Nikki Heat

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Re: Nikki Heat

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O Really wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:01 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:51 pm

He's not wrong.

IF I HAD to vote for a Republican candidate he'd have my vote.
Unthinkable a few months ago, and improbable now, but I could see it possible that Christy could be the nominee. DeSantis and Haley have been running to be there when Trump crashes, but they've pretty much trashed themselves - at least diminished their sparkle. Nobody know Veryswarmy and those who do don't like him. Christy could be the last man standing.
You've seen through his evil plan!
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Re: Nikki Heat

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:20 pm
O Really wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:01 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:51 pm

He's not wrong.

IF I HAD to vote for a Republican candidate he'd have my vote.
Unthinkable a few months ago, and improbable now, but I could see it possible that Christy could be the nominee. DeSantis and Haley have been running to be there when Trump crashes, but they've pretty much trashed themselves - at least diminished their sparkle. Nobody know Veryswarmy and those who do don't like him. Christy could be the last man standing.
You've seen through his evil plan!
It's a done deal once they start calling her Nimarata Randhawa. I mean was she even born the the U.S.? Does she have her long form birth certificate?

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Re: Nikki Heat

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bannination wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:03 pm
In this day and age asking about civil war is a "brutal question". That's nuts.

Our media are a bunch of pussies. Granted also in this day and age they have to worry about losing access to stories altogether, so there you go.
Not that you're wrong about our modern media, though HuffPo ain't bad, but the "brutal question" actually was, “Would you be able to say categorically that you will not accept being Trump’s vice president?”

Tragically, it it a pretty tough one in the cult that the GQP has become. The Civil War question should have been pretty softball. After all, as quoted in the thread OP:
... South Carolina’s Ordinance of Secession — the 1860 proclamation by the state government outlining its reasons for seceding from the Union — mentions slavery in its opening sentence and points to the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” as a reason for the state removing itself from the Union....
Nikki Heat only made the question brutal by being such an idiot about the nation's and even her own state's history. She should have replied, "Slavery, duh. Why do you ask such a dumb question?" Burn.
Last edited by Vrede too on Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nikki Heat

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

bannination wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:39 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:20 pm
O Really wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:01 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:51 pm

He's not wrong.

IF I HAD to vote for a Republican candidate he'd have my vote.
Unthinkable a few months ago, and improbable now, but I could see it possible that Christy could be the nominee. DeSantis and Haley have been running to be there when Trump crashes, but they've pretty much trashed themselves - at least diminished their sparkle. Nobody know Veryswarmy and those who do don't like him. Christy could be the last man standing.
You've seen through his evil plan!
It's a done deal once they start calling her Nimarata Randhawa. I mean was she even born the the U.S.? Does she have her long form birth certificate?
Patience, that's coming.
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Re: Nikki Heat

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:19 pm
I love the response that the questioner a democratic plant.
Has the hero questioner been IDed?
If she's so flummoxed by a simple question, how the heck is she going to survive the world stage?
Exactly, bird-dogging is the norm in modern politics. If Nikki Heat can't handle the predictable, how will she deal with the real world.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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bannination wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:13 am
All republicans have to do to end her run is call her by her given name: Nimarata Nikki Randhawa

After all they thought calling Obama "Barack Hussein Obama" was just the most horrible thing.

I do wonder if they want to kill her run though. If they want Trump, best to keep that in the back pocket until they're ready to get rid of her.
Ex-PINO's poll margin over Nikki Heat in NH is down to 7%. They're ready.
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:26 am
If she becomes a real threat to trump, he's going to be the one to drop that bomb and it may very well be effective as his sickophants will happily pile on.

Imagine his "rallies" with him intentionally mispronouncing "Nimarata Nikki Randhawa".

"Who or what is that? Is she even American? " Birther Part II.
Nailed it, guys.
Trump promotes 'totally baseless' birther conspiracy theory against Nikki Haley

... As Haley surges in New Hampshire polling, Trump posted an article on his Truth Social account from a right-wing outlet that claimed Haley, his GOP rival, is ineligible to be president because her parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born.

Haley was born in South Carolina and has lived in the U.S. her entire life. Her parents were immigrants, who became citizens after her birth in 1972.

“The birther claims against Nikki Haley are totally baseless as a legal and constitutional matter,” Harvard Law School professor emeritus Laurence Tribe wrote in an email. “I can’t imagine what Trump hopes to gain by those claims unless it’s to play the race card against the former governor and UN ambassador as a woman of color — and to draw on the wellsprings of anti-immigrant prejudice by reminding everyone that Haley’s parents weren’t citizens when she was born in the USA.”
Nailed it, Prof. TRE45QN is a bigot dog-whistling GQP bigots.
The 14th Amendment clearly states that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States” are citizens. It was enacted after the Civil War to confer citizenship upon Black Americans who had previously been slaves.

“Someone should tell him [Trump] that the North won” the Civil War, joked Burt Neuborne, a professor emeritus at New York University Law School and the founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice.

