The homophobic thread :>

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Leo Lyons
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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 3:51 pm
I posted that in case he's lurking, which he has been known to do. It does NOT mean that I know he's lurking or that I'm afraid of the possibility.
How do you know he's lurking? Does he leave the door to that room in your head unlocked so you can go in and snoop about? :lol:

It's adorable how often you make a complete idiot of yourself because you're so desperately obsessed with trying to get a dig in on me.
Thanks. I'm glad you find your fantasies so adorable. Not everybody has such realistic skills. I'm out of my league in trying to "to get a dig in" on you; you're far more advanced and full of hate for anyone to best you. You own that.

Now, are you going to whine some more or are you going to address the topic I posted about?
Whining? I'm not whining about you, I'm laughing at your dope-smokin' ass!
OK, OK, I've picked enough; I'll address the topic, because I know your mouth is drooling with eloquent insults and demeaning snark to toss at me, so here goes. Enjoy. Firstly, he's anti-gay; he hires prostitutes (female, I'm assuming), so HE's not gay. He equates gayness with sin, but seemed to fall into a similar trap of sin until he (probably was about to get caught) came to grips with his sin and what a debacle he's created. What it boils down to, he's what a fundamentalist was call 'back-slidden' !!!
As for the story itself; it's a run-of-the-mill piece of bullshit. You only posted it because it's a dig at Mr.B's being a Christian and as you readily confessed "I posted that in case he's lurking". The story has nothing to do with Mr.B, (or Wneglia, or Colonel Taylor) or any other former member who's Christian.

As for your remark "Mr.B's perverted team exposed, again" is an un-necessary nasty poke because he is a Christian. He's not responsible for other's actions any more than Banni is responsible for yours because you are a member here. Let it go, Vrede. Mr.B is history, however you have again displayed a trait of being a sociopath:

"A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, but is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and eventually accomplices who end up as victims." Get help.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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I don't know that he's lurking, moron. I just know that he has in the past. Since you began so stupidly, I just closed the rest of your post. Gee, cryin' shame that you wasted all of that whiny time and effort.

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Leo Lyons
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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:35 pm
I don't know that he's lurking, moron. I just know that he has in the past. Since you began so stupidly, I just closed the rest of your post. Gee, cryin' shame that you wasted all of that whiny time and effort.
Sure you closed it. We know. Gee, cryin' shame that you wasted all of that whiny time and effort to post this. :crybaby:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:35 pm
... Gee, cryin' shame that you wasted all of that whiny time and effort.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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The nut jobbers really are trying to regress us back to the dark ages.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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bannination wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:31 pm
The nut jobbers really are trying to regress us back to the dark ages.
... NBC News reported Wednesday that the nonprofit group, Liberty Counsel, which is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is lobbying members of the House to remove language referring to "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" in the bill, which passed the Senate unanimously last month.

"The old saying is, once that camel gets the nose in the tent, you can't stop them from coming the rest of the way in," Mat Staver, the group's chairman, told conservative news outlet OneNewsNow, according to NBC.

“This is a way to slip it in under a so-called anti-lynching bill, and to then to sort of circle the wagon and then go for the [jugular] at some time in the future," he reportedly added....
He's got a point. Once you make it okay to lynch LGBTQs, who is next?

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:49 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:35 pm
... Gee, cryin' shame that you wasted all of that whiny time and effort.
Not bad! And you didn't read my post! Is it ESP? :pray:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Still not bothering to look, but it is satisfying to know that even if Mr.B and homerfobe aren't lurking, I can so easily wind Leo Lyons up by suggesting that they might be.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:15 pm
Still not bothering to look,
Who cares.

but it is satisfying to know that even if Mr.B and homerfobe aren't lurking, I can so easily wind Leo Lyons up by suggesting that they might be.
Mr.B AND homerfobe!

I bet you damn near jump out of your skin in the middle of the night when one of 'em farts!

