Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:34 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:19 pm
You sure blame Florida for opening beaches - incessantly.

I don't say that it's responsible for the majority of the FL cases like you just did about MI. You fail comprehension, even of your own posts :lol: .

But praises for the governor you label as "good" when she opens beaches....

This is the first I've heard of the MI exception, crybaby, and I have no reason to believe your unsourced claim about it. If you aren't screwing up, again, I'm inclined to disagree with the exception, depending on whether MI folks are being as stupid as FL beach goers.
Anyhow, you infatuation with DeSantis is adorable!
What did I say about DeSantis? He didn't close any beaches.

Funny how you give your support, but then claim you didn't do any research.

Michigan seems as much or more screwed up than most.

In spite of being a tourist state full of tourists when this all started and in spite of having DeSantis for governor and in spite of having a republican House and Senate, I think we have done pretty well.

That is if the latest story about hiding deaths isn't true - true to a larger extent than elsewhere - as it's been verified that a lot of deaths, especially nursing homes, were never tested.

Our national numbers only include verified deaths.

Which, makes me wonder why today's US numbers didn't bump up as much as previous days.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:55 pm
What did I say about DeSantis? He didn't close any beaches.

This entire whine of yours has been because I dared to dis DeSantis, fanboy.

Funny how you give your support, but then claim you didn't do any research.

Oh my, bad bad Vrede too. I severely transgressed by supporting a governor in a single bipartisan forum post based on news reports and without researching every single thing she may have done.
How will I ever survive the shame? Thank you for straightening me out with your still unsourced claim. :-||

Michigan seems as much or more screwed up than most.

Citation needed as to how that's Whitmer's fault, and why are you on PINO's team vs her, fanboy. As I've pointed out and you've consistently cowered from, how a state is doing is dependent on many factors, and just one of them is gubernatorial action.

In spite of being a tourist state full of tourists when this all started and in spite of having DeSantis for governor and in spite of having a republican House and Senate, I think we have done pretty well.

Citation needed as to why that is.

That is if the latest story about hiding deaths isn't true - true to a larger extent than elsewhere - as it's been verified that a lot of deaths, especially nursing homes, were never tested.

Our national numbers only include verified deaths.

Which, makes me wonder why today's US numbers didn't bump up as much as previous days.

There's lots of debate over tallies. We may not get the truth sorted out for a long time, but I suspect that all current tallies will be found to be low.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Michigan Governor Issues New Emergency Orders After Legislature Refuses Extensions

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued new emergency and disaster declarations on Thursday after the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature refused to extend the existing ones set to expire at midnight.

The Democratic governor signed three new executive orders extending the state’s restrictions meant to slow the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Under the orders, Whitmer stated that an emergency still exists under one law and declared a new 28-day state of emergency under another law.

“COVID-19 is an enemy that has taken the lives of more Michiganders than we lost during the Vietnam War,” Whitmer said in a statement. “While some members of the legislature might believe this crisis is over, common sense and all of the scientific data tells us we’re not out of the woods yet.

“By refusing to extend the emergency and disaster declaration, Republican lawmakers are putting their heads in the sand and putting more lives and livelihoods at risk,” she added. “I’m not going to let that happen.”

The orders come amid protests within the state to reopen the economy. Earlier this month, an estimated 4,000 protesters drove their cars to Lansing, the state capital, to demand that Whitmer ease Michigan’s coronavirus restrictions.

On Thursday, hundreds of anti-lockdown demonstrators arrived at the state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s plan to extend Michigan’s state of emergency. Many who attended were not wearing masks or social distancing, and at one point a group of men armed with rifles stormed the building (It is legal to openly carry guns in the statehouse). Whitmer was not in the building during Thursday’s protest.


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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 6:32 am
Michigan Governor Issues New Emergency Orders After Legislature Refuses Extensions

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued new emergency and disaster declarations on Thursday after the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature refused to extend the existing ones set to expire at midnight.

