President* Trump

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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by homerfobe »

Vrede tu-tu wrote: Hey homerfobe, if you really are a rear admiral that fact plus other clues you've shared in your pathetic rants over the years are probably enough to ID you IRL and share your impotent and infantile obsessive rants with friends, family, coworkers, underlings and bosses. Not that I'm going to try, you're not consequential enough and I don't get butthurt like your buddy Mr.B does. I just wanted to point out what an idiot you are, again, if you aren't lying that is, which would also be idiotic.
Firstly, I'm retired. As far as pathetic rants as you call them, I'm only matching your impotent and infantile, and obsessive belittling of those who used to be posting here. You seem to relish your asshole style. After doing some study on jerks like you, I've discovered that several scientific studies have found that people like you who enjoy verbally abusing others with shaming, name calling, and bullying, were victims of abuse themselves by their parents or tending family members. So tell us poor little victim Tu-tu Man, did your Mommy and Daddy abuse you verbally or sexually when you was a widdle boy? Which one of them constantly called you pathetic, obsessed, liar, dishonest, or any other of those horseshit names you dream up to call others? Maybe one or both of them played some games with you? You can tell us, we'll listen and not judge. Honest.

Last edited by homerfobe on Sun May 14, 2017 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: President* Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
Vrede too wrote:I think it's pretty safe to say that no one here believes that homerfobe is a rear admiral.

Most obviously, there's his chronic lying, nothing he posts can be believed. Beyond that, there's the complete immaturity, fundamental cowardice, sheer incompetence and inherent stupidity. Then, his flaming gayness, nttawwt, would have been an impediment to advancement back when he was active. Even captain was a stretch:
Boatrocker on Apr 12, 2013 wrote:
Vrede wrote:I have my doubts, too, but I think it's possible. After all, Allen West made lieutenant colonel.
It usually requires some innate ability and willingness to at least act like a decent human being some of the time, if you wanna make it past lieutenant. Homofob has not displayed any sign or either ability or willingness in here. He can't manage to post about anything else.
Boatrocker wrote:LOL! You were never captain of anything, even your own destiny. Why don't you tell us about the assault on our precious bodily fluids, while you're at it, Gen. Ripper?
However, let's say for argument's sake that pathetic homerfobe is a rear admiral and it's not 'stolen valor'. There is nothing, nothing that I have posted or could imagine posting that would be a greater slur on the Navy. Good one, you either dishonor yourself or the Navy!
Hey homerfobe, if you really are a rear admiral that fact plus other clues you've shared in your pathetic rants over the years are probably enough to ID you IRL and share your impotent and infantile obsessive rants with friends, family, coworkers, underlings and bosses. Not that I'm going to try, you're not consequential enough and I don't get butthurt like your buddy Mr.B does. I just wanted to point out what an idiot you are, again, if you aren't lying that is, which would also be idiotic.
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Re: President* Trump

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JTA wrote:Trump on "The Digital":
Quick: Someone troll him with tweets on quantum computing so we can hear him explain it.

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Re: President* Trump

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Vrede tu-tu wrote: Image
We know. You're easy. You already told us. A pushover. A wimp. Flaming homosexual. Let it out, we're listening.
Tell us all about Mummy and Poppy. We won't charge you another nickel.
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Re: President* Trump

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If Trump leaves one way or the other we all know that he'll blame everyone he can and that the coward will not accept an iota of personal responsibility. So, what are your predictions re subsequent violence from his rabid, perpetual victim Trumpettes?
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Re: President* Trump

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That's pretty much up to Trump. It's a matter of who he blames on that day and how loudly.

Worst case: He blames the FBI.

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Re: President* Trump

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Why is that the worst case?
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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by rstrong »

Vrede too wrote:Why is that the worst case?
It's a lot harder to sound the nutjob clarion call against say, "the press." It's too many different organizations. Even nutjobs have their favorite sources, even if it's Fox News.

But the FBI is *one* organization. Already blamed for not jailing Hillary, framing Trump for Russian ties, persecuting the Bundys, wiretapping Trump for Obama, not letting the KKK, Nazis and other alt-right nutjobs have their way, etc. etc. etc.

