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Re: Irony

Unread post by Turks »

bannination wrote:
Turks wrote:
Vrede wrote:Common knowledge, but not to Turks:
Vrede wrote:Ummm, nonwhite and youth unemployment has always been higher than that of white adults and they are the first fired and last hired with any economic downturn. Do you really not know these basic facts about social economics? Wow...
Every post since has been a diversion from the reality of his own thread-starting topic.
Would that be the topic that you just inadvertently confirmed as being correct? That one? This is too easy. Let me know when there are more than you two idiots posting. Between the 2 of you there isn't an informed brain cell. You make persoanl attacks over hitting wrong buttions and your concubine laps at your balls for acknowledgment.

:oII :oII :oII :oII :oII

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh and I left out your obsession with the other board. :---P :---P :---P
You screwed up in your very first post and you consider no one here as having more than one informed brain cell? Have you ever considered that it's you with the poor cognitive abilities?

Have you considered that you come off as an asshole attacking a new poster for hitting the wrong biutton after 4 posts and then carrying on about how long now? :lol:

Any wonder why some may feel this place is worthless? I came here and tried to enagage in a serious way and look the response. Three or four stooges harping over a mistake concerning a button, one that's poorly placed to start with, and then childishly carrying on about it ever since. :oII

There was no screw up in the first post. Only ignoramuses trying to spin it and failing to do so in the process.

What next...mocking typos?

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Re: Irony

Unread post by bannination »

Turks wrote:Here are the employment stats:

WHITES: 6.8%...
BLACKS: 13.8%...
HISPANICS: 9.6%...
TEENAGERS: 25.1%...

What's ironic is that the highest rates are among Obama's biggest supporters. :o
It's not ironic, Obama was the best chance of a better economy, the end of Bush's term they were seeing ever increasing unemployment rates. Something had to change.


But hey, since you say there was no error in your first post, this is only the populations that's between 18 and 19 years old. Big Whoop! What are you complaining about?

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Turks »

You don't read, do you? Or better yet, comprehend? Instead what you do is reply, not to what is said but merely with what you want to say. One small example...I said a rising stock market doesn't help the person on welfare and/or food stamps who likely, in fact, more than likely, owns no stock. You say, "You're the dullard, my link discussed the stock market and the economy. Comprehend much?"

Another...Four plus years in and the economy has barely which you say...Well more than "barely" and the benchmark is the GOP's crashing of it.

What the.... ???? That's your proof, blaming the GOP??? More "it's all GWBs' fault! Please!!! I hope you aren't the best this place has to offer by way of debating. You're out of gas before you start and pretty much full of the same to boot. You could float the Goodyear Blimp for days with all that hot air.

Going line by line doesn't enhance the the "invalidity" of your posts. I'd say validity but your replies lack any.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by bannination »

It'd be great if the economy improved more than it has. At least you acknowledge the economy has improved. So what's your beef? Economy under a Republican, poor, going in the wrong direction. Economy under a Democrat, improving.

It's pretty simple.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Turks »

Vrede wrote:
Turks wrote:Have you considered that you come off as an asshole attacking a new poster for hitting the wrong biutton after 4 posts and then carrying on about how long now? :lol:

He's talking about:
Vrede wrote:Ummm, nonwhite and youth unemployment has always been higher than that of white adults and they are the first fired and last hired with any economic downturn. Do you really not know these basic facts about social economics? Wow...
Turks wrote:...TEENAGERS...among Obama's biggest supporters.
You've screwed up, again, "asshole".

...I came here and tried to enagage in a serious way and look the response.

Liar. First post:
Turks wrote:...There are laws against public defecation, did you have an issue with enforcing them on the guy who took a shit on a police car's fender? My guess is that you (O Really) likely found that behavior funny and amusing. :problem:
Three or four stooges harping over a mistake concerning a button,

He's talking about:
Vrede wrote:Ummm, nonwhite and youth unemployment has always been higher than that of white adults and they are the first fired and last hired with any economic downturn. Do you really not know these basic facts about social economics? Wow...
Turks wrote:...TEENAGERS...among Obama's biggest supporters.
You've screwed up, again, "stooge".

one that's poorly placed to start with,

Only for those that don't understand the word, "Submit".

and then childishly carrying on about it ever since. :oII

He's talking about:
Vrede wrote:Ummm, nonwhite and youth unemployment has always been higher than that of white adults and they are the first fired and last hired with any economic downturn. Do you really not know these basic facts about social economics? Wow...
Turks wrote:...TEENAGERS...among Obama's biggest supporters.
You've screwed up, again, child.

There was no screw up in the first post.

