Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Earth

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O Really
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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by O Really »

Partisan62 wrote:
We all agree that killing children is despicable and therefore we made such an evil act illegal.

The difference is that I believe that killing children should apply to all of them, while you make up labels that excuse your selection of some of those children to destroy.

You can always win an argument in which you're able to define the terms. That's why you think you're kicking everybody around. Of course nobody is going to defend "killing children." But you're the only one who believes an embryo is a "child." And BTW, "embryo" isn't a "made up label."

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by Stinger »

O Really wrote: And BTW, "embryo" isn't a "made up label."
Don't blame Pussywussy69. They don't teach biology until 9th grade.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by Stinger »

O Really wrote: You can always win an argument in which you're able to define the terms.
It's even easier when you can define your own reality, especially one where logic isn't logical. Helps those imaginary victories pile up faster.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by O Really »

Well, since "embryo," "zygote," and "fetus" have been around long preceding legal abortion, and since they apply to all mammals, not just humans, it looks a bit lame to claim they are invented terms to "dehumanize and devalue an unborn child." I'm guessing you think there's no difference in a chicken and an egg, too, thus resolving the question of which came first?

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by Stinger »

Partisan62 wrote:
Stinger wrote:
Partisan62 wrote:
Stinger wrote:
Judging from the overreaction, I guess my remark struck a nerve. Pussywussy's overcompensation meme is obvious on so many levels.
Still devoid of content; Et tu, Brute. (Especially apropos, what with "Brute" being the Latin equivalent of "Dumbass.")

Still devoid of content.

do you have any original ideas?

Are you the ghost of Butt Ugly? Is that why you run around in the white sheets?

God help you, but you are so easy to abuse.

God help you, but you so easily amuse.

You got that fat ass kicked AGAIN!

You claim another delusional ass-kicking based on nothing more than your empty, stupid, lightweight bluster. God help you, but you so easily amuse.

And yes, that's the truth whether you agree or not, pussy boy.

That you delude yourself into imagining you accomplished something you never came close to? AGAIN? Yeppers, that's the truth alright, Pussywussy62, whether you agree or not..

"Overreaction"? That's so funny and ironic, considering YOUR pissed off, childish reaction above! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doubling down on your stupid, huh, Pussywussy69? You'll have to go back and point out MY pissed off reaction above. I missed it.

I was too busy laughing at the drivel you post. God help you, but you so easily amuse.

Yeah, you overreacted with your empty, stupid bluster and your chronic delusion of yet another imaginary "rhetorical ass kicking."

All you have done above is repeat what I said;

Au, contraire, mon pouf. I made a point. That's all I need to do to rub your nose in your own empty stupidity. A smarter man would figure that out, but it went right over your head.

you are like a ventriloquist's dummy.

You make the ventriloquist's dummy look like Einstein, Pussywussy69.

You speak only because I've got my arm so far up your ass that I can make your lips move.

You have some really sick fantasies. Thanks, but I'm not interested.

Again, participate in the debate (even posters as stupid as Vrede at least try) or get lost.

Again, post a topic worth debating, not a stupid diatribe, or get lost.

If you don't like the topic, go somewhere else....

The topic I commented on was the general lightweight nature of your commentary, the great stock you seem to put in your general lightweight commentary, your overall pretentiousness, and your delusional "rhetorical ass kickings." I like that topic. I may comment on it some more . . . if I'm really, really bored.

don't piss and moan from the back bleachers while I'm busy in the ring with O Really and Vrede.

Uh, Dumbass. Who's doing all the pissing and moaning here? I'm laughing my ass off . . . especially at the idea that you can hold your own with either O Really or Vrede.

Now that's funny.
Still nothing of substance from this professional asshole.

Still nothing of substance from this professional asshole dumbass.

Not a single idea on the subject at hand, other than insults from ol' pussy boy Stinger.

Not a single intelligent comment on any subject, other than empty rhetoric and empty, meaningless bluster from ol' PussyWussy69.

Stinger is typical of all liberals.....nasty, arrogant and stupid all at once. But persistent as hell, gotta give him that! :roll:

Pussywussy69 is typical of all cons .... nasty, arrogant, and dumber than dirt, all at once. But persistent and consistently stupid as hell. Gotta give him that.

Step up and debate the subject or admit your cowardice.

Step up and admit your epic fails and your empty, meaningless bluster and your delusional "rhetorical ass kickings" or admit your cowardice.

Once again, the only evidence that I need of the ass kicking that I continue to administer to you is your queer, inane post above.

Once again, the only evidence you need of your imaginary ass kickings in your queer, delusional brain cell. It certainly doesn't exist in anything remotely close to reality.

But you just keep telling yourself all the little delusions you need to inflate that pompous ego. God knows you need the help.

