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Re: Cawthorn

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O Really wrote:
Tue May 10, 2022 6:51 pm
"...the only thing Madison can be blamed for ..." Seriously? How about not doing diddly-squat for his district. Nevermind the scandals, nevermind the embarrassment - WTF has he done to deserve keeping his phony-baloney job? Nothing nada zilch zip....
Yep. InfoWars ain't going to blame him for being in Putin's pocket, either.
GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn Receives A Brutal Reminder After Veterans Tweet
"DON'T EVEN pretend you care about Veterans," a veterans group hit back at the extremist North Carolina Republican.

Far-right Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s tweet evoking veterans backfired.

The North Carolina Republican appeared to criticize sending $40 billion of aid to Ukraine with this post on Wednesday: ...

Fact #1: The U.S. spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on the VA.

Fact #2: Cawthorn is a member of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, and he really ought to be aware of Fact #1.
Henry Connelly
(Communications Director for @SpeakerPelosi)

Imagine if @RepCawthorn, @GOPLeader McCarthy and 172 other House Republicans hadn't voted against the #HonoringOurPACT Act earlier this year.

But no, House Republicans don't think health care for veterans sick & dying from burn pit exposure is worth it.
We currently spend $340 billion a year on veterans, you ignorant jackass.

You also vote against veterans' benefits every chance you get, so kindly fuck off and stop using our service members as political pawns.
Imagine if Cawthorn could remember back just 6 weeks ago when Republicans were demanding the U.S. send assistance to Ukraine?
"Things aren't going great for me. Time to turn things around and tweet something random about veterans"
Ted Lieu
(Member of Congress, D-CA)

Dear @RepCawthorn: Unlike you, I’m a veteran and didn’t lie about getting accepted to the Naval Academy. Wanted to let you know Democrats increased (discretionary) funding to veterans last year to $270 billion.
Imagine voting against 12 bills that would benefit veterans and then posting this tweet.
:---P More scathing at the link. If widely known this info will hurt him in WNC.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Wow, we spend a ton on VA benefits every year and yet their actual benefits especially health care sucks.

I knew it was a problem, but funding doesn't seem to be a part of it.
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Re: Cawthorn

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 8:00 am
Wow, we spend a ton on VA benefits every year and yet their actual benefits especially health care sucks.

I knew it was a problem, but funding doesn't seem to be a part of it.
Idk, but if their health care really does suck, why do so many retire near a VA hospital?
I've known quite a few vets and VA doctors and I've met some that complain as much as I do about Baptist hospital and bcbs, but most seem to like the VA hospitals and clinics.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Cawthorn

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‘He’s Not OK’: The Entirely Predictable Unraveling of Madison Cawthorn

Uh huh...
...The scope of Cawthorn’s troubles is broad, the implications transcending mere politics. More than 70 interviews with people who know Cawthorn, who have worked for him and against him, allies and enemies, activists and operatives and longtime watchers of politics here in the mountains of western North Carolina, paint a picture of a man in crisis. Cawthorn, they say, is an immature college dropout with a thin work resume, a scofflaw and serial embellisher who was neither qualified nor prepared for the responsibility and the scrutiny that comes with the office he holds. They describe him as a person whose ongoing physical pain and insecurities have made him unusually susceptible to the twisted incentives of a political environment and a Trump-led GOP that prizes perhaps above all else outrage and partisan attack.

“He’s not OK,” said Michele Woodhouse, the former Republican chair of the 11th District who’s now running against him. “He’s very unwell,” said a Republican strategist familiar with Cawthorn. “The recovery is not complete,” said David Rhode, a fellow Hendersonville native who knew Cawthorn pre-politics but now works for Wendy Nevarez, another one of Cawthorn’s current opponents. “He’s got some deep issues that will probably never go away,” said Chuck Archerd, a Republican who ran against him in 2020. “It’s never going to be just totally fine,” said a friend....

“He has an extreme version of what I always call successful person syndrome,” said a Republican strategist familiar with Cawthorn and the campaign, defining it essentially as a first taste of success going to somebody’s head. “I’ve seen this through the years, but not to this degree, because people I think just don’t have the trauma that he has.”...

“What is going on with him?” Sean Hannity said on his radio show the other day. “Look,” Hannity said, “I never like to celebrate people’s decline or misery, and I don’t like to pile on — I don’t know what he’s going through — but … something is going on here, and it sounds to me like he needs some type of intervention or help.”

