2020 Elections

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Heh, just wait. In six weeks or so they will come out with their "results," which will birth a new crescendo of wingnut psychobabble and physically painful nonsense from the cult.....with backing from most of the GOP which in turn will convince the stupid and gullible (the new Republican constituency) of the dastardly foulness of it all. Sean and Tucker will bleat it to all the sheep and they will listen attentively.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 4:33 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:38 pm
Firm recounting Arizona ballots wants methods kept secret

... :confusion-scratchheadblue: What's the point? Then, even if the 11 AZ electoral votes could be flipped it would not affect the outcome of Joe's 306 - 232 win. RepuQs are wasteful cretins.
Arizona Review of 2020 Vote Is Riddled With Flaws, Says Secretary of State

:roll: Longish article, it gets worse. RepuQidiots.
neoplacebo wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 5:18 pm
Heh, just wait. In six weeks or so they will come out with their "results," which will birth a new crescendo of wingnut psychobabble and physically painful nonsense from the cult.....with backing from most of the GOP which in turn will convince the stupid and gullible (the new Republican constituency) of the dastardly foulness of it all. Sean and Tucker will bleat it to all the sheep and they will listen attentively.
Maricopa officials and other Repubs are now bitching about the RepuQ Leg "review". More popcorn!

Real stolen election:
FBI investigating alleged massive scheme to illegally finance Susan Collins’ re-election bid

... What's happening: A recently unsealed search warrant application shows the FBI believes a Hawaii defense contractor illegally funneled $150,000 to a pro-Collins super PAC and reimbursed donations to Collins' campaign....

* Collins helped the contractor at issue, then called Navatek and since renamed the Martin Defense Group, secure an $8 million Navy contract before most of the donations took place.

* Former Navatek CEO Martin Kao was indicted last year for allegedly bilking the federal government of millions in coronavirus relief loans.
... Investigators say bank records also show that Kao illegally reimbursed family members who donated to Collins' campaign, and that Navatek reimbursed some of Kao's colleagues for their contributions.

* That's known as a "straw" donation, and it's prohibited by law. The Collins campaign's fundraising solicitations also require donors to certify that they are in fact donating their own funds....

* The warrant application quotes an email exchange between Kao, who had just maxed out to Collins' campaign, and the senator's Maine finance director. "If you have friends or family members that would be willing to donate please don’t hesitate to send them my way," the Collins staffer wrote.
Busted. No one sane believes that Collins and her team were unaware. Lock them all up!

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Re: 2020 Elections

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"Citizens" United in action. They have the right to remain silent.....but won't.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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neoplacebo wrote:
Tue May 18, 2021 7:51 pm
"Citizens" United in action. They have the right to remain silent.....but won't.
RepuQs that can't shoot straight:
Arizona auditors backtrack, say no election data destroyed

Firms hired to run a partisan audit of the 2020 election for Senate Republicans in Arizona said Tuesday that data was not destroyed, reversing earlier allegations that election officials in the state's most populated county eliminated evidence.

The claim of deleted databases was amplified by former President Donald Trump and his supporters, who believe conspiracy theories about election irregularities.

Ben Cotton, founder of a computer forensics firm working on the audit, told key senators that he had recovered all data. The revelation came a day after Maricopa County officials released a scathing letter saying the auditors couldn't find the data because they didn't know where to look.

“I have the information I need from the recovery efforts of the data,” said Cotton, founder of CyFIR LLC.

He spoke at a livestreamed hearing called by Republican Senate President Karen Fann to demand answers from county officials about the allegation of deleted data and improper documentation of ballot storage.

The GOP-controlled county Board of Supervisors refused to show up, instead holding a blistering meeting of their own Monday to refute the allegations. They called the audit a “sham” and said Fann's auditors are incompetent....
Point proven. :lol:

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Survey experts have yet to figure out what caused the most significant polling error in 40 years in Trump-Biden race

More than six months after the astonishing polling embarrassment in the 2020 U.S. elections, survey experts examining what went wrong are uncertain about what led to the sharpest discrepancy between the polls and popular vote outcome since Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in a near-landslide in 1980.

Lingering questions about the misfire in 2020, in which voter support for then-President Donald Trump was understated in final pre-election polls, suggest that troubles in accurately surveying presidential elections could be deeper and more profound than previously recognized. If the source of the polling miscall isn’t clear, then addressing and correcting it obviously becomes quite challenging....