For Bannon and his stated goal of tearing down the establishment, think of what blaming the FBI would do. Imagine all the anti-Obama and anti-Hillary death threats and hyperbole and pizza-gate conspiracies aimed at the FBI instead. The FBI would respond, and no matter how restrained they are, it'll only make the nutjobs escalate. Bannon using Trump as a sock-puppet could associate the FBI with pro-Democrat commie Marxist socialist political interference among the far right for generations.

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Re: President* Trump

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It's pretty laughable now to think that they impeached Clinton for lying - about having sex with an intern! But for lying! And now Trump gets a pass for major issues. There is a theory (OK, maybe a conspiracy theory from the Netherlands), but given present reality it's possible, that the indictable/impeachable violations could go past Trump through Pence and including Ryan. That would leave Orrin Hatch as President*. In general, though, we're better off if Trump stays in until the 2018 elections. If he gets dumped or gone before, there would be a lot of "let's give President (Pence, Ryan, Hatch) a chance and support him for stepping into a mess..."

Best scenario is that Trump stays around til 2018, Dems take the House majority and keeps the Senate close, and Trump's outta there and replacement Pence will be held in check. We can only hope.

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Re: President* Trump

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That makes some sense politically, O Really, but that's a long period of moonbatty to suffer through until then. Real damage will occur. I wouldn't expect an impeachment until 2019, but President* Trump's already so far over the edge and the Russia scandal is growing so quickly I'm not as sure that enough in the GOP won't go for it before then as I was a month ago. Until 2019, I still think forced or semi-forced resignation or a Twenty-fifth Amendment solution is more likely.

Is the Netherlands known for conspiracy theories?

rstrong, a war between the FBI and the KKK, Nazis and other alt-right nutjobs is not the worst case to me, especially given the certain winner, but I see where you're coming from. It will be messy. I thought Arlington Road was a good movie, and believable in theory.

Alternatively, the FBI is a hard target and the Trumpettes are mostly incompetent cowards. I might worry more about them taking their frustrations out on more vulnerable groups.
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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by k9nanny »

I'm afraid to get my hopes up. You have Republican lawmakers with their noses up his butt. And, there are millions of idiots who think he's doing a fine job, and cry it's all the liberal media attacking him without cause. The fact that he got elected is bizarre. I mean, this is the guy who said he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave, and he wouldn't lose any voters. They're happy to have him cozying up to Russia after Obama alienated everyone except his fellow Muslims. They are glad Comey is gone, because he didn't do his job, throwing Hillary and Obama in prison.

For instance, I saw the Lester Holt interview, and banged my head thinking 45 made as much sense, had as much grip on reality, as my mother-in-law, who suffers from dementia.

Trump Just Gave RINO Lester Holt Brutal Punishment For Trying To Attack Him During Interview

Read more: ... z4h7OESsfT

IMO, our best hope is this healthcare madness. People are more likely to step out of their lock-stepping complacency when it becomes personal.
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Re: President* Trump

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There are a lot of people who still "support" Trump, but they are in only two categories: (1) the idiots who are anti-damgummint, just want to disrupt, don't care about how a democratic government should work, and are jingoistic to boot; and (2) Republicans who don't want to unnecessarily disrupt their own power structure to risk giving anything to the Dems.

Group 1 is hopeless, but apparently no more than 25% or so of the population (ghastly that it's that high). Group 2 will ride the Trump train only as long as they can avoid severe personal injury to their own interests. So until it becomes apparent that Trump is a bigger liability than a help, they'll hang in. Just by normal slow moving of such things, I'm still thinking he'll stay until the mid-terms unless the Republicans think their chances are better to dump him before and get credit for it in 2018. Of course, they're terrified of getting blamed for it, too, by Group 1. The expressions "deal with the Devil" and "made their bed..." come to mind.

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Re: President* Trump

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O Really wrote:There are a lot of people who still "support" Trump, but they are in only two categories: (1) the idiots who are anti-damgummint, just want to disrupt, don't care about how a democratic government should work, and are jingoistic to boot; and (2) Republicans who don't want to unnecessarily disrupt their own power structure to risk giving anything to the Dems.
There's also group 3, the largest group of all. Those whose jobs have disappeared. Coal miners, whose industry is disappearing and not coming back. Farmers, who can't compete with the big factory farms. Rust-belt manufacturing jobs replaced by automation far, far more by off-shoring. And by non-unionized workers in the southern states.