The Democratic governor signed three new executive orders extending the state’s restrictions meant to slow the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Under the orders, Whitmer stated that an emergency still exists under one law and declared a new 28-day state of emergency under another law.

“COVID-19 is an enemy that has taken the lives of more Michiganders than we lost during the Vietnam War,” Whitmer said in a statement. “While some members of the legislature might believe this crisis is over, common sense and all of the scientific data tells us we’re not out of the woods yet.

“By refusing to extend the emergency and disaster declaration, Republican lawmakers are putting their heads in the sand and putting more lives and livelihoods at risk,” she added. “I’m not going to let that happen.”

The orders come amid protests within the state to reopen the economy. Earlier this month, an estimated 4,000 protesters drove their cars to Lansing, the state capital, to demand that Whitmer ease Michigan’s coronavirus restrictions.

On Thursday, hundreds of anti-lockdown demonstrators arrived at the state Capitol to protest Whitmer’s plan to extend Michigan’s state of emergency. Many who attended were not wearing masks or social distancing, and at one point a group of men armed with rifles stormed the building (It is legal to openly carry guns in the statehouse). Whitmer was not in the building during Thursday’s protest.



I wonder why no one was arrested or at least fined, or maybe the violations are without consequence.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Ulysses wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 6:38 am
Well, everyone knows how a pandemic can be tamed with automatic weapons fire and other penis substitutes.
:D :thumbup:
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 9:38 am
I wonder why no one was arrested or at least fined, or maybe the violations are without consequence.
I can make some guesses, but idk. If you find out, I'm interested.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 9:51 am
Ulysses wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 6:38 am
Well, everyone knows how a pandemic can be tamed with automatic weapons fire and other penis substitutes.
:D :thumbup:
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri May 01, 2020 9:38 am
I wonder why no one was arrested or at least fined, or maybe the violations are without consequence.
I can make some guesses, but idk. If you find out, I'm interested.
I can't see that Michigan has done anything if this sort of protest is allowed. Protesters could have complied and still had their protest.

Escambia county's reopening (today) guidelines have some fairly stiff penalties.

"Escambia County beaches will reopen Friday and will be open 30 minutes before sunrise and close 30 minutes after sunset. People must stay in groups of 10 or less and groups must be at least 6 feet apart.

The emergency order approved by the County Commission to reopen the beaches with social distancing guidelines in place carries a $500 fine or 60-day jail sentence for failing to comply with the order."

If it's enforced.

Makes way more sense than neighboring county, Santa Rosa, cramming all beach goers into a 4 hour per day period.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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More idiots:
Anti-Vaccination Activists Are a Growing Force at Virus Protests

... In addition to those who are skeptical of or resistant to vaccinations, the coalition of protesters has included resurrected Tea Party activists, armed militia groups and protesters carrying Confederate battle flags, as well as some merely demanding to open their businesses, according to experts who have been studying the movements.

“There is a tremendous amount of cross-pollinization of ideas as these factions get to know each other,” said Devin Burghart, who runs the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, a Seattle-based research center on far-right groups.

For example, an adherent of QAnon, a group of conspiracy theorists, was among the first to spread the canard that Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft, was behind the creation and spreading of the virus as a means to grab control over the global health system. People opposing mandatory vaccinations quickly picked up on that theme, and Gates has become a new boogeyman of the far right.

The effect of more people choosing to forgo vaccinations for their children could be devastating for public health during and after the coronavirus pandemic, medical experts say....

A coronavirus vaccine’s success “is going to be very dependent on whether the public will accept a vaccine or not, because we need a level of herd immunity to prevent a future outbreak,” (Dr.) Limaye said. “Otherwise it’s just going to continue circulating in the population.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Probably worse than the antivacx idiots are our patent laws that can reward a company forkeepinga better drug off the market is it would compete with their existing inferior drug.

The article used Gilead and an AIDS drug as an example
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 8:06 pm
Probably worse than the antivacx idiots are our patent laws that can reward a company forkeepinga better drug off the market is it would compete with their existing inferior drug.

The article used Gilead and an AIDS drug as an example
Something different that happens too often is that a newer, more expensive drug is no better than an existing, cheaper, possibly generic drug.

In Europe the seller has to prove that a new drug is superior. Otherwise, its price is capped at the price of the existing equivalent. Seems rational to me.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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The Coronavirus Becomes a Battle Cry for U.S. Extremists

Looks like this is enough of a cultural phenomenon and with enough stamina that I'm creating a topic in Just the Facts & Not the Alternative Facts.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Virginia Gov. Northam set to announce removal of Robert E. Lee monument in Richmond
Announcement by the Democratic governor is expected Thursday

... Also on Wednesday, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney announced plans to remove the other Confederate monuments along Monument Avenue, which include statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate Gens. Stonewall Jackson and J.E.B. Stuart. Those statues sit on city land, unlike the Lee statue, which is on state property.

Stoney said he would introduce an ordinance July 1 to have the statues removed. That’s when a new law goes into effect, which was signed earlier this year by Northam, that undoes an existing state law protecting Confederate monuments and instead lets local governments decide their fate.
Local control, what a concept!

:---P :happy-cheerleaderkid:
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Virginia Man Accused of Running Truck into Protesters Admits to Being KKK Leader


"Rogers was charged with felony vandalism, assault and battery and attempted malicious wounding."

“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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(GOP) Jacksonville (FL) mayor orders all (30?) Confederate statues be removed citywide

:---P x 30.

Multiracial family on camping trip accused of being antifa and menaced

Why would Antifa be "around Forks, Washington, on the Olympic Peninsula just across the Salish Sea from British Columbia"? Rednecks, soon to be convicts, are idiots.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Man charged in (Santa Cruz County) deputy ambush scrawled extremist 'Boogaloo' phrases in blood

Interesting. Cons were blaming leftists, BLM, Antifa and/or "illegal" Mexican immigrants. Turns out he's one of their own.
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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:lol: Devin Nunes has given up his crusade against the Twitter accounts "Devin Nunes Cow" and "Devin Nunes Mom" and now they're both more popular than ever. Hilarious. ... 04996.html

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:00 am
:lol: Devin Nunes has given up his crusade against the Twitter accounts "Devin Nunes Cow" and "Devin Nunes Mom" and now they're both more popular than ever. Hilarious. ... 04996.html
:thumbup: Thanks.

The article is a hoot!
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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:29 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:00 am
:lol: Devin Nunes has given up his crusade against the Twitter accounts "Devin Nunes Cow" and "Devin Nunes Mom" and now they're both more popular than ever. Hilarious. ... 04996.html
:thumbup: Thanks.

The article is a hoot!
Cool. I thought the best part of the story was how Nunes' attorney tried to make Devin a good victim via the attorney expense itself as well as the $250 million worth of humiliation. Folks like this fool will never be anything but victims.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

:headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch:
I'm not complaining.....but I am a little surprised.

U.S. Supreme Court turns away 10 gun rights cases
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Guns, race, religion, terror, wingnut thread

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:27 am
:headscratch: :headscratch: :headscratch:
I'm not complaining.....but I am a little surprised.

U.S. Supreme Court turns away 10 gun rights cases
It was not a good day for ammosexuals and LGBTQ-phobes. :thumbup:

Facebook removes hundreds more accounts as right-wing violence spreads

Cool. Not that earthshaking, but this caught my eye:
... Boogaloo adherents believe a new civil war is looming and are often heavily armed. Some ally with right-wing militias and have sought to capitalize on the protests by instigating violence they hope will escalate into a broader conflict.

On Tuesday, two adherents were charged in connection with the murder of a security guard on duty at a federal building during a protest in Oakland.

According to an affidavit supporting the criminal complaint, suspects Steven Carrillo and Robert Alvin Justus Jr. belonged to the same unidentified Facebook group and discussed attacking federal authorities on May 28....
How many of you saw right-wingers blame BLM for murdering the security guard? Maybe our own 1 FAT CAN, or CPF or LNF?
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004

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