just broke all scientific intensity scales
Meteorologist Eric Holthaus says that the super typhoon Haiyan about to hit the Philippines is the worst storm he has ever seen. With sustained winds of 190mph (305km/h) and staggering gusts of 230mph (370km/h), its "intensity has actually ticked slightly above the maximum to 8.1 on an 8.0 scale." Update: It broke 235mph.
The Dvorak scale, which is used to measure strong strength using satellites, maxes out at 8.0. This is the theoretical maximum intensity for any storm. Within the last hour, one real-time estimate of the storm’s intensity has actually ticked slightly above the maximum to 8.1.

It's about to hit shore in the Philippines just north of an area that had an M7.2 earthquake last month. It was already predicted to be the strongest storm ever to make landfall in the Philippines and possibly to become the strongest storm ever recorded to make landfall, anywhere on Earth.
Yeah, I've been following this periodically; it's about to hit now. Sure looks to be something bad; I'm dreading the reports to come.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment.....
It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it...."

----Al Gore, former Vice President

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede wrote:You've been duped, again. That's from a humor writer's list of things the GOP's Dan Quayle might have said. The list of things he really did say is even funnier.

President George W. Bush in 2000: "More and more of our imports come from overseas."
That makes more sense than a lot of things he said. And it's true and accurate, unlike some of the others.

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede wrote: "You've been duped, again. That's from a humor writer's list of things the GOP's Dan Quayle might have said. The list of things he really did say is even funnier."

"President George W. Bush in 2000: "More and more of our imports come from overseas."
"Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas."--- Keppel Enderbery, former Australian Cabinet Minister

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Re: The Global Warming thread.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede wrote: "I haven't looked it up lately but I believe the AGW models are uncertain re storm frequency while most agree that intensity will increase."
But....but....but.....AGW is a hoax....don't you remember? :shock:

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