Vrede wrote:Ummm, nonwhite and youth unemployment has always been higher than that of white adults and they are the first fired and last hired with any economic downturn. Do you really not know these basic facts about social economics? Wow...
Turks wrote:...TEENAGERS...among Obama's biggest supporters.
You've screwed up, again, screw up.

Only ignoramuses trying to spin it and failing to do so in the process.

You can't even figure out what's being criticized, ignoramus.

What next...mocking typos?
Doesn't matter, does it? You'll think something different is being mocked.

You are completey infantile with little to say and apparently plenty of time to make an ass of yourself, line by line. I tried but it now is conclusive that what I heard about you and this place is 100% true. I wish it weren't because differing opinions make for great debate. You however have a stick up your ass that is wedged way up there and are as petty as any Moderator that I have ever come across in 12 years of posting on various boards. In fact, you are by far the worst and that takes some doing.

Talk to your other 2 active posters and don't balme me that you can't act like an adult. Sad fact pathetic that instead of trying to welcome a person you attack them and then try to put it on them.

Best of luck...I think you will need it. -0-?

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Wneglia »

Vrede wrote:Ummm, nonwhite and youth unemployment has always been higher than that of white adults and they are the first fired and last hired with any economic downturn. Do you really not know these basic facts about social economics? Wow. That said -

Dow Jones Industrial Average Soars On Positive Economic News

I understand that government only affects part of the economy, but:

Clinton - surpluses and strong economy.
Shrub - deficits and Shrubcession.
2009 - Dem victory, decent recovery from what could have been a depression.
2011 - GOP victory, recovery stalled.
2013 - Dem victory, things looking good.

While the market does reflect the recovery to some extent, one can also thank Ben Bernanke for the Bull Market


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Re: Irony

Unread post by bannination »

Meh, I totally expect turk to run away, he's been dodging anything asked.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Turks wrote:
Boatrocker wrote:
Turks wrote:
Boatrocker wrote: So, no source, yet, huh?

Poor reading comprehension, huh? I don't need a source for common knowledge that was exemplified in the last two elections to anyone paying attention. If you do then turn Jon Stewart back on or better yet email him and ask him who that demographic supported. :oII
Ah, the old "Common Knowlege Dodge." Like, it's common knowlege that teabaggers are all racist wife-beaters who think rasslin is real, eh?

Still got no source. Not that I expected one from a fucking troll.
More like no source for a fucking uninformed idiot who thinks diversion substitutes for discourse. Only a moron would even ask for a link to such common knowledge. But your hero leader here already inadvertently confirmed it.

Are my words too big for you, Jed or should I get Jethro to explain them? He has an 8th grade education, you know. Clearly 3 more years than you have.
Actually, Turds, it's the morons- like those you're more accustomed to on the gobble-n-swallow teabagger forum- who love to make sweeping and totally unsubstantiated declarations like yours, even as you refer to your betters as "uninformed" (that definitely belongs in the Irony thread). Basic debate etiquette requires that one be prepared to support contentious claims with something more substantial than, "Ever'body knows that!" or "It's common knowlege." Among the teabag/NASCAR/FUX News dittohead wingnut nation, knowlege is anything but common.
Thing is, here in the still-all-too-racist, religion-addled, uneducated, sexually-repressed and emotionally-stunted South, I know quite a few people in the 18-30 year old demographic who fall amongst the anti-Obama cult. Anecdotally, they actually make up about 60% of the ones I know personally. Can't say how that translates into national figures, but it is enough to make me reluctant to just accept at face value that your percentages for "teenagers" are within hand grenade distance of accurate.
And all your bullshit has done nothing but reinforce the ovbious fact that you have no source to back it up.
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Re: Irony

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

It's just a nutjob ploy to divert attention from what is a pretty good UE report.
A good economy is bad news for the nutters and all their paranoid, sky is falling
fantasies. It's too much of a reminder of the real world. They can't stand that.
And, by the by, ol' Jethro had a sixth grade education. I must admit he did pretty
well for only going as far as elementary school. There's more to life than book

Bush. Two wars and one of the worse recessions in U.S. history. Great job, Dumbya.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Stinger »