“If you’re born in the United States, the whole purpose of the 14th Amendment was to make you a citizen,” he added.
... Trump has argued that “birthright citizenship” should be taken away for the children of undocumented immigrants.
:cry: :violin:
... Trump has frequently targeted his birther claims at people of color.

In 2020, Trump also amplified a similar theory against Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris was born in the U.S. to parents who were Jamaican and Indian immigrants.

Trump’s prominence on the far right rose in large part because of his vocal embrace of conspiracy theories centered on the claim that Obama was ineligible to be president because he was not born in Hawaii. In 2011, Trump perpetuated the false claims that Obama’s birth certificate was fake.

And eight years ago, Trump took the same tack in an effort to undercut Cruz, R-Texas, then his rival for the Republican presidential nomination. Trump claimed Cruz was ineligible for the White House because he was born in Canada, though his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time.
Once a bigot . . .
... Trump used the birther claim to incessantly attack Cruz during their primary battle and repeatedly threatened to “sue [Cruz] for not being a natural born citizen,” although he never followed through with the threat. Supporters of Trump, however, often used Cruz’s birthplace to attack his presidential bid.
Good. I still say that the GQP will never nominate female non-White Trump-stained Nikki, but if it does let's see the angry White supremacist Dolt .45 minions stay home in Nov.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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Christie ends presidential campaign, says Nikki Haley is 'gonna get smoked'
He often argued he was the only Republican really running to beat Trump.

... "I would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win," he said during a town hall event where he announced he was suspending his bid, which he called "the right thing for me to do."

"Because I want to promise you this: I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again -- and that's more important than my own personal ambition," he said. "So we have to decide now, we have to decide in the next 10 months who we want to be as a country."
:---P Will he endorse Biden?

Vrede too wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:01 am

Good. I still say that the GQP will never nominate female non-White Trump-stained Nikki, but if it does let's see the angry White supremacist Dolt .45 minions stay home in Nov.
Have I mentioned that I'm an advisor to Christie?
... Ahead of his announcement at the town hall, the former governor was heard on a microphone -- apparently without realizing it -- that rival Nikki Haley was "gonna get smoked."
... In December, he described Trump as acting like someone "who wants to be a dictator" and "doesn't care" about democracy or the Constitution.
... In recent weeks, Christie resisted mounting chatter about him leaving the race as more polls indicated that it was former U.N. Ambassador Haley with momentum against Trump in New Hampshire. Haley, Christie argued, had been too reluctant to directly attack Trump.
She's a TRE45QN-stained coward. Will that change if she starts doing well?
... As a former leader of a blue state, Christie also struck a more nuanced tone on some social issues compared with other primary hopefuls. He promised not to sign a six-week national abortion ban if one reached his desk as president -- albeit after avoiding directly answering the question for months.

Christie also criticized bills pushed by other conservatives, like DeSantis, that sought to stop parents from acquiring hormone therapy and other gender-affirming care for transgender children. He referred to supporters of such laws, derisively, as "big government conservatives."

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Re: Nikki Heat

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bannination wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:39 pm
It's a done deal once they start calling her Nimarata Randhawa. I mean was she even born the the U.S.? Does she have her long form birth certificate?
It will be deliciously ironic.
Barkley bursts out laughing over Haley's 'racist country' remark (video)

Charles Barkley gives his thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley claiming that the US 'has never been a racist country' during a Fox News interview.
... On his show “King Charles” with co-host Gayle King, Barkley audibly laughed at Haley’s comments and said Haley would be correct, only if “you forget about slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, antisemitism, Asian hate [that] has been going on in this country.”

King responded, saying she thinks people were surprised that Haley would claim that the U.S. is not a racist country.

Barkley responded that “you can’t be surprised. That was just stupid.”

“America was built on racism,” he said....
"just stupid.”

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Re: Nikki Heat

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I suppose her argument, if she tries to weasel out of her comment, would be that it's not a racist country even if there are some racist people in it. But she had to say it's not a racist country, otherwise DeSantis would loudly scream "Nikki's WOKE". However, if she asked for my advice, which she decidedly would not, I'd tell her "when you find yourself in a hole, quit digging."

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Re: Nikki Heat

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

O Really wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:29 am
I suppose her argument, if she tries to weasel out of her comment, would be that it's not a racist country even if there are some racist people in it. But she had to say it's not a racist country, otherwise DeSantis would loudly scream "Nikki's WOKE". However, if she asked for my advice, which she decidedly would not, I'd tell her "when you find yourself in a hole, quit digging."
Citing the Declaration of independence which is not a legal document as her source over the Constitution which is a legal document and valued slaves as 3/5 of a person with no rights is a major gaff and makes her almost as dumb as a trumpaloon.

She's then unwilling or unable to walk it back. Not ready for the bright lights, only trump can get away with being totally ignorant, mostly from outrage fatigue.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:42 pm
Citing the Declaration of independence which is not a legal document as her source over the Constitution which is a legal document and valued slaves as 3/5 of a person with no rights is a major gaff and makes her almost as dumb as a trumpaloon.

