all First Trailer Trash Family

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by rstrong »

Mr.B wrote:I wish I could go back in time and see Hillary win the election. I would venture to guess that the street riots and all the pizzing and moaning currently coming from the left, would be non-existent ccoming from the right.
Oh, c'mon. Even you couldn't be that stupid.

Here's Trump's reaction to a Democratic win in 2012:


His post election Twitter-storm also included "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" and "Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice!"

He was demanding the same thing if Hillary won in 2016, and spent the last month stoking the fires for it.

Even the briefest Google search shows similar "street riots and all the pizzing and moaning" from the right after Obama's re-election.

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Mr.B »

rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:"I wish I could go back in time and see Hillary win the election. I would venture to guess that the street riots and all the pizzing and moaning currently coming from the left, would be non-existent coming from the right."
"Oh, c'mon. Even you couldn't be that stupid."
Yes, I know time travel is impossible, and I would be stupid to think that I would see rioting, looting, and burning in the streets had Hillary won.

"Here's Trump's reaction to a Democratic win in 2012:"
That's already been posted.

"His post election Twitter-storm also included "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" and "Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice!"
I'm familiar with twits and their Twitter junk. No body said he was overly endowed with intelligence.

"He was demanding the same thing if Hillary won in 2016, and spent the last month stoking the fires for it."
He probably knew what to expect if he won. He was right.

Even the briefest Google search shows similar "street riots and all the pizzing and moaning" from the right after Obama's re-election.
"....after Mr. Obama was declared the winner in the national race, 30 or 40 people began protesting on the campus, and a rumor spread through Twitter that it was a riot. “The gathering seems to have been fueled by social media, and the conversation should have stayed there,” Dr. Jones said."
Wow! That's a nationwide protest if I ever saw one!

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

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rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:I wish I could go back in time and see Hillary win the election. I would venture to guess that the street riots and all the pizzing and moaning currently coming from the left, would be non-existent ccoming from the right.
Oh, c'mon. Even you couldn't be that stupid.
I stand corrected. He really is that stupid.

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

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rstrong wrote:Oh, c'mon. Even you couldn't be that stupid....
Like with "real Christians" (except when he repeatedly lies), Mr.B conveniently disqualifies anyone that does something he doesn't approve of from really being on "the right" while he dishonestly and stupidly smears the entire left with what a few do.
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Mr.B wrote:
rstrong wrote: "This sums you up perfectly.....Heck, you don't come across as a neo-Nazi bigot anymore. You're more like a trained parrot belonging to a neo-Nazi inbred; trained to repeat bigoted and pig-ignorant phrases with no understanding whatsoever of what they mean."
But you still come across as a bigoted, self-centered, condescending, in-bred God-hater; an untrained parrot who's vocabulary is limited to repetitive belittlement of opposing views and ideas. I would say you're pig-ignorant as well. but I don't want to insult pigs, and you know full well what that means.

damn seth, you do suck the trumpet. maybe he will send you some of the naked pictures his who wife has floating all over the internet

Damn spell check - his whore wife
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Vrede too »

rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:I wish I could go back in time and see Hillary win the election. I would venture to guess that the street riots and all the pizzing and moaning currently coming from the left, would be non-existent ccoming from the right.
Oh, c'mon. Even you couldn't be that stupid....
Sure he could, and no guessing needed.

Racism in America Has Only Gotten Worse Since Trump's Victory
A sampling of the hatred reported in three days of Trump's America.
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Mr.B »

You and I both know that all this stupidity is coming from Trump supporters only; right? --- and none of this is being done in order to lay blame on Trump supporters; right? :roll:

Curious about something; since you and rstrong have all the answers and/or solutions to every problem, I'll ask the experts ----

What good is in all this unrest in the streets?
Is the fact that they're protesting going to change the election results?
Is the fact that they're protesting going to make Trump step down?
Is the fact that they're protesting and destroying property really helping the image of the Dems who loudly proclaimed that Trump MUST accept the results of the election?

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Mr.B »

Mr.B wrote:"You and I both know that all this stupidity is coming from Trump supporters only; right? --- and none of this is being done in order to lay blame on Trump supporters; right?"
Again.... I still think these incidents are being perpetuated by graduates of the "Jimmy Kimmel Show" to throw suspicion and blame on Trump supporters ... it's just too obvious.

