Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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It is by no means out of line with other crap they've pulled or tried to. But since the idea is out in the open and they can't pass it in a sneaky session, they'll probably not try. Right now.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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O Really wrote:... they'll probably not try. Right now.
Assuming that Cooper prevails they won't try it after the inauguration. The Gov. appoints new justices.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Wait Times to Vote Reach Up to Four Hours Due to Voter Suppression Efforts
The images of the lines are shocking.

Since early polling stations opened, people have been waiting in long, long lines―many for over four hours―to cast their votes in the 2016 elections. In Cincinnati, 4,000 people waited in a half-mile long line. One big reason for this? Republican-led voter suppression efforts. As Slate explains, the long lines are a direct result of cutting voting hours.

In North Carolina, Republican-led county election boards targeted counties with high Democratic and African American populations, nixing early voting hours and Sunday voting, making it more difficult for people to get to the polls, Slate reports. Voters tweeted about four hour wait times. This is after a bill that aimed to eliminate a week of early voting and cut early voting hours and Sunday voting was blocked by the 4th Circuit Court, which said the bill "target[ed] African Americans with almost surgical precision."

But Republican-controlled county election boards got around that, claiming they'd already decided to cut back on early voting hours, regardless of the blocked law. And early polling stats confirm it's working: African American early voting is down 8.5% from 2012.

Here, photos of some of the insane, abysmal lines Americans are waiting in to exercise their right to vote....
Stinger was prescient. If it wasn't for the democracy-hating GOP's deliberate efforts to keep citizens from voting, Cooper would already be NC Governor elect, Ross might have beaten NC Sen. Burr, and Hillary probably would have won NC and the US.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Republican maps struck down as unconstitutional partisan gerrymander
This could be the beginning of the end of gerrymandering, if this decision survives.

... According to an opinion by Judge Kenneth Ripple, a Reagan appointee to a federal appeals court, the plaintiffs met this task in Whitford. In order to do so, they had to clear three hurdles:

We conclude, therefore, that the First Amendment and the Equal Protection clause prohibit a redistricting scheme which (1) is intended to place a severe impediment on the effectiveness of the votes of individual citizens on the basis of their political affiliation, (2) has that effect, and (3) cannot be justified on other, legitimate legislative grounds.


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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Felony Disenfranchisement: The Untold Story of the 2016 Election (VIDEO)

Over two million Black people could not vote in last week’s election, according to a recent study by The Sentencing Project. One in 13 Black Americans of voting age is disenfranchised due to a felony conviction, a rate four times greater than that of non-Black people. As staggering as those numbers are, in four states – Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia – more than one in five Black Americans have had their voting rights stripped away.

In 1976, there were 1.12 million disenfranchised people in the U.S. due to felony convictions, but by 2016 that number skyrocketed to an estimated 6.1 million, propelled in large part by the drug war and other reprehensible policies that purposefully targeted Black communities.

... "There’s only one thing that’s in America and in the United States that classifies you and declares you a citizen, that’s your right to vote. So if I get a felony that takes away my right to vote, so that also takes away my citizenship. So what is this war on drugs really about?”

Pastor Kenneth Glasgow is founder and president of The Ordinary People Society (TOPS), a faith-based organization in Dothan, Alabama that provides programs and services to people and their families that have been impacted by incarceration, drug addiction, poverty and homelessness. TOPS helps restore people holistically, and works with the most vulnerable and marginalized.

“Martin Luther King’s dream was for us to have our voting rights…civil rights and all of this, and there were some people left behind,” said Pastor Glasgow. “In the 13th Amendment it says that no man can be held in involuntary servitude or in slavery, except for what? A felony conviction.”

Last week’s election of Trump and sweeping Republican victories in the House and Senate lifted the thin veil that fully exposed the truth about America. Racism, misogyny, classism, xenophobia run rampant through our systems, and white supremacy is bolstered by voter suppression.

DPA media manager Tony Papa said this about the significance of voter restoration: “Exercising the right to vote should be an important part of an ex-prisoner's rehabilitation. It's an act that makes one feel whole again following years of losing those rights as part of a punishment for crimes committed. If through voting, individuals can become involved in the political process, they have a much better chance of fully integrating back into society.”

Felony disenfranchisement and the recent gutting of the Voting Rights Act, one of the most underreported factors in this election's outcome, will continue to silence those that are most vulnerable and most in need of justice – those that need their voices heard in our political process. We demand reform, and we demand it now, because 6 million discarded voters is simply unacceptable.

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Pubs work on plans to outright steal LAST election.

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Apparently, the sleazy plot is not yet dead.

Tell your state legislators to stand against any (NC) court-packing scheme

Ever since Judge Mike Morgan won his election for State Supreme Court, rumors have been flying that politicians in Raleigh plan to use the Emergency Session for Hurricane Matthew victims to pack the Supreme Court.

Under this outrageous scheme, politicians would add two new seats to the State Supreme Court and then have lame-duck Governor McCrory appoint two new judges. This would overturn the will of the voters and represents an unprecedented overreach.