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Re: Cawthorn

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 9:17 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 8:00 am
Wow, we spend a ton on VA benefits every year and yet their actual benefits especially health care sucks.

I knew it was a problem, but funding doesn't seem to be a part of it.
Idk, but if their health care really does suck, why do so many retire near a VA hospital?
I've known quite a few vets and VA doctors and I've met some that complain as much as I do about Baptist hospital and bcbs, but most seem to like the VA hospitals and clinics.
I THINK the VA has been improved, beginning with Shrub after a few crises.

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Re: Cawthorn

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Republican Madison Cawthorn Lit Up For Using Holocaust Poem To Sell “Useless” Mask

Recently-elected Representative Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina raised eyebrows with a tweet that feels like something that could only come from the most cynical Adult Swim show.

Somehow, without a hint of irony, this Republican congressman Madison Cawwthorn managed to reference a famous poem about the Holocaust in promoting his political merchandise page.

We’re sorry you had to read that.

This, of course, is a reference to the untitled confessional poem by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller about his and other German intellectuals’ cowardice under Nazi rule. We’re just waiting for Cawthorn to claim this was a joke, but generally jokes about the Holocaust that also promote your merch page are considered to be in poor taste, to make an extreme understatement.

It doesn’t help that yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day.

But that’s not the only newsworthy thing about this tweet.

His merchandise page originally included a mask that manages to be a bigger self-own than Madison Cawthorn’s own existence. The white face mask contains one word printed in simple black text: “Useless.”

Clearly, this is meant to claim that wearing a mask is “useless” in the prevention of catching or spreading the novel coronavirus, which has now hit the U.S. in a whole new strain that is likely more contagious than the original. However, people are largely finding it impossible to look at the photo of the woman wearing the mask and not immediately feel that it refers to the wearer.

The mask appears to have been removed from the merchandise page, but it still contains gems like the shirts that say “Taxation is Theft” and “The Real Virus is Communism.”

Cawthorn may be about to test the limits on how much one man can be dunked on in a single day.





MadCaw = Useless.

More scathing at the link.

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Re: Cawthorn

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 9:17 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 8:00 am
Wow, we spend a ton on VA benefits every year and yet their actual benefits especially health care sucks.

I knew it was a problem, but funding doesn't seem to be a part of it.
Idk, but if their health care really does suck, why do so many retire near a VA hospital?
I've known quite a few vets and VA doctors and I've met some that complain as much as I do about Baptist hospital and bcbs, but most seem to like the VA hospitals and clinics.
My first job out of university was doing biomedical research at a university related lab situated in a VA hospital.

To get from one lab to another I had to traverse the wards.

There were some pretty awful sounds and scenes there.

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Re: Cawthorn

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Madcaw ≡ Vrede

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Re: Cawthorn

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neoplacebo wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:47 am
This will never work. She falls toward the very top of human physical condition and he's physically handicapped and probably destined to become more so with time. I give it two years at the most.
:lol: Looks like I was right about this tragic love story.

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Re: Cawthorn

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"Former Campaign Volunteers Are Turning On Madison Cawthorn, Calling Him An ‘Entitled Little Boy’ Who ‘Fooled The Hell Out Of Everybody’"
Seriously? Before he was elected, it was widely publicized knowledge that he had no education, no work experience, lied about his ummm "military", lied about his car wreck, was - at the very least - disrespectful of women, had no knowledge of district issues, and had no-zero-zip chance of getting anything done as a totally inexperienced newbie back bencher in a minority party.

You people weren't "fooled." You are fools. ... ng-on-him/
Few people in Congress have it as bad right now as Madison Cawthorn does. The North Carolina representative appears to have made so many enemies that there’s an entire PAC dedicated to destroying him, with a little help from his “friends.” Former aides have already publicly denounced him, and now so are a smattering of former campaign volunteers.

Insider spoke with four people who worked on Cawthorn’s 2020 House run, who went so far as to use their names when talking smack about the man they once believed in.

“He fooled the hell out of everybody,” said one Bruce Rose. “I despise him … he is a criminal and a performer.” Rose did not like that Cawthorn seems to think he’s above the law. “He changed. If you tout the law, you have to stand for the law, and he doesn’t,” he said. “He’s just an entitled little boy. He has not grown into manhood.

