A Nutjob A Day

Generally an unmoderated forum for discussion of pretty much any topic. The focus however, is usually politics.
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Bungalow Bill
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A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Lots of crazy stuff over at Wingnut Central Command. Crazy funny. These folks
are getting downright irrational at the thought of merely see Big O. :crazy: :crazy:

Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the lavish non-stop coverage he gets. Maybe it's that nose
in the air. Maybe it's the fact that I can't flip through the channels any more without being
confronted with the image of the worst president in my lifetime (for sure) and probably in
history (oh, yeah).

I just can't stand the sight of the Kenyan any more.

I'm serious. I look at Drudge, and I literally scroll away from that image. I look at other news
outlets, and the images of that fool hurt my eyes so badly that I'll leave the site to kill the picture.

Help me out, folks! How am I gonna get through the next four years with such sore eyeballs?

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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Boy is it good entertainment though!

It's like a bunch of clones of ThisisGene.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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There was another one where they were claiming that Obama wants to give all terrorists immunity..... and then in another thread they complain about all Obama's wars.... killing.... terrorists.....

Sure sounds like race is an issue, because they are surely not consistent on anything else.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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A pure goldmine of right wing craziness if there ever was one. Plus it's
free and only a few clicks away. A true laff riot. Hope they won't forget
to turn their clocks back to 1950. :crazy:

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by k9nanny »

Took a stroll through wingnut land this morning. Hilarious. Love Defective Thorn's new moniker and avatar. Still reminds me of a banty rooster strutting his little guy stuff. Supsales finally found a few big kids that will allow him to tag along as long as he toes the line. Bowhunter says he's never posted over here; if not, Mad American is a pretty good ghost writer.

Lock step lunacy.
Se Non Ora, Quando?

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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Yep, it's sort of a perpetual fountain of wingnut idiocy. Where do they find these
nitwits? It just never ends.:

I always said I trusted communists over libs for the same reason, at least with commies,
you knew where they stood and what their goals were. But what does it say about RINO
when people can't trust their ambitions as much as commies or libs?

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

It wouldn't be a nutjob site without at least one call to arms, you know,
when Obama's stormtroopers start knocking on doors in the middle of
the night, etc. So just in case, the nutters are thinking about a "revolution."
For about the hundreth time. Got to defend the COTUS after all. Don't hold
your breath.:

Times are crazy, no doubt. Liberalism is destroying this country from the
ground up, as you can see..I have seen/heard talk of a "Revolution" so
started thinking about it..I think we, as a country, are lazy as hell (everyone
expects everyone to do shit for them IE liberalism) So that seems like it could
be a problem..

Then you have

There are over what 250 million guns in America? Not sure about how
many "gun owners" Good sign 4 million Police, Navy, Army etc They took
an oath to protect us and the COTUS. If we were revolting against tyranny,
would they be there beside us? I like to think so. I still try to believe there
are PLENTY of patriots out there. The liberals talk about how we couldnt
stand a chance against tanks, drones etc but we would have the numbers.

What do you think?
Would you participate if that was to REALLY occur?

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by bannination »

I love it.... There should be a wingnut digest....

Wait, I guess there is already... http://www.dailykos.com/

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Times are crazy, no doubt. Liberalism is destroying this country from the
ground up, as you can see..I have seen/heard talk of a "Revolution" so
started thinking about it..I think we, as a country, are lazy as hell (everyone
expects everyone to do shit for them IE liberalism) So that seems like it could
be a problem..

Then you have

There are over what 250 million guns in America? Not sure about how
many "gun owners" Good sign 4 million Police, Navy, Army etc They took
an oath to protect us and the COTUS. If we were revolting against tyranny,
would they be there beside us? I like to think so. I still try to believe there
are PLENTY of patriots out there. The liberals talk about how we couldnt
stand a chance against tanks, drones etc but we would have the numbers.

What do you think?
Would you participate if that was to REALLY occur?
Cowardly cons calling for a revolution. Yeah they're going take back the country, just as soon as the Dale Earnhardt Jr. retires.
Wing nuts. Not just for breakfast anymore.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by O Really »

"Revolution" indeed. Do these guys even have a clue as to what they would do if they "got it back?" Replace the entire government? With what? And who? Fools can't get organized enough to get one of their own elected (fortunately) - how are they going to get enough people willing to get shot at or jailed over what? Some preposterous conspiracy theory?

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Let's hope the Wingnut Digest is published in only one langauge.

The CPF is pretty much a standard nutjob operation. I'm sure most
of their blarney is on other "conservative" sites too. They're just
easier to pull up. I go out every day looking for that destruction,
but just can't seem to find it.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by rstrong »

Republicans will be fine, as long as Republican leaders like Rove, Palin, Bachmann and Santorum aren't also deluded.