Now that Gov. McCrory has announced that the Emergency Session will be next week, we need to demand that lawmakers pledge to reject any court-packing schemes. Send a message to your State House and State Senate members simply by filling out the form above!

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Democracy for Sale

"People are fighting these same fights all across the country. North Carolina is the place I care about but, really, we all live in our own North Carolina."
Zach Galifianakis


North Carolina — perhaps more than any other state in the Union — has been transformed by the new and growing tidal wave of political spending. Zach Galifianakis, the comic star of “The Hangover” movies, travels back to his home state to investigate how North Carolina has become a bellwether for how the money of a few has come to dominate our democracy. Galifianakis investigates allegations that the current state government was put in power by moneyed interests and has thus carried out a program that only benefits its backers: cuts to education, healthcare spending and environmental protection; lowering of taxes for the wealthy and corporations; and the passage of laws designed to roll back access to the ballot.

Exclusive: Zach Galifianakis Wants You to Know How Bad Gerrymandering Has Gotten
Democracy for Sale Screens Across NC (schedule)

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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U.S. Supreme Court rejects Texas appeal over voter ID law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal by Texas seeking to revive the state's strict Republican-backed voter-identification requirements that a lower court found had a discriminatory effect on black and Hispanic people.

The justices let stand a July 2016 decision by a lower court that found that the 2011 Texas statute ran afoul of a federal law that bars racial discrimination in elections and directed a lower court to find a way to fix the law's discriminatory effects against minorities....

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Positive news but it ain't over yet:

North Carolina Tells Supreme Court It’s Giving Up Fight Over ‘Jim Crow’ Voting Law
It’s not clear what happens next.

Shameful for those of us that care about race, history, democracy and American principles that we see headlines like this about NC, just shameful.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Ex-Colo. GOP leader said only Democrats committed voter fraud. Now he’s charged with voter fraud.
To: (KLZ The Source)
Subject: Steve Curtis

Re: Ex-Colo. GOP leader said only Democrats committed voter fraud. Now he’s charged with voter fraud. ... 5730c35f4a

This story should be featured on your home page (, which it isn't, and Steve Curtis' "Wake Up" ( should be suspended, which it hasn't been. Don't you Republicans have any integrity or shame?

(Vrede too)

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Vrede too wrote:Ex-Colo. GOP leader said only Democrats committed voter fraud. Now he’s charged with voter fraud.
To: (KLZ The Source)
Subject: Steve Curtis

Re: Ex-Colo. GOP leader said only Democrats committed voter fraud. Now he’s charged with voter fraud. ... 5730c35f4a

This story should be featured on your home page (, which it isn't, and Steve Curtis' "Wake Up" ( should be suspended, which it hasn't been. Don't you Republicans have any integrity or shame?

(Vrede too)
I'd like to give credit to Karma, but this wingnut asshole did all the heavy lifting himself.
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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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To: North Carolina State Legislature
Fair Voting Districts Now!

Draw political district maps that are fair and open, avoids racial or partisan gerrymandering!

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Report: 500 ineligible voters cast ballots in North Carolina (out of 4.7 million)

So, fear mongering Republican pols lied again, and the only known beneficiaries of the insignificant voter fraud were Republicans.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Sign Our Petition

Corporations Are Not People!
Money Is Not Free Speech!

We, the people of the State of North Carolina, respectfully request a proposed ballot measure be put forth in the 2018 General Election to be voted upon by the people of North Carolina. This ballot measure, known and cited as the “We the People Act,” declares that the people of North Carolina support amending the Constitution of the United States to firmly establish that money is not speech and that human beings, not corporations or other artificial entities, are “natural persons” entitled to constitutional rights.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Vrede too wrote:
Sign Our Petition

Corporations Are Not People!
Money Is Not Free Speech!

We, the people of the State of North Carolina, respectfully request a proposed ballot measure be put forth in the 2018 General Election to be voted upon by the people of North Carolina. This ballot measure, known and cited as the “We the People Act,” declares that the people of North Carolina support amending the Constitution of the United States to firmly establish that money is not speech and that human beings, not corporations or other artificial entities, are “natural persons” entitled to constitutional rights.
Hard to imagine the crooked fuckers voting to cut off the biggest, richest sugar tit they've ever had. Good luck.
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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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Agreed, but my Rep. McGrady has opposed gerrymandering in the past, so there's some slim hope, and there's satisfaction in directly letting them know we're watching on this issue that the large majority of Americans support. At worst, their fat cat lap dog inaction can provide some campaign fodder.

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Re: Pubs work on plans to outright steal next election.

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President Trump expected to launch commission on 'election integrity'

President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order today establishing a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression in the American election system, multiple senior administration officials tell ABC News.

The officials say Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach will be announced as Chair and Vice Chair of the ‘Presidential Commission on Election Integrity’ in a press release today....
:roll: Foxes in the henhouse. Pence was elected with Russian assistance and Kobach is an established voter suppressor.

Kobach: Kansas Secure and Fair Elections (SAFE) Act, Prosecutions

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