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:35 pm
... Gee, cryin' shame that you wasted all of that whiny time and effort.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Hell, I think having contempt for somebody or something is a good thing....if you consider it to be "holding a grudge" I say bullshit. Holding a grudge is a defensive mindset, while healthy contempt is of an offensive mindset. I have a fine contempt for several things and persons but none of those rent space in my head; it's rare that I even think of any of them, but you jog my memory.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:04 pm
I have a fine contempt for several things and persons but none of those rent space in my head; it's rare that I even think of any of them, but you jog my memory.
That's life, my friend. You'll live. :thumbsup:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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I love a fight where it's great whoever loses.
Kim Davis may have to pay $225k for denying gay couples marriage licenses

Infamous Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis had the full-throated support of Republican governor Matt Bevin – until it was time to pay the bill for her lawlessness.

Now the governor’s attorneys are telling the court that the state shouldn’t have to pay for Davis’ decision not to do her job. Bevin’s lawyers say Davis should pay the nearly $225,000 owed to the couples’ lawyers to force the clerk’s office to issue marriage licenses....

Davis went to jail for several days for contempt of court charges after refusing to follow a judge’s decision that she was required to do so. Kentucky voters booted her out of office in the last election.
Davis has been held accountable.
To support Davis’ crusade, Bevin’s office cajoled state legislators into removing the clerk’s name from marriage certificates.

A district judge ruled in 2017 that the state should pay the plaintiff’s legal expenses. Bevin has appealed the decision; a three-judge panel will hear arguments later this week.

In the ruling, the same judge said that since the plaintiffs had prevailed, the state must reimburse them for their legal costs. Her authority came from the state, she could have faced criminal charges for misconduct, and the state legislature could have impeached her.

Instead, Governor Bevin called her “an inspiration… to the children of America” and the legislature changed the law to accommodate her. Therefore, the judge ruled, the state is responsible for her conduct.

“Davis represented the Commonwealth of Kentucky when she refused to issue marriage licenses to legally eligible couples. The buck stops there,” the judge wrote in his decision.
I'm leaning towards wanting the state to pay, thus reinforcing bigot Bevin's culpability.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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It does seem the state should be liable for supporting her ridiculous stand. On the other hand, she started the mess, brought all the crap down upon her own head, and shouldn't walk totally unscathed. She did lose her cushy job, and her name is pretty much mud, so maybe the state paying is best.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:18 am
It does seem the state should be liable for supporting her ridiculous stand. On the other hand, she started the mess, brought all the crap down upon her own head, and shouldn't walk totally unscathed. She did lose her cushy job, and her name is pretty much mud, so maybe the state paying is best.
I can't say which is more legal or "just", but Davis is old news and other petty bureaucrats have learned that official bigotry ain't worth it. Otoh, I see future benefit for the state in teaching Bevin and Repugs that their bigotry is also costly, even if it is taxpayer money. It's not like it would come out of Davis' pocket, either. She's either too poor or will raise the money from other Christian bigots.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Interesting also, is that of the six couples who sued, several of them were represented by the ACLU, and 2-3 had private representation. I don't know what Boondock, KY attorneys have for a billing rate, but I'd think $350 would not be out of the ballpark. So we're looking at 625 or so billed hours, and if it's divided among three firms, that's still 200 hours each. That's a lot for this particular case, it seems to me. There wouldn't be a lot of time eaten up with endless depositions of dozens of witnesses; if I recall, there was no actual trial, just rulings from the bench. Who knows what they did, but somebody ought to pay them.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

I don't like:
Boiled okra, raw oysters, Miracle Whip, boiled squash, Dodge automobiles, BMW owners, massive SUV's, large dogs, shopping at Walmart, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc. to name a few.

"OK, that's all well and good you say; you're entitled to dislike what you want."
Thank you!

Now, I also don't like:
Homosexuality, transgenders, men who dress like women, women who dress like men, drug & narcotic users/dealers, snotty kids, snotty adults, shoppers of Walmart examples, rednecks, holier-than-thous, to name a few.

"OK, you say, you're a homophobic, intolerant, bigot."
Wait! I thought I had a right to dislike what I wanted to dislike! I didn't say I 'hate'!

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Hello, Leo - we missed your cheery ebullience. Did you notice that one list had people, and one had only inanimate objects? Does that make a difference? Anyway, yes, you do have every right to be prejudiced, racist, homophobic if you like - nobody says you don't.

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