Turks wrote:Still blaming Bush(GOP)? Still running from Bush? Still too much the squat-to-piss type to admit that the economy crashed under Bush, not Obama? Still too much the coward to admit that the economy crashed and burned under Bush and before Obama was even elected, much less sworn in? :lol: I'm not about to rehash Dodd-Frank Probably a good thing. You'd screw it up and come out looking even more misinformed. Rehash Dodd-Frank in regards to what? and the fact the the Dimwits hed both houses With the illnesses of Kennedy and Byrd, Democrats had a 60 seat majority from September 24, 2009 thru February 4, 2010. Less than six months, not the six years the Pubs had. Your point? and the best we got was Obamacare. Which was the Republican plan co-sponsored by 20 Republican senators. And that includes the Republican creation, the individual mandate. It was a great Republican idea . . . until the Democrats passed it. Progressives always have to learn the hard way that their policies always fail. Good thing this was Republican policy, huh? Four plus years in and the economy has barely improved. You should read the news more often. The real news. Unemployment dropped again. Net jobs gained under Obama, even after being credited with jobs lost due to economic activity before he took office. When Bush left, the economy was collapsing and hemorrhaging over 800,000 jobs per month.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Stinger »

Vrede wrote:With only is 4th post here, and thinking that he's schooling us, Turks manages to start 2 identical threads.

The delusional "rhetorical ass-kicking." I think we found Pantywaist62's doppelganger. Or offspring.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Turks »

Stinger wrote:
Turks wrote:Still blaming Bush(GOP)? Still running from Bush? Still too much the squat-to-piss type to admit that the economy crashed under Bush, not Obama? Still too much the coward to admit that the economy crashed and burned under Bush and before Obama was even elected, much less sworn in? :lol: I'm not about to rehash Dodd-Frank Probably a good thing. You'd screw it up and come out looking even more misinformed. Rehash Dodd-Frank in regards to what? and the fact the the Dimwits hed both houses With the illnesses of Kennedy and Byrd, Democrats had a 60 seat majority from September 24, 2009 thru February 4, 2010. Less than six months, not the six years the Pubs had. Your point? and the best we got was Obamacare. Which was the Republican plan co-sponsored by 20 Republican senators. And that includes the Republican creation, the individual mandate. It was a great Republican idea . . . until the Democrats passed it. Progressives always have to learn the hard way that their policies always fail. Good thing this was Republican policy, huh? Four plus years in and the economy has barely improved. You should read the news more often. The real news. Unemployment dropped again. Net jobs gained under Obama, even after being credited with jobs lost due to economic activity before he took office. When Bush left, the economy was collapsing and hemorrhaging over 800,000 jobs per month.

Yeah 4.3 years later and you can't muster any better reason than to blame Booooooosh. You're classic..a classic misinformed progressive imbecile. UE dropped huh? That proves what a dope you are. Did it really drop? I'd explain into you vis a vis the BLS but you're likely too stupid to follow anyway.

Just blame Bush. Low info voters like you relish that anyway. It validates the incompetent one we have posing as President. :-H

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Turks »

You know what's ironic? You inbreeds circle jerking over the other forum being about like minded people and here you are with about as closed a group of minds as one can find all stroking each other with pure hate. Fortunately that kind of vilification isn't found there. The best you can do is keep citing how a person hit a wrong button after 4 posts. That's quite an accomplishment here I guess.. to be able to find the right button day after day. No wonder you can't let that go. Do you do group practice sessions? :---P

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Re: Irony

Unread post by bannination »

Turks wrote: I'd explain into you vis a vis the BLS but you're likely too stupid to follow anyway.

Just blame Bush. Low info voters like you relish that anyway. It validates the incompetent one we have posing as President. :-H
Let me translate, "I'd post a link to the BLS proving my point, but uh... I can't because it disagrees with my imaginary world."

From the very first post in this thread you've not been able to back up anything you've wrote. That's the reason we don't believe you, and you could even be right!

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Ombudsman »

The irony is that the same group that helped put him into office...[exaggeration removed]is the same goup with the highest unemployment rate and the group that benefited the least from the very little improvement in the economy.
Let me help you out since you seem to be kind of a dumb ass. For your argument to be valid, the second part would have to be true. Which it's not. Let's start with Latinos

The number of unemployed Latinos has dropped by 25,000 from January to February and a total of 214,000 in the past 12 months. About 2.3 million Latinos are unemployed and actively seeking work nationwide.
The unemployment rate last month dropped from 9.7 percent to 9.6 for Latinos.
The rate for Latinos has remained under 10 percent for four consecutive months and five out of the last six months after a 44-month stretch in double digits where Latino unemployment rose as high as 13 percent.
The overall unemployment rate is at its lowest level in four years. Job growth has averaged more than 200,000 a month since November. Wages rose. And the job gains were broad-based, led by the most construction hiring in six years.
The top five industries with the highest concentration of Latino workers have all posted significant job gains in the past year, including the construction industry which has added 140,000 jobs in the past 12 months.

