End of Roe - the fight continues

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:34 am
Yet another RW misogynist assault on democracy:
Editorial: Fla. attorney general moves to silence voters once again
Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, South Florida Sun Sentinel
(Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Broward County)

Attorney General Ashley Moody won’t be satisfied with simply banning abortion in Florida, at which she appears close to success. She also intends to prevent voters from doing anything about it.

Moody has notified the Florida Supreme Court that she will ask it to rule against placing a constitutional initiative guaranteeing abortion rights on the November 2024 ballot....
How is that even possibly constitutional? Not that it matters to wingnuts.
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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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And in spite of all that...
Despite bans, legal abortions didn’t fall after dobbs

In the year after the Supreme Court ended the constitutional right to abortion, something unexpected happened: The total number of legal abortions in the United States did not fall. Instead, it appeared to increase slightly, by about 0.2 percent, according to the first full-year count of abortions provided nationwide.
This finding came despite the fact that 14 states banned all abortions, and seven imposed new limits on them. Even as those restrictions reduced the legal abortion rate to near zero in some states, there were large increases in places where abortions remained legal. Researchers said they were driven by the expansion of telemedicine for mail-order abortion pills, increased options and assistance for women who traveled, and a surge of publicity about ways to get abortions.
The response by abortion providers and activists to the end of Roe v. Wade, it seems, has resulted in more access to abortion in states where it’s still legal — not just for women traveling from states with bans but also for women living there.
Still, new bans and restrictions have had far-reaching effects. Many women, especially in the South, have turned to methods outside the U.S. medical system or carried their pregnancies to term, researchers said.
“I always think that should be the focal point to the story: The loss of access is profound and enormous,” said Alison Norris, a professor at Ohio State and a chair of WeCount, which gathered the data. “But it’s also a story of what happens when health systems increase access.”
John Seago, the president of Texas Right to Life, said he was not surprised to see so many women continuing to seek abortions. He said that to decrease the number, policymakers needed to increase enforcement of bans and provide more support for pregnant women.
In the 12 months after the Dobbs decision in June 2022, there were on average 82,298 abortions a month, compared with 82,115 in the two months before Dobbs, WeCount found. The group, part of the Society of Family Planning, which supports abortion rights, collects numbers from providers across the U.S. The data, released Tuesday, included 83 percent of known providers, and researchers estimated the remainder based on historical trends and abortion data from states.
The New York Times

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:57 am
And in spite of all that...
Despite bans, legal abortions didn’t fall after dobbs

It was never about the fetuses. It's about energizing the hateful RW base and oppressing women.

Misogynist RepuQs detest democracy:
Having Lost Abortion Vote, Ohio GOP Now Plans to Sabotage Results

... Ohioans overwhelmingly chose to enshrine abortion protections in the state Constitution earlier this week. Republicans had tried multiple times to block the referendum, called Issue 1, but they were handily defeated every time.

So on Friday, the state GOP unveiled a new tactic: stopping the courts from allowing the new amendment to take effect....

Republicans have repeatedly refused to accept the results of elections on abortion, in a massive threat to local democracy. In Kansas, despite residents voting overwhelmingly in August 2022 to keep abortion rights in the state Constitution, the state legislature is still trying to pass laws that would restrict abortion access. And in Wisconsin, after voters elected a state Supreme Court judge in large part because of her outspoken support for abortion access, state Republicans tried to impeach her.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered:

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:28 am
How is that even possibly constitutional? Not that it matters to wingnuts.
It's Florida, your 2nd sentence negates the need to answer the 1st one. Meanwhile, it's just as bad in:

Texas Woman Bullied by Ken Paxton Forced to Flee State to Get Abortion
“She’s been in and out of the emergency room and she couldn’t wait any longer.”

:cry: Brave of her to try to fight the misogynist assholes :-||

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Further evidence that the effect and almost certainly intent of the leak of the draft of Alito’s majority opinion in May 2022 was to successfully thwart a Roberts compromise involving Boof that would have preserved some of Roe:

5 Takeaways From Inside the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

That didn't stop the RW from dishonestly distracting by screeching that this was somehow a liberal leak, something that never made any sense. Leaders and influencers know how tragically gullible their base is.