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

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Terrible: Teacher Caught Taunting Latino Students with Deportation Threats [Video]

... “If you were born here, then your parents got to go. Then they will leave you behind, and you will be in foster care,” the teacher can be heard telling Reynaga’s 11-year-old daughter.

When the sixth grader asked how Trump would find them, the teacher replied, “I have your phone numbers, your address, your mama’s address, your daddy’s address. It’s all in the system, sweetie.” ...

... We must continue to let racists and homophobes know that this behavior will NOT be tolerated.
Misogynists, too.

Black students barraged by terrifying hate text messages
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Vrede too »

White supremacists think their man won the White House

... Maybe he will surprise us and build bridges, not walls.

But we can’t suddenly forget or forgive what he said during the campaign.

We can’t forget that Trump called Mexican immigrants “rapists” and killers, or that he said a federal judge can’t decide a lawsuit fairly because he is a “Mexican” (he was born in Indiana).

We can’t forget that his signature campaign promise is to build a wall at the border with Mexico.

We can’t forget that he proposed banning Muslims from entering our country or that he suggested that the “Muslim community” was complicit in the terrorist attack in Orlando.

We can’t forget the despicable way he talks about women or that he bragged about sexually assaulting them.

We can’t forget that he mocked people with disabilities.

We can’t forget that he exploited ugly, racist stereotypes when he described African-American communities as “war zones” and “hell.”

We can’t forget that he failed to immediately disavow the endorsement of David Duke, a neo-Nazi and probably the most well known white supremacist in America.

We can’t forget that he named as his campaign manager a man who runs a website catering to the alt-right, a rebranded white nationalist movement.

We can’t forget that he re-circulated racist and anti-Semitic tweets.

We can’t forget that he went on Alex Jones’ radio show and told the far-right radio host that his “reputation is amazing.” Jones is, in fact, a fabulist, a con artist known for propagating wild conspiracy theories, such as his claim that the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting was the work of the government.

The point is, in Trump we suddenly face a president-elect who has been wallowing in the cesspool of hate and extremism.

White supremacists who backed his candidacy are jumping for joy. They think they now have their man in the White House.

Andrew Anglin, proprietor of the Daily Stormer, a truly sickening website popular among neo-Nazis, declared, “Our Glorious Leader has ascended to God Emperor. Make no mistake about it: we did this.”

David Duke was equally exultant, tweeting that “our people played a HUGE role in electing Trump!”

Kevin MacDonald, an outspoken anti-Semite and former professor, wrote, “This is an amazing victory. Fundamentally, it is a victory of White people over the oligarchic, hostile elites.”

We can’t afford to take these statements as the ravings of extremists on the fringes of society. They are now at the gates.

But it’s not just sieg-heiling Nazis and cross-burning Klansmen who should trouble Americans concerned about what a Trump victory portends. It’s also the more polite, suit-wearing extremists who move in mainstream political circles and already have their nose under the Trump tent.

They’re people like Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state who birthed the viciously discriminatory, unconstitutional anti-immigrant laws enacted by Arizona, Alabama and other states several years ago; and Ken Blackwell, the former Ohio secretary of state who is now a senior fellow at the rabidly anti-LGBT Family Research Council. Both are reportedly serving as key members of Trump’s transition team....
Over 200 Incidents of Hateful Harassment and Intimidation Since Election Day

... These range from anti-Black to anti-woman to anti-LGBT incidents....


My 12 year old daughter is African American. A boy approached her and said, "now that Trump is president, I'm going to shoot you and all the blacks I can find".

I was standing at a red light waiting to cross the street. A black truck with three white men pulled up to the red light. One of them yelled, "Fuck your black life!" The other two began to laugh. One began to chant "Trump!" as they drove away.

"Death to Diversity" was written on a banner displayed on our library for people to see, as well as written on posters across campus. As well as white males going up to women saying that it was now "legal to grab them by the pussy".

... Some of the reports submitted to the SPLC that occurred in schools include this from Illinois:

On Wednesday, November 9, 2016, a student in a Trump T-shirt was going down the halls of the high school saying, "BYE!" to girls in hijabs and anyone who appeared to be of Mexican descent.