"I don't think there is any Bush baggage at all."
- Jeb Bush, on running for president

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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Vrede wrote:
O Really wrote:"Revolution" indeed. Do these guys even have a clue as to what they would do if they "got it back?" Replace the entire government? With what? And who?...
Animal Farm comes to mind.
Funny, but as you recall, ol' Napoleon was playing the role of Stalin, whose version of "revolution" was wildly more successful than anything the yahoos could imagine, much less actually pull off. What I would expect a "revolutionary" to know is (1) who do you intend to shoot? (2) what portions of government do you intend to replace, and with what? (3) who will lead, and under what type of authority?

I could go on, but it will probably take them a while to work on those (as if they actually would).

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Stinger »

Ombudsman wrote:
There are over what 250 million guns in America? Not sure about how
many "gun owners" Good sign 4 million Police, Navy, Army etc They took
an oath to protect us and the COTUS. If we were revolting against tyranny,
would they be there beside us? I like to think so. I still try to believe there
are PLENTY of patriots out there. The liberals talk about how we couldnt
stand a chance against tanks, drones etc but we would have the numbers.
Cowardly cons calling for a revolution. Yeah they're going take back the country, just as soon as the Dale Earnhardt Jr. retires.[/quote]

Which numb nut thinks that 250 million guns would translate into enough gun owners to take out the military? How many of those guns are .22's and useless .25 autos?

Statistics show about 40 million households have guns. How many of those have guns capable of combat? How many just have Granddaddy's old .38 special? Out of those that have guns capable of combat, how many are dumb enough to believe that right-wing stupidity and join in the "revolution" and take on the military?

Very frickin' few. They have the numbers, alright. IQ numbers. In the lower double digits.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

The wingnuts are really going around the bend to full delusion. These nuts
truly crack me up. And this from a thread about how the U.S. is overwhelmingly
conservative. Guess that explains the Romney landslide.:

I was just thinking about CPAC and McCain and Grahm-nesty supporting the enemy,
and catching what Boehner said earlier about trusting Hussein Obama. Those people
are traitors to our country, plain and simple, and we need to start treating them as such.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by bannination »

Referring to Boehner

Re: Boehner Says He 'Absolutely' Trusts Obama
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2013, 12:59:42 PM »
What a traitor piece of crap. He needs to be sent to GITMO.
That was my wingnut comment contribution for today.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by bannination »

Posting this one just to archive it:

So we have lots of clueless people who think things are great and now this GOP strategy if yo want to call it one that says that we are not in crisis now but we need to prevent it from becoming one. I do not see how on earth they think that makes any sense. Then I listened to several shows that I think were actually on FOX and I am pretty certain that 2014 is going to be the breaking point where the Dem's run everything.

The GOP is making less and less sense and has a leadership that talks like someone who belongs on a park bench or an institution. They are doing a better job of ripping each other apart than the Dem's are. I suspect the Dem's would do better by just sitting back and not saying a word because the GOP is making sure that there is enough ammo to insure that either side of the party looks like absolute buffoons.

Unless something radically changes I think 2014 is the first year of the USSA. Once that takes hold there will be no turning back until the country collapses completely. When things get really bad the wealthy will hit the road and leave all the dopes who pushed for a socialist society in a terrible condition.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

The old my political opponent is a traitor (for no other reason than they are my political
opponent) is an old time wingnut ploy. But they usually use it against Democrats. Now
they're turning on the RINOs. That shows how far out these folks really are.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

What's amusing about the term RINO is that it's mostly used by the tea bagger/Ron Paul/Rand Paul/ pseudo libertarian types. They are the RINO's. If Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Rockefeller, Goldwater, Reagan or William F. Buckley were to come on the scene today, these idiots would calling them RINOS.
Wing nuts. Not just for breakfast anymore.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by bannination »

http://conservativepoliticalforum.com/p ... -failures/

Here is reality trying to blame Obama for everything that was either started or happened under the Bush Administration!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Apparently the MSM is employing the old footbal adage "the best offense is a good defense". By continually staying on the offensive to blame the Bush/Cheney years for anything and everything they can smoke screen the failures of the Obama years and his "reign" is not nearly over.

Iraq War Casualties Still Ripple Across The Home Front

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/1 ... d%3D285247

Iraq War Cost $800 Billion, And What Do We Have To Show For It?

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/1 ... d%3D285247

Dick Cheney, Ahmed Chalabi Contemplated Value Of Iraqi Oil To U.S., David Frum Writes

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/1 ... d%3D285247

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