She's then unwilling or unable to walk it back. Not ready for the bright lights, only trump can get away with being totally ignorant, mostly from outrage fatigue.
Agreed, except that Nikki Heat IS "a trumpaloon" - officially for 2 years, in the 2020 election and its aftermath, barely starting to criticize him now, willing to pardon him and happy to endorse him if he's the nominee. She has a TRE45QN-stain that can't be scrubbed off.

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Re: Nikki Heat

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 1:51 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:42 pm
Citing the Declaration of independence which is not a legal document as her source over the Constitution which is a legal document and valued slaves as 3/5 of a person with no rights is a major gaff and makes her almost as dumb as a trumpaloon.

She's then unwilling or unable to walk it back. Not ready for the bright lights, only trump can get away with being totally ignorant, mostly from outrage fatigue.
Agreed, except that Nikki Heat IS "a trumpaloon" - officially for 2 years, in the 2020 election and its aftermath, barely starting to criticize him now, willing to pardon him and happy to endorse him if he's the nominee. She has a TRE45QN-stain that can't be scrubbed off.
Maybe a trumpaloon but not in name. How can you be for him if you're running against him? :headscratch:
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:34 pm
Maybe a trumpaloon but not in name. How can you be for him if you're running against him? :headscratch:
By positioning yourself as a younger, less abrasive and chaotic clone. Plus, it's yet to be determined if she's actually running against him in any viable sense. She may really be running for VP, Cabinet, his anticipated imprisonment or his overdue stroke.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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The DeSantis's and Haleys et. al. should have known and expected they aren't going to get any hard-cord MAGA trumpers. Nogonnahappen. Best they could have expected is to get everybody else. But by trying to appease those who they aren't getting anyway, they've wasted their time and a lot of money.

They could have learned a lesson from Humphrey in '68, who threw away his presidency by failing to come out strongly against LBJ's policies - yes, those policies that cost him the job.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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O Really wrote:
Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:45 pm
The DeSantis's and Haleys et. al. should have known and expected they aren't going to get any hard-cord MAGA trumpers. Nogonnahappen. Best they could have expected is to get everybody else. But by trying to appease those who they aren't getting anyway, they've wasted their time and a lot of money.

They could have learned a lesson from Humphrey in '68, who threw away his presidency by failing to come out strongly against LBJ's policies - yes, those policies that cost him the job.
They don't want the MAGAts staying home in disgust in Nov.

Tim Scott Endorses Trump, Throwing Nikki Haley Under the MAGA Bus

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) plans to endorse former President Donald Trump on Friday evening at a rally in New Hampshire, according to a report from the New York Times.

Scott’s decision is seen as a kind of betrayal to former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley who appointed Scott to the U.S. Senate back in 2012 following the retirement of Republican Sen. Jim DeMint....

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Re: Nikki Heat

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MSDNC ( ;) ) pundit, paraphrased: At this point Haley is running for "I told you so" credibility in 2028. Whether Trump wins or not in Nov, she wants the idea firmly rooted in GOP heads that they should have voted for her.

Me: Could be, but that won't work out so well if TRE45QN has established a White supremacist autocracy.

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Re: Nikki Heat

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Couldn’t she be hanging on in case trump isn’t allowed to run?
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Nikki Heat

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 3:16 pm
Couldn’t she be hanging on in case trump isn’t allowed to run?
I think that's exactly what she's doing. Whether not allowed or convicted or dead, she wants to be there when he crashes. But poor Nikki doesn't realize that that's a strategy for a white male and no matter where they have to dig for one to bypass her, the repugs nagonna nominate an Indian-ish woman.

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Re: Nikki Heat

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O Really wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:28 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 3:16 pm
Couldn’t she be hanging on in case trump isn’t allowed to run?
I think that's exactly what she's doing. Whether not allowed or convicted or dead, she wants to be there when he crashes. But poor Nikki doesn't realize that that's a strategy for a white male and no matter where they have to dig for one to bypass her, the repugs nagonna nominate an Indian-ish woman.
That is what I have been saying here for years, but I can imagine one scenario that MIGHT work -
After all the primaries are done she will have amassed some delegates from proportional states and maybe by winning a couple of states. With those in her purse she doesn't have to win over the entire GQP, just enough of it to put her over the top.


Ftr, I do not want this. I think her "embryos are children" ass could win a general that Dolt .45 would lose.

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Re: Nikki Heat

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:04 pm
O Really wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:28 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 3:16 pm
Couldn’t she be hanging on in case trump isn’t allowed to run?
I think that's exactly what she's doing. Whether not allowed or convicted or dead, she wants to be there when he crashes. But poor Nikki doesn't realize that that's a strategy for a white male and no matter where they have to dig for one to bypass her, the repugs nagonna nominate an Indian-ish woman.
That is what I have been saying here for years, but I can imagine one scenario that MIGHT work -
After all the primaries are done she will have amassed some delegates from proportional states and maybe by winning a couple of states. With those in her purse she doesn't have to win over the entire GQP, just enough of it to put her over the top.


Ftr, I do not want this. I think her "embryos are children" ass could win a general that Dolt .45 would lose.
Also could be setting herself up for 2028.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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