Come on, show us how very smart you are instead of just telling us!

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Et tu, Brute.

Show us how very smart you are instead of just telling us about these imaginary "rhetorical ass kickings that you keep administering.

What color is the sky in your world?

Impress us with your wisdom, your depth, your aptitude!

Impress with anything that remotely approaches logic or rational thought or intelligent reasoning.

How? Post something that ACTUALLY pertains to the thread! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I did, Dumbass. The discussion was about your pompous predilection for claiming imagined "rhetorical ass kickings" based solely on your delusional walkabouts.

I also highlighted how empty and meaningless your bullchit is by repeating it back to you. Whoosh. Sorry you missed it, but that's exactly what was expected of you.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by Stinger »

O Really wrote:Well, since "embryo," "zygote," and "fetus" have been around long preceding legal abortion, and since they apply to all mammals, not just humans, it looks a bit lame to claim they are invented terms to "dehumanize and devalue an unborn child." I'm guessing you think there's no difference in a chicken and an egg, too, thus resolving the question of which came first?
How dare you call a human being a mammal? You're devaluing humans. Next thing you know, you'll be calling children homo sapiens or something.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by rstrong »

Partisan62 wrote:If you leftist baby killers want to identify lives of zero value, Stinger or Vrede are prime examples as abortions that should have been (except that I value all innocent life, and must reluctantly defend even those who are as vile and evil as these two trolls).
Self-immolation and other forms of ritual suicide have always been effective to draw attention to your cause and let people know you're serious.

Hope This Helps! :thumbup:

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by Bungalow Bill »

Zygote is always a good one. It sounds weird and I don't remember hearing it
since college. Since the Roe v. Wade decision is now forty years old, current
pro-choice leftists had little to do with making abortion legal, so you'll have to
blame someone else, like a lot of dead, old, white (except for one), men.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by rstrong »

Partisan62 wrote:
rstrong wrote:
Partisan62 wrote:If you leftist baby killers want to identify lives of zero value, Stinger or Vrede are prime examples as abortions that should have been (except that I value all innocent life, and must reluctantly defend even those who are as vile and evil as these two trolls).
Self-immolation and other forms of ritual suicide have always been effective to draw attention to your cause and let people know you're serious.

Hope This Helps! :thumbup:
As an enabler of those who butcher the unborn, I erroneously thought that you wouldn't concern yourself with such pedestrian ideas.

Hell, I guess to you, what's one more death wish among the 2000+ children that you helped destroy today?
You could also eat lots of fluorescent tapioca pudding, ride a motorcycle into a cement wall at high speed, and call it both a protest AND art!

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by Stinger »

Partisan62 wrote:
Stinger wrote:

Summary: Shit from Stinger (repeat).

Summary: Shit from Pussywussy69 (repeat).

Nothing of value....and I mean both the person Stinger and its empty insults.

Nothing of value ... and I mean both the person Pussywussy69 and its empty attempts at insults.

Must have really struck close to home to elicit such a diatribe.

The only diatribe was yours, dolt. All I've done is repeat your inane stupidity back to you in hopes you might recognize how vapid both you and your drivel are.

Followed by shit in abundance from Vrede....also worthless and easily overturned.

If it's all that easy, why haven't you done so? We'll be waiting.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by rstrong »

Partisan62 wrote:
Vrede wrote:rstrong is Canadian, dummy. He was no responsibility for American abortions.
Ideas have no boundaries.
Tell that to your skull.
Partisan62 wrote:rstrong shares in the nearly 300 daily Canadian abortions,
We're taught to share early on in pre-school!
Partisan62 wrote:BTW, you seem to be gullible enough to believe that a poster here would not fabricate a location in his/her profile.
Rather than make an issue of it, let's just avoid upsetting stupid ol' Vrede and stipulate that rstrong lives in "Canada".:roll:
I'm pretty sure that at least a couple people on the board know exactly who I am and where I'm from.

Vrede and the other administrators can see my IP addresses. They're assigned to Shaw and MTS in Winnipeg. I've connected a couple times from my phone via Rogers, also in Winnipeg. Over the last couple years year I've also connected (to the old board and this one) from addresses in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, but never from outside Canada.

I haven't been to the US in the last decade, other than transiting its airspace a few times. I'm a bit worried about visiting; I'm told - by strange people who honestly believe it - that I may face arrest for cracking HDCP and causing the collapse of the HD-DVD standard.

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Re: Pro-Choice Leftists: The Most Despicable Creatures on Ea

Post by rstrong »

Vrede wrote:Yep, Partisan62 was ridiculously paranoid and screwed up, again. Then again, maybe it's all a conspiracy and I faked the IP look-ups. :crazy:
In his defence, he was too busy being the poster child for abortion.

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