Misogynist bastards.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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"Ohioans overwhelmingly chose to enshrine abortion protections in the state Constitution" in November. Nevertheless:

A Black woman was criminally charged after a miscarriage. It shows the perils of pregnancy post-Roe

:( :angry-banghead:
Trumbull County is:
89.0% White
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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Arizona lawmaker says she plans to have an abortion after learning her pregnancy isn't viable

... State Sen. Eva Burch, a registered nurse known for her reproductive rights activism, was surrounded by fellow Democratic senators as she made the announcement, The Arizona Republic reported.

Burch said that she found out a few weeks ago that “against all odds,” she was pregnant. The mother of two living children from west Mesa who is running for reelection said she has had “a rough journey” with fertility. She experienced her first miscarriage 13 years ago, was pregnant many times and terminated a nonviable pregnancy as she campaigned for her Senate seat two years ago, she said.

Now, Burch said that her current pregnancy is not progressing and not viable and she has made an appointment to terminate.
How fucked up is our society that any woman feels she must go public with such a deeply personal and heartbreaking decision?
“I don’t think people should have to justify their abortions," Burch said. “But I’m choosing to talk about why I made this decision because I want us to be able to have meaningful conversations about the reality of how the work that we do in this body impacts people in the real world.”

Burch said the state’s laws have “interfered” with her decision. Arizona law required an “invasive” transvaginal ultrasound that her doctor didn’t order and she was then read “factually false” information about alternatives that was required by law, she said.
:puke-left: :angry-banghead:
... A signature drive is underway as part of a campaign to add a constitutional right to abortion in Arizona. Under the proposal, the state would not be able to ban abortion until the fetus is viable, which is around 28 weeks, with later abortions allowed to protect a woman’s physical or mental health. Supporters must gather nearly 384,000 valid signatures by July 4. Current law bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
GOsignature gatherersGO

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:34 am
Yet another RW misogynist assault on democracy:
Editorial: Fla. attorney general moves to silence voters once again
Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, South Florida Sun Sentinel
(Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Broward County)

Attorney General Ashley Moody won’t be satisfied with simply banning abortion in Florida, at which she appears close to success. She also intends to prevent voters from doing anything about it.

Moody has notified the Florida Supreme Court that she will ask it to rule against placing a constitutional initiative guaranteeing abortion rights on the November 2024 ballot....
GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 10:28 am
How is that even possibly constitutional? Not that it matters to wingnuts.
Even the misogynist con Florida Supreme Court says it's not constitutional. Abortion rights will be on the November 2024 ballot :clap:

On a national level, remember when the ecstatic defenders of Dobbs exclaimed that they aren't anti-women, they were just supporting states' rights in the face of Roe having been an unconstitutional overreach? Turns out they were lying. That's how the self-described "moral" misogynists are. Having lost EVERY popular vote on abortion since Dobbs and with more to come, RWers are now aggressively pushing Congress and TRE45QN for a national abortion ban. Federal Big Brother is peachy as long as he's their Big Brother.
:roll: :obscene-birdiered:

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:32 am
Turns out they were lying.
:roll: :obscene-birdiered:
"The party of small government" just wanted to get their camel's nose under the tent.
Shocking. :roll:
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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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This makes no sense.

Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:55 pm
I'm sure those who championed the repeal are creating a fund to raise this child.
Rick Scott is the fund's chairman :roll:
Republican Sen. Rick Scott softens his abortion position after Florida Supreme Court ruling

... Scott, who is seeking reelection this fall, was one of multiple senators who followed former President Donald Trump's lead in softening GOP messaging on abortion....
MAGAt wimp.
Florida Democrats, meanwhile, are pushing not only to enshrine abortion rights in the state's Constitution but to invoke the issue in their efforts to unseat Scott and other Republicans. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, one of the leading Democrats seeking her party's nomination against Scott, said the fight was over the “basic dignity for a woman to be able to make that choice of her own body, of when and how to start a family.”

Mucarsel-Powell said in an interview after Florida's court ruling last week that voting to support the state's abortion rights amendment in November isn’t the end game. She said voters need to vote Scott out of office so he “doesn’t have a say on what happens to women.”
... Scott has been flagged by national Democrats as a prime target this year in their efforts to preserve a narrow majority in the Senate, though Democrats are defending more seats than Republicans. The stakes are especially high for Scott, who said last month that he is “seriously considering” running for Senate leadership. In 2022, he ran against U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell to be the Senate’s top Republican but lost with a 37-10 vote.