Over the years, pollsters have anticipated tight presidential elections when landslides have occurred. They have signaled the wrong winner in closer elections. The estimates of venerable pollsters have been singularly in error. Wayward exit polls have thrown Election Day into confusion by identifying the losing candidate as the likely winner. Off-target state polls have confounded expected national outcomes, which essentially was the story in 2016....

In 2020, overall, election polls pointed to Democrat Joe Biden’s winning the presidency. But the polls overstated support for Biden and underestimated backing for Trump no matter how close to the election the poll was conducted and regardless of the methods pollsters chose. Surveys in races for U.S. senator and governor were beset by similar shortcomings....

Their findings did make clear, however, that the 2020 miscall was the most significant in 40 years.

Polls in the presidential race in 2020 collectively overstated Biden’s lead by 3.9 percentage points, the task force chair, Joshua Clinton of Vanderbilt University, said in a presentation at the conference.

This marked the fourth presidential election in the past five in which the national polls, at least to some extent, overstated support for Democratic candidates....

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Re: 2020 Elections

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I think it's just like 2016. A lot of trump voters lied and would not admit that they would vote for him. I wouldn't.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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neoplacebo wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 5:18 pm
Heh, just wait. In six weeks or so they will come out with their "results," which will birth a new crescendo of wingnut psychobabble and physically painful nonsense from the cult.....with backing from most of the GOP which in turn will convince the stupid and gullible (the new Republican constituency) of the dastardly foulness of it all. Sean and Tucker will bleat it to all the sheep and they will listen attentively.
It's taking them longer to manufacture their yuge lie.
Arizona's top elections official is calling for a probe of Trump and his allies over 'intense efforts to interfere' with ballot counting

... In a letter to Arizona's attorney general that was shared on Twitter, Hobbs urges him to look into reports that Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Kelli Ward tried to interfere with election officials, potentially in violation of state law. She said they contacted officials in Maricopa County, where a GOP-backed audit of the election was recently underway, to disrupt ballot counting.

"Local reporting recently uncovered intense efforts to interfere with the tabulation of ballots and canvass of the 2020 election in Maricopa County," Hobbs said in a tweet. "In Arizona, interfering with election officials is a felony."

... Hobbs notes an incident in which Ward, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, told the chairman of the board of supervisors, "We need you to stop the counting" and "I know you don't want to be remembered as the guy who led the charge to certify a fraudulent election." ...
Lock them all up!

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:18 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 5:18 pm
Heh, just wait. In six weeks or so they will come out with their "results," which will birth a new crescendo of wingnut psychobabble and physically painful nonsense from the cult.....with backing from most of the GOP which in turn will convince the stupid and gullible (the new Republican constituency) of the dastardly foulness of it all. Sean and Tucker will bleat it to all the sheep and they will listen attentively.
It's taking them longer to manufacture their yuge lie.
Arizona's top elections official is calling for a probe of Trump and his allies over 'intense efforts to interfere' with ballot counting

... In a letter to Arizona's attorney general that was shared on Twitter, Hobbs urges him to look into reports that Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Kelli Ward tried to interfere with election officials, potentially in violation of state law. She said they contacted officials in Maricopa County, where a GOP-backed audit of the election was recently underway, to disrupt ballot counting.

"Local reporting recently uncovered intense efforts to interfere with the tabulation of ballots and canvass of the 2020 election in Maricopa County," Hobbs said in a tweet. "In Arizona, interfering with election officials is a felony."

... Hobbs notes an incident in which Ward, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, told the chairman of the board of supervisors, "We need you to stop the counting" and "I know you don't want to be remembered as the guy who led the charge to certify a fraudulent election." ...
Lock them all up!
And it sure is taking a long time to decide if trump committed a felony when he and one of his "attorneys" and Mark Meadows called the GA Secretary of State and virtually directed him to "find" the explicit number of votes that would give trump the win. Looks like the GA GQP is in a real quandary.....if they want to be. Which they apparently do.

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

neoplacebo wrote:
Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:14 am
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:18 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 5:18 pm
Heh, just wait. In six weeks or so they will come out with their "results," which will birth a new crescendo of wingnut psychobabble and physically painful nonsense from the cult.....with backing from most of the GOP which in turn will convince the stupid and gullible (the new Republican constituency) of the dastardly foulness of it all. Sean and Tucker will bleat it to all the sheep and they will listen attentively.
It's taking them longer to manufacture their yuge lie.
Arizona's top elections official is calling for a probe of Trump and his allies over 'intense efforts to interfere' with ballot counting

... In a letter to Arizona's attorney general that was shared on Twitter, Hobbs urges him to look into reports that Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Kelli Ward tried to interfere with election officials, potentially in violation of state law. She said they contacted officials in Maricopa County, where a GOP-backed audit of the election was recently underway, to disrupt ballot counting.