Read more: ... z2MzpceGyf
Last edited by Ombudsman on Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Irony

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Another fact-and-figure-averse assmunch, that Turds fella. Of course, he's too fuggin thick to grasp the fact that he's still here, about 27 posts (as of 8:11 PM) after one of us would have been summarily banned and declared an unperson over the the gobble-n-swallow forum. So, I assume he'll declare victory and go back over there to brag about the asswhuppins he handed out over here?
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Re: Irony

Unread post by Stinger »

Turks wrote:
Stinger wrote:
Turks wrote:Still blaming Bush(GOP)? Still running from Bush? Still too much the squat-to-piss type to admit that the economy crashed under Bush, not Obama? Still too much the coward to admit that the economy crashed and burned under Bush and before Obama was even elected, much less sworn in? :lol: I'm not about to rehash Dodd-Frank Probably a good thing. You'd screw it up and come out looking even more misinformed. Rehash Dodd-Frank in regards to what? and the fact the the Dimwits hed both houses With the illnesses of Kennedy and Byrd, Democrats had a 60 seat majority from September 24, 2009 thru February 4, 2010. Less than six months, not the six years the Pubs had. Your point? and the best we got was Obamacare. Which was the Republican plan co-sponsored by 20 Republican senators. And that includes the Republican creation, the individual mandate. It was a great Republican idea . . . until the Democrats passed it. Progressives always have to learn the hard way that their policies always fail. Good thing this was Republican policy, huh? Four plus years in and the economy has barely improved. You should read the news more often. The real news. Unemployment dropped again. Net jobs gained under Obama, even after being credited with jobs lost due to economic activity before he took office. When Bush left, the economy was collapsing and hemorrhaging over 800,000 jobs per month.

Yeah 4.3 years later and you can't muster any better reason than to blame Booooooosh. 4.3 years later and you're still running from the guy you voted for twice ... running like a scared wittle wabbit. You really do squat to piss, don't you? You're classic..a classic misinformed progressive imbecile. So says a potful of nothing. Coming from you, that's probably the best compliment I've gotten this month. UE dropped huh? Yeah, it did. Using the exact same methodology used when your boy was cocking up the economy. Net job producing Obama. Puts him up on your boy. That proves what a dope you are. No, quoting unemployment figures doesn't show what a dope I am. You making accusations you can't back up with anything other than your retarded say so kind of makes you look like a dope, though. Did it really drop? Yes, using the same methodology used for the last 20 years or so. Of course, desperate, unhinged wingnuts want to change the methodology just for Obama to make Obama look bad. Maybe forget about U3 and double down on U6. I'd explain into you vis a vis the BLS but you're likely too stupid to follow anyway. More likely, you're too stupid to explain. But you can go ahead an regurgitate a sound bite you picked up in wingerville. It'll be good for some chuckles.

Just blame Bush. Just keep running from your boy, scared wittle wabbit. And keep running from the drivel you posted to start with that you're now avoiding like the plague. You talk, but there's nothing to back you up but your own hot air. Low info voters like you relish that anyway. Sorry, but I'm operating with far more info than you. Far more accurate info, too. It validates the incompetent one we have posing as President. Right. The incompetent one who got over 4,000 American soldiers killed in a manufactured war, dropped a trillion with a Medicare plan he wanted to get him reelected, dropped another trillion+ with his wars, dropped another trillion with his tax cut to create negative eight million jobs, crashed the economy to the point of losing 800,000 jobs a month, driving America into the worst economic crisis in almost a century ... that kind of incompetency???? Got your WMD yet?

Thanks for playing. Please try again. You're entertaining.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Stinger »

bannination wrote:
Turks wrote: I'd explain into you vis a vis the BLS but you're likely too stupid to follow anyway.

Just blame Bush. Low info voters like you relish that anyway. It validates the incompetent one we have posing as President. :-H
Let me translate, "I'd post a link to the BLS proving my point, but uh... I can't because it disagrees with my imaginary world."

From the very first post in this thread you've not been able to back up anything you've wrote. T
Don't look for him to back anything he says up anytime soon.

bannination wrote:That's the reason we don't believe you, and you could even be right!
A broken clock's right twice a day. I think the clock's one up on him. Maybe two.

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Re: Irony

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Funny, the nutters blame Obama for everything from crabgrass to snow storms,
but Dumbya apparently did nothing over eight years and history started all over
again on January 20, 2009. The wingnuts can't admit most of them left here
because their usual assjack paranoia didn't work when folks bothered to check
it out. Over on the Wingnut Forum they can peddle as much of it as they want
and their confreres will just swallow it whole and do their lemming act. :crazy:

The Administrator over at All Things Nutjob has locked the thread he himself
started about banning liberals. They're so censor happy, they even do it to
themselves. Looney tunes. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Irony

Unread post by GoCubsGo »


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And they don't even know hoe to use spell check :-H
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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