McConnell recently announced his intention to step down from Senate leadership later this year.
Dump the wannabe!
The April 1 court opinions from Florida’s Supreme Court included affirmation of a 15-week abortion ban and a trigger mechanism that would put the state's six-week abortion ban in place by next month. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee said Florida women have higher stakes on the ballot than they have in years.

“The fight against these new restrictions on access to abortion will shine a brighter spotlight on Rick Scott’s long, dangerous record of supporting draconian abortion bans,” said Maeve Coyle, the DSCC’s spokesperson. “In November, Florida voters will stand up for women’s freedom to make their most personal medical decisions by rejecting this abortion ban and firing Rick Scott from the Senate.”
60% for the former, 50% for the latter, fingers crossed.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:27 pm
This makes no sense.

https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status ... 5838991714
THIS makes no sense, literally:
Arizona State Senator Leads Prayer In Tongues On Floor Before Abortion Ruling
“Looks like our prayer team stirred up some god-haters," Anthony Kern said.

A far-right Arizona state senator led a prayer circle speaking in tongues on the chamber floor Monday, a day before the state Supreme Court upheld a Civil War-era law banning nearly all abortions.

In a video now making the rounds on social media, state Sen. Anthony Kern, a Republican from Glendale, guided the kneeling prayer group in English while several unidentified worshippers babbled. “Let it be so, Father God,” he said. “Let it be so, let it be so.”

Full text:
I put this on TikTok yesterday & it now has over 900k views + however many came from the hundreds of others (many with huge accounts) that downloaded it and put it on their own social. Here is a version without any text on it, just in case someone wants to put it on TV.

It’s footage of GOP Sen Anthony Kern & his prayer team of anti-abortion extremists praying in tongues (that’s not an audio issue) that an 1864 law banning nearly all abortion becomes law again.

They didn’t need to pray, though, since the 15-week ban passed a few years ago and signed by @DougDucey was written precisely for this moment. The intention was clear: if Roe went away, the Civil War-era ban would come back into effect.

I didn’t record this, it was sent to me. The person who recorded it wants to remain anonymous.
Anthony Kern

Looks like our prayer team stirred up some god-haters like @azdemparty, @PimaDems, and @JeanneCasteen

Not to worry, though...prayer over our state at the State Senate is way more powerful ;)
:roll: :obscene-birdiered:
Kern is being investigated for falsely claiming to be an Arizona elector for Donald Trump in the 2020 election, The Arizona Republic noted.

He is also known for sponsoring a Senate bill, which recently passed, that would permit the Ten Commandments to be recited aloud in public schools.

In January, he turned his back on Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) during her State of the State address.

The misogynist christofascist extremist MAGAts are fully out of the closet now.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:30 am
Vrede too wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:32 am
Turns out they were lying.
:roll: :obscene-birdiered:
"The party of small government" just wanted to get their camel's nose under the tent.
Shocking. :roll:

:cry: :ateeth: Is your sister still doing escorts for out-of-staters?

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:22 pm

:cry: :ateeth: Is your sister still doing escorts for out-of-staters?
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:17 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:22 pm

:cry: :ateeth: Is your sister still doing escorts for out-of-staters?
:-|| :-|| :-|| :-|| :-||

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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Texas top court won't guarantee right to abortion in complicated pregnancies

Texas' highest court on Friday refused to ensure that doctors in the U.S. state are not prosecuted for abortions they believe are necessary in medically complicated pregnancies, rejecting a lawsuit by 22 patients and physicians.

The Texas Supreme Court's decision follows an earlier ruling from the court denying a woman's request for an emergency abortion of a non-viable pregnancy. In both cases, plaintiffs said the medical exception to the state's near-total abortion ban was unclear, and left doctors unwilling to perform medically necessary abortions in the face of severe penalties including potentially life in prison....
:cry: If I was working there or in one of the other christofascist misogynist states described in the article I would have seriously considered moving rather than participate in such an abusive system. No wonder they're losing providers and closing maternity wards.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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If I were a medical person of any sort, I would have already been gone. If they can do it to OB/GYN people for providing medical services, they can do it for surgeons, oncologists, probably psychiatrists. If this stands, no medical person will be safe to practice.

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Re: End of Roe - the fight continues

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O Really wrote:
Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:48 am
If I were a medical person of any sort, I would have already been gone. If they can do it to OB/GYN people for providing medical services, they can do it for surgeons, oncologists, probably psychiatrists. If this stands, no medical person will be safe to practice.
ER and surgical nurses, too, perhaps others :angry-banghead:

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