Today a young Latino man in is 20's, and a co-worker of mine, was walking into work as a truck slowed down and two white men threw a bag of garbage onto him and yelled, "you are going back to where you came from" and drove off. This was in Austin, a very liberal and progressive city. I am shocked and appalled that this happened.

Near Anaheim, California:

White males in black Ford truck were calling a black family in vehicle next to them N***ers, and yelling that it was Trump's country now. Truck sped off before I could get license info.

The SPLC received a handful of reports (around 10) of anti-Trump harassment and vandalism as well, the majority of incidents taking the form of the latter.
TV news said that SPLC now says that it's up to 300 reports with about 20 of them being anti-Trump, about 20 (?) times the usual rate.
[color=#BF0000]Vrede too[/color] wrote:
Mr.B wrote:the U.S. is suffering major butt-hurt.

Why don't you go ... beat up some old people (not mentioned in Mr.B's link)... then tell us how deplorable we are again!
Mr.B's crybaby, Commandment-level sinful, serial false witness is deplorable, as is his misogynist support for an admitted sexual assaulter.
A video of a white man and alleged Trump voter being beaten in Chicago is making the rounds on social media but authorities say that the incident was the result of a traffic altercation....
:lol: Mr.B is a gullible idiot, again. I'll bet that he doesn't have the stones to admit that he screwed up, he never does.
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Mr.B »

:lol: "Mr.B is a gullible idiot, again. I'll bet that he doesn't have the stones to admit that he screwed up, he never does."
:lol: Vrede is a gullible idiot, again. I'll bet that he doesn't have the stones to admit that I didn't post that. (not that he has stones to begin with)

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Mr.B wrote:
Boatrocker wrote: "All the same shit you hypocritical deplorables were threatening just a couple of weeks ago, with all that BULLSHIT talk of "rigged elections."
Try again, fundicongelical hypocrites."
:crybaby: You poor little deplorable, whiny, butthurt, sore loser. Go get Mommy to kiss it and make it all better.... :crybaby:

I found your video of yourself bemoaning the results: ... 8884269610

:lol: :crybaby: :lol: :crybaby:
As usual, too stupid and too hypocritical to actually address the comment. Same-ol', same-ol'.
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Boatrocker »

rstrong wrote:
Mr.B wrote:I wish I could go back in time and see Hillary win the election. I would venture to guess that the street riots and all the pizzing and moaning currently coming from the left, would be non-existent ccoming from the right.
Oh, c'mon. Even you couldn't be that stupid.
Sure he could.
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Mr.B wrote: . . . Again.... I still think these incidents are being perpetuated by graduates of the "Jimmy Kimmel Show" to throw suspicion and blame on Trump supporters ... it's just too obvious.
See? He IS that stupid.
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Mr.B »

When did you get home from the protests, Boatrocker? Did you run out of money for spray paint?

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Mr.B wrote:When did you get home from the protests, Boatrocker? Did you run out of money for spray paint?
I emptied most of a can of brown Rustoleum on some asshole in his hood & sheets. Did I get any in your eyes?
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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by Mr.B »

Boatrocker wrote:
Mr.B wrote:When did you get home from the protests, Boatrocker? Did you run out of money for spray paint?
"I emptied most of a can of brown Rustoleum on some asshole in his hood & sheets. Did I get any in your eyes?"
No. I wasn't watching.

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

Unread post by rstrong »

Republicans ran the most misogynistic, rapey, Black-Lives-Matter-hating, Latino-deporting, Muslim-banning, conspiracy-wingnut-courting, tax-dodging con-man they could find, along with a homophobic anti-science nutjob for good measure. And won.

Democrats lost by refusing to cater to the scum that Republicans are enthusiastic about working with.

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Re: all First Trailer Trash Family

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Not all Trump voters are misogynistic, rapey, Black-Lives-Matter-hating, Latino-deporting, Muslim-banning, conspiracy-wingnut-courting, homophobic, anti-science nutjob worshipers of a tax-dodging con-man like Mr.B, and the Dems don't have a problem with catering to the white middle and working classes in principle. They just sucked at it this year once Bernie was out.
Vrede too wrote:True, not all Trump voters are bigots, but all the bigots voted for Trump. However, he also made a successful economic appeal to the white middle and working class that have been abused by 36 years of years of GOP & Dem policy. Whether he and Congress will really do anything for them is very dubious, but I understand their frustration and outrage. ... ing#p67137
A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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