Another volunteer, April Holsinger, called Cawthorn’s habit of bringing loaded guns into airports “very irresponsible,” adding, “You should know if you have a gun in your bag or not.”

Another, Greg Wiggins, who said he will not be voting to re-elect Cawthorn, thinks he’s sold out. “He’s more interested in hobnobbing with people in Washington than hobnobbing with a farmer over here, or someone that’s a plumber, or someone that needs their help like a veteran,” Wiggins said. “It became all about Madison and not about district 11.”

Yet another, Debbie Brogden, agreed. “It seems like he’s forgotten where he comes from and who got him there,” she said. “It has been so heartbreaking to watch him turn into what he’s turned into.”

You can read Insider’s full report here while you await the even bigger bombshell that even Cawthorn can’t wait to see.

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Re: Cawthorn

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O Really wrote:
Sat May 14, 2022 8:50 pm
... You people weren't "fooled." You are fools....

Chainsaw Charly Taylor > Heath Shuler > Mark Meadows > MadCaw - I feel the same way about NC11's con voters :( :angry-banghead: . They've got rotten judgment and should be encouraged to stay home for the good of the district and nation.

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Re: Cawthorn

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What will an immature lame duck wingnut do with 7 1/2 months? :o

Rep. Madison Cawthorn's Childish Taunt At Rep. Liz Cheney Comes Back To Haunt Him
The North Carolina congressman, who lost his primary bid Tuesday, joked about Cheney's removal as chair of the House Republican Conference in 2021.

Former RNC Chair:
Madison Cawthorn
· Nov 3, 2020

Cry more, lib.
Thorny is a schadenfreude machine tonight
My Mom always told me if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all. I was never a good listener so…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. 👋👋👋
Just goes to show you

You can’t break the first rule of cocaine orgy club
O Really pointed this out in the 2022 Elections thread:
Karma came calling, and did its thing!

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Re: Cawthorn

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The upside is now he'll have free time to go back and complete elementary school and maybe learn how to play nice with others.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Cawthorn

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It will be interesting to see what he does do for the rest of his excellent adventure as a pretend congresscritter. His brand of bullshit doesn't work as well from a position of political dustbin - dumped not even by the opposition but by his own party. And Trump hates losers, so he's probably going to pile on, further shoving vunderkid out into the cold. My guess is that he collects his pay and starts working on his next scam.

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Re: Cawthorn

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

O Really wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 10:20 am
It will be interesting to see what he does do for the rest of his excellent adventure as a pretend congresscritter. His brand of bullshit doesn't work as well from a position of political dustbin - dumped not even by the opposition but by his own party. And Trump hates losers, so he's probably going to pile on, further shoving vunderkid out into the cold. My guess is that he collects his pay and starts working on his next scam.
Guessing the invitations for cocaine orgies will be drying up.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Cawthorn

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Wonder what kind of treatment he'll get next time he gets caught with a weapon or driving 25mph over the limit.

Or he gets stopped for something and goes to the "do you know who I am" act and gets either "no" or "well, I know who you were." :lol:

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Re: Cawthorn

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That dude was just an all around shit person. Good riddance.
I paid my fees to hip-hop college, sucka!

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Re: Cawthorn

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He hasn't had a good year, overall. Hassled mildly by cops, dissed by Tillis et. al., dumped by his pretend "wife." With any luck, his misery isn't over yet.

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Re: Cawthorn

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O Really wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 11:10 am
Wonder what kind of treatment he'll get next time he gets caught with a weapon or driving 25mph over the limit.

Or he gets stopped for something and goes to the "do you know who I am" act and gets either "no" or "well, I know who you were." :lol:
And he will get stopped and/or get in trouble for something stupid.

Pool needed.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Cawthorn

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 11:54 am
O Really wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 11:10 am
Wonder what kind of treatment he'll get next time he gets caught with a weapon or driving 25mph over the limit.

Or he gets stopped for something and goes to the "do you know who I am" act and gets either "no" or "well, I know who you were." :lol:
And he will get stopped and/or get in trouble for something stupid.

Pool needed.
I predict he'll have a king hell meltdown within the next 60 days. Maybe even kill himself. No, scratch that......stupid people NEVER commit suicide.

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