Neither candidate had a solution. But Trump promised one while Hillary didn't. Hillary merely lacked the honesty to address the fact that there were no easy answers, while Trump simply lied and lied and lied.

Trump ran a miracle cure scam. Those whose doctors whose told them that their cancer is terminal, know that the scammer's "cure" is unlikely at best. But they have nothing left to lose, and maybe they'll get their miracle. (Meanwhile Hillary was a real doctor, but who wrote off the patient and stopped taking their calls.)

Group 3 will continue to support Trump for a while, because false hope is better then no hope at all.

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Re: President* Trump

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rstrong wrote: . . . because false hope is better then no hope at all.
Only if you're selling.
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Re: President* Trump

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rstrong wrote:
Vrede too wrote:
rstrong wrote:
Vrede too wrote:If Trump leaves one way or the other we all know that he'll blame everyone he can and that the coward will not accept an iota of personal responsibility. So, what are your predictions re subsequent violence from his rabid, perpetual victim Trumpettes?
That's pretty much up to Trump. It's a matter of who he blames on that day and how loudly.

Worst case: He blames the FBI.
Why is that the worst case?
It's a lot harder to sound the nutjob clarion call against say, "the press." It's too many different organizations. Even nutjobs have their favorite sources, even if it's Fox News.

But the FBI is *one* organization. Already blamed for not jailing Hillary, framing Trump for Russian ties, persecuting the Bundys, wiretapping Trump for Obama, not letting the KKK, Nazis and other alt-right nutjobs have their way, etc. etc. etc.

For Bannon and his stated goal of tearing down the establishment, think of what blaming the FBI would do. Imagine all the anti-Obama and anti-Hillary death threats and hyperbole and pizza-gate conspiracies aimed at the FBI instead. The FBI would respond, and no matter how restrained they are, it'll only make the nutjobs escalate. Bannon using Trump as a sock-puppet could associate the FBI with pro-Democrat commie Marxist socialist political interference among the far right for generations.
Then again, we don't have to wait for President* Trump to leave.
Clapper: US govt 'under assault' by Trump after Comey firing

American democracy is "under assault" on separate fronts from President Donald Trump and Russia, the former U.S. intelligence chief warned Sunday, expressing dismay over the abrupt firing of FBI director James Comey amid a probe into Moscow's meddling in U.S. elections and possible ties with the Trump campaign.

As Trump works to fast-track Comey's successor, lawmakers from both parties urged him to steer clear of any politicians for the job and say he must "clean up the mess that he mostly created."

"I think, in many ways, our institutions are under assault, both externally — and that's the big news here, is the Russian interference in our election system," said James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence. "I think as well our institutions are under assault internally."

When he was asked, "Internally, from the president?" Clapper said, "Exactly." ...
Found: "Impeach Trump now and put him out of our misery."
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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by JTA »

Trump on the handling of sensitive, classified intelligence: ... 5186147328
Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Not fit!
Trump on the handling of sensitive, classified intelligence: ... 164b3a28f1
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said that Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: President* Trump

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Nation and world on Trump's intelligence:
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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by bannination »

JTA wrote:Trump on the handling of sensitive, classified intelligence: ... 5186147328
Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Not fit!
Trump on the handling of sensitive, classified intelligence: ... 164b3a28f1
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said that Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
I have no words...... could you even imagine the fallout if Obama had done something like that??

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Re: President* Trump

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They're handling it with their usual level of honesty.
...said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. "At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly."
McMaster, however professional, is a political appointee like Michael Flynn, and expected to tow the party line. Meanwhile...
After Trump disclosed the information, which one of the officials described as spontaneous, officials immediately called the CIA and the National Security Agency, both of which have agreements with a number of allied intelligence services, and informed them what had happened.

While the president has the authority to disclose even the most highly classified information at will, in this case he did so without consulting the ally that provided it, which threatens to jeopardize what they called a long-standing intelligence-sharing agreement, the U.S. officials said.
What an idiot.

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Re: President* Trump

Unread post by O Really »

bannination wrote:
JTA wrote:Trump on the handling of sensitive, classified intelligence: ... 5186147328
Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Not fit!
Trump on the handling of sensitive, classified intelligence: ... 164b3a28f1
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said that Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.
I have no words...... could you even imagine the fallout if Obama had done something like that??
Or GodForbid a competing candidate had maybe some unmarked classified email on a private server that didn't get breached. :roll:

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