"Local reporting recently uncovered intense efforts to interfere with the tabulation of ballots and canvass of the 2020 election in Maricopa County," Hobbs said in a tweet. "In Arizona, interfering with election officials is a felony."

... Hobbs notes an incident in which Ward, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, told the chairman of the board of supervisors, "We need you to stop the counting" and "I know you don't want to be remembered as the guy who led the charge to certify a fraudulent election." ...
Lock them all up!
And it sure is taking a long time to decide if trump committed a felony when he and one of his "attorneys" and Mark Meadows called the GA Secretary of State and virtually directed him to "find" the explicit number of votes that would give trump the win. Looks like the GA GQP is in a real quandary.....if they want to be. Which they apparently do.

There was plenty to indit him and convict him on 1/22 just from media accounts,
just as there was for war crimes against the bush team
and just as there was against cheney for outing Plame
and ...

And Joe only throws a little straw at the break in the dam
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: 2020 Elections

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The TRE45QN Cult purged another one:

Republican to quit House citing party’s reliance on ‘lie’ of stolen 2020 election
Colorado congressman Ken Buck will not seek re-election saying party must ‘project to the public what the truth is’

:clap: However:
Colorado's 4th congressional district

... With a Cook Partisan Voting Index rating of R+13, it is the most Republican district in Colorado.[4] No Democrat has received more than 40% of the vote as a U.S. House candidate in the district since 2010.
Odds are that Buck will be replaced by a MAGAt. Maybe he was going to be primaried, anyhow.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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The election that never ends :roll: :
neoplacebo wrote:
Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:14 am
And it sure is taking a long time to decide if trump committed a felony when he and one of his "attorneys" and Mark Meadows called the GA Secretary of State and virtually directed him to "find" the explicit number of votes that would give trump the win. Looks like the GA GQP is in a real quandary.....if they want to be. Which they apparently do.
The wheels of justice grind slowly . . .

Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing

Opps. Lock up the True the Vote founder and president, christofascist Catherine Engelbrecht, and other officers for defamation and for knowingly filing a false complaint.

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Vrede too wrote:
Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:46 pm
The election that never ends :roll: :
neoplacebo wrote:
Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:14 am
And it sure is taking a long time to decide if trump committed a felony when he and one of his "attorneys" and Mark Meadows called the GA Secretary of State and virtually directed him to "find" the explicit number of votes that would give trump the win. Looks like the GA GQP is in a real quandary.....if they want to be. Which they apparently do.
The wheels of justice grind slowly . . .

Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing

Opps. Lock up the True the Vote founder and president, christofascist Catherine Engelbrecht, and other officers for defamation and for knowingly filing a false complaint.
:lol: Yeah, I noticed that article this morning. This, along with the finding that the impeachment "witness" made up his information about Biden taking bribes from Burisma, and the other "witness" who turned out to be a Chinese spy and human trafficker now a fugitive from justice, and yesterday's big fine for trump for being a liar for decades......it's as if maga world as a whole suffered the same sort of fate as an old abandoned gazebo blasted to splinters by chain lightning. Hilarious

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:50 am

:lol: Yeah, I noticed that article this morning. This, along with the finding that the impeachment "witness" made up his information about Biden taking bribes from Burisma, and the other "witness" who turned out to be a Chinese spy and human trafficker now a fugitive from justice, and yesterday's big fine for trump for being a liar for decades......it's as if maga world as a whole suffered the same sort of fate as an old abandoned gazebo blasted to splinters by chain lightning. Hilarious
Are the LNF wingnuts in denial?
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by neoplacebo »

GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:02 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:50 am

:lol: Yeah, I noticed that article this morning. This, along with the finding that the impeachment "witness" made up his information about Biden taking bribes from Burisma, and the other "witness" who turned out to be a Chinese spy and human trafficker now a fugitive from justice, and yesterday's big fine for trump for being a liar for decades......it's as if maga world as a whole suffered the same sort of fate as an old abandoned gazebo blasted to splinters by chain lightning. Hilarious
Are the LNF wingnuts in denial?
Pretty much. Somebody resurrected one of k stu's threads about the initial revelation of the FBI informant from last summer. I posted to it in much the same way I wrote that post up above. I've not been in there in a couple of days, but last time I was in, none of the nutjobs had anything to say about it. And I've noticed stu gatz has started a few new threads about how trump is totally innocent of everything. Imagine that.

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

What